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43.51% Marvel: The Foundation / Chapter 114: Lena and the Hulk -110

Chương 114: Lena and the Hulk -110


[seven weeks after Stark's kidnapping]



Bruce was feeling extra nervous today. He was getting used to these tests, used to changing into the Hulk. Yet today was different. Today, he would be putting someone in danger again.


The Foundation had long proved to him that they could hold someone like the Hulk and prevent danger. He felt safe when he transformed now. So he really didn't like the idea of once more putting someone in danger like this.


More so since he was putting Dr Morris in danger.


"Calm down, Bruce. You look like the nervous, soon-to-be husband waiting by the altar on the late bride." Oliver said from the side. Making Bruce feel embarrassed, but it did also calm him down a little.


"I can't help it; so much could go wrong today; we shouldn't even be trying something like this; it's too risky."


"Not this again, Bruce; we have been over this a hundred times. We will need to do these kinds of tests, and now is a perfect time."


All Bruce could do in response was to sigh.


As the minutes passed, Bruce began growing more nervous again. The few minutes they stood there felt like hours until the door finally opened, and Dr. Lena Morries, in all her glory, stepped out of the lift.


Even up here in the cold north of Canada, she still wore her adventure outfit. Bruce couldn't help but notice that he almost seemed to show more skin than he remembered.


"Ah. Bruce! So this is where they have hidden you away." She greeted, to which Bruce could only chuckle nervously.


However, his pause was a mistake, as it allowed Oliver to step up and run his mouth. "Dr Morris, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Bruce here hasn't stopped talking about you since he came back to us."


Bruce's cheeks tinged with red at Oliver's remark. He shot him a look that was supposed to be a warning, but Oliver merely shrugged, an impish grin on his face.


Lena, too, seemed to share an impish grin as she quickly took Oliver's hand. "And who might you be?"


"Dr Oliver Bell. Senior researcher and expert in Object 096." Oliver introduced himself while shaking her hand. Suddenly, becoming fast friends with her. Much to Bruce's dismay.


"I might be interested in maybe of the more monstrous objects, but that one is one I don't wish to see." Lena joked lightly, as she wasn't stupid enough to play around with something as dangerous as SCP-096, the shy guy.


"Well, thankfully, we have another entity here which is very interesting and very interested in you." Oliver said, throwing Bruce a shit-eating grin.


"Oh yes, the big green guy, very interesting indeed. Not to mention, it is rather rare to have such friendly beings who are also so dangerous." Lena said, sparing Bruce from further embarrassment by changing the topic.


The grin she had as she looked towards Bruce told them both that she was very much picking up on what they were hinting at.


"He is indeed very dangerous; I'm really not sure you should be doing this, Morris." Bruce once more voiced his concern.


"Please, Bruce, call me Lena, and no need for nervousness now. Believe in yourself. Believe that if the worst happens, you can stop the big guy. Okay?" She said, patting his shoulder.


"Oh, and Bruce? I like confident guys." She teased with a wink, which sent Oliver into a laughing fit due to how flustered Bruce became.


Their teasing was cut short when Banner suddenly made a beeping sound, which shut them both up at once.


They might both be the type to joke around

, but neither was foolish enough to be careless in the face of a potential containment breach.

"Bruce, let's skip the rest of the pleasantries and get to the pit for now." Lena said as she and Oliver quickly ushered Bruce towards the pit.



Thankfully, Bruce didn't end up transforming and got his heart rate back under control, which had become a lot louder since he started living here.


He had almost hoped that the incident would have cancelled the test. But after a brief call to someone, SITE Director Tremblay ordered the experiment to be carried out as planned.


Morris was lowered into the Pit before, like always; Bruce took the jump, and moments later, a loud roar filled the air as the lid slammed down.


Within the Pit, Lena got to watch Bruce Banner's transformation into the Hulk. The experience was very different from when she had witnessed it remotely. She could almost feel his explosive rise in power as his body swelled and turned green.


The Hulk was used to finding himself inside the Pit. The first few times had been filled with rage and destruction.


As the trips into the pit started to become common and Hulk didn't face any dangers or attacks, he started to calm down. He no longer started out by smashing things before eating the snacks laid out for him.


Lately, he had even had a friend. Even if he could touch her, they could still play together, and from that, the Hulk had started to like his time in the pit. Each time, he stayed for a bit longer. The pit was his safe space where he could be free from Banner.


Hulk quickly noticed something different today. Lena was already there. She never came before him. And she was in a new spot. Not where she normally stood and played with him. Instead, she was standing by his snacks, going through them.


Lena knew that while the chances of the Hulk harming her weren't very high, he was frighteningly strong and could harm her by accident if he became too excited. So the best she could do was distract him slightly while allowing him to get used to having her there physically.


"Hey there, big guy, you don't mind sharing your snacks, do you? She asked and held out a half-eaten candy bar towards him.


Hulk wasn't sure what to think. He had often tried to share with her, but she always said she couldn't. He slowly and carefully walked up to her. Unsure of what was so different this time.


"It's fine; Lena is my friend." He said as he reached out and accepted the candy bar; as he did so, his large fingers brushed against her hand, making him pull back. He hadn't been allowed to touch her yet, so he got nervous that she would get angry.


Yet Lena just giggled, seeing the massive monster that could beat her into a red stain on the wall act like that. He was so nervous and careful, so very gentle, much like a well-behaved child.


Lena had always been a brave girl. Ever since she was a little child, she had been fascinated with exploring the unknown. Her childhood idol had been Indiana Jones, and she wished to become someone like him.


Her parents had said that was impossible, that the closest she could get was to become a biologist, going into the jungle and finding new rare plants and animals. She had decided to become one, and she wasn't half bad in a lap.


But it wasn't what she really wanted, but when she became a grown woman, she realized that the age of adventure was long over, and this was the age of boring science.


Yet one day, while out in the Jungle looking for someone interesting while on a privately funded expedition, she had stumbled onto something far greater than she could ever have hoped for. It was that day she learned about the Foundation, and the very same day she quit her old job and joined up.


As she learned about the many secret impossible places, items, and beings out there, she was utterly fascinated. She had also been almost equally disappointed when she learned how the Foundation dealt with such things.


Where was the spirit of adventure? She had then met her mentor, Dr. Bright. And what a man he was. He wasn't afraid of anything; he pushed the boundaries and truly explored the unknown.


She wanted to be like him, yet without his immortality, she had to be far more careful. Which was why SCP-10104, the Hulk fascinated her so. It was big, brutal and yet could be gentle when he wanted to.


So, when offered this chance, she jumped at it. Being able to interact and tame these kinds of monsters was the reason she had joined the Foundation, so for her, it was truly a dream come true.


"Is it good?" She asked the Hulk as he ate the candy.


"Good!" He said happily.


"Which one is your favourite? Can you show me?"


Hulk, nodding happily, went to the table filled with his snacks and picked his favorite, a chocolate marshmallow bar with far too much sugar to be good to eat in the quantities he did. "This best!"


Lena watched with a broad smile as Hulk enthusiastically pointed out his favorite treat. Her excitement was palpable as she had the chance to interact with someone as extraordinary as him.


Even though it was his favorite, the Hulk didn't hesitate to offer her a handful of them, which, given his large hands, were enough to fill a bucket. Laughing, she accepted a single one. "Thanks, Hulk. You are the best!"


Hulk beamed with pride at the compliment. This was why he liked Lena the best. She was so nice to him. "Better than Banner?"


Lena could only giggle as they went over this routine again; Hulk really did enjoy the attention, even more so when he was treated as someone separate from Bruce.


"Way better! There are so many people like Banner out there," she said, pointing towards the exit. "There are far too many boring people like Banner, but you? There is no one like you at all. You are unique. You are special, Hulk."


 The Hulk cheered and reached out and grabbed Lena. Swinging her around while jumping around, happy with the praise. Outside the Pit, everyone watching got nervous as they watched the Hulk grab her like that.


"Okay, Hulk! Let's calm down," Lena managed between laughs, signaling him to put her down gently. Surprisingly attuned to her tone, Hulk obeyed immediately, setting her down with a carefulness that belied his monstrous size. His eyes, usually so fierce, held a spark of playfulness as he watched Lena regain her footing.


"Next time, ask a lady for permission before grabbing her like that, okay?" She asked while straightening her clothes.


"Sorry, will ask next time."


"Its fine, no harm done, but say, do you want snacks or to play first?" She asked, giving him a difficult choice between two fun things.


Hulk paused, his brow furrowing deeply as he considered Lena's question—a surprisingly complex decision for someone whose world usually revolved around simpler desires. His gaze shifted between the pile of snacks and the various toys he had.


"Play first, then snacks!" Hulk finally decided, his voice booming yet cheerful. The choice seemed to bring him a sense of satisfaction.


Lena then began playing with him, using her physical presence to try to push him to do more challenging things. Through play, she was able to test his limits. It was amazing how careful and gentle he could be.


As they threw a ball back and forth, he easily controlled his strength, displaying far more skill in adapting than his normal childlike mentality would hint at.


"Say Hulk, you look pretty strong, is it okay if I touch you?" Lena asked, curious about the hardness of his skin since it could block high-caliper armor pricing rounds without much trouble.


"No problem!"


Smiling, she pushed further. "But it would be even better if you weren't wearing those clothes. Do you think you can take it off?"


Hulk saw no problem with that and attempted to rip the clothes off of him. However, as something specially made by the Foundation to cover both Banner and the Hulk when he transformed, it was very strong and resistant to damage.


"No no, you have to do it properly, else it won't work." Lena said, urging him to undress normally, something he had never done before nor seen done.


It was, therefore, quite the challenge; he had to figure out the process mostly on his own. Which might seem easy, but Hulk had never experienced getting dressed before. So, he didn't know what process he should reverse.


Lena kept her input and advice to the minimum. Wanting to see how easily he was able to learn a complex skill like undressing without help. However, she did encourage him along the way, doing her best to keep his frustration down.


Hulk grumbled slightly, fumbling with the closures and seams of the specialized outfit. His large fingers weren't made for such delicate work, and his frustration was evident in the furrowed lines of his brow.


 "Hard!" he exclaimed, tugging at a stubborn zipper that refused to give. Lena stayed close, her voice soothing.


"It's okay. Take your time. You're doing great, Hulk. Try pulling this part here," she guided, pointing to a Velcro strap that might be easier for him to handle.


Her approach was patient, reinforcing each small success with a bright smile or a cheerful comment, which seemed to bolster Hulk's determination. Slowly, with several attempts, Hulk managed to get a grasp on the technique.


The sound of ripping velcro filled the air as he finally succeeded in opening the first section of his garment. A look of triumph spread across his face, his earlier irritation forgotten. "Hulk did it!" he announced proudly, looking to Lena for approval.


"See? I knew you could do it. You're learning fast!" Lena encouraged, her words genuinely impressed. This moment wasn't just about removing a piece of clothing; it was about Hulk mastering a new skill, gaining more independence, and understanding a new layer of human norms.


With the first hurdle overcome, Hulk became more enthusiastic, gradually working his way through the rest of the outfit with Lena's minimal guidance. Each successful step made him more eager, and Lena made sure to keep the atmosphere light and positive.


However, much like a kid who just learned to take their shoes off on their own, they will do it all the time for a while. Being overly excited about their new skill. The Hulk too got a bit too excited and subjected everyone watching to the full view of his fully nude body.


Lena could only blame herself for not being quicker to stop him. Now, she didn't want to tell him off or tell him to get his pants back on, seeing how proud he was looking. "Amazing, Hulk! Great job! You were able to get the rest off all without my help!"


The Hulk naturally didn't know it had done anything wrong and happily accepted the praise while moving around, enjoying the sensation of freedom that came with being nude. Which made everyone very aware of the fact that every part of the Hulk was impressive.


It also seemed the Hulk became aware of that for the first time. Since he seemed to take joy in making movements, that made his green giant move as much as possible.


Poor Lena had to dodge out of the way a few times to avoid getting knocked out. "Alright, Hulk, if you keep moving around like that, I won't be able to touch you; you promised I could, right?"


"Right, Lena touch Hulk," he affirmed with a nod, his tone serious now, recognizing the commitment he had made. His movements became more deliberate and less erratic as he tried to accommodate her request.


Lena cautiously approached Hulk, her demeanor professional yet friendly, maintaining eye contact to keep him engaged and reassured. "Thank you, Hulk. Now, let's see how strong your skin really is. I'm going to press my hand against your arm first, okay?"


Hulk extended his arm, watching curiously as Lena pressed her palm against his thick, green skin.


She applied gentle pressure, marveling at the resilience and the texture, which was unlike anything she'd encountered. "Your arm is incredibly strong, Hulk. It's amazing," she said, her voice mixed with genuine awe and professional intrigue.


Hulk beamed, pleased with the compliment and the gentle interaction. "Hulk strong!"


"Yes, Hulk, very strong." She said as she continued to inspect him. Carefully noting his muscles, looking for any differences between him and the human body, except the size and color.


As Lena made her observations, she maintained a conversational tone, which seemed to keep Hulk engaged and at ease. "Now, let's check your flexibility. Can you bend your elbow like this?" She demonstrated the motion herself, making sure Hulk could see clearly.


Hulk mimicked the motion, bending his elbow, his massive muscles shifting with the movement. Lena watched closely, noting the impressive range of motion and the muscle interaction, which offered new insights into his physiology.


Though she crawled around the Hulk and watched his very impressive bulging muscles, she found it hard to ignore his green giant, as she later had to watch her step as she moved.


After finally playing and eating snacks with him, while also collecting important data. It was time for one last important test. "Say Hulk, did you have fun today?"


"Yes! Hulk had fun!"


"I also had fun. Would you like to do this again?"


"Yes! Hulk wants more!"


"Good, but that can't happen until in a few days, and I need to get out of here, which I can't do unless boring Banner returns. So if you want to play later, you need to let Banner out for now."


Hulk's expression shifted to one of slight confusion, the request clearly bittersweet. The idea of reverting to Bruce meant the end of their fun activities, but Lena's promise of future interactions seemed to offer him comfort.


"Banner come back, then Hulk play later?" Hulk asked, his voice tinged with a mixture of reluctance and hope, demonstrating his growing understanding of their arrangements and the necessity of his transformations.


 "Yes, exactly!" Lena replied, her tone encouraging. "When Banner comes back, you get to rest, and then we can have more fun like today. It's important for both of you."


Hulk nodded, a deep, rumbling sigh escaping him. "Okay, Lena. Hulk let Banner come back." The simplicity of his trust and his willingness to cooperate for the promise of more positive experiences highlighted the progress in their relationship.


Lena gave him a warm, grateful smile. "Thank you, Hulk. You've done really well today. I'm proud of you."


Hulk looked thoughtful, the concept of balance seeming to resonate with him. With a final nod, his demeanor began to change, his massive form beginning to shrink and the intense green fading as Bruce Banner slowly re-emerged.


Bruce's transformation was always a stark contrast to the Hulk's robust dynamism. As he regained his usual form, Bruce looked disoriented for a moment, his eyes adjusting to the familiar yet always surprising return to his human state.


As always, he was confused when he turned back. He looked up and saw Lena looking strangely at him.


"Hulk is a lot bigger for sure." She said and sent him a wink as she went over to the lifting being lowered down into the pit.


Bruce was confused for a moment, unsure of what she was talking about. Then he noticed that he was completely naked. And the scream of an embarrassed Bruce Banner filled the pit that day.




If you want to read up to 10 chapters ahead or even get the chance to pick what SCPs get summoned, or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / SCPsystem

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