"My turn," Paige stated. "What would you have done if you didn't find me tonight?"
"I was always going to find you," Nathaniel said plainly.
"There were so many people there. How are you so sure?" she asked.
"I will answer, but that's two questions, so I get two questions afterwards. Deal?"
"Okay, it's a deal. How were you sure you'd find me?" she asked.
"My head of security is an ex-CIA operative and my friend makes facial recognition software for the government. I was going to use them in the last hour to find you," he stated.
"I don't know if I would call that cheating because it wasn't an established rule, but I have to give you credit for utilizing resources and billion dollar software if needed. I didn't think you'd go through all that for a date," she said wonderingly. Paige was getting sleepy. It was getting close to 4 am.
"You're worth it," he said, kissing her forehead. "Now, my turn. Do you want to have kids someday?"
"Someday, yes," she said with a tiny yawn. Nathaniel yawned in response.
"Good. I want one. I figure whoever's my wife can help me determine if we'll have more or not," he said with a small smile.
"You'll probably get twofer with me," Paige mumbled incoherently. She snuggled into him more and her eyes were closed.
"Are you falling asleep, baby?" Nathaniel whispered. There was no response from Paige. He looked at her as she slumbered in his arms and admired her features. He decided to put her to bed and call a cab to take him home. He lifted her up and walked into her bedroom and placed her on the bed. He started tucking her in and she grabbed onto his shirt.
"Don't go," she said sleepily.
"Paige, you're asleep," he said softly.
"Stay," she said, still holding onto him. Nathaniel didn't want to upset future Paige by being in her bed in the morning, but present Paige would be upset if he left. He opted to lay next to her above the covers. This caused her to kick off the covers and violently throw her leg over him. He was alarmed by this, but just decided to put the covers over both of them. He didn't want her to be cold. Paige snuggled into him and he wrapped his arms around her, falling asleep.
Paige awoke to a warm, comfortable solid thing in her bed. She opened her eyes and registered that she was not in her usual spot in her bed and as became more awake, she realized that there was a man in bed with her. She moved to look at his face and she saw Nathaniel slowly open his eyes, the smile at her.
"Good morning," he said with a yawn. Paige yawned in response. She was trying to remember last night and didn't think they did anything more than snuggle.
"Good morning. You're in my bed," she said.
"You wouldn't let go of me when I tried to put you to bed and insisted I stay. Then, I tried to stay on top of the covers and you attacked me into snuggling you. Do you always resort to violence when you're trying to get your way?" he teased.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I promise I'm not normally like that. Sleep makes me a different person," she said sheepishly.
"I'll forgive you if you make some coffee," Nathaniel said softly. He was so content with laying in this bed with Paige. But, he was also extremely tired from staying up very late and he needed to get a workout in.
"Ok, I'll make some. I can make breakfast as well, if you'd like, but I'm not a Michelin star chef. I'm going to have to go to the gym soon, so I'll take you to your car afterwards?" Paige rambled. She tended to have no filter when she was tired.
"What are you doing at the gym?" Nathaniel asked.
"It's leg day. I'm not a body builder or power lifter or anything, but I feel like if I'm at least strong, if someone ever attacks me I can surprise them with my strength," Paige reasoned. Nathaniel burst into laughter and Paige pouted at him. "It's not funny! I'm pretty strong!" she whined.
"Honestly, I'm laughing because that was so far off from what I thought you would say. I thought you'd go into some health benefit explanation or something," Nathaniel said, wiping tears from his eyes.
"That's very assumptive of you and rude. Now your breakfast will be a protein bar," Paige said sternly.
"Baby, I'm sorry. Please make me food. I am so hungry and tired. I danced for hours last night and I'm not in my twenties anymore," Nathaniel pouted as he talked.
"How old are you?" Paige asked.
"30. How old are you?" Nathaniel shot back.
"25. You're older than I thought you were. Why aren't you married?" Paige asked.
"So, first of all, you still owe me my second question from last night, so I am not answering until I get something in writing about that. Second, don't you know it's rude to ask people why they aren't married? Also, no one cares when a rich man gets married, or so I've learned," Nathaniel said. Paige tried to get out of bed, but Nathaniel pulled her back to him.
"I thought you wanted coffee," Paige said, slightly exasperated.
"I do, but also I want more cuddles. I've never done this before and I find that I enjoy it," Nathaniel explained.
"We can snuggle on the couch with coffee?" Paige offered. She also was enjoying the warmth from his body. But, she needed something in her stomach. She rolled out of his arms quickly, dodging his attempts to grab her again. He sat up and speedily got out of bed, quickly moving over to her, but she ran into the kitchen while laughing.
"Am I too fast for you, babe?" Paige teased. Nathaniel chuckled and admired her once more. Her hair was messy, but it endeared her to him. He felt honored to get to see her like this.
"We'll have to race to find out," he said with a smile.
Paige made them coffee and breakfast while Nathaniel called his driver and his assistant. They ate together at her little kitchen table and when they were finished, Nathaniel cleared the table and washed the dishes. Paige attempted to help, but Nathaniel insisted that she relax since she cooked. Paige admired him from her chair and then got up and walked over to where he was standing at the sink. She snaked her arms around his waist and pressed her body against his back.
"If you're going to do things like that, I might just not leave at all," Nathaniel chuckled. He didn't really want to leave, but he had to go to Sunday dinner with his family and didn't want to force Paige to go.
"I have to go to the gym today, though. My trainer will be upset if I miss my session," Paige whined. Nathaniel stiffened. He did not like the idea of Paige getting sweaty with some guy watching. He should be the guy watching her train.
"Come to my gym. I'll train you. There's no wait for any of the equipment, either," Nathaniel said.
"Are you sure? I guess I can tell him that I'm training with you today. He only gets upset if I don't do my strength training," she asked.
"I'm absolutely sure. Get your stuff ready and we'll go when my driver gets here," he said. Paige went to her room, made her bed, put on her gym clothes and grabbed her gym bag. She remembered the picture from last night and quickly sent it to Nathaniel. She came out to Nathaniel waiting for her. He had his costume in his hands.
"Is your driver here?" Paige asked.
"Yes, but he can wait. Did you want to drive or do you want my driver to take you home afterwards?" Nathaniel offered.
"Honestly, I'm kind of tired today, so I'm okay with being chauffeured around today," she said, thinking out loud.
"Then let's go, baby," Nathaniel said, offering Paige his hand. She took it and they exited her apartment. Paige only let go to lock her door and then when Nathaniel opened her door and let her sit in the car before he got in himself.
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