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82.51% Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family) / Chapter 236: Chapter 236: Wizards of Waverly Place (3)

Chương 236: Chapter 236: Wizards of Waverly Place (3)

(A/N: Many of you felt bored of the episode, I understands that, not many people grew up watching the show. The entire episode of Wizards of Waverly isn't a retelling, but my editor and I racked our brains together to create a new one. Granted, we aren't pdf files at Nickelodeon so the show fell flat, but nostalgia pushes us. If you don't like it, don't worry, there's only 3 chapters in the entire webnovel about the Wizard's show. I realized now many didn't like it, so I won't continue with the plotline later in the future. That's all. Enjoy the chap!)

[Edward POV]

"Part 2 of the story, start!" announced the director as he clapped the slate.

-Scene Starts-

It had been a few days since Jeremy started his investigations around Waverly Place. During that time, he had been going on dates with Alex, sometimes even neglecting his job.

Alex doing her job and alerting them about where Jeremy was going made them feel at ease, but the newfound closeness between Jeremy and Alex alarmed them. 

As Alex returned home to the restaurant at night, Juliette rushed towards her, eager to give her a hug.

"Thank you, Alex, for doing this for me. It must be hard for you to stick around him," Juliette expressed her gratitude.

"Ooowww riiiighhhttt…It must be torture for her, spending all her time going on dates," Justin mocked.

Alex laughed and responded haughtily, "Yeah, it's an endless torment for me."


Harper, catching on to the inside joke, squealed, "Did he ask you to be his girlfriend yet?"

"HARPER?!" Justin snapped his fingers at her and said dramatically, "We want him to go away. Although dating Alex is punishment enough, what we want is EXILE! Away with him from here! "


"What's wrong with him staying here? He's very sweet and kind. He's always helping people, whether it's helping a grandma cross the road or rescuing a kitten from a tree. Sometimes, he's even too kind for my taste but those arms… And the eyes... I don't think he's the ruthless monster hunter you guys claim him to be," Alex defended Jeremy.

"Alex..." Juliette looked into Alex's eyes and confessed, "Two years ago, Jeremy killed my uncle Al."

"What?" Alex's eyes widened in shock, and her face fell. Justin, who was already aware of the story, added, "That's why we want him to go away. If he finds Juliette—then he will—"

"No, he won't! You guys don't know him like I do!" Alex shouted with teenage angst. She then added, "Maybe he had a good reason to do it."

"We just can't take the risk. The Van Helsings are an old family…They aren't as open-minded as wizards like the rest of us frankly I wouldn't be surprised if they were evil wizards," Justin tried to convince his sister.

"Really? Your argument is that you're open minded?" Alex looked at Justin with a deadpan expression as she said flatly.


Justin was taken aback, and then he defended himself, "At least more open minded than him."

"No, you're wrong. He's not like the other Van Helsings. I can prove it. In fact, I'll prove it when he comes to the restaurant today," Alex said, but then realized she had blurted out the last part, which was supposed to be a secret.

"He's coming here!?" Justin held his head in disbelief.

"He's coming for dinner right now," Alex confessed apologetically. "I only came back to tell you guys to move, but he's coming RIGHT NOW, SO GO HIDE!" Alex hurriedly pushed Justin and Juliette into the kitchen.

Jeremy walked through the door and went straight to Alex. She turned to greet him with a wide smile on her face, saying, "Hi Jeremy."

"Hi Alex. So... this is your family's restaurant. I can finally try it out after being here for days, huh," Jeremy teased, brushing a stray hair behind Alex's ear. She blushed slightly, her eyes becoming hazy, but her attention was brought back when Harper who squealed at their interaction.

"Aren't you going to introduce me?" Harper nudged Alex.

"Oh, right. Jeremy, this is Harper. My best friend since kindergarten," Alex introduced.

Harper was wearing a cat doll on her shoulder and her dress was made of various animal stripes. Jeremy wasn't weirded out and said, "Hi Harper. I heard a lot about you."

"Really?" Harper turned to Alex excitedly. "Alex! I didn't know I meant so much to you!" 

"Sorry. He's actually just saying that to be polite." Alex threw cold water into Harper's enthusiasms, making her feel dejected.

"Would you like to join us for dinner Harper?" Jeremy asked.

Alex glanced, hinting at her friend before turning to Jeremy, "Oh no, Harper has already eaten. She eats an early dinner at 4 like her grandparents, and she has to go now."

Harper caught the hint and stammered, "Oh. I'm, I've already eaten. I'll just go to the kitchen, see if your parents need some help eating– I mean, ma-making yeah MAKING sandwiches!" She hurriedly ran off to the door, and went out of the restaurant.

"Isn't the kitchen right there?" Jeremy asked in confusion as he pointed at the kitchen in the opposite direction.


Alex and Jeremy went to sit at the table, where Alex suddenly raised her hand and shouted, "Waiter!"

Justin begrudgingly walked over to the table and started to put menus in front of them. He placed them at Jeremy's table politely but just threw it at Alex's hand to express his dissatisfaction.

"You know, we aren't really open at night." Justin said.

"Hi Justin. Are you still continuing your monster hunter independent study?" Jeremy asked without even caring about Justin's passive aggressive remarks. "Do you want me to teach you some stuff–" 

Suddenly, Jeremy realized something and he stood up. "Wait. I got a strong whiff of Vanila…and death scent from you." He said as he sniffed Justin.

"Uuaaa– I don't know. I've been hanging around graves, trying to search for monsters. Maybe you're smelling a zombie?" Justin tried to refocus Jeremy, but instead Jeremy said seriously, "No, no This scent is unique to Vampires… It's a classic disguise ESPECIALLY, Girl…Teenage Vampires! they use it a lot, it works wonders to attract idiotic boys so they can drink them dry. Justin, have you gotten in contact with any teenage girls before?!?" 

"Damn he's good!" Alex muttered underneath her breath. "He even got Justin's label right."


"Umm..No.No…Not that I know off." Justin said, trying to brush off the matter while laughing nervously.

"Are you sure? The smell is quite strong. It's as if you had just run into them just a few seconds ago." Jeremy asked again while he leaned in to Justin. "The smell is especially strong in your face."


Justin's voice cracked as he replied, "No. I'm sure. I haven't been in contact with any girl vampires. And definitely not having a relationship with one. Nor did I just do an eskimo kiss with them a few minutes ago in the kitchen."

"That's an odd detail to add." Jeremy said while narrowing his eyes at Justin. Justin's hand became clammy, and he started hyperventilating. 

But the intense situation suddenly cleared up as Jeremy said, "So anyway. I want a turkey sandwich. Extra ketchup."


"I want a bologna sandwich." Alex said casually with a sly laugh. Justin looked at Alex and Jeremy with disbelief, let out a burst of mirth before rushing back to the kitchen, "Your order will come right out."

As he entered the kitchen, he grabbed Juliette and said, "You need to leave right now. He's onto you."

"How? I can't even turn into a bat and fly out of here. I'm trapped!" Juliette said aggrievedly. 

-Scene ends-

"Cut! Excellent work everyone." The director announced. "We shall take a 15 minute rest before we continue." He then rushed to the toilet, letting out farts along the way as he did.

"What's with him?" I asked Selena.

"Sometimes he has problems with his stomach." Selena replied.

"More accurately, anal fissures." Henrie whispered with a chuckle.

"TMI TMI!" Jennifer closed her ears as she shuddered in horror.

Jake joined us and asked me, "Hey, do you ever watch the show?"

"I did. It was the one episode where Selena dated that Jinkies guy." I replied while drinking some water. "I also watched the ones with the silent movie theme. I loved that one."

"Jinkies? Which guy is that?" Jake asked with confusion. Even Selena was confused, "Did you mean Zeke? Has he ever said that before?"

Henrie replied, "I don't think he did." Zeke was his kinda weird best friend in the show. He was overly positive, and supported Justin in everything he wanted to do. 

"Did you mean, the guy who said Curses!" Jennifer chimed while mimicking the old comedic way of saying the exclamation.

"Ah. Right. That one. That episode was hard to watch." I grinned teasingly at Selena. She blushed and said, "Shut up! It was hard for me to shoot that episode too." 

I laughed out loud with David Henrie and Jake. Jake asked right after, "Are you coming here again? I don't have any scenes with you, so I can't brag about it to anyone."

The scriptwriter's ear perked up after she heard that. I replied ambiguously, "I don't know yet. If I have the time, then maybe."

"That's what the popular ones always say." Jake replied poutingly. I laughed and replied, "Well we kinda need to say that. Or else someone listening into the conversation will get some ideas." 

The scriptwriter flinched before she acted like everything was normal and walked further away from us. 

"Besides, he doesn't really need the money, being the number one artist right now with the most number of albums sold of all time." Selena teased while making money gestures with her fingers.

"Not the first, but I'm in the top 5." I played along. Selena giggled and teased again, "Oh, look at you trying to be humble."

"I am humble. Not only that, kind, sweet, caring…and a bit of an ass too." I shot her a teasing smile, which made her flinch and get embarrassed. She glared at Henrie with contempt before changing the subject.

"I heard you have a party this Halloween?" She asked. All of the teenage cast member's eyes lit up as they heard it.

"Yeah. You're coming right?" I asked Selena. Selena wanted to answer, but Jennifer gave her a nudge. As she looked over to the cast's direction, she saw that they were pleading at her with their eyes.

"Um…Can they come too?" Selena asked me.

"Sure. These guys are cool." I replied with a smile. The group of teens celebrated loudly, which startled the staff members walking by.

"Is it a costume party? Can I be Batman?" Jake asked.

"HEY! Only I can be Batman!" I joked in a serious manner, which made him flinch and took a step back with a smile on his face. "I'm just kidding. Wear whatever you guys want." I said casually. 

"Jake. You can be Robin." Jennifer suggested.

Jake whined, "I don't wanna be Robin. Robin's so gay."

-Scene Starts–

As Jeremy and Alex were talking with each other at the table, Justin and Juliette were increasingly nervous as they waited for the moment to pass.

"Jeremy, there's something I want to ask you." Alex said while looking seriously at Jeremy.

"Go on." Jeremy replied while eating his sandwich.

"Let's just say…you did find the vampire, what are you going to do with her– I mean them?" She asked.

"You mean hypothetically?" Justin said while chuckling.

Alex laughed nervously and tried to play it off coolly, "Pfft- Yeah. It's allllll HYPO-What-cially."

Jeremy chuckled before rubbing his chin as he replied, "Maybe I'll send them to HELP."

"Help what?" Alex was confused, thinking that Jeremy trailed off.

"Not Help as in helping someone. HELP as in Hellsing Enchanted Lava Penitentiary. Basically a prison for bad monsters in the underworld." Jeremy replied. At the same time, Justin was delivering drinks, and he heard about Jeremy's answer.

Alex laughed nervously, "And…that's definitive? You won't like… give them a warning…Or-Or… a trial maybe, you know, to check to see if they were truly bad monsters."

"I'm not going to just send them in. They need to have committed crimes before I put them in. If they aren't disruptive, or someone vouched for them… then, I won't do it." Jeremy replied casually. Then, he smirked and asked, "Why are you so interested in them? Do you perhaps know a monster?"

"Um…This might be the best chance for me to say this." Alex muttered to herself as she realised the perfect timing, "Jeremy–"

"JULIETTE NO!!" Justin screamed as Juliette, in her vampire mode– which was her wearing a costume wings on her arms, rushed to attack Jeremy.

"I'm not going to Monster Prison!" She screamed desperately. Jeremy hugged Alex and protected her , tanking the attack with his body which made the duo fall to the ground.

"Juliette NO! He's not going to take you in!" Alex shouted to Juliette, however, she had already turned into a bat and flew out of the restaurant. "Juliette!" Alex shouted.

"A level 6 threat is rampaging in Waverly Place. I need to go and capture her." Jeremy said as he wore his fallen hat. Justin suddenly stood in front of Jeremy, trying to stop him, "Over my dead body."

"Gladly." Jeremy said with a threatening smile.

Justin automatically became timid, hugged himself and said, "That's just a metaphor. Please don't kill me." He closed his eyes, but Jeremy just walked to the side to get past him. 

Alex was the one who managed to stop Jeremy, "Wait. Juliette is not a bad person! She's just scared!"

"She's a monster Alex. And she attacked people." Jeremy said seriously while trying to move past Alex.

Alex turned and shouted, "She's only attacking you! Can't you see? She's scared of you!"

"She almost hurts you!" Jeremy said worriedly before moving past her.

"I KNOW HER!" Alex shouted before Jeremy could leave. 

Her words made Jeremy stop. He turned to her slowly, and she continued, "She's… She's not a bad monster. Jeremy you have to believe me! You told me that…You were tired of the feud your family has… with the monsters. Maybe, this is a chance for you to act differently than your other family members."

"Alex…" Jeremy suddenly called out. Alex was taken aback, "What is it?"

"Did…you…Did you follow me around…and stay by my side…just to make sure that I wouldn't be close to her?" Jeremy asked with a betrayed and hurt expression. The realistic acting made Alex get emotional for real.

Alex's eyes shook, and she started to get teary. Her voice started to shake, "No! I mean, Yes, But that's not all the reason–"

"I've… heard enough." Jeremy stopped her. He turned to the door and said while hiding his face behind his hat, "I'll try not to hurt your friend. So…you don't have to pretend to like me anymore."

"Jeremy, wait!" Alex called him out, but he ignored it and ran out of the restaurant.

Alex muttered, "But I… really do like you."

-Scene ends-

"Cut! That was beautiful!" The director applauded as he stopped the filming. He wiped his eyes and said, "I didn't expect it to be that emotional."

Selena wiped her eyes too, "Yeah. Me too."

I returned to the set and the people applauded my performance officially. I gave them a short bow before walking towards Selena.

"Are you alright? I was so surprised when you suddenly started tearing up, I almost broke character." I asked with concern.

"I'm fine. Let me fix my makeup before we continue." Selena replied.

In the next few scenes where I watched from the side, Selena and David – Alex Russo and Justin Russo, went to search for Jeremy and Juliette. Harper was following them too, but when she went to search for clues, Alex and Justin were captured by the same monsters who ambushed Jeremy before this. 

Harper hid to prevent herself from getting caught, and desperately went to search for Jeremy and Juliette as she could only depend on them to save the siblings.

"Cut! Alright, Jennifer, Bridget, and Newgate. You guys are up." The director said.

For the next scene, Harper found Jeremy first, and she told her everything about the monsters capturing Alex. However, as she did, a bat who was perching on a tree nearby flew down next to Jeremy and Harper, before it turned back into Juliette. Jeremy wanted to capture her, but Juliette made a convincing argument that a vampire's sense of smell was more sensitive than a werewolf, and she could help him find Alex faster.

So a short term collaboration deal was struck with Harper as the witness. Both Juliette and Jeremy went to track where the monsters were bringing the siblings. As it turns out, the monsters had dragged the siblings to the abandoned subway station– the same place where Jeremy was ambushed before this.

-Final Scene-

(A/N: Remember. Disney Channel)


The monsters hit the drums in a dramatic rhythm as Justin and Alex were being tied up on a podium in the middle of the station. Several braziers filled with fire illuminated the entire station.

"HA ! HA! HA ! HA!" A shrill like laugh resounded before a woman monster who looked like the Kerrigan Queen of Blades sashayed into the set. The other monsters bowed down as a sign of respect to her, and she walked towards the 2 young wizards.

"Who are you?!" Justin asked urgently. "Let us go!" Alex shouted in anger. "I need to go and find Jeremy!"

"Don't worry sweetheart~ We have already sent out a messenger to find him. Before long, he will be here…to find you!" The lady monster said mockingly. "We have been watching you and him for some days. We are sure he will come to save you."

"No. Jeremy!" Alex mumbled fearfully, praying that Jeremy wouldn't come to the station.

The monster lady walked dramatically and started monologuing, giving her best performance in front of the two wizards.



"You won't succeed! The monster hunter department will stop you!" Justin said challengingly.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk. Do you think that the simplistic, clumsy, scampering buffons could stop us? The only real threat we ever faced was the Van Helsing family! And we want them gone!" The lady snarled at Justin while grabbing his chin with her long, clawy fingers.

At this time, Jeremy and Juliette finally arrived at the station. Instead of being escorted by the monsters, they managed to sneak into the station undetected, all thanks to Juliette's vampire ability.

"Got to admit, a vampire can be useful sometimes." Jeremy said to Juliette with a stifled smile.

"So, you won't try to lock me up after this?" Juliette asked.

"Alex…told me to trust you, so I'm giving that a try. But if you betray me, then I will not hesitate to take you to prison." Jeremy warned after he was having an internal conflict about his identity.

"I want to save Justin too. So don't worry about me stabbing you in the back." Juliette said.

"Great. However, I– we need a plan…Hmm…I got it!…" Jeremy whispered to Juliette his plans, but Juliette flinched a bit as his mouth was close to her ears. He looked at her with confusion, but she smiled and said, "Sorry. I'm a little ticklish there."

That wasn't in the script, but it was improvised by Juliette because the actress was really ticklish. Jeremy smirked as he held back his laugh, and when he whispered his plans again, Juliette kept twitching and giggling.


A few minutes later, Jeremy walked into the room with his hands tied up, and he was being herded by none other than, Juliette herself.

"What's this? The great Van Helsing has already been caught?" M.O.M (Mother of Monster) snarked sarcastically as she saw Juliette.

"Juliette no!" Justin shouted.

"Mother of Monsters! I come here, offering you a gift, in exchange, for me to become the general of the monster army, and the safety of my family when you take over New York City." Juliette said while taking a knee, seemingly subservient to the M.O.M.

"Good. GOOD. Tell me your name child." The Mother of Monster greeted her enthusiastically. 

"Juliet Van Hausen, your highness. My family has been in a feud with the Van Helsing family for centuries." Juliet replied.

"Excellent! A fellow brethren!" M.O.M said before she walked closer to Jeremy. She held Jeremy's face roughly, taking off his hat and throwing it away to the side, revealing his handsome face. 

"Juliette How could you!" Alex shouted in desperation.

"Go child! You can take these two wizards as an initiation present. You must've been so parched after capturing THE GREAT VAN HELSING Himself! HAHAHAHA!" She cackled with a shrill and jarring voice. 

The other monsters also laughed at Jeremy, while Juliette bowed slightly to the M.O.M and walked to Alex and Justin. As soon as she gets there, before Justin and Alex could say anything, Juliette asked anxiously, "Do you guys still have your wands?"

Figuring out that there was more to the situation, Alex replied whisperingly, "No. The blue-faced ones took them."

Juliette turned to the blue faced monster, and saw the wands being used as a drumstick. She nodded to Jeremy to signal him. Jeremy returned the nod before suddenly standing up, removed the tied rope on his hand easily, and aimed his wand at the blue faced monster.

Juliette immediately went into Vampire mode and ripped off the rope trying the two wizards. Jeremy aimed for the wands, and he made them fly towards the two wizards.

"Ambush! Everyone! Get him!" The M.O.M shrieked after she saw Jeremy was untied. Afraid of the Van Helsing wizard, she defended herself by hiding behind the army of monsters.

"Juliette, bring Alex and Justin out of here!" Jeremy shouted.

"No! We're going to help you!" Alex said.

Justin, albeit scared, said, "I'm an intern monster hunter! I won't back down from a fight! Even though I very…very much like to."


Juliette too stayed behind, "I'll join in. If this place turns into a monster city, then I will have to dress back in monster style fashion and I DON'T want to wear those ugly clothes! Oh! And I want to stay with Justin too."


"Then, the plan is to catch the leader! They all will scatter if we can catch her!" Jeremy yelled before the monster started swarming him. The fight started abruptly.

Justin and Juliette teamed up together, taking down monsters one by one as they made their way to the M.O.M. Jeremy had to struggle to get away from the monsters, but he was soon captured.

However, Alex saw this and shouted, "Jeremy!" She shot off some magic to the monsters to change Jeremy's and the monster's on his left hand side position, making the monster on the left and the right grab each other instead.

"Double Trouble , Is all it has been , for all these things, Transfer the monsters to the prison of Van Helsing!" Jeremy chanted before he shot off the magic to the two monsters. Both of them disappeared as they were transported into the lava prison.

"Alex! Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Jeremy asked Alex affectionately as she rushed towards him. He scanned her entire body while he dusted her off, checking for wounds or bruises.

"Don't worry about me! I told you that monsters see me as their kind. Before the woman came, we were playing Snake and Ladders" Alex replied jokingly.


"She's really not joking!" Justin exclaimed from behind.


"Are you guys going to stand there and flirt, or will you get into battle?" Justin shouted in frustration.

"Sorry. I'm still trying to process the idea that someone can have my back when I'm fighting." Jeremy said before he took a deep breath.


"Let's go!" Jeremy and Alex rushed to the front line. And before long, they managed to capture the M.O.M.

The blue faced leader pointed at Jeremy putting ropes on the M.O.M and yelped, "He caught her! Retreat!"

The monsters scampered quickly, and the audience applauded. Alex stood beside Jeremy in a triumphant manner, while the M.O.M cursed her fate. After that, they returned to the Waverly Place restaurant with the M.O.M in tow.

"Maybe, this time, I won't send her to the family prison." Jeremy said suddenly before he called, "Justin. Can you get the monster hunter department to take her in?"

Justin's eyes darted in confusion, "Wait. You're serious?"

Jeremy replied using a soft tone, "I am. I'm tired of fighting alone. Maybe in the future, the Van Helsing family can join the Monster Hunter Department, and work together with them."

Justin smiled excitedly and said, "Alright! I'm sure catching the Mother of Monster will get me extra credit in my independent studies!"

"Before that, I still need to settle the matter with Juliette." Jeremy said.

Juliette was alarmed and she said, "I don't want to go to jail."

"Don't worry. Instead of that, I think that helping the monsters that want to live peacefully in the human world may be a better idea." Jeremy said. "With the condition that they won't harm humans… Or expose themselves to the human world, or not dispose of monster waste, or… You know what, I'll just write you a list."



"Will Juliette be safe from the monster hunters from now on?" Justin asked hopefully.

"I will try. And Juliette, I'm very sorry for killing your uncle." Jeremy said as he bowed slightly.

Juliette was a bit emotional and she asked, "Why did you need to kill him?"

Jeremy sighed and said, "To be fair your uncle had just drunk a whole village dry when I found him. And I don't mean their water supply. So, I had to put a stop to him."

Juliette's emotional state suddenly changed and she said casually. "Oh. That's why. I'm so sorry he did that, and… I don't blame you anymore."

As Justin and Juliette went to the lair to transport the Mother of Monsters away, Alex and Jeremy were left alone in the restaurant.

She smiled haughtily as she looked at him and said, "Alright. You can tell me you like me now."

Jeremy smiled softly and held her hand before kissing the back of her palm, "I do like you."

"And you want to make me your girlfriend." Alex added with the same haughty manner.

"And I do want to make you my girlfriend." Jeremy replied with a chuckle. 

Alex laughed, but then she saw Jeremy's apologetic gaze. She realized something and her voice broke, "So, why aren't you asking me to be your girlfriend ?"

"I…I'm sorry Alex but I need to go. The Mother of Monsters wanted to kill me to unlock the prison and free all of the monsters that had been captured–"

"But we have caught her." Alex interjected anxiously.

Jeremy said, "The location of the prison itself is supposed to be a secret. I have to travel again and investigate who was the one who leaked the location. I…might not be able to come back for a while…Maybe not ever."

"So That's why you aren't asking me to be your girlfriend." Alex muttered pitifully. Jeremy caressed Alex's cheek affectionately as she looked into his eyes. Then, he leaned in, and they kissed each other.

Audience: Cheers!!!

"Goodbye Alex. I hope to see you again." Jeremy said. "Thank you for teaching me how to trust other people, and to put aside my prejudice against monsters. I had been living in a dark place, but you have become the light that has pulled me out of it."

"For that, you will always be in my heart." Jeremy said as he placed Alex's hand on his chest.

"Goodbye Jeremy Van Helsing. I won't forget you." Alex said after collecting herself. They shared an innocent kiss again before Jeremy took his wand and waved it around flashing himself out.

The scene changed into a sight of Alex sitting alone in the lair the next morning, where her mother rushed worriedly towards her after waking up.

"Alex! Justin told me everything. What's wrong honey? Why have you stayed up all night staring at the portal?"

"I don't know. I think…I just want him to come back." Alex said before she broke down and cried into her mother's arm. 

-Scene ends-

"Cut! It's a wrap!" The director said. I shook my head in disbelief after watching the final scene, and said, "Wow, now if I don't come back, I'll be the bad guy huh?"

Selena stuck her tongue towards me after hearing my comment, "Who asked you to make the script that way?"

"I didn't even interfere in the script making. I just said to the writer I wanted to play a cool and impactful character. That's all." I shrugged and shook my head dismissively.

Selena was surprised, and she laughed soon after. "You got trapped!" She mocked.

The producers of the show suddenly approached me. The fat Jewish man shook my hand excitedly and said, "Edward Newgate. We didn't think that the episode would be so much fun. In fact, we think that it's so great, we're going to be releasing your entire appearance on Halloween. All 3 episodes will premiere at the same time.!"

The director rubbed his sore forehead and said, "That will mean, the show is going to run the same episode over and over again for a month and a half."

"It's fine. The benefits outweigh the disadvantages for this one." The producer said.

I narrowed my eyes at him slightly before making a kind face, "It is the right decision to capitalise on my fame right now. But, what are you going to do with the ending? You know the audience will want me to return."

"We– I think we should talk about that in private." The producers said. I laughed derisively and agreed. "Of course. We WILL talk about it."

However, in the discussion, he was completely thrown off by my demands, and he had to contact his superiors to get the confirmation. Maybe he initially thought that he could guilt trip me into becoming a recurring character and get away with offering the standard superstar fare wich to be honest was a good amount of money for some quick work after all 20 minute episode formats weren't anywhere as time demanding as full on movies or hour long run shows, but he greatly misjudged his opponent.

"Ed. Do you want to come hang out with us after this?" Selena invited me.

I shook my head and replied, "Unfortunately I can't. I have to get back home. I have a meeting with Harvey and other executives after this."

"Oh. That's a pity. Next time then– Wait, I don't mean next time you come here. I just mean, when you have free time." Selena stammered. As she knew about the situation, she didn't want to accidentally pressure me into anything,

I smiled and then slipped my hand into my pocket. "Hey, I got something for you."

Selena's heart fluttered and she said, "A gift? Wh-Why? I'm not– I'm Taylor's best friend. We can't–"

I knocked her in the head with the small medicinal bottle I took out from my pocket.

"Ouch!" She exclaimed in pain.

"That's for getting on my nerves. Here. Take this. This will help you with your condition." I said as I gave her the bottle of handmade medicinal pills.

In the 10 recipes I've gotten, one of them would help Selena in her autoimmune disease. However, she had to take them for over 3 years before she could finally be healthy.

"My lupus? Were you worrying about me?" She asked while batting her eyes teasingly at me.

I scoffed and said, "Take it and go away. Don't play around if you aren't even going to give me a chance."

She broke into a wide grin and said, "Thanks Ed. I really appreciate it." She then leaned in and kissed me on the cheek to express her gratitude. I smiled softly before driving back home and reporting the producer's scheme to Harvey. She promised me with an evil smile that they would pay the price.

That night, Selena suddenly asked me to turn on the TV. The promotional video for the premiere was already showing, and people online were excitedly talking about it.

"I really didn't expect that my first show would be a Disney show." I laughed at myself as I watched the promotional video.

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Bình chọn với Đá sức mạnh
Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
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lỗi Mẹo

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