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46.84% Rapturous Rhapsody / Chapter 50: SS (A) - Killer Rabbit

Chương 50: SS (A) - Killer Rabbit

The sky is red, I don't understand

Past midnight I still see the land

People are sayin' the woman is damned

She makes you burn with a wave of her hand

Warning came, no one cared

Earth was shakin, we stood and stared

When it came no one was spared

Still I hear "Burn!"


My day was perfectly normal.

"I want to fight."

"Sip," I said before actually taking a sip of my tea. "Ok."

I was biting the inside of my cheek.



Scathach turned away from me to go outside, but I stopped her.

She hadn't gotten the hint I wanted to finish my tea.

Or that I was holding back.

"Did you just get back from your last day with the Titans?" I asked, taking another sip.

"I did." She nodded.

"How are they doing?" I asked, killing time a bit so I could finish my cup.

"As well as can be expected," the Celt explained, leaning against the doorway as she waited for me. "Starfire is sticking to Nightwing's side as much as possible while he trains to get back in shape." Sip. "X-23 is barely affected, but Mercury is still shaken and walking on eggshells around her." Sip. "Winman took a few days off to meet with his mentor again." Sip. "Beast Boy is repressing everything with humour." Sip.

"Uhuh," I nodded to show I was still listening as I finished the last of my tea. Then I asked the question that had been burning my tongue since she walked in and challenged me to a fight. "Have you changed since you got home?"

"No," she tilted her head in question. "Why?"

"No reason," I fought to keep my voice toneless, barely keeping from roaring with laughter. "So you just... showed up today? Wearing that? With no explanation?"

"Do I need an explanation?" Scathach asked, looking down at her outfit and then looking up and meeting my eyes.

She saw nothing wrong, but her eyes were twinkling mischievously.

Scathach could be very playful if she was in a good mood.

I bit my lip. Hard.

I was so close to losing my shit.

"No." I squeaked. "It's just... a bit different than what you usually wear, is all."

"I understand," the Celtic queen nodded imperiously. The movement made her fake ears bob. My fists clenched hard enough to split my palms. "Don't let your guard down just because I look like a lovable bunny. Know that this bunny has fangs."

I lost it.

"Hahahahaha," I cackled madly. "Oh god. Hahahaha. I can just imagine it. Hehehehehe. The look on their faces. Hahahaha." My laughter was near hysteric as I pounded my fists on the counter. "Haha, Nightwing is, hehe, going to, hehe, tell, hahahaha, Batman!. Ohahaha." Tears beaded my eyes as I fought down gasping breaths. I kept laughing. "He's. Hehehehe. He's going. Ha, oh god, hahahaha. He's going to watch the footage."

I fell from my stool I was laughing so hard.

If it was the last thing I ever did, I would get a copy of that footage.

Then I would play it in his face every chance I got.

Or maybe post that training online. It would drive the paranoid theorists and trolls absolutely wild.

'What did this mean!? Was this an Elden Lord plot!?'

Oh god, I was dying.

I laughed for minutes straight at the images my mind conjured.

I could just imagine a 'counter-bunny PRT task force.'

At one point, Melina walked into the kitchen, took one look at Bunny-Scathach, one look at me rolling on the floor in laughter, and walked out again.

"Thank you, dear, hehe," I giggled, getting myself under control as I stood on unsteady feat. "Ha. I really needed that."

"I fail to see what is so amusing, but you are welcome," Scathach said, an almost imperceptible smile on her face.

"I have to ask. Why are you wearing that? Don't get me wrong, it looks good on you. Really good. It's just a bit odd."

I wasn't giving empty compliments. Scathach looked absolutely stunning.

It was the classic 'bunny girl' outfit.

A purple strapless bodysuit that hid nothing of her generous cleavage paired with dark nylons that emphasized her long shapely legs. On her wrists were white detached cuff links and a pair of long purple rabbit ears atop her head. To top it off, she had a large cotton ball tail drawing attention to an ass that could start wars.

The Queen of the Land of Shadows, the woman who had taken on the armies of hell single-handedly only three days ago, looked like the ultimate wet dream made real.

Which just made it funnier to me.

"This bunny girl outfit? I've always been interested in them since Artoria wore one. I had Medea make one for me," Scathach explained, looking over herself.

"Fair enough," I shrugged. I wasn't going to complain.

"It is easy to move around in," she continued. For emphasis, she raised one leg completely vertically in the air in a display of balance and flexibility.

"I'm sure it is," I said, watching her movements hungrily.

"Medea told me I should wear this to fulfill my promise to break your hips. Come on, let's go."

Without giving me any more time, Scathach turned and left the building. My eyes tracked that small fluffy tail as it swayed hypnotically in my vision.

"You mean in a fight, right?" I asked with a grin as I followed her. I hadn't heard anything about this promise, but I was a kind man. I wouldn't want her to break her word.

"That too."

Oh boy, was I in for it.

My grin was feral as we exited the Mansion and passed the orchard to a broad field where most of the Family's training and sparing was done.

Along the way, we passed the four dragons napping as the sun set, Medea (cat?) resting atop Cassandra's head and splayed out. Using his ability to remain airborne after his rise in Tier, Torrent stole fruit from the top of the trees.

I was surprised when we passed the training field and into the forest.

"Do you have somewhere specific in mind?" I asked.

"I do."

That was the only answer I received, so I focused on following that fluffy white tail as it entered the forest. After the first minute, I started to hum under my breath.

"We are young, heartache to heartache. We stand," I sang, and Scathach looked over her shoulder at me before continuing deeper while picking up speed. I followed her easily. "No promises, no demands. Love is a battlefield."

We ran through the Island, faster and faster, the trees blurring past us as I gained more and more speed.

Scathach was always in front of me, no matter how fast I moved. Always the exact distance away from me.

Even now, before any fighting had begun, she was challenging me.

We broke not a branch, disturbed not a leaf, and left no print in the ground.

Our skill was such that the only mark of our passage was the wind passing through the trees.

The only sound was my singing, my voice even and unruffled as I chased her.

I finished Pat Benatar's 'Love is a Battlefield' and was halfway through Bonnie Tyler's 'I Need a Hero' when we reached the destination.

It wasn't anywhere special, just the foothills of the mountain range that cut off the southern tip of the Island, where we lived, from the rest of the enormous subcontinent. Once we crossed the first peak, we'd leave the bounded field I had set up to protect the Mansion from the more... esoteric animals.

We weren't going that far, though.

No sooner had we burst from the dense woods into an open area did Scathach whirl on me.

"Up where the mountains meet the heavens above, out where the lightning split- Oof."

The kick took me in the side, sending me flying end over end.

I crashed through three trees and came to an abrupt halt as my body slammed into a stony cliff side, cratering it.

"Ow." I deadpanned at the woman from my place upside down in the stone cliff. "That was rude. You gotta let a man finish. You'll scare him off if you're too rough from the start."

"This bunny kicks hard," she smirked at me instead of explaining further.

"No shit," I snarked as I righted myself, stood back up, and stretched.

I was dirty but completely uninjured.

I didn't have any sort of healing factor like in the comics.

I just had Miracles and infinite power to fuel them.

Baring Artoria with Avalon, I was hands down the toughest of the Family.

"Good, good," she nodded at my posture change as I readied myself for the fight of my life.

Or my hips.

I'd see how it goes.

"See how this bunny gets serious," Scathach cried as she lunged at me. "Hop."

"That is violently adorable," I deadpanned once more as she lunged at me with her 'war cry.'

As cute as she was, the Celt's fist moved with enough speed that it could have taken off my head if I didn't dodge out of the way.

I tilted my head as I spun, the dislocated air from her fist blowing my hair back. I grabbed her outstretched arm in the same fluid motion and flung her over my shoulder to the ground.

"Toh," she grunted as her back hit the earth. Hard.

"The bunny may kick hard," I said, leaning over her prone form. "But it's wabbit season. Hehehehe." I did my best Elmer Fud as I allowed her to rise to her feet.

"Hehe... I'm going to enjoy this." Scathach's smile was euphoric as she stared at me, but her eyes were searching. Hungry. Violent.

"Hop to it then," I smirked, my gaze just as hungry.

I was a coward. There were no two ways about it. I liked to set things up to my advantage as much as possible.

But, as a product of my centuries of fighting and conflict, I had learned to love a good fight. Maybe not to the same degree as Scathach, but I still found joy in the bloodshed and the violence.

The careful positioning of Ornstein and Smough.

The long moments of inactivity are followed by the clash of blades with Sir Alonne.

The sheer breadth of skills Gael had accumulated for millennium.

The mind-numbing exhaustion of days besieging Radahn.

With no books, only rare conversations, and no other form of entertainment, my mind had adapted.

The clash of blades, spells, fists, and wits was my only stimulation for centuries.

I found joy in it.

One just needed to ask Ranni or Melina how I acted in the Lands Between. Knowing I would return from any death, I had gotten a bit... wild.

"Hop," Scathach said, hopping forward to blast me with a flurry of punches and kicks.

More than that.




No longer caught by surprise, I stood with my feet firmly planted as I blocked, parried, deflected, or weaved.

Scathach was faster than me and physically stronger as well.

Servants were bullshit like that.

But every blow she landed was healed in an eye blink.

So long as I was not defeated decisively in one blow, I would never lose.

It was a shame that comic worlds were full of people who could do that.

Ironically, I was Hoarah Loux in this situation. Scathach played the role of my past self, hopping, kicking, punching, and trying to wear me down while I turtled up and waited for an opening.

"Come on, come on!" Scathach cried, her voice brimming with wild joy as she leaped over my head to try and kick my back. I couldn't dodge, so I hardened my flesh with pyromancy. My feet remained planted thanks to Beast Claws piercing the floor.

Her foot met my spine with the strength to shatter mountains.

I stood unmoving.

But this blow triggered my trap, and the incantation activated.

A blast of golden light burst from me in a torrent.

"Wah!" Scathach yelped as the Law of Causality blasted her away and into the cliffside.

Yoruichi was faster than me.

Raven was now just as powerful as I.

Scathach was more skilled.

Artoria was tougher.

Ranni was a genuine Goddess with Authority to match her status.

Diana was all around a monster.

Thinking I could defeat any of them while wearing my meat suit was a folly of the highest order.

Even now, Scathach only moved at a fraction of her top speed.

In a strait on fight with most of my Family, I would lose. Badly.

In a battle to the death?

I was undefeatable.

Because I cheated.

I chased after my wife as she flew through the air. I was there to give her what she wanted when she crashed.

I kissed her. Roughly. Passionately.

Then I dodged a blood-red spear ready to pierce my throat.

Another spear fell from the sky to impale the spot I had just vacated.

Then another.

And another.

Dozens of spears rained down on me, every one of them aiming to take my life.

I dodged, wove, and flipped away from the prone Celt as she rose to her feet, twin spears in her hands.

"I've played around too much," Scathach smirked, knees bending. "It is time I fulfilled my promise." Her eyes were alight with lust and battle lust.

"Any chance I can convince you to let me grab a mattress?" I asked as I conjured the Dancer's Twinblades to my hand. I didn't bother with armour. Against Scathach, it would only slow me down. "I'm worried about chafing."

"No. Show this bunny your strength!" Midspeach, she lunged. Twice as fast as before, I barely had time to deflect the spears as they lanced for my chest. They whirled, spinning blades of death, thirsty for my blood.

The following few seconds were a blur as our weapons clashed hundreds of times. Her weapons were everywhere, searching and probing the slightest opening. She fought in a zig-zag of starts and stops, abrupt shifts in momentum meant to disrupt and disorient lesser opponents.

Every twelve blows of hers were met with one of mine.

I had chosen my weapons just for this.

The fluid, curved nature of the two swords fitted this type of defensive battle perfectly. Like a stream flowing down a mountain, my blades moved in a steady but intractable rhythm as they deflected every one of her thrusts.

In five seconds of clashing, I had received hundreds of tiny wounds along my arms and legs but no real damage to my torso or head. Every wound closed as soon as it opened.

And I was gaining speed.

My 'one move,' my dance of blades, the constant and uninterrupted flow of my swords, was gaining more and more momentum.

I was pulling her in, sacrificing pointless wounds for decisive advantage.

The Queen of the Land of Shadows knew it too.

So she changed the dynamic.

"Bunny Strike!" She cried, jumping backwards and forwards again, gaining momentum as she descended on me from above.

Man, she was having way too much fun with this.

My blades met her spears again, deflecting them to the sides as they continued their dance.

That was my mistake.

Scathach released her spears, the loss of opposing force enough to stagger me for less than an instant.

It was enough.

She landed at my feet and thrust upward with two new spears.

The barbed weapons pierced my unprotected stomach, bursting out of my back in a shower of blood.

The strength of her blow lifted me from my feet and slammed me into the ground, spears pinning me in place.

Well used to pain as I was, I barely felt their presence as more than an inconvenience to my movement.

In a move that would have made any stripper jealous, she twirled on her spear and landed groin first on my face.

Her leotard was soaking.

"This is what happens when you attack a cute, innocent bunny," Scathach declared as she reached down and pulled her bodysuit to the side, exposing her weeping slit. Her nylons were still in the way, but my teeth tore through them quickly. "I shall introduce you to the friendship of the thighs."

I mumbled something along the lines of it being the guy's job to do the impaling, but she ground her naked cunt along my face, and I got to work.

Digging in, I licked, sucked, probed and consumed the incredible snatch.

My hands were not idle, caressing along her incredible, nylon-clad legs before coming to rest at the stupendous ass above my head.

"Rubbing a bunny's foot is good luck. Hop," Scathach said, bouncing her ass for me, though making my tongue work more difficult. "Luck is important, you know? Hop hop."

On her last 'hop,' my hand smacked her ass, stopping her bouncing and allowing me to work in peace.

You don't interrupt Beethoven when he is composing!

"Ah," Scacthach gasped as I lightly grazed her clit with my teeth. "Mmm, hop... no, never mind." She made to bounce once more, but my hand crashed into her jiggling cheeks.

As she shivered and shuddered under the work of my tongue, she took the time to lean forward.

Not to pull the spears from my gut but to tear my shirt from my body.

What did my wives have against my awful shirts?

I kept making her hum and groan as she reached down further and annihilated my shorts and underwear, leaving me nude.

I'd have made a joke about my 'spear,' but my mouth was otherwise occupied.

I didn't mind performing cunnilingus. In fact, I even enjoyed it, but being trapped and submissive was a turnoff.

It was time to switch things up.

Like all my greatest victories, success would come from the element of surprise.

"Mmmmmnnnnn," Scathach groaned as my tongue extended to her G-spot as I released the tiniest bit of control of my human form to extend the appendage.

That was the distraction.

My actual attack was my hand, wiggling under her bodysuit and tearing another hole in the nylons.

"Ahhh," Scathach came with a cry as my thumb breached her defenceless ass.

The vice-like grip her thighs held on my head loosened.

One hand tore the spears out of my gut in a spray of blood, but the wounds healed instantly.

The other wrapped around the queen, holding her in place as I rose.

"Grrrh." I slammed the dazed Celt against a tree, pinning her for long enough for me to wrap my arms under her thighs, behind her shoulders, and meeting to clasp behind her head.

In less than a second, I went from pinned to the ground to trapping Scathach in a full nelson.

"Bunnys don't talk," I growled in her ear as I lined myself up. "They breed!"

I impaled her.

"Grk!" She grunted as my cock speared her.

"Hop," I said sarcastically, bouncing her on my dick. "Hop. Hop." I slammed my hips forward with every hop, carving deeper into her core.

This position was suboptimal for depth, speed, or positioning and was almost impossible to do with only human limits without injuring one party or the other.

It was perfect for controlling an uppity bunny.

I gritted my teeth as I carried her forward, every movement accompanied by another bounce. Concentrating on the rhythm was difficult enough when I was just fucking her, but the Celt was easily the most experienced woman in my Family when it came to sexual matters. Even if her body was locked in place, her velvet walls' undulation, contractions, and grip were working overtime to milk an orgasm out of me.

All while she fought to free herself.

I could contend with her B-rank strength, one thousand times the peak of humanity, thanks to my magic and the leverage I held over her.

Focusing on holding her down, along with everything else, was exhausting.

To distract her, I slammed my wife into a nearby tree head first.

"Ugh!" Scathach grunted, her breasts finally bouncing free from her leotard after a violent thrust pushed her along the tree's rough bark. "You fool! My outfit!"

"Don't worry about it," I barked, teeth gritted as her muscles flexed and fought for freedom. "Medea doesn't do shotty work."

"Hah, hah," she panted. Pressing her against the tree allowed me to speed up, her cotton tail tickling my waist as I pounded her. "Urk." Whenever I thought she was getting too comfortable, I slammed her into the tree again.

Scathach loved this.

The fight.

The violence.

The display of power and strength.

The pain did nothing to her but egg her on, fighting for purchase and position.

She wasn't masochistic or sadistic.

She just loved the battle.


Scathach screamed her second orgasm as I slammed her hard enough against the tree to shatter its trunk.

"RAAGH!" The tree fell away as I road my release, slamming into her, unloading shot after shot of boiling cum deep in the bunny's hungry cunt.

I should have been more careful. I had trapped the lancer's arms and legs but not her hands.

Scathach was no blushing virgin, no submissive woman, and not one to lose easily.

Even as I rode my orgasm and she was still in the throes of hers, the Queen of the Land of Shadows was launching her next offensive.

"Watch this bunny's runes!" Scathach declared, her insides still quivering from her orgasm as she carved a glowing rune in the air.

The wood of the fallen tree sprung to life, winding like snakes to bind my feet and crawl up my body.

Shuddering and still cumming, I could not stop the wood from yanking me to the ground, winding around my arms to free the Celt from my hold.

Scathach rode me to the ground, my dick never leaving the warm, wet embrace of her cunt.

It was seamless and effortless.

This woman had taught Cu Chullain runes well enough that he could qualify as a Caster class servant.

"The bunny knows all," she smirked down at me challengingly. "You have a long way to come before you're worthy to defeat this bunny... Hooop." She bounced, slow and sensually, along my still-sensitive dick. Her freed breasts wobbled in time with the fake ears on her head.

It was a sight to set one's lust aflame.

My mind went cold.

While I wasn't the least bit submissive, I didn't need to be completely dominant in bed. Mutual pleasure or a back-and-forth was fine for me as well.

Getting smothered by thick thighs while giving oral sounded like a great time in bed.

Cowgirl riding me? Yes, please.

But being tied up? Bound? Trapped?

I fought down nausea.

This was the difference between Diana and me.

The sight before me was one of the hottest things I could imagine. A bunny girl Scathach was hopping on my dick like a pogo stick. Her every bounce getting harder and faster.

Soon she really would break my hips.

It was only Sticky Fingers that prevented me from softening inside of her core.

Blood-red eyes stared down at me.






The bunny knows all.


In a surge, I Freed myself from my cage of wood, sitting upward and slamming my head against hers in a brutal headbutt.

"I told you," I growled, one hand grabbing her long hair and yanking her head back.

"Ah!" She gasped as I mauled her left breast roughly, teeth biting down on her engorged nipple.

I had been going easy on her.

She didn't want that.


Time to break her.

In my meat suit, I would lose 10 out of 10 times against Scathach in a battle.

I trailed my tongue along her breasts, lighting up every inch of skin I touched with pleasure and pain. Her nerves were on fire as my tongue and dick branded themselves deep into her mind.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Scathach screamed her third orgasm of the day.

And screamed.

And screamed.

After three minutes of stimulation, I withdrew my tongue from her skin but kept myself sheathed in her spasming and twitching cunt.

"I told you," I repeated as blood-red eyes stared up at me vacantly.

Drool dribbled out the corner of her mouth.

Her breasts rose and fell rapidly as she desperately gasped for breath.

"Bunnys don't talk. They breed!"

Her eyes refocused, alight with joy and challenge.

Her mouth curved into a taunting smirk.

"Then breed this bunny."

Scathact screamed again.

Even if I might lose to her in battle.

In bed, I was undefeatable.

I might never be able to give Scathach the death she wanted, but I could kill her in other ways.

ReadingDangerously ReadingDangerously

Fun fact, most of Schatach's dialogue in this chapter is her cannon dialogue in her Piercing Bunny outfit.

God, do I love FGO.

This will be the last smut chapter for a while. Next week we'll be back to your regular scheduled chapters. I had planned one more initially, but then I got sick and then wrote the 7k monster, so I'll save the fourth one I had planned for later.

I am so hyped for what is to come.

Part 3 will be different than the first two parts, but it will be absolutely necessary to set up the end of Volume 2 and the entirety of Volume 3.

I'll see you all next week for Probation 1.

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