Camara PoV
"Is lunch always like that here?"
Cici was cleaning off her fingers as she strolled beside me, the larger Bullkin walking slowly as she gave herself a moment to digest; behind us, Annie was still seated and talking to her sister, who was currently dealing with Aka since Mama had been pulled aside by both Dama and Aunt Sari.
Seeing Aunt Renna just sitting there with a fluffy eared kit stuck to her tit was certainly one that got all of us futanari hard and ready to provide her some of our own 'milk', but for now I was more excited to go back to carving this statue instead, especially since I felt like I had hit my groove earlier.
"Tasty, abundant and filled with warmth? Yes, yes it is."
I flashed a smile at Cici before stopping in front of the statue, appraising the work we had done so far; like Mama had pointed out before, the base of it was almost done including the lake itself, and then there was the legs of the Goddess that had already been carved.
Funnily enough Annie had decided that we were going to utilize a nude model to carve the statue, and so a flaccid penis was in the process of being carved into the wood, and one that was apparently going to be modeled after Aethisia's as soon as the children were inside and away from our eyes.
"If by warmth you mean an underlying current of lust and desire being vaguely hidden, then... yeah, that's what I was getting from that. The food was excellent as well, and that was just a rather 'bland' meal considering it was sandwiches. Makes me excited for tonight!"
That was accompanied by a firm smack as she pulled me towards the other side of the statue, using the thick wood to hide us as she kissed me hard and slaked her thirst before we needed to start yet again.
Both of her hands grabbed at my ass as she lifted me upwards slightly, allowing her better access to my lips as her tongue invaded my mouth to give her a good taste of me, one that she enjoyed even more when I sucked on her tongue and threw my arms around her neck.
For a few seconds she kissed me deeply, savoring this moment only to reluctantly release me as she realized how close we were getting to taking another step forwards, which would definitely not go over well with Dama.
"And I'm assuming that the after meal service is usually more than just this..? It's a shame we need to get right back to work..."
She licked her lips and looked me up and down before leaning close to whisper "You're absolutely perfect for what I want in a futanari, Camara... Annie likes her partners having a bit more meat on their bones, but I personally look for attitude and overall 'feel' of my partners."
Her hands found their way back to my body as she ran them down from my back towards my hips, tracing my subtle curves and doing the same thing that Aethisia did; try to convince me that they really did prefer me over someone with more curves like Mama or Aunt Renna.
I didn't really care, but always having them comfort me was amusing to say the least, and even more so since it always led to an odd type of sex that was both passionate and way too gentle usually.
We shared another kiss before going back to the work we had at hand, and we needed to wait a few minutes more before Annie made her way over to rejoin us and help finalize the carving; Aethisia came over a minute or two after that from inside, the raspberry scent wafting off of her making it abundantly clear what she had just been doing.
Renna PoV
I watched Camara and Cici walk off before turning back towards my sister, raising a brow as I asked "Are you not going to join them? You still have quite a bit of work to do, do you not?", to which she replied "I also need to spend some time with my oh so busy and Noble sister who hasn't deigned to visit me all that often."
That made me sigh as I stared at her pointedly, though the target of her attention now was the kit sitting on my lap and nuzzling against my chest, her lips firmly locked around my nipple as she drank and drank to her tiny heart's content.
"And this right here is what I'm talking about, Renna... here I was thinking the first time I ever see you breastfeeding it would be a child born from you, and yet you apparently were never even able to conceive?"
"Bringing that up now won't change anything, Annie. Besides, like you said, I was oh so busy with my Noble duties; y'know, managing a large swathe of this city, dealing with the reports at the border, ensuring peace and tranquility within our walls. At the time having a child wasn't exactly something I felt needed to happen, so..."
My sister let out an aggravated sigh before leaning into her seat, rubbing at her temples and glaring at me for a few seconds, only to sigh once more as she said "You know that's not the point, Renna, and you're just tiptoeing around it..."
I smiled at her and said nothing, instead stroking the soft, fluffy ears of the kit suckling from my tit and placing my other hand on my stomach, which was already beginning to round itself out as Astra's baby grew slowly inside of me.
"Whatever... just stop being a damn no show and come around to visit ever once in awhile, Renna! Especially after you convinced us to go ahead and get going already..."
We both peeked over at the now 'hidden' Cici, who was - according to Astra - pregnant currently, while Annie was trying to get pregnant these last few days; the two futanari were most definitely trying, if I knew my sister as well as I thought I did...
"Are you going to be able to handle two or more children at the same time?"
She just gave me a slightly tired smile at that, and I looked back down at Aka and prayed that the 'worst' trait of my baby was an avaricious lust for milk; I could provide that easily enough, and it would definitely be easier to deal with than anything else.