Astra PoV
Just like how Renna was unaware of me getting my guts rearranged by a gigantic divine cock, I was unaware that the woman I had believed to be rather 'chaste' was currently letting her pussy get railed hard as she gave herself up completely to her lust, taking creampie after creampie as Magistrate Fenkar 'raped' her for her own pleasure.
That being said, I was barely aware of myself as Lycaniata rampaged around inside my pussy, her penis lodged inside my womb and making a mess of my deepest spots as she railed me just like how Renna was getting railed inside.
The difference was that I was taking what felt like an entire arm into my pussy before being knotted and ballooned up with cum as Lycaniata came, while Renna was still managing a 'normal' sized penis, albeit a high quality one.
At first, when I had felt Lycaniata breach my cervix and start fucking me as deep as she was, I panicked and tried to pull away from her - even though it was impossible since she was holding my arms and plunging her dick down inside my pussy as she crouched behind my prone body - only to succumb to pleasure as I was plunged into perpetual orgasms.
Even though my mind was torn between enough worry to almost make me sick and such pleasure that I was fine with what was happening, Lycaniata still managed to soothe me as she submerged my womb in a palpable heat that made me feel safe, even as she kept fucking me as hard as she wanted to.
By the time she submerged her knot between my lower lips, I was a drooling, stupid mess of a woman that could only moan happily when a penis was presented to her, and Lycaniata made use of that as she planted her seed inside me and got me pregnant with a fifth baby.
All of a sudden, I had gone from a Lamia egg and an Orc fetus to having three different Wolfkin pups ready to begin growing inside my womb, occupying me to the fullest and making future me have a really interesting problem that I wasn't sure I would be 'happy' dealing with.
How big would my belly be when I had FIVE babies growing inside of me?!
It was a bit of a conundrum, but as I went through the process of being seeded five separate times in barely a week, I was even feeling like adding another five babies to my womb as Lycaniata squeezed out all of her sperm using my pussy, dumping all of it inside my womb and getting me pregnant with ease as she made liberal use of my mortal body.
Unlike Luna or Magistrate Fenkar, when she finished cumming inside of me Lycaniata pulled out without any further play, though she did drape her cock over my ass as she kept leaking her thick seed onto my back.
"Fucking hells that was great... even better than some of the Goddesses I've fucked! Who woulda thought some mortal would have a pussy better than some divine pieces of ass? Definitely worthy of carrying my genes to another generation..."
Getting up, Lycaniata left me on the grass and made her way over to Luna, waking the Wolfkin up and speaking to her as she promptly began to ignore me after fucking me like that, not caring at all that she had impregnated me.
She didn't give me any sort of care at all after shooting her load into my womb, nor did she make sure I was okay after she rearranged my womb like she had; instead, she went over to Luna and started chatting about something, until eventually she disappeared from the clearing altogether, leaving Luna and I alone.
Unlike the Goddess, Luna came over to me and made sure I was okay, and after pulling me up she held me close as she stared pointedly at my belly, her brown eyes narrowed as she pursed her lips and thought about what had happened.
Before I could even speak, Luna placed a finger over my lips and said "You're the Mother of my child now, Astra. Nothing will change that, so... let me have the honor of being able to help raise our pup? I know this was rather sudden, but... will you be my mate?"
I blinked a few times before Luna reached for my belly, stroking the bloated surface and nodding to herself as she muttered "I wanted to say that for a little while now, but after you got pregnant from my Dama, I... kinda gave up on it... though it's only been what, a few hours since then?"
She gave me a wry smile and shrugged as she caressed my body, before leaning closer and whispering "Also... when Lycaniata forced me into heat, I gave you... well, all sorts of marks; the mark of a bitch, the mark of a 'friend', and the mark... you give to your wife or wives..."
That made me shiver slightly, and Luna noticed that as she nodded, though she immediately said "Since you aren't a Wolfkin they aren't permanent, but they are... long lasting. A month or so, considering she made me gnaw on your neck when we were mating... But I promise to do everything I can to-!"
Before she could finish, I just kissed her hard and quieted her as I reverted to the easiest way to deal with this gigantic influx of information and what had happened; I mounted her lap and began to ride her cock as I sought the blissful peace of orgasms over thinking about how I was going to explain this to everyone back home.
How I was going to tell Rhefia and Sari that I had once more breached their trust, not once, not twice, but thrice as I became pregnant with three Wolfkin babies, or how I was going to explain that the Dama of one of those pups was a Goddess, or how one of the Dama's wanted to take ALL responsibility for knocking me up and wanted to become my wife.
Wanted me to be her wife so that our pup could have both parents present all the time, and considering she pushed me down and started fucking me instead of the opposite, I assumed she wanted to eventually make the number of children we had together grow...