"You..! You cheeky..! Mm~!"
Glaring at me as best she could, Camara moaned softly as I entered her womb once more and began to pump my hips forwards, taking her slowly and going as deep as I could as I stared down at her, admiring her face and enjoying just how beautiful she was.
"What~? Can't speak~?"
Smirking at my mate, I caressed her cheek and brushed a strand of her hair away, loving the way her face heated up from that simple action whilst also very much enjoying how she had tightened up considerably as I basked in her womb.
"S-Stop being smart with me!"
I just chuckled at that, which only made her pout even more as she tried to resist the pleasure, something that was clearly a losing battle as she moaned again despite me not moving at all.
"Maybe we should start talking about us; me, you, Melia... baby number two..."
I trailed my hand down her body and gently stroked her stomach, the soft, almost unnoticeable abs that formed minute divots in her body creating a nice texture as I emphasized my last words, causing her blush to deepen while her eyes softened even more.
"What... about us, Aethisia..? Because before you say anything... I want to make it clear that I am NOT going to be leaving Mama's side... and I don't want our babies to either..."
Her resolve hardened her eyes instantly, those muddy crimson orbs letting me know this was something that was set in stone and never going to be changed, and it was something that made me smile wryly as I leaned down and kissed her, giving her part of my answer that way.
"I know that, Camara... I don't want to leave Mother alone either, for a few different reasons... no, what I wanted to know was what you're thoughts were on how we should raise Melia..."
"Your timing for these things..."
Letting out an exasperated sigh, Camara shook her head and gave me a wry smile back as I shrugged my shoulders, replying "It just pops into mind and I would rather ask now before I forget about it...", which only made her roll her eyes as she muttered "You weren't that forgetful before..."
"Before I didn't need to worry about having a child that will be relying on me, nor did I need to worry about my gorgeous sister being unable to protect herself... back then, I just got to spend my time doing whatever I wanted whenever I wanted..."
"And you don't now..?"
It was my turn to roll my eyes at that, and just to prove a point to her I sat up and grabbed her by her waist, causing her to raise a brow before she suddenly found herself staring down at the bedsheets, her ass now raised and pointed at me instead of being on the bed itself.
"Well... I can still do whatever I want, yes, but you know what I mean... but fine, we can wait~! That just means I can go even harder since you don't need to speak, right..?"
Kissing her cheek, I grinned at my sister as I sank my fingers into her supple ass and began to move forwards at a slower speed, but I was gradually increasing the pace as I dug into her womb and turned her into a moaning mess.
While her stomach certainly didn't show her strength, her shoulders and back most definitely did, and looking down at how each cluster of muscles intertwined wit each movement she made was rather enrapturing, even more so since I had learned I could 'control' them somewhat with how I moved...
Not only was I able to make her ass ripple with each thrust, but I could also cause her upper back to shift and move as I thrust forwards, allowing me to admire the artistry of her body in many different ways, all while I got to enjoy the pleasure of her pussy to the fullest.
No longer did I need to worry about being careful of our baby inside her womb; instead, I could freely and openly crash into it and enjoy the ecstasy I felt as I pounded her from behind, my hips smacking into her supple ass...
All of it was available to me now, and that was perfect; obviously I had indulged in thicker, plumper bodies, and I had also taken a few different races as well, but still... there was something comforting, something blissful about Camara's petite curves that competed directly with Mother's inside my mind... her curves sometimes even felt better, though trying to say that sex with her was better than with Mother was...
Shaking my head, I swung my hips as hard as I could and tried to hold in my ejaculation, but each time I buried my cock into her womb I could feel myself getting closer to cumming, and each time she moaned my name into the bed I just knew that I had to empty my balls inside her completely.
It was just a need I had at this moment, and the idea of shooting all of my fertile sperm into her equally fertile womb to seek out her eggs made me even hornier, so I had no problem slamming myself forwards and burying myself to the root inside her, preparing to cum.
Just to assure that she was experiencing the same bliss I was, I leaned over her and slid one of my hands around her body and down towards her cock, which had been bouncing around freely with each time I slammed into her ass.
Merely tapping it was almost enough to make her ejaculate, so I wasn't surprised to hear her gasping for air as I wrapped my fingers around her shaft and jerked downwards, the Deerkin I had come to love so much shuddering as she started staining the bed below us with her cum.
She tightened up around my own cock and began to milk me, making me groan into her ears as I started to cum with her, my seed streaming out of my penis and flooding her womb completely, leaving the two of us in ecstatic bliss.
A bliss that was matched by Kalia and Inik nearby, the two of them lost in their own throes of lust as the Hawkkin reared back and shot her cum deep into the Dark Elf, fertilizing her even more with an arrogant grin on her face as she stared down at Kalia's smooth grey skin.