Kalia PoV
Watching as Mama walked away with the tall, ravishing and handsome Orc, I smiled wryly as I felt myself become a little curious about what it would be like to be embraced by a woman like that, my inclinations similar enough to Mama considering the two of us were appraising the woman the entire ride here.
"Just us now, huh?"
Ruffling the fluffy neck of the Geri, I chuckled as it licked my cheek and nodded its large head, the giant monster displaying none of the ferocity that it had during the Winter, back when Mama had first tamed it.
I took a look around and sighed, wondering where I should begin my search before deciding to get the Geri into a stable first, my eyes landing on the wooden barn that stood besides the large auction hall.
Guiding the Geri over, I talked quickly with the owner of the stable and got the Geri into one of the vacant stalls, watching in amusement as it instantly plopped down atop the hay and fell asleep.
I ignored the stablehand that ogled me from behind, or the way the owner had tried to insinuate that instead of a single Gold for the day, there was 'other methods' available for payment; any other time, I might have been tempted to suck the Deerkin's cock for a free stall, or let the Dogkin stablehand have a go at me inside the stall with the Geri, but right now...
I wasn't really horny for anyone besides Mama and Dama these days, and of course...
My cheeks darkened as I stepped out of the stables, my eyes landing on the auction house as I wondered if I would find her today or not, before wondering why my heart ached at the idea of not seeing her.
Just thinking her name was enough to make my thighs slick with lust, whilst my heart throbbed in my chest at the idea of being in the same area of her again, breathing in her scent as she held me close in her muscular arms, telling me I was safe from everyone else in the world besides her...
Similar to how Aunt Sari promised Mama protection from harm, and yet it was she who had caused Mama the most harm through the beatings and borderline rape she committed each time they got together...
It was far too similar, and I wondered if that was what Mama felt even though from the outside looking in, it appeared far too terrible of a thing; being hit so hard that a mark is left, being demeaned and broken as someone uses you as a personal hole to cum.
Knowing that your partner really was keeping you safe even as they 'raped' you for their own pleasure, knowing that if you said one word, they would stop and pamper you until you felt ready again; was that not... was that not what made Mama love Aunt Sari so much?
Was that not why I was so... so...
Shaking my head, I approached the auction house and opened the door, heading inside from the front - where the public was allowed - and taking a look around, finding a giant auditorium lined with row after row of seats surrounding a large stage.
On either side of me, hallways led into the perimeter of the building, and signs were put up saying there was no auction until later today, but that the stores built into the auction house were opened on either side of the building.
Looking to the left, I began to walk down that hallway, ignoring the various gazes that landed on my juicy breasts or curvaceous ass as I walked, the gazes feeling like nothing compared to the heat in Dama Rhefia's eyes when she played with me, or the arrogant superiority that Aethisia sometimes had when she was fucking Camara and I at the same time.
I had worn this dress because I was confident and proud of my body, just like how Mama usually enjoyed wearing things that flaunted her perfect, lustful curves; we were proud of it, and wanted people to see it, but we were also certain we had the ability to decline the people who wanted us, and had the ability to make that a firm no...
After looking at a few of the stores, I paused as I found one that might have a better idea on where Inik was, one that seemed to be something she specialized in: slaves.
There was a store inside the auction hall dedicated to those who had sold themselves into contractual servitude, and it was a place where someone could buy that contract for a set amount of time, granting them 'ownership' of that person until their claim over the contract expired.
If I recall Dama's explanation correctly, anyways; for some reason, she knew a lot about slavery compared to Dama Rhefia...
Stepping into the store, I was immediately met with the sight of two women kneeling in front of a futanari, their tongues lapping eagerly at her thick cock as they pleasured her; it was another Aviankin of some kind, her wings folded neatly behind her back whilst her taloned feet threatened to dig into the hardwood.
The two slaves - a pair of Rabbitkin - continued to suck on the Aviankin's cock even as she looked towards me, her loose expression of lust deepening as she raked her eyes over my body, eventually just staring at my tits as she asked "How can I help ya, Miss~? Lookin' for somethin'? Someone? Need a job done?"
"Yes, I was hoping you might know where one of your coworkers might be? Her name is Inik."
The Aviankin frowned at that, standing up fully and pulling away from the two Rabbitkin, who whined at the loss of their succulent cock.
Stepping forwards, she stopped a foot from me and looked me up and down again, before narrowing her eyes as she stared at my face, eventually smirking as she asked "You're that Dark Elf she's been so proud about, huh? The one she's been braggin' about to the rest of us..."
My cheeks darkened as I blushed, but I nodded, only to frown as the futanari sneered at me, her eyes unfriendly.
"And why should I do anything to help that annoying bitch Inik? In fact... Yeah, I know where she's at, and since I'm the only one workin' today, I'm your best bet. So... how bout you give me some proper 'payment', and I'll tell you where she's at~?"
Her sneer turned into a lustful grin as she reached forwards, aiming to grab my breast and grope me, but as she began to move, I reached for the wand on my belt and pressed it against her arm, causing her to stop.
"I never said you can touch me."
My voice was flat since her fingers were a few inches away from my chest, and I held back a sneer as I stared at her, watching as her eyes narrowed some more as she stared back.
"Tell me where Inik is, or I'll make you lose that hand."
Silence fell inside the store, with the two Rabbitkin hugging as they stared at me in fear, whilst the Aviankin maintained eye contact with me, her grey eyes unreadable.
When someone grabbed my butt though, I turned and raised my wand again, only to have my arm caught as they pinned me with a simple move, something that made my heart skip a beat as I wondered if I would need to reveal my ability to use the Weave, but...
The unfurled red wings, musky citrus scent, and familiar gruff voice almost made me drop my wand, especially since her large, firm hand was still squeezing my ass so tightly.
"Well well well~! If it isn't my little Elven whore..."