"Venatra? Oh, the Goddess in charge of the weather in this quadrant of the world... Yes, I know her. She wanted you? Why?"
The golden furred Foxkin woman raised a brow at me, before smiling seductively as she crossed her arms beneath her bountiful chest and gave it a few bounces, all while she leaned forwards gave me a good look of her cleavage.
"Why do you think, Goddess~? She wants to have her way with me until her balls are empty and a baby is in my womb. Sadly for her I don't really like her like that, so I ran away. And now..."
Gesturing to the area around us, she smirked as she met my gaze again, becoming one of the very few mortals who dared to stare a Goddess in the eyes, making me reevaluate her for a brief moment.
I could understand why Venatra would want to have this Foxkin woman - she was beautiful and thick in the right places - but I couldn't understand what made this mortal so assured that she didn't like Venatra?
She was a cold, flighty Goddess, yes, but she wasn't evil or terrible; in fact, she was actually quite considerate to her friends and nice to most people, just... awkward is all.
I knew that because she visited me more often than anyone else, and the two of us always got intimate since we found it to be refreshing compared to the others.
"So... you want ME to hide you from her? What would I get from it? Why should I even do it?"
She smirked at me again, before pointing down at my crotch, causing me to look down and blink in surprise as I took in the erection I currently had, my cock throbbing and already leaking precum.
"What would you get... well, I've heard of you before, so I know you're a rather... lonely Goddess. I'll milk that cock of yours for a year straight - hells, I'll even let you get me pregnant - just as long as you keep me hidden!"
I blinked a few times, before suddenly finding the Foxkin in my arms as she launched herself at me, the woman's turquoise eyes slightly wide with fear as she hissed "I'll give you two children! Just hide me! Hide me and fuck me! She's here!"
Divine power began to draw closer to my waters, and I frowned as I became conflicted, but... as I thought of the argument I had with Venatra recently - something petty, but still an argument - and as I felt the two giant breasts pressed against my stomach, I couldn't think of saying no, so I stepped forwards and took this Foxkin into my body, shrouding her with my power and hiding her away inside my waters.
A minute later, as I stood in the middle of my river with a throbbing cock, I shrugged as I started to masturbate, only to sigh as Venatra appeared in front of me, her long snowy hair floating behind her as she landed on my waters.
Her dainty feet barely touched my surface, whilst her stormy grey skin oozed the frigid air native to the north, all while patches of ice and puffs of clouds appeared randomly around her.
"Floviatra. Have you seen a Foxkin anywhere? She took something from me..."
"Took something? A mortal did?"
I frowned and tilted my head, before shaking it as she said "The Foxkin took the Icon I gifted the people below! The tricky bitch... Now I'm losing some power, and with that monster lounging in your rivers, they're losing water. Hah... what a drag."
"Took your Icon... No, I think I would have felt something like that nearby. I mean... who comes up here?"
Despite the differing stories, I stared at Venatra cooly, deciding to let the Goddess figure this out on her own.
"Flovi, surely you're not still holding that against me? Surely not..?"
Taking a step closer, she narrowed her stormy eyes and cupped my cheek, before her big toe trailed up my erect cock, making me moan softly at the all too familiar action.
"Yes, Ven. I am still holding your missed promise against you, but I haven't seen your Icon. This and that are two different things."
She stared at me closely, before sighing and nodding, saying "Well, if you see it, let me know... I'll be roaming around the mountains in search of her now. Oh, and when I come back, how about we let loose again? Let bygones be bygones?"
My balls were caressed by her feet, before she began to stroke my length with her dainty toes, doing everything I liked as she floated in front of me, lounging on a cloud and giving me a hopeful smile.
"I... maybe in a few months, Ven. I think you understand, no? You skipped our reunion last time to go be with Avalatra, after all..."
She let out a sigh and stopped stroking my cock at that, giving me a wry look as she said "Fine, I get it. You didn't appreciate it, so... yeah, I'll give you some time, I guess... Bye, Flovi."
I watched as she left, before letting out a sigh of my own as I looked into the sky, wondering what I should do now, only to dive back into my waters and head towards my hidden home, the cavern that I had occupied inside the mountains.
Inside, I found the Foxkin wiping off her nude body, and resting on top of her wet clothes was a familiar globe of white crystal, inside of which a storm brewed; the Icon that Venatra was looking for.
Rising from the waters, I looked at the Foxkin and asked "So she wanted you to breed, but also wants you because you stole her Icon? Or were you lying?"
"Well... yes and no? She never demanded me from the people, but it was implied that when she caught me, I was going to pay her back~! And how else can a mortal pay off a Goddess?"
She just chuckled, before gasping as I appeared behind her and caressed her voluptuous butt, rubbing my penis against it as I whispered "Three children, mortal... Give me three children over three years, and I'll let you walk freely. You lied to me, so a price needs to be paid... After three years, you can leave on your own with the Icon..."
Slapping my cock against her butt, I kissed her neck and enjoyed the way she squirmed in my grasp, before reluctantly nodding, only to moan as I pushed her down and started fucking her, taking what I was promised.
For a week straight, the Foxkin screamed inside my home as I fucked her womb constantly, never leaving her tight holes for long as I injected my divine sperm into her body, getting her pregnant with my children instantly.
Children between mortals and Goddesses were latent with divine power, but they were not explicitly strong; nor were they divine from birth, but should I accept them entirely, I could make them Goddesses tied directly to me.
As such, she was pregnant for months with our first child, and when she was giving birth, Venatra returned, the Storm Goddess locating her prey by accident as she came into my home to seek out pleasure, only to find her prey giving birth to my child, all while her Icon rested nearby.
The Foxkin wasn't perturbed by this turn of events, and before I could understand what was happening, Venatra and I were taking turns cumming inside the mortals womb, filling her with sperm and knocking her up together, forcing her to carry quadruplets, two children from each of us.
She gave birth again, before getting pregnant for a third time, this time with only twins; for years, we both ignored everything else and focused on this beautiful Foxkin, unaware that each child she bore for us ensured her own goals came to fruition; a simple thing to us, but an impossible thing to mortals.
Immortality via the children she sired for us both, which she got, though... we tricked her as well, tying the Foxkin to us as a Goddess of Rain and Ponds, something she didn't expect.
Somehow, someway, we weaved together a family atop a foundation of lies, tricks, and deception that ended up lasting from when it was formed until now, where it still existed deep inside the mountains, much to the Foxkin's bemusement.
She was immortal, but she was tied to Venatra and I forever, and one of the first things we did was return the Icon that she wanted to keep for herself down to the mortals, all while we made her her own Icon and hid it within the mountains, amusing ourselves as we made her search for it as recompense for the chase she sent Venatra on.
"Wait... so she got caught? But they didn't hate her for what she did?"
Aka looked up at me in confusion, whilst Ehretia frowned, before the Doe asked "But... they made her a Goddess... and hid her power inside the mountains? So..."
I smiled wryly down at the three children, who were searching for a meaning inside the story, one that was rather hidden, but...
"Doesn't it show that mortals can't outsmart the Goddesses? Or... Or is it trying to show that even from something bad, good things can come from it?"
Ipoala gave her sisters a puzzled look as she asked that, which made the Kit and Doe blink a few times before they nodded, making me chuckle quietly as I closed the book, deciding that I needed to read these through on my own first...
That was certainly not meant for young children, despite it dancing around everything in the ending... It was quite clearly a smut story through and through!
Though... I guess it was a lesson too, though a subjective one...
Author brain rot moment where I just... wrote things that made sense and then stared at it and was like 'that... doesn't make sense?' but here we are, and I don't wanna rewrite it?
So... convoluted story about a trickster being tricked, I guess?
Dunno, festival next, I'll make sure to remove the brain rot debuff for that with some caffeine and sleep lol~!