The next morning I took Sari and Aka out into the city, spending some quality time with just the Catkin and our kit as we browsed around, all while the others busied themselves with preparing for the next market and enjoying some more downtime.
Rhefia was looking after Ehretia and Ipoala with Heila, whilst Aethisia settled in to watch as Camara began to carve out more of her statues, enjoying the embrace of Kalia as they made love beside their eldest sister.
Yiksa and Prixisia were mating wildly the last time I saw them, semen splattering the Lamia's tail as Yiksa spurted her cum inside the woman whenever she could, before bathing in the cum of Prixisia as she came.
So, our campsite was as active and diverse as ever when Sari and I left, though the Catkin was looking at me with pursed lips before sighing as she stroked Aka's back, reluctantly pushing her lust away as she realized that this wouldn't be an 'active' outing on our part.
Our goal for this outing was to take a look around the city of Birchan and browse any of the available properties for anything, be it a storefront or a house.
Either or would work, since there was a need for both currently, but a house would be far more preferable if possible.
Of course, I wasn't holding out hope that we would end the day with some property to our name, but it would at least give me an idea on just what I could get with our current funds; we were still sitting around 500 Gold despite some of our purchases, the money that we made from frivolous sex - Yiksa and I, anyways - offsetting most of any big expenditures.
Besides that, we also had far more self sustainability then most families could ever dream of, since our food was all home grown, our weapons and tools made by me, and our more basic clothing coming from me as well - if anything, clothes were the largest expenditure that we had, and that was just because something pretty would catch our eyes in a store, and we'd buy it.
We weren't a vain family, but we certainly appreciated maintaining our looks to be as good looking as we could; making yourself desirable for the others was a goal we all had since our lusts were so deep rooted into our bodies.
Anyways, with Sari and I walking hand in hand, we made our way towards the official Birchan Land Office, which dealt in all available housing, buildings, and land that the government - or any citizens that wanted an easier process - was willing to sell.
You could sell privately - and apparently a majority of the Nobility does - but for commoners and merchants, it's best to go through the BLO instead of going private, since the government offers a larger market for your property then you could get on your own.
So, we entered the office and got in line, Sari and I idly chatting about the markets and any ideas for the future as we awaited our turn with one of the receptionists, who were all dressed in ornate green and gold robes that gave them a professional air.
Of course, some couldn't help but be sensual, their breasts almost bursting out of the robes or their plump thighs straining the emerald green pants that hugged their curves.
Those that were spoke in hushed tones to their customers, smiling at them and offering sex in exchange for a larger bonus or to get a lower price; something that would benefit both them and the government, all while the customers willingly took a worse deal just for sex.
When we stepped forwards for our receptionist, Sari and I looked at the smiling bronze skinned Elf as we took a seat.
"Welcome! Are you looking to sell or buy?"
She was a beautiful woman, with a petite body that looked soft to hold, while her gentle, mature expression was soothing and reassuring as we nodded.
"Buy. We're looking for either a house or land large enough to build a house on?"
"Alright. We have a few on the market, but to be sure that this isn't a waste of time, do you have a minimum of 100 Gold that you can show us? It is basic policy here."
Sari nodded, and I reached into my cloak before 'retrieving' my coin pouch, placing it on the table and opening it up, letting her see the mound of golden coins inside.
"Good! You said a house or land, correct? Any preferences? Size, location, style, cost..?"
Sari and I looked at one another, before the Catkin said "If it's in the city, we would like something larger. We're a big family, so we need the space. District doesn't matter, nor does the style. Just something with some space. As for land, anything near one of the rivers or streams if possible? The land doesn't need to be tillable or anything, just able to be built on."
The Elf nodded at us, her dazzling amber eyes warm as she turned and ruffled through a few files, searching the dozens of papers before placing a few on the table in front of us.
"So, there are a few places inside the city available for purchase. How large of a family are we talking though? That gets a few options struck out."
"Large. It's... twelve of us now, and they're all growing or already rather tall."
Chuckling, the Elf removed a few papers and slid three forwards, tapping each as she spoke about them.
"This is the cheapest one at 300 Gold. Situated on a seventy by seventy plot of land, it's a set of connected houses on either side of the plot, leaving a large open space for grass to grow. Each house is identical, with three bedrooms and a bath in each, as well as a kitchen and a living room. Constructed from wood and stone, it sits nearby the edge of Birchan, so it's not too affected by weather, but it needs to be repaired every two or three years.
Next is the Yutra Manor at 425 Gold. A large one hundred by eighty plot, the Yutra Manor occupies some of the land inside the Garden District, so you don't need to worry about neighbors or passerby's all that often. Three stories tall and with a basement, the Yutra Manor has ten bedrooms, three baths, two kitchens and a lot of extra rooms for anything. Made with brick and mortar, Yutra Manor is incredibly stable and refined.
Finally, this is... well, it's just being thrown out there, but this is Silvergrove Estate for 675 Gold. three hundred by two fifty, it resides in the Lower Noble District. One main manor of three stories and a basement of similar size to Yutra Manor, and another smaller manor of two stories off to the side, Silvergrove offers a lot of land and housing, with a total of twenty four bedrooms, two large baths, eight smaller baths, four kitchens, and large open halls that can be used for anything. Made with a foundation of Earth Mana Stone and constructed with granite, both of the manors are incredible displays of architecture... you can see more here."
Pushing them to the side though, the Elf tapped four papers on the other side, saying "Before that, let's look at the land outside the walls. Cheaper because of the untouched land, but you'd need to pay for everything you would need yourself, so..."
Sari and I nodded, turning our attention towards the four papers.
"This is a three hundred by three hundred plot beside Potaam River valued at 300 Gold, and it's the most expensive one here. The land is fertile, the river is clean and wide, and the hills are soft and small, making it a more flat plot. The ground is stable - certified by our Earth Magicians, as are all plots - and there have been suspicions of ore resting beneath the surface, but not enough to warrant a mine.
Next is this two fifty by two hundred plot near the end of the Potaam River, valued at 265 Gold. Some taller hills here and there, the land isn't as flat as the first plot, but it's just as fertile and clean as the first. Additionally, this plot shares a border with the forest, which is to be untouched and kept standing by the Queen's orders.
Thirdly we have this two hundred by two hundred plot nestled near the base of the Yngrave Mound for 250 Gold. It's mineral rich soil isn't the best for all crops, but it's location near Yngrave Mound means it has some spiritual importance, whilst also being - again - mineral rich, with the earth beneath the mound being laden with ores. This... might be a controversial purchase though amongst the Dawn and Dusk Elves, so that's a warning...
Finally, this is a two hundred by two hundred plot located off to the west, nearby the tribal lands of the Renari Beastfolk. They are the ones selling it, so no need to worry about that. Covered in a forest, the plot is incredibly fertile, but removing the trees would be a large problem, so that's why it's a 175 Gold plot. Additionally, the Renari are able to decline your purchase if they believe you to be unworthy of it, so..."
The Elf gave us a smile and shrugged, before placing those papers off to the side.
"So, what caught your eye? If you would like a close look of the properties first, we can arrange a guide to take your through any of them."
Reaching out, I picked up three papers.
Yutra Manor, the First Plot beside the Potaam, and the Second Plot at the end of the Potaam.
"Could we take a look at these up close?"
"Of course! Return here tomorrow before noon and show any receptionist this medallion; they'll get everything sorted out for you. Sound good?"
Sari and I nodded before scanning over the papers, committing their contents to memory before shaking the hand of the Elf, who I slipped a Gold to for her troubles.
Winking at me, she clipped those three papers together before putting the others back before calling forwards the next customer.
"We have a lot to talk about back home then..."