We stared at the lavish golden gates that separated us from the Maple Glow Estate, which were shining in the early morning light.
Two guards armored in full plate mail stood on either side of the gate, large, heavy spears resting in their hands as they stared straight ahead.
I approached one of them, coughing softly before extending the golden token towards the guard, saying "Um... Pink is the favored color? We were told to come here..."
She turned to look at me, her dark brown eyes searching over my veil before they dropped to the token in my hand, nodding to herself.
"Welcome, Veiled Lady. Lady Vienna and Lady Lizbeth are waiting for you inside. Continue straight ahead to the main door and present the token to one of the servants; they'll guide you to where you need to go."
Her voice was gravelly, and she looked back towards the street after saying that, her diligence rather charming as she avoided looking towards my curvy body.
A feat that few had managed so far inside this city, so that was why I was surprised...
Rhefia walked beside me and pushed open the heavy gold gate, letting me walk in front of her before closing it gently behind her.
My wife draped her arm around my waist as we walked through the luscious pathway towards the entrance, the tiled path adorned with large maple trees that grew in a straight line.
"Sugar Maples... beautiful trees, and rather expensive too. Their sap can be made into a sweet, savory syrup, and each small bottle - probably around a cup of it - is easily worth a few Gold. And they make sap year round down here... I imagine they have a magic gardener to take care of them as well - someone like Kalia."
I stared at the beautiful red leaved trees, which were triple Rhefia's height, and nodded, each tree emitting a sweet, soothing scent.
As for the mansion itself, it was made from warm, reddish brown wood and had a dark grey stone foundation, while the large windows allowed light to seep into the interior.
The doors were around ten feet tall and emblazoned with a maple tree, and Rhefia took a deep breath before pushing them open as well.
What greeted us was... unexpected, but at the same time expected based on the description we were given of Lady Vienna.
A muscular, smirking Boarkin slammed her hips into the ass of a voluptuous Cowkin maid, the wet slaps of her pounding into the woman's drenched and semen filled cunt echoing around the large entrance hall, all while another Boarkin woman watched from around the corner, her cheeks dark.
Lady Vienna turned and grinned at us, her heavy balls clenching as she started to cum inside her maid as she said "Oh~ Welcome, Veiled Lady! Miss Rhefia~! Excuse Bonnie here; she was just shaking this ass around and tempting me to breed her for a few minutes, so I obliged... Mm~!"
She trailed off as semen spurted out of the Cowkin's plump pussy, splattering the floor with large puddles of creamy white sperm.
The Master of the house pulled her cock free from the Cowkin Maid, and I shivered as I saw the corkscrew like tip that she had, similar to Ola back in Fareki Village.
Bonnie dropped to her knees instantly, gulping down her Master's cock as she began to finger her greedy pussy, pushing the semen back up into her cunt like she was desperate to guarantee her impregnation.
Moaning softly as she was throated by her maid, Lady Vienna smirked at us before shouting "Lizbeth! Come meet our guests!"
The Boarkin that was 'hiding' behind the corner scurried out, her giant chest bouncing as she rushed over to her wife, who pulled her in for a deep kiss after spanking her ass.
Lizbeth was a short, voluptuous woman with long black hair adorned with pearls, and her flowing white dress looked expensive; however, despite her display of wealth, she didn't look tacky, but instead elegant and refined.
Not too much gaudiness, but just enough to let you know she was rich and important.
As for Vienna, she wore a black suit that hugged her muscular frame, while her two tusks were engraved and inlaid with gold, likely symbolizing something - rank or perhaps personal achievement - while her laid back, slightly arrogant smile made her approachable but also intimidating to a certain degree.
All in all, the two Boarkin Nobles were gorgeous women, and they both seemed rather... openly lustful, as Vienna rested her hand on her maid's head and blew her load again, while Lizbeth moaned as her wife kissed her deeply.
Rhefia and I waited for them to finish up, and that took a few moments as Vienna savored her ejaculation.
When she finally pulled out and had Bonnie clothe her, Lady Vienna ran her hand through her slick brown hair and smirked at us, saying "Sorry about that... It's been a good few days business wise, you see? Made a bit of coin, secured some good friends... A lot to be excited about. Come. We'll talk business first, then pleasure. And I plan on taking my time with the pleasure..."
She raked her eyes over my figure, and I felt my womb clench as her cock hardened in her pants, presenting quite the bulge for me to drool over...
As for Rhefia, she watched as Lizbeth licked her lips and puffed her chest out, her flirtatious smile making my wife smirk back at the woman.
It would seem that we were going to have an excellent time with these Nobles, and considering the state of the Cowkin maid sitting on the floor behind us, well...
I wouldn't be leaving this house with less then a bellyful of semen and a painted pussy, and that would be just from Lady Vienna...
Who knows what their children will be like...
Though, I was definitely enjoying the thought of being the one to take those futa's virginities; it seemed to be an extra layer of arousal for anyone to know that your partner was losing their virginity to you.