After that first Geri attack, the two Deerkin that constantly sparred outside always made sure that there was a weapon nearby, and they successfully defended against another two packs of the monsters.
The influx of more meat and pelts made each of us happy, and it was during that time that everyone had an unwritten question on their minds.
Specifically, Rhefia and Camara.
My daughter definitely wanted to know if she was able to let Aethisia breed her, while Rhefia slowly began to whisper her desire to impregnate me into my ear each night.
Monster meat had more nutrition compared to normal meat, so you could eat less and get the same benefits from eating normal meat; from what I could gather from both Rhefia and Yiksa, a pound of Geri meat would equal a pound and a half of wolf meat; not a large increase upfront, but when you have hundreds of pounds of monster meat now...
Well, it made me willing to listen to the two women, but it was still something I didn't know how I felt about.
Which is why I was sitting down with them both, the two Deerkin glancing at one another before focusing on me.
"Are you sure about that, Camara?"
Rhefia looked at our daughter, who pursed her lips and squirmed a little under her Dama's gaze.
"I'm not trying to intimidate you, or dissuade you, but are you sure that you want a child now? Are you sure that you want Aethisia to be the Dama of your child?"
Gritting her teeth, Camara clenched her fists on the table before taking a deep breath, nodding her head as she stared straight at Rhefia.
"I do. I've been thinking about it, and when I have sex with you, Mother, and Yiksa, it just doesn't feel the same as when Aethisia is the one bedding me. When I think about who I want to be with for most of my life, she's the one that appears first. I want to be with this family, yes, but I also think that I want to be with her more than anything..."
She trailed off, her eyes returning to the table as she fell silent.
Rhefia glanced over at me, her lips pursed as we communicated silently.
Just like my wife, I ached to have another child; I wanted to be bred again and again, but for the moment that needed to take a back seat.
She sighed, disappointment mixing with happiness as she smiled wryly at our eldest, who looked back up at the noise.
"Well, I guess that'll do. Just... make sure to talk to your sister about it. Make sure she's fine with it, that she understands what is going to happen with that. Alright?"
Reaching over, Rhefia ruffled Camara's long brown hair and smirked at the girl, who blushed slightly as she nodded.
"Now, that aside, how about we have some bonding time, hmm~? Been awhile since it was just us three, hasn't it? What with Aethisia joining me for most of the hunts, and Kalia getting her magic so early."
I nodded slightly, feeling slightly annoyed at myself for not having spent more time with my eldest.
Extending my hand, I grasped her hand and smiled at her, which made Camara smile back as she nodded.
"Good~! I've been meaning to ask, but..."
Rhefia gestured towards me, which made me blush slightly while Camara grinned, before tilting her head as her Dama asked "What exactly have you been carving? Everyone sees you carving away on the rocker, but you haven't shown us the final results yet."
Scratching her cheek, Camara got up from the table and moved towards her room, coming back a few moments later with her works in her arms.
Laying them down, she slid one over to Rhefia and one to me, gesturing at them as she said "I didn't really have a plan when I started with them, but... for the moment, I've been carving people from the stories you've told us. That one is Hecata; I made that since Kalia seems to have been incredibly interested in it, and that one is Serenata... I didn't know if it was... okay to carve statues of the Goddesses, so I didn't say anything yet..."
I widened my eyes as I observed the foot tall figure in my hands, the slightly crude, yet oddly refined and beautiful carving of a calm, serene looking woman with long, flowing robes and hair made me look up at the blushing Camara with surprise.
"This is Serenata? It's beautiful! You managed to get so much detail into her features while also keeping it... hmm, how do I say it... 'respectfully' ambiguous? You can tell that she's calm and joyful, but its not like you made her... her..."
Snapping my fingers, I sighed as words failed me, which made Rhefia roll her eyes in amusement as she said "Ambiguous was fine, love. Yes, it was the right play, Camara, since no one actually knows what they look like, nor is it... I guess 'allowed' by the Goddesses, even the more peaceful and relaxed ones. They prefer to not let us mortals know what they look like... You did a great job capturing their essence though! I can tell who they are just by the posture, bearing, design..."
I nodded, carefully placing the wooden statue down on the table as I moved on to the next, which was a confident looking warrior, a long spear in one hand while the other held a floral crown.
The exposed 'skin' was carefully cut into to display the signature veins that Areseta was known for, while not looking like the wood was cracking or old.
As we continued to inspect each, we complimented and talked with Camara, the girl blushing as we praised her works, some of which prompted Rhefia to delve into a small story about why certain parts were incredible from each statue.
Of course, afterwards was a different story altogether; after Camara stored her works away again, Rhefia had dragged us both upstairs, where we pampered our eldest as best we could.
Starting off simple, I had her lay on my lap again, her lips wrapped around my nipple as she suckled, all while I gently stroked her throbbing cock; Rhefia lounged beside us and watched on with a smile, her hand on her own erection.
After cumming the first time, I laid on my back and accepted my daughters greedy thrusts, her tip slamming against my cervix with each swing of her hips.
She would alternate between drinking my breastmilk and drinking her Dama's cock milk, slowly filling her belly with the two white liquids, all as she poured her own milk into my pussy.
When she grew a little tired, her Dama pushed her further onto my body before sliding into her pussy, doing the moving for her as we created a tower of lust, each of us grunting and moaning in pleasure.
The night drifted by just like the flakes outside our window, lazily fluttering towards the ground in the quiet, peaceful night.