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Chapter 9 : Onwards to First Deployment, The Dacian Grand Duchy Invasion

It's been a week since last time. Many had happened over the course of that span of time and I currently busy helping Tanya with the recruitment process after she done filtering the applicants.

Still… Just yesterday, the eastern army staff officers burst into the V601 recruitment office and demanded explanation on why majority of their applicants were rejected as inept, lazy, arrogant, clueless etc. The worst was 'wage thieves' as Tanya stated. Doing this, she essential just denounced the entire Easteen branch as bunch of leech that sucking away the military funding for nothing.

This ruckus immediately gained Zettour attention as he is the direct superior and the person behind the forming of this Flight Wing. The arrogants Eastern army staff officers demanded explanation on why their so called 'elite' candidates were rejected. Tanya straight away replied with the most blunt answer. She said the so called 'elite' were picked from the branch that see no battle since their forming till now other that training drill. So, to prove her point. I am dragged along to attend this demonstration that Tanya made to prove her point.

On my side is Char that looking forward for the demonstration very attentively. Then to my right is Zettour himself and few General Staff that is under him. On the right side of the room is the staff officers from Eastern army. They are also very focused on the demonstration Tanya is doing right now. She is using illusion spell to try trick the candidates that summoned to this room.

"That's the fifth group in a row that fell for the illusion." Stated before making a long sigh of annoyance.

Despite being shown how easy the Eastern army candidates fell for the illusion, the staff officers isn't satisfied and wanted to try again and again. Zettour somehow humored their request and tell Tanya to keep going with the test until he finished for the first batch.

Only 7 out of 100 candidates passed the test. Quite an alarming low number that passed and definitely not enough number to form even one squadron for the Reinforced Wing consist of four 12 men squadron of Flight Mages.

"What a disgrace." Zettour commented as the rest of the Eastern staff officers is sweating bullets and looking at each other.

"Not only he was fooled to leave. He even threw a tantrum… Sigh, is this the standard of Eastern army's elite?" Zettour asked the Eastern army staff officers that shamefully hung their head low.

"B-but, isn't the standard for this test too high? To use the standard of 'Silver Wing' as threshold for the test?" One of them tried to defend but Tanya quickly counter his nonsense.

"This were simple illusion put in place using Optical Spell that usually used for deploying decoy. Are you telling me that the Eastern's counter optical education is this low? Nevermind serving as elite unit, they probably die on their first deployment at this rate."

The Eastern army staff officers could only gnash their teeth as they dig a deeper grave for themselves and couldn't respond to Tanya. Even the General Staff under Zettour is supportive of Tanya's opinion.

"Leave the squabble behind and focus on the topic please, gentlemen. Now, only 15 passed the test and there is no better candidate anymore." Zettour silenced the room before looking at Tanya. "How about lowering the bar?"

"It is possible but I will need to retrain them up to standard and this process will take time." Tanya replied with stoic face but on the inside she is rejoicing because she can delay her inevitable return to the frontline.

"It is acceptable. But how long do you need, specifically?" Zettour nodded and forward another question. I quickly slip next to Tanya and give her a soft jab to the side.

'Say two months.' I whispered to her.

"Two months, sir." Tanya replied loudly and immediately everyone look at her in disbelief.

'Two months? Inconceivable! Even a recruit take two whole years to cover the basic and she can train an elite mage in just two months! If this is true then elite mage will be abundant like sprouts.' The people whispered.

"I- *cough* I see. Then, do whatever you could. I don't care the method even if you need to be 'rough' when training them."

"Yessir!" Tanya saluted.

"This is also a lesson to everyone. After what I seen today. I am worry about the Regional Armies' future."

"Colonel Jürgen, relay my order to the Training Unit to retrain the Eastern and Southern Army."


"And you, Rayark. Follow me for a moment. We need to have a talk in private." Zettour then said to me before walking out of the room. I made a light nod and follow behind him.


"So, I am glad that you are fond of the adjutant I assigned to you." Zettour said immediately after we take a seat in another room.

"What do you mean, sir?" I asked for clarification.

"No need to play dumb with me, the Intelligence Office have a lot of eyes and ears in the Empire and I heard a report stated that you are teaching your adjutant your brand of technique to wield magic without need of Orb." Zettour laid his back on the chair in a relaxed position but his eyes is sharply locking at me like a hawk.

"Let me guess, you want it too?" I guessed his intention on touching this topic.

"Yes and per our contract. Every work you did will be compensated."

I give it a thought for a bit and found no issue for me to teach them how to use magic without Orb. This is even more beneficial since Empire winning is a win for both me and Tanya since we are now affiliated to the Empire in this world.

"My request is for you to train 10 person for the duration of two months, Tanya is training her unit."

The request isn't hard since Charlotte and Viktoriya or Tanya called her Visha, only take few days to master it and that is because both is surprisingly gifted.

"In exchange, my request is Charlotte's parents to be freed and their safety and wellbeing guaranteed." I forwarded my request to Zettour only to see his face morph into a smirk of amusement.

"Are you sure you not doting your adjutant a little too much? Well, I accept your request and I will move them into your estate." Zettour replied with an amused look on his face because Charlotte's parents had long be freed from the 're-education camp' the moment she becomes part of the army but the are living in poor condition since they have no job or home and relying on their daughter's paycheck to live each month. Ray and Charlotte didn't know this since both never had a chance to leave their post.

The reason why Zettour is amused is because he spend practically nothing to fulfill Ray's request. To fabricate Ray's background, he bought a small estate and turn that into Ray's property under the 'Einzbern' family. All he need to do is move Charlotte's parents into that estate and give them enough money to live through the month. Only thing out of his own pocket is insignificant pocket change to pay for their amenities and foods.

"Then this is a deal." Zettour stand up and offer his right hand. I did the same and shook our hand. After that he reminded me the ten people he handpicked later will arrive in a few days before we part ways.

Done with everything in the schedule for today, I instantly went back to my normal routine in my office but with Charlotte with me.

"Char, help me make ten copies of the basic magecraft manual I gave you." I requested after taking a seat on my desk and looking at the research papers I am compiling for my apprentice.

I sort of formally took Char as my apprentice because I really need a helper when doing research sometimes and I need her to at least understand what I am trying to do. You can also say I am grooming her to become my companion by planting the seed of loyalty in her mind, hoping it will soon bloom and bore fruit.

Previously I had chosen Tanya but my rather sudden meeting with Being X put an halt on that. Also speaking of that, I forgot to talk about that meeting.

So, just as I finished developing my own brand of Gae Bolg. Being X suddenly appeared in this very office and confronted me regarding my involvement in his own 'garden'.

"Reincarnator who intruded upon my world without my permission." He said. "I give you an opportunity. I shall impart you my blessing in return you serve as another one of my apostles in this world."

"Care to explain how this will benefit me?" I asked with ridicule in my face. This god right here just asked me to serve him in exchange for a 'blessing' from him.

"Hmn, of course. A place for you in heaven after your death. A greatest reward for every faithful believer of god." Being X said.

"Yeah, no. I don't give a dogshit about going to heaven. In fact, I am aware of who you are and your reason to go to such an extent to recruit me now instead of early on. Because you no doubt have sensed my arrival the moment I arrived in your world, right?"

"I take your silence as a yes then, Being X." I laughed a little at the pitiful attempt of the god to appear intimidating and in control of the situation when he isn't.

"Is this a threat to me, reincarnator?" Being X asked to break his silence.

"What do you think?" I replied with sneer before Tracing a loaded rifle in my hand and shooting at the lump of invisible mass of energy.

"Preposterous! You have gone mad, mortal. You dare oppose a god." Being X finally lost his calm which was replaced with anger and disbelief for my action.

"Why wouldn't I? I said that I am aware of you and your reason. Naturally I also know your limit. You cannot directly interfere with the world even if you wanted to and the reason why you are using Tanya to ignite the faith of the people in this world is because your strength is tied directly to the faith your believer has for you."

"Again, I take your silence as yes then." I smirk, knowing Being X is definitely speechless right now.

"You… who are you?" His voice is filled with caution and even fear. Something that an omnipotent being such as a real god shouldn't have.

"Me?" I laughed a bit after remembering who I am and my purpose. "Would you believe me if I said I am the real creator of this world, this universe, this multiverse and this omniverse?"

I mean, if you apply the logic that I am the author who created the fanfic which birthed Ray Elliot and indirectly the verse he lived. Aren't I technically the creator of everything inside this omniverse contained within his story.

"You are insane. Your existence itself is a threat to my world." Being X sounds like he faltered and his voice does taste like fear.

Wait, does sound have taste? Perhaps I am truly turning mad as he said. But I don't care about it. First, I have this lil shit that pretends he is the real god when he cannot even interfere with the very world he allegedly owned, to take care of.

"What are you going to do about it? You cannot even lay your hand on me right here, right now can you?" I taunted him with my arm spread open waiting for him to do something but he did none as I expected.

"For the mockery you displayed in front of me. You shall pay the price and I'll curse you to fall by the hand of your enemies on the battlefield." Being X replied as I expected, to not do anything directly and probably go and bless the enemy just like how he did to Mary Sue for Tanya.

"What a pathetic god you are, Being X. Then I will declare the same for you. I will dedicate myself to uproot your source of power, the faith from your believer." I shrugged at the pathetic attempt of intimidating me who already knows what he can and will do thanks to my Tactical Analysis.

"It is impossible to remove faith from humanity. Humans will always seek God in times of need." Being X sounded curious when he asked this question.

"As you said, humans will always seek God in their time of need. I just need to eliminate it so there is no need for God."


"Are you saying that you will rid the world from war and strife just like the modern world so the people will forget about their faith just like Tanya?" Being X is guessing the action I will do to remove humanity's faith on god.

"No, no, I am not a philanthropist or a patient person at all trying to rid the world from war. What I need to do is to kill any human that has a shred of faith in you, idiot." I am still able to laugh after declaring the horrible act I will do just to spite Being X.

Just for clarification, I am under the effects of self-hypnosis. Anyway, Being X then repeats the same thing about me being insane and bla bla bla before leaving. Like, literally. I made a god left chat bruh.

As for the genocide I am speaking of. It isn't impossible technically. I just need to create a ghoul or two and let it loose for a while and infect the whole world. Leaving it to ruin so Being X will no longer have any human to give him faith.

But that has to be after I milked this world off its worth and found a way to leave this world. The latter one is my main concern actually. Why do you ask?

Well, first is my level. Although I do gain exp from learning and not necessarily need to fight. As long as I am improving myself, I can level up. But that takes time, a lot of time that is simply not possible as the EXP needed to increase by each level up and EXP I gain become lesser means that this method becomes practically obsolete after reaching a certain level. During the last six months, the only reason my level is around 50 was because I participated in a training to kill enemy soldiers. There I learned that killing enemies is basically the only way to level up if I reached a point where improving myself to level up is no longer possible. Not like there is a monster or anything for me to kill either.

Conclusion is, if I want to continue to become stronger. Battlefield is the only way to go. I have no other option but this and the amount of people I can kill is limited by the population. Also, the strength of them decided the amount of EXP I get. If a normal mage gives 10000 EXP, then a civilian only gets around 100. Sooner or later, I will run out of mobs to level up.

Tsk, if only my system can give me a dungeon or something to level up at. The Gamer my ass.

Anyway, we got off track with the conversation. So, my reason why I cannot use Tanya anymore is because of the mental corruption she had. When she is afflicted by the corruption, she becomes a devout against her will and that's a big no for me to have a potential hazard on my side that can turn on me when I need her the most. Thus I choose Charlotte instead.

That's why, for the last one week I used to gain her trust and then secure her mind from Being X. I taught her Occlumency immediately after my meeting with Being X, fearing he will make a move on her. Then later a big healthy dose of brainwashing to make her to not have an ounce of faith in Being X.

Though, I might have gone a 'little' overboard with the brainwashing… You can see for yourself, her reply to my request.

"Yes, master." Charlotte replied and immediately dropped everything she was doing as if possessed by something and went to fulfill my request of making ten copies of the basic Magecraft manual.

At first glance, you probably mistake this as a master and apprentice relationship and she addresses me as master because I took her as my apprentice. But looking at her blank eyes and expression while carrying out the order, I couldn't help but look back at myself.

I fucked up basically and look down on the effect of hypnosis and brainwashing combined. The intended effect is for her to unconsciously develop her trust and loyalty to me faster. And I emphasize again, faster and not immediately. Sort of like a mental suggestion to raise her affection to me faster like a certain system's ability.

Honestly, I feel guilty. Yes I feel guilty for messing up her mind when I feel none when talking about turning the entire world into ghoul to raise the amount of EXP they drop when killed for me to milk out every last worth they have for me. Perhaps Zettour is correct that I have interest in her. The rest can die for all that I care as they are but nameless NPCs in my eyes.


The next day arrived. Ten people that Zettour selected had arrived early in the morning to wake me up from my nap as my bloodshot eyes opened and guide my body out to meet those people.

I didn't sleep at all last night trying to fix my mess. At least Charlotte is back to normal now.

"Master, where are you going? You have yet to brush your teeth, take a shower and eat your breakfast." Charlotte suddenly appeared behind me and her head appeared next to my shoulder, basically breathing down my neck as she reminded me of my morning routine.

I take it back, she is still not back to normal. Instead she became worse than before. The way she acts and talks is screaming yandere and honestly, I am very terrified… and aroused too. Fuck!

"Kuh kuh kuh, master. Allow your beloved Charlotte to help." She said before her arms snake over my waist and constricted me in her grip before bringing me towards the resident quarter that was conveniently located very close to my office.

"Wait, Char! I can do it myself. Besides, I have people waiting for me right now. I can do all this later." I struggle to free myself from her grasp.

"My my, master. As your adjutant, I have a duty to correct you even if it is technically disobeying my superior." She denied me and continued to walk to the nearest bathroom.

Yeah, I really do take it back. I in fact made it worse rather than fixing it. I then channel mana from my core to spread over my body before Reinforce my body to break free from her grasp.

"Ara ara, master. Although I don't mind forcing myself on you and in fact loved to. I might hurt you if you remain stubborn, master." She licked her lips while eyeing me like a delicious meat on the plate. She even makes that pose where she touches her face while uttering those words.

"Fuck you and your Ara Ara! Do that when you grow up and actually looking like a milf." I said while using Quickstep to move behind her and deliver a chop on her neck to knock her unconscious.

I tried to put her on but struggled because of our height difference and ended up choosing to drag her instead. I dragged her into one of the rooms that I found and put her on a bed. Just to make sure she doesn't become a problem until I can take care of her, I decided to tie her up to the bed and slap a mage restraining choker on her neck that disperse mana that she tried to manipulate to cast any spell.

The problem is, I never once lived in the quarters and didn't know this room actually had an owner. Visha walked in as I almost finished restraining Charlotte on the bed. She look at the ropes that tied Charlotte into a spread eagle position then mouth gagged and eyes blindfolded with the finishing touch being the choker on her neck.

"Sorry I mis-" She tried to say she came into the wrong room and tried to immediately leave. But I stopped her before she could leave. "Corporal Viktoriya Ivanovna Serebryakov."

"Yessir!" Visha swallowed her fear and replied to my call.

"You see nothing and hear nothing. Understand?" I said in an intimidating tone to make sure she stayed silent. But I should have cleared up the misunderstanding instead because now she thought I forced my depravity on Charlotte.


"Good, now leave. If I heard anything about this later…"

"Yessir! I will bring this secret to my grave." She replied and saluted before turning away and shutting the door. Judging from the sound of the footsteps, she is running away as quickly as possible.

Perhaps asking her to keep an eye on Charlotte would be better than sending her away. But anyway, I went back to my office and grabbed the Magecraft manual and went to greet the people Zettour sent me.

From the look of it, they are instructors from the Training Unit responsible to train other soldiers and especially recruits. For the first day, I let them have the manual and try to understand the content, mainly the term and ideology, concept and also theory of magecraft.

I also made a few demonstrations to help them get some ideas to work around before sending them off for today. They live in a temporary barrack prepared by Zettour for them.

Two hours later I returned to Charlotte, hoping I can resolve this issue as soon as possible.


A week since then, Charlotte returned to normal after numerous attempts. Since then, I vowed to never try tampering mind on people that I do care without ansurance I can revert the tampering.

"Now, does anyone have any questions regarding today's lesson before we are dismissed?" I ask the group of ten students of mine that basically triple my physical age but accept lessons from a kid like me.

"Yes I do sir. Regarding the manual that you handed out to us. It stated that magecraft is essentially trying to do what possible with science but through use of magic. For that I am able to understand the Gradation Air magecraft that essentially creates objects with the means of magic."

"Well, on base level. That indeed is Gradation Air." I cut in and tried to correct him.

"But, sir. I cannot understand how Reinforcement is possible. There isn't any way to strengthen the durability of a paper to the same strength as steel without changing the material that made up the paper itself." A scholarly looking one asked this question and I honestly didn't know how to explain it with my limited knowledge in modern science.

"Good question. But, first. I must clear your misunderstanding regarding the real effect of these magecraft. What do matters make up of?" I asked while lifting a pen.

They all look confused and think hard to find an answer for it. But after a long brainstorming session, none of them were able to give me the correct answer. It took me a while to figure out the reason and my massive oversight.

This is the year 1925 in the equivalent of my previous world. Instead of scientific advances, this world is more on magic and uses magic to fill in the gap for scientific knowledge most of the time. Thus their knowledge with science is very limited and the chance they learned the study of Chemistry is extremely low.

To verify this thought of mind, I asked them and none of them knew. Great… Forget about magecraft, I need to educate them about the basics of science subjects first like physics and chemistry. For them, the high school standard science study is equal to this age of PhD or renowned Sage and Wiseman. The discovery father of the subjects.

Perhaps only someone the level of the most prodigious scientist, Dr Schugel, has a better or equal level of understanding in science than me who is equipped with knowledge about modern science which has been refined and corrected over the course of a century.

"Okay class. Forget about magecraft for now, you all need to learn the basics of science which I modified to be easier to understand before learning magecraft." I said after slapping the blackboard to gain their attention.

"Now, let's go with chemistry. My question before about what made up of matter. The answer is atoms. Everything in this world is made of atoms, including you and me, this pen, this building and everything else that exists physically. So, what will happen if I can create an atom from mana?"

"You can create any object using mana." The previous student quickly replies while the rest of the class is flabbergasted by the possibility of it.

"Yes, indeed you can theoretically create everything and anything that exists physically by copying the arrangement and each type of atom using Structural Analysis and then create it using Gradation Air by using the information you copied. For example this pen. It was made of steel and steel is an alloy compound of Iron and Carbon elements."

"So, using Structural Analysis. I analyzed and copied the exact number of atoms and their arrangements." I stated as I matched my demonstration using the said magecraft. " Then I use Gradation Air to recreate everything that I copied in my mind using mana and here is another pen." I said as I displayed the real and the traced pen in my hands.

"But sir, I doubt the practicality of this magecraft in battle because it is simply impossible for a human brain to process this much information, much less while multitasking even with an Orb." Another one spoke to point out that magecraft is impractical in battle.

"No, you are looking at this from the wrong angle, Stefan. What if a mage can create ammunition instead of a factory. The Empire can save a lot of manpower and funding just by doing so, especially when the cost to produce any mage related gear or weapons is usually ten times the cost of its normal counterparts." The person on his side corrected his assumption.

As for my opinion, they definitely cannot use it in battle since the average mage simply cannot process that much information that magecraft require. On a small scale, yes. But for battle, they are incapable of using magecraft while supporting spells like Flight and Enchanted rounds.

As for Charlotte, I did teach her Occlumency. Next will be Thought Partitions and Thought Acceleration. That should cover for her lack of Magic Circuit until I have a method to fix that problem.

The rest of the lesson I taught them the basics of science and only the practical part for using magecraft. At the end of the lesson, they all can at the very least use magecraft to a passable level.


Soon, a month passed and I finished teaching the ten people sent to me by Zettour. There is another month until Tanya finishes her's. So, Charlotte and I left in the V601 Unit HQ. I spend the majority of my time tutoring her in the way of magecraft. The remaining time I have are used to train myself since this is the few rare opportunity where the HQ is empty without anyone at all other than the few soldiers guarding the gate.

*Pah* *Boom*

The sound of the miniature explosion inside the rifle barrel then followed by a big explosion on the target dummy in the distance. The dummy was obliterated by the bullet that carried the Gae Bolg enchantment. I cannot seem to activate the targeting effect of the enchantment because the dummy didn't have a heart obviously.

Till now, each test I conduct is only for the damage the bullet can inflict upon hitting. I was tempted to test it on an animal but getting one is a hassle. Thus, I decided to find a live practice dummy myself by going into the city. Besides, I am getting bored after a few consecutive months staying shut in at the HQ.

"Magnificent, no matter how many times I saw itm I still couldn't help but feel amazed by it." Charlotte clapped her hand with an amazed expression on the side after the explosion.

"Naturally, this is the culmination of my research. My own brand of magecraft." I accept the compliment proudly as I am sure no other magus is able to do this except for Archer Emiya. Who is a servant and a Counter Guardian, so he doesn't count.

Without noticing as I am deep in my own thoughts, Charlotte is patting my head like an older sister complementing her little brother. I immediately swat her hand away when I noticed it.

"How many times have I told you that you cannot pet my head without my permission? Also, don't make that pitiful face. It is not going to work on me." I said with a small frown on my face and a little indignant.

Ever since she opened herself to me, she had been treating me like this. Although I appreciate that she now places her trust in me, I cannot accept her treatment of me. Perhaps out of pride due to our real age difference. Surely in my previous world, many will fight for my position to be pampered by an older sister figure. But I don't have such fetish nor do I enjoy it. Perhaps a little… but I swear it's my young body that causes it, it's not my mind. I am proudly declaring myself a true lolicon. I definitely have no interest in older women.

"You are always grumpy lately, master. Perhaps staying indoors too much made you feel stressed?" She tried again while distracting me with her words but I already knew her tricks and quickly moved my head away from the incoming hand.

"You mere adjutant dare undermine your superior and defy his orders many times. If-"

"Yeah, yeah. I am lucky to have you as my superior because others will report it immediately and I will be in deep trouble. I know, master. You said it too many times. I basically memorized it."

"Anyway, how about we go out for a walk instead? You never walk out of the front gate for more than three months and it is unhealthy for a growing child like you. So, how about we go out for a walk for the rest of the evening?" Not caring that she was basically breaching the military law and disobeying a higher rank officer, she was already dragging me before I even said yes and I am so soft hearted with her that I only sighed and allowed myself to be dragged along because I do have a reason to go into the city. Definitely not because of her.

She borrowed a jeep from the guard and drove us to the city, 15 minutes away from the HQ. Along the way she hummed and overall in a much greater mood than usual which perplexed me.

I instead just looked over the side which was a grassy field with cattles occasionally appearing and grazing grass. When we were close to the capital city, the grassy field changed to buildings and people. Most prominent of them are soldiers guarding the edge of the city.

When we enter, we immediately can skip the line of other people that need to pass through the inspection before entering. This is due to being under wartime and this is needed to prevent infiltration of espionage from other nations.

"How about we stop by some of the famous food shops in the capital? We can taste a lot of delicious food. A change compared to the usual bland food we eat back at the HQ." Charlotte suggested before looking at me for my response.

"Eyes on the road idiot!" I reminded her that she is driving before agreeing to her suggestion.

"Yes, why not. Even a normal stew is more of a blessing than baked potatoes and meat jerky."

Thus we went to three shops in total. First one serves stew, second one they sell pastries and the third one serves meat skewers and beer. The meat skewers are so tender and delicious that I bust all the cash I brought with me at the stall.

The idiot Charlotte went and actually drank beer. Few mug if it actually and get drunk. Thankfully she wears a military uniform or else some unsavory people will make a move on her. But this is convenient for me.

I left my seat which caught the stall owner's attention. Since I basically ate half of the skewers he is selling tonight alone and become his favorite customer instantly.

"Feel full already, boss?" The stall owner asked with a smug grin on his face.

"Nah, I'm just going to piss for a moment. Make me five more skewers while you're at it." I replied, not admitting I am because after my 20th skewers, he made a bet that if I can finish 30 more, it's on the house. If I lose then I pay for all 30 skewers.

"Also, look after her for a bit while I'm away." I told the stall owner who replied with a thumbs up and a grin.

Then I slip into the alley following a few of the people that have bad intentions for Charlotte. Thoss convenient test subjects appeared willingly and caught my attention. So, this is on them.

I spread a Bounded Field to keep them inside the alley before adding another one to muffle the sound.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"I don't know! What is happening!"

"Shut up, Frank. Panicking doesn't help at all. So, shut."

Meanwhile I looked at the three people and Traced the rifle with enchanted bullets loaded inside.

"I wonder how it locks onto a target." I mumbled to myself and tried a few methods.

First, I didn't aim down at the sight but in my mind. The barrel isn't even pointing toward the guy as I pulled the trigger. Sound of the bullet being fired before a panic scream from the two that survived.

The unlucky one suddenly had his eyes wide open in shock before blood burst out his mouth and the bullet I just shot pierced out his back and exploded. The remaining two screamed and wailed like banshee trying to stay sane while they were running through the infinite alleyway. From my perspective, those two are just running in circles while literally pissing and shitting their pants.

For my second test, I put the end of the barrel on the wall before pulling the trigger. I did this because the first one didn't exist in the barrel and just suddenly pierced the guy's heart. Another pulls the trigger, another falls to the ground while the last one is literally screaming for his mom and dad for help after seeing two of his buddies die in a brutal and mysterious way.

Though, this proves the bullet didn't even exit the barrel and instantly teleported to the guy's heart.

Then the last one. I took out a bullet before dismissing the rifle. I pour my mana into the bullet and cast the Enchanted Rounds formula myself on this bullet.

As expected, the bullet immediately vanished once activated and the guy just dropped dead. But when analyzing it meticulously, the bullet didn't teleport but just too fast. Perhaps even reached supersonic speed.

So, my conclusion is I don't need to physically aim it and just in mind alone is sufficient. Then it can teleport if needed, which seems on second attempt if I block the barrel exit. The last one is its speed reached supersonic. This bullet is literally unblockable, cannot be outrun and doesn't necessarily need aiming which means I can slap these babies on a machine gun and literally have a rapid fire miniature guided missile on steroids. All I need to do is give a target and pull the trigger.

I quickly lift the Bounded Field and return to the stall to continue the bet and devour skewers while waiting for Charlotte to sober up enough to drive us back.

I did win the bet an hour after and Charlotte also sobered up. Group of soldiers walk over to us to question us regarding a strange homicide case not far from our location.

Since we came without a rifle and only a pistol, we isn't suspected and allow to leave while the stall owner close the stall after advised to close for now because of the murder incident nearby. Both of us went back to the jeep and drove back to the HQ since it was already sunset.

After that, my life resume as usual. Doing more research because no way I am satisfied with just creating Gae Bolg enchantment and let myself stagnant over this minor achieve. After knowing it isn't impossible to obtain these ability, I strive to have more and improve myself. Mainly on my own body instead of focusing on offensive abilities since my own body still very fragile that strong conventional arms like concentrated artillery fire can break my defence.

Still keeping the world travelling ability as my main goal, I set a side task as developing an ability to increase my survivability.


Another month went by and I turned ten years old now. I didn't even noticed if not for my status keeping track of my age. After sharing this to Charlotte, she set off to the city to buy a cake which provided me a rare calm morning without need to deal her usual antic for a day.

As for my progress, I managed to created these;

[Tri Formation Array]

-Offense Mode

•Penetration Round Formula

•Homing Cluster Shot Formula

•Artillery Shot Formula

•Optical Beam Formula

•Explosive Formula

•Mana Blade Formula

•Napalm-Type Formula

-Defense Mode

•Hexagon Barrier Formula

-Support Mode

•Optical Decoy Formula

•Observation Formula

•Analgestic Formula

•Medical Formula

•Magic Interference Formula

While it is an ability, it also a physical being that I created after thinking that what if I am busy fighting an opponent and didn't have excess mental capacity to cast spell or something. So, that lead me to create an autonomous system that is basically a artificial spirit casting spells for me.

But wait, artificial spirit? Isn't that a big leap from before? Well yes and no. It is a big discovery but nothing too complicated actually.

You see, I started out normal actually. Making an AI from scratch. But it failed miserably because I have absolutely no clue how to program one. So, I decided why not nab a soul and program it with magic to do what I told it to. That whole debacle lead me to a very obscure path of soul manipulation.

Like literally, I have Soul Manipulation LV 4/10 (Adept) on my status screen.

The hard part was actually sensing the soul for the very first time. It was like treasure hunting in middle of a jungle while blind. But I got a hang of it very quick and obtained few souls to experiment on from the local graveyard. For some reason, they have too strong of an attachment to pass on and I'm not a person to say no for free shit.

Then wiping the soul clean into a blank slate and programming it is a breeze with [Alteration]. I programmed every spell formula for this world into the soul and created a physical vessel to house the soul using the crystal inside an Orb. Then suddenly the system acknowledge it as an ability which made it convenient since now I don't need to worry if it die in battle or damaged since it will just unsummoned and resummon as brand new.

The Offense Mode is 72 formula rifle that can fire spells I programmed into it. For Offensive mode, the rifle turn into it's base form. The red crystal orb and hexagon shape magic shield that form an array hence its name, Tri Formation Array. The support form however didn't exist but instead it is accessible through the earlier two form.

Second ability is related to my main goal actually as I repeatedly try gain the ability and manage to do so.

[Dimension Tear]

-Using large amount of mana to tore an opening in the space.

An ability that allow me to use mana to puncture a hole into space. But even with all my mana condensed down to solid. The hole I made is patheticly small and only fit my fist. Not to mention it only opened for few seconds before shutting itself. Apparently due to lack of proficiency.

Along that I manage to gained Spatial Manipulation at level 1. I quickly merge it with Quickstep which resulted in Dimension Shift. But due to penalty of merging low proficiency ability, the 40 levels from Quickstep vanished and leave only 5 levels.

Still an amazing ability that allow me to basically breach any form of defence or warding limit only by the thickness of the wall since this short distance teleportation only go 1 meter ahead for now.

That's all I gain for this time around. I start the morning with a cold shower before don my uniform and grab a quick breakfast. After that I read the news while drinking coffee Charlotte prepared for me.

"Oh right, today is the day Captain Tanya return with her new unit." Charlotte said and hum to a music in her mind while baking cookies for no reason because new supplies just reached us yesterday.

"She will actually be promoted to Major today." I corrected Charlotte with my knowledge of the future.

"Eh!" Charlotte immediately exclaimed and almost dropped the tray in her hands.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Sir, I would like to inform that you have a guest from the General Staff office." A knock on the Quarters door alerted me along with the guard's announcement.

"General Staff office?"

"Probably Lieutenant Colonel Rugen being messenger between Zettour and Tanya." I said without turning away my gaze from the newspaper. "Lead the guest to the guest room. I will be there in a minute."

"Yessir." The guard replied before leaving to carry out his order.

Meanwhile Tanya and her new unit also just arrived via air. She immediately storm off to find me. She found Charlotte first and me later after she was led to the guest room where she found Erich.

Tanya wanted to immediately consult me regarding her mental corruption that become more severe since the two months training that she start to lose memories and doing things while unconscious. But Erich who was in the room quickly give Tanya her new promotion letter and new order from the General Staff. Since the latter part is for Tanya only, I am requested to leave the room and I did so while wandering off to see the new unit choosing their new room lead by Visha and Charlotte.

Me who knows the next chain of event went to grab my own creation which is a side project to create an Operation Orb that can withstand large amount of mana discharge and operational load. One that is better than even the Elenium Type-95. I made using mana stone I condensed with my own mana and mixed with my blood. Then I replaced the Analogue Computer inside the Orb with an actual miniature computer that fit into the orb. Not a very advance computer up to the standard of 2022 when I reincarnated but still a massive upgrade compared to an analogue computer for sure.

As for how I achieved it, it was by using 100% of my brain capacity to technologically advancing an analogue computer and patching in whatever knowledge I have from the modern world. What I advanced is the computational power of the computer, not recreating modern computer. Which is why it is possible in the first place.

When comparing to Type-95 Orb, the Type-95 have 1200 kt power output which is the limit of mana it can pour out at any moment. While mine is a whopping 2000 kt due to literally using a condensed pure mana as it's channeling medium. While 2000 isn't the limit of output, it is the stable limit as any higher will cause the mana stone to destabilise and start melting into liquid form again and then into mana mist. The computational power is the biggest win since it can read formula very fast and in larger amount almost instantly which mean I always have advantage in casting speed as I can cast more than a dozen times faster than any other mage in the world.

Anyway, after grabbing my Orb. I skip the stairs and jump down the window just in time to hear Tanya's shout using Voice Amplifying formula to order her unti to assemble. Which include me, the defacto second-in-command forced by Zettour.

In front of the HQ, I am the first to arrive beside Tanya, Erich and Visha.

"Great, you finally appeared." Tanya said before dragging my by the shoulder forcefully to the side.

"Ray, did you find a way to stop the corruption yet?" I actually didn't even did any finding and actually forgotten about it until right now. But since the corruption is on her mind which technically equal to the soul, my Soul Manipulation should do the trick to fix her issue. Though, without eliminating the source of the problem. The fix I did is just a temporary one.

"Well, we can talk about this later. Don't we have urgent task right now?" I said before point my thumb over my shoulder at the assembled troops, waiting for her next order. "The solution I have need time to implement, not something I can do in an instant. Unless you want to run the risk of become a vegetable."

"Right, after this… That mean I have to use Elenium Type-95 again." Tanya mumbled before informing me that there is high chance we will be deployed immediately today.

Tanya walk up the the podium prepared by Weiss and Visha for Tanya to give her speech.

"Gentlemen, I know that we just returned from our training. However, the General Staff had ordered us to gear up and to arrive at Southeastern Imperial Army training ground, in Ransylvania for emergency inspection. So, gear up and we will depart in exactly five minutes."

"Yessir!" The collective troops shouted with excitement that mask their actual nervousness.

While most is running to gear up, I need literally nothing as I can Trace everything I needed. Thus I'm bringing myself only.

But Erich, who had been standing at the sidelines, suddenly walked forward to me and took out an envelope for me.

"This is a letter from Sir Zettour himself for you. Please read it quickly while we are alone right now." Erich said after handing the letter to me.

The summary of the letter is the bastard Zettour requesting me to 'display your might' during the possible invasion from Dacia Grand Duchy in exchange for keeping the matter about me killing three Empire citizens a secret. How the fuck he even know that when I make sure to take precautions by putting down Bounded Field.

"What exactly does this mean? Why use such a vague term?" I asked Erich but he shrugged. "I'm only a messenger. I do not know Sir Zettour's intention. However, I will be verifying your deed in his stead."

"At least give me a clear target instead of vague terms like that." I insisted, which made Erich sighed.

"I really cannot tell you because I do not know. However, this is his test. You only need to do your best to show him your improvement since your graduation." Erich said before walking off.

Now I grasped his real purpose. Zettour wanted to see my improvement and make sure his investment wasn't in vain. Second, he wanted to gauge my strength. Conveniently, the opportunity presented itself.

Those poor Dacian soldiers became a practice dummy fror Tanya and her unit and also me very soon.



[Name: Rayark

Age: 10

Level: 52 (36%)

Main Class: Magus

Support Class: Technomagi

Title: Expert Magus

HP: 1370 (1 VIT= 10HP, Base 200 & 5/Lvl)

HP Regen: 60 HP/Min (1 VIT= 1HP/M)

MP: 9595 (1 WIS= 5MP, Base 150)

MP Regen: 420 MP/Min (1 Wis 1MP/M)


STR: 30+12.5% = 33.75

VIT: 30+12.5% = 33.75

AGI: 30+12.5% = 33.75

DEX: 30+12.5% = 33.75

INT: 83+40% = 116.2

WIS: 80+40% = 112

LUK: 14


Stat Point: 15


Fiction Adaptation LV -

Mana Manipulation LV 46/- (Supreme) [+12]

Pseudo Reactor Core LV 34/60 (GrandMaster) [+14]

Alteration LV 24/50 (Master) [+7]

Combat Mastery LV 22/40 (Master)

Tracing LV 45/50 (GrandMaster)

Supernatural Physique LV 25/50 (Master)

Pickpocket LV 25/30 (Master)

Enhanced Mind LV 33/50 (GrandMaster) [+11]

Time Alter LV 14/50 (Adept) [+5]

Tri Formation Array LV 7/50 (Novice)

Soul Manipulation LV 4/30 (Novice)

Dimension Tear LV 1/20 (Novice)

Dimension Shift LV 5/50 (Novice)

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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