The murmurs that came from above her meant that she had been right in thinking the majority of Elders had no idea what she was talking about.
"Your grace, there has been no such law…"
Ann turned to look up at the circle triumphantly.
"No? Every single person's signature is on it, so that means that either you have forgotten you have signed it, or… the alternative is that you yourself, have not actually bothered to read the stacks of paperwork that come your way and have instead entrusted the signing of those documents to another person… which I should remind you is a dereliction of duty and also fraud... which I believe also carries a sentence." Ann said as she tapped her chin thoughtfully, "Now, what was it… ah! Yes! The stripping of titles, and holdings, and either imprisonment or exile… purely at the current monarch's discretion of course." She smiled sweetly.