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Chương 29: Chapter 28: Never been so angry.

At the moment, Coulson was in a video conference with Fury in the back room of his office.

In order to be able to report the situation of the Foundation at any time, Coulson specially prepared a secret room, which has a super sound insulation effect and the ability to isolate any communication equipment.

Any communication equipment other than the one dedicated to communicating with Fury would be useless here.

Coulson, who was in the secret room, naturally didn't hear the movement outside. Even if someone came to the office to look for him, it was impossible to find him.


[Outside the secret room]

A massacre has begun at this moment. SCP-096 finally showed the world its terrible side.

Anyone who sees SCP-096's face must die!

Even Jason didn't notice the massacre.

Because SCP-096 is so special, Jason didn't even dare to look at the surveillance equipment.

After half an hour.

The massacre gradually came to an end and Coulson had finally finished reporting the situation of SCPs to Fury.

Before leaving the secret room and returning to the office, Coulson smelled a strong smell of blood.

The pungent smell of blood instantly awakened Coulson, who was still complacent.

Coulson, whose face changed wildly, quickly took out his pistol and nervously opened the office door.

After opening the office door, Coulson saw various corpses scattered throughout the base, all with pistols in their hands.


Coulson watched this scene in confusion.

"Am I hallucinating?" Coulson thought in horror.

He didn't dare to accept this fact, so he could only comfort himself with the fallacy that all he saw was an illusion.

How could a base as big as this one be destroyed, who could even kill all these trained agents in such a small time? Yes, an illusion, this must be an illusion."

Coulson pinched his thigh reluctantly and found that he could feel the pain.

Reluctantly, he came to a corpse and reached out to touch the still-warm corpse.

Thinking of the consequences of this massacre, Coulson was frightened.

Just yesterday, 50 agents of S.H.I.E.L.D were called here. As a result, the entire army was wiped out within 24 hours.

How will he explain this to his superior?

At this moment, Coulson finally understood the difficulty of the foundation.

The Foundation has to face this kind of monster every day, what a sacrifice!

With a pistol in hand, Coulson searched the entire base with grief in his heart.

After making sure there were no survivors, Coulson took out the satellite phone in agony.

At this moment, he didn't care about any secret work.

"Director... I have a new situation here. During the half-hour, I reported to you in the secret room, our temporary base was attacked. Except for me... the entire base was wiped out..."

After speaking, Coulson knelt on the ground in pain, looking desperately at the bloody base.


[S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters]

Fury held the contact phone in his hand and didn't return to his senses for a long time.

All top-notch 50 agents are dead...

One must know that although it is only a temporary base, the defense system is top-notch.

50 top agents plus the top security base are gone.

Didn't even last half an hour...

"I need an explanation!"

Fury asked with a black face and gritted teeth.

Coulson nodded, agony was clearly visible in his eyes.

"I'll give it to you! I await an explanation too!"

'No matter what kind of SCP you are, from now on, I, Coulson, and you are enemies to death.' Coulson vowed in his heart.

At this moment, Coulson doesn't care about containing or protecting the SCP, he just wants to destroy that SCP now!

After hanging up, Coulson contacted Jason again and reported the intelligence to the other party.

Jason was also a little surprised when he heard the news.

'All of them died?

Although SCP-096 is a little weird, it's not so cruel, right?

Could it be that this group of agents gathered to watch SCP-096?' Jason thought so in his heart.

Natasha next to him was equally shocked.

She didn't expect that S.H.I.E.L.D would be hit so hard and it wasn't even during the mission.

"Forget it, you don't have to be responsible for this matter. I will send someone else. Come back first! It seems that you can't handle such an abnormal event."

After speaking, Jason did not forget to add: "Coulson, I am very disappointed in you!"

Looking at Jason who hung up the phone, the corner of Black widow's mouth twitched slightly. 'In terms of not being a human being, this president is really talented!

While letting people from S.H.I.E.L.D be cannon fodder, after they were sacrificed as cannon fodder, you didn't  comfort them, but instead, you say "I'm very disappointed in you."

Who can stand this?'

In fact, even a good guy like Coulson has a temper.


As Natasha thought, Coulson's face was ashen when he heard Jason's last words, and the hand holding the satellite phone was shaking.

"F*ck! Asshole! What a fucking bastard!"

Coulson, exasperated, smashed the satellite phone in his hand to the ground, pointed at the phone on the ground, and constantly cursed.

Never before in his life has he felt that the sacrifice of his comrades was so unworthy.

The sacrifice of 50 top agents, in exchange for the sentence "I am disappointed?"

"F*cking basta*d!!"









AND YEAH, THANK YOU TO EXargentum for reminding me of the chapter sequence.

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