"So why has Julie never kissed someone." He asked before we resumed walking again.
"Becauuuuussee..." I stressed on my because, I suddenly don't remember why I had not yet had my first kiss."I don't know." I chuckled and he had that surprised look again."Ohh yeahh, I don't like boys, that's why."
I quickly realized what I just said and how it sounded.
"I like you though." I thought I should explain.
"Okay." He said in between a short laugh.
"So do you like tongue kisses?" I asked him.
Wow Julie! You are asking unusual questions today!.... It was my inner self screaming. It's not my fault I felt so comfortable around him to ask the things I keep on asking.
"French kiss, yeah." I squeezed his hands again when he said that but this time it wasn't nervousness, it was excitement."What about you?"
"Before I answer that, I just want to say that I asked if you liked tongue kisses not french kisses."
"Aren't they the same thing?" he chortled.
"Nahh." I shook my head.
"Tell me the difference, I actually thought they were like, the same thing."
"Well..." I cleared my throat dramatically,"A tongue kiss is....you know...the normal kissing with tongues in each other's mouth."
"Okayyy?and french kiss?"
"When it's a french kiss, it's more passionate." I smiled after my explanation but he had one of his brows raised.
"Isn't that a cataglottis?"
"Cata what?"
"Cataglottis, that's the word to describe passionate kisses, french kiss is just a fancy name for a tongue kiss."
"Oh."I said because he sounded like he was sure of all that he just said. I knew I wasn't very sure of what I explained to him.
"It's more like snogging; making out with someone special."
Snog me, Uche!!!! That was what I wanted to say but I wasn't gonna.
"Guess I just learnt something new." He smiled when I said that."I bet you are a good kisser."
O my god! The things this boy was making me say and ask.
"Probably." He shrugged.
"Probably?" I looked at him almost laughing,"You are the one who's kissed before, what do you mean probably?"
"I don't know if I am, I mean, I didn't ask those girls if I was."
"Oh....that makes sense." I thought of it now.
"Yeah, imagine asking someone that during spin the bottle." he chuckled.
"But what do you think, do you think you are a good kisser?"
"If I say I'm not, will you leave me? because I'm ready to lie." I laughed when he said that, he just said that he was ready to lie that he was a good kisser to keep me.
"Be serious, come on." I urged with a smile, we were closer now than when we started walking.
"I really don't know, I think you will have to judge that yourself." He said before winking at me and it made me giggle.
Look at you, not shy anymore.... My inner self commended me.
Oh, did I want to judge his kiss soooo bad. I just wanted him to pull me closer to himself than I was and bring his lips to mine. I wanted to know what it was like to have another person's lips that close to yours, I wanted to know what it was like to have his lips that close to mine while I caressed his curly hair. I wanted him to put his palms on my cheeks and kiss me, deeply. It could be a tongue kiss or a french kiss or cataglo..... whatever he called that, I just wanted his lips! His soft looking lips.
"So you are not the jealous type, huh?" He asked and got me out of my almost smutty thought.
"Hmmn?" I said even if I heard him, I just needed more time to evaluate what he said quickly before he repeated his words.
"I'm thinking you are not the jealous type of girlfriend." He said.
"Why would you think that?" I laughed weirdly.
"I don't know.... the things you are asking?"
Oh?!...I asked myself.
"Guess I'm not." I laughed more weirdly. Maybe I wasn't a jealous girlfriend, I mean why will I be asking him about the girls he's kissed, he was right, maybe I wasn't. I should be mad to hear he has kissed other girls, probably, but I wasn't so I guess I'm not the jealous kind of girl.
"Are you?" I asked and looked up waiting for his reaction. He looked just like I thought I did when he asked me the same thing.
"I don't know, I don't think I have ever liked anyone that much to get jealous." He shook his head after he said that,"I have also not dated anyone to be jealous over, so I guess I will find out with you."
"So I should try and make you jealous?" I joked.
"Woah," He stopped and came in front of me,"I didn't say that." He said laughing but he had freed me of his hold when he stood in front of me, I didn't want that, I didn't want him to separate our hands.
"What?" He stopped laughing when he saw that I wasn't also laughing."What? Did I do something?" I didn't say anything, I just shook my head.
"Then what?" He asked scratching his head confused. I stretched out my hand in front of him so he could hold it again and he did."Is this it? You want me to hold your hand again?" I nodded and saw him sigh with relief making me smile.
"I almost thought I did something wrong there." He said when we started walking again, his hands once again interlocked with mine.
I looked around now, noticing the same shop we had passed by earlier, so I turned to him with another question because he was the one who knew the way.
Heyy, it's your author geni. Please note that everything written here is nothing but fiction.Please vote as you read, comment your thoughts and don't forget to leave a review, I am very open to constructive criticism. I'm on all socials as @genika3na.
Love, it just happened.....✍️
I'm on all socials as @genika3na