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45.07% Percy Jackson : Rewind Time / Chapter 64: Chapter 61: My cat is better with the ladies then me

Chương 64: Chapter 61: My cat is better with the ladies then me

' Percy '


We sat on the Boar's back till sunset, which hurt the Hades out of my butt, back and any other body part that still had some feelings left in them. Nyx slept all day, which was weird, she seemed to be unaffected by her surroundings.

When the boar finally stopped there was no more snow around us.

Only dry land.

Miles of dryland, a land without rain.

I was determined to prevent Bianca from dying this time, no matter what the prophecy said. The Fates said I had the power to defy fate. Well let's put it to use.

When the boar stopped to drink at a creek we all leaped of his back, I woke up Nyx and half-dragged her of the boar's back before she was fully awake.

The sun was now descending rapidly, and I silently cursed Nyx for choosing such a bad time to fall asleep because now she would've stay up all night and try to annoy me.

We walked through a small town so small it was not worthy to be called town.

Just a few abandoned buildings.

"So what are we going to do now?" Thalia asked, "How are we supposed to go west now?"

"We could follow the sun." Nyx said not clearly awake.

"Ask your arrow." Zoë suggested.

"A good plan," I complimented her and I was about to take out my arrow when in the distance two light bulbs appeared.

The sound of an engine roaring came out of nowhere two headlights made their way towards us.

The car got closer and my friends drew their weapons, even though I knew who it was I summoned Frostsilver and uncapped Riptide.

In front of us stopped a black limo, the backdoor opened and a sword pointed aimed at my throat appeared. I stepped to the side and deflected the blow with Riptide while I swung Frostsilver at his throat.

"You got quicker." Ares noticed as he got out of the car.

"Wow," Thalia said with awe, "Percy you're quick."

"Thanks." I said without looking away from Ares.

He wore a biker jacket over a white shirt, black jeans had a crew cut and sunglasses that hide his

hollow eye sockets filled with flames.

"Ares." I said with a smirk.

"Perseus Jackson, still a punk." Ares said with the sword at his throat.

"Please hurry." A voice from inside the Limo yelled.

Ares grunted and I lowered my blades.

"What are you doing here Ares?" Zoë asked cautiously.

"That's none of your business." Ares answered, "But someone wants a one-on-one conversation with Percy."

"We are not leaving Percy with you," Zoë said angrily, "he's our friend and part of the quest."

I smiled at Zoë, "Don't worry, I got this."

Zoë studied me before saying, "Fine, but don't get yourself killed." she finally said.

I frowned, "Why would I get killed?"

"Go get some Tacos." Ares said and he gestured towards the closed Tacos shop, before someone could mention the shop was closed Ares pushed me inside the limo.

Once inside I had a hard time keeping focuses, the reason for this was Aphrodite.

She was stunningly beautiful, yet there was something off. Then I noticed it. She was not shifting between my physical attractions or preferences.

She was still beautiful but in a distant way, not personal.

She wore a red satin dress. Her face had perfect makeup, though it was impossible to remember anything specific as she was continuously changing her appearance. Same for her hair and face.

One moment she had curly red hair, next moment long blond.

"Ah, Percy Jackson." Aphrodite said with a seductive smile.

"Oh," I said trying not to drool, "Aphrodite I assume."

She gave me a heart warming smile, "Of course my dear."

"So do you have any idea why I came to visit you?" Aphrodite said, I tried to focus on her eyebrow, there was nothing attractive about her eyebrows, at least compared to the rest of her body.

"No," I said, "But eyebrow- I mean, I think you came to warn me." I said heavily blushing.

Meow and suddenly Rebel had appeared out of nowhere and sat on my lap, he was staring at Aphrodite, Meow?

Aphrodite raised her eyebrow, which confused the shit out of me, and stared at the cat, "Is that a Nemean lion?"

Rebel made a roar that no cat should be able to made, it boomed through the limo, then it gave me a proud look, told you I'm awesome it seemed to say.

Aphrodite's smile now almost melted the car, "Awwww…"

Rebel leaped forward and landed on her lap and began to head bump her while making a satisfied purring sound.

Aphrodite cupped Rebel's head and began to stroke it, "You're so cute." she murmured.

I felt side lined by my own cat.

After a few uncomfortable minutes in which Aphrodite completely forgot about my presence she turned her gaze on me, "Sorry my dear. I got a little distracted."

I glared at Rebel, who seemed to shrug and began to rest in Aphrodite's lap.

"So why are you here?" I asked.

She studied me like I was something she saw in a magazine, "You interest me." she finally said.

"Uhmmm...what?" I stammered confused.

Aphrodite laughed, "Oh, you are so cute, you are going to be a wonderful story, I mean hero."

I scratched the back of my head, I knew one thing. If the love goddess took interest in your life it was a bad thing.

"Well, I'm honored, but I'm really not that special." I protested.

Aphrodite waved it away, "You know what is so interesting about you?"

'Your haircut?' Chaos suggested.

'Shut up.'

"I can't see your love life." Aphrodite squealed in delight.

I frowned, "What do you mean?"

"WEll," Aphrodite said as she studied her nails, "I can see all the love interest someone has, who they have a crush on and so on."

"Sounds reasonable, being the love Goddess." I said thoughtfully, trying not to sound dumb.

Aphrodite laughed, "Aww...you're so cute, just like your cat."

"Jeezz." I muttered and glared at Rebel, of course I was placed behind my cat.

"But the thing is Percy," Aphrodite went on, "I can't see your love life, your feelings. Your future."

"What do you mean?" I asked worried.

"Like I said, your feelings and thoughts are locked away, so is your future. Its clouded in mist and darkness."Aphrodite said it like she was telling someone how to brush their teeth.

"Oh, is that bad?"

Aphrodite squealed like she was a little kid, "Oh, no dummy. This is perfect!"

"Perfect?" I repeated, not following her train of thought.

Then she did the thing I did not expect, she lunged forward, throwing Rebel of her lap, and kissed me on the mouth.

Her tongue forced itself into my mouth and for a second I was to flabbergasted to struggle.

For a second I forgot my name, where I was and what I was supposed to do.

Then she pushed me back and smiled at me.

"Well, that was a good kiss." she said licking her lips.

I crawled backwards to the backdoor, "What the Hades was that?" I asked blushing heavily.

For a moment Aphrodite's appearance stopped changing.

She had curly red hair and green almond eyes and red lipsticks on her lips.

She smiled at me, "Oh, come on. Don't say you didn't like it."

"That's not the point." I protested, "You should've asked permission first."

Rebel leaped onto my lap and began to glare at the love Goddess and then at me,

bros before hoes! His expression said.

I realized I must have misinterpreted it, there was no way in Hades Rebel would be that weird.

"It's the only way my dear." Aphrodite said with an apologetic smile, then her appearance began to shift again.

"Only way for what?" I sneered.

"To become my Champion dear." Aphrodite said.

I blinked, "What?"

She sighed, "Kissing, that's the only way I can make someone Champion."

"Say what?"

She brushed a few blond locks out of her face, "You are my Champion," her eyes glinted, "The Champion of Love."

'Chaos?' I asked, 'She made me her champion.'

However, Chaos didn't respond.

I recomposed myself and rubbed her lipstick of my lips, "Okay...against my will."

She pouted, "You don't want to be my champion?"

I shook my head, "No, it's just so sudden."

She smiled at me, "Don't worry, if you want I'll come visit you to help you."

"Don't bother." I protested but she smiled, "Oh, don't be shy. As my Champion I am allowed to have as much contact with you as I want."

"Oh." I said.

"And…" she said, "I have your first kiss."

"What?" I said, and I felt incredibly left out of my own conversation.

"Nevermind. All that matters is that you represent love and beauty." Aphrodite sighed like she was retelling a love story.

"What does that exactly mean?" I asked.

"Well, first off. You have a fraction of my powers. Everything you do is in my name. It's like we are partners.I do things for you, you do things for me."

"So I'm like your personal butler?" I asked.

Aphrodite shook her head, "No, more like friends." she said those words like she had never said those words before, "Don't worry about the heartbreak, when it happens I can help you with the grief."


"Oh, your love life will become interesting, though I can't see it in the future I can smell and sense it. The tragedy." Aphrodite squealed but quickly added, "But I'll be there for you."

She dreamily began to hum the tune of Friends

"Wait, I don't want heartbreak." I protested.

Aphrodite pouted, "But it's inevitable even with all my powers I can't stop fate but at least I can help you."

"You said my future was hidden." I cried out.

She nodded, "It is, but some people just tend to attract...problems."

Her eyes lit up, "But I can help you, that's why you are my Champion."

I had the feeling I needed to puke, suddenly I felt empty.

Aphrodite placed her hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry dear."

"You just announced my life will be a tragedy." I cried out, "How can I not worry?"

She gave me sympathetic smile, "Because you got friends."

I realized she was right, my fate was always troubled and tragic. But I always got my friends who helped me. They helped me overcome the greatest odds.

"Thanks Aphrodite." I said and I meant it, what she said did help me. Especially with the hard decision I had to make this summer it was good to know I had always friends, even Aphrodite.

She nodded, "Well, let's get to the fun stuff. Powers."

I blinked, "Completely forgot about that."

Then her expression changed to worry, "However I could not give you all my powers since you are not my child. A blessing can cover a lot but love is tricky."

I sighed, "Of course there's a loophole."

Aphrodite chuckled, "Is anything ever easy in love?"

"Good one."

"So for powers you still have a few cool things." Aphrodite said excitedly, "You can control Doves!"

She said it like it was the bomb.

"Doves?" I said skeptical.

She nodded, "Doves, my sacred animals. Also Dolphins, Swans and Sparrows but those are weak compared to dove."

I nodded, "Of course. So what can I do with Doves? Throw them? Make them appear from a hat?"

Aphrodite giggled, "No silly, you can use them to deliver messages."

"Great, free twitter."

Aphrodite shook her head, as to say: you are such a seaweed brain.

"Anyway, You also can sense emotions."

I frowned, "Like what?"

"Focus." Aphrodite said, "Focus on me and try to read my emotions."

"Can't I just guess? I mean. I think I already know it."

She shook her head, "No, try it."

I stared at Aphrodite's eyes, which were now glowing pink, and tried to read it like I normally would.

Immediately a surge of unknown emotions razed through me, and as quickly as it came, it died down.

I blinked, "Were those?"

"My emotions." Aphrodite confirmed.

I was confused, I expected to feel lust coming from Aphrodite but instead I felt excitement, trust and love but without the lust.

"I must be reading it wrong." I said confused.

She shook her head, "No, you did it right."

I felt heavily confused, Aphrodite was not who I thought she was.

She smirked, "Trust me, Percy, we both know it's better to hide your full potential." she gave me a seductive wink and then went on with her list of powers.

"I can't give you charm speak as that power is only accessible for my children,"

'Bummer.' Hemera said, 'It would've been hilarious if you managed to charm speak mom.'

"However," Aphrodite said with a smile, "I can give you something else. Something more powerful but trickier."

"And that is?" I asked in awe.

"Soul Speaking." Aphrodite said, "It's a power only I have and no one else."

I frowned, "What's Soul Speaking?"

Aphrodite sighed, "You know how Charmspeak is limited to the one you use it on."

I nodded, "Yeah, something with willpower right?"

Aphrodite beamed, "You're learning already, yes, for example charm speaking a god works temporarily and how smarter your enemy is, the more difficult it becomes to charm speak them. For example. I can't charm speak Athena."

I frowned, "I've never heard of this."

She smiled, "Because it's a secret. Anyway, Soul Speaking is different. Soul Speaking is deeper, when you use Soul Speak you talk directly to the soul instead of the brains."

"That sounds weird." I admitted.

Aphrodite frowned, "Well, here's an example. Charmspeak can convince someone to do under strict circumstances, but Soul Speak can convince people what they want to do already. It by passes the logical thinking and goes straight to the...soul."


"For example, I could not Charmspeak Athena to kiss Poseidon, but when I used Soul Speak on her."

She gave me a knowing wink, "She instantly obeyed."

"Wait, you're saying that Athena…." I began but Aphrodite waved it aside, "Olympians have a lot of secrets. Anyway, as I said. Athena already wanted to do it but her logical senses kept her from doing it. Soul speaking however convinced her to do what she wanted already."

I frowned, "Okay, but how can I use that power? I mean, it's not like I need to convince an enemy to come crush me."

Aphrodite chuckled, "How to use it? That's something you need to figure out on your own."

I pouted, "Yay."

She then looked at her wrist, like she was looking at a watch, "Oh, I'm holding you up my dear. You need to save Artemis."

I wanted to protest, saying there was way more she had to explain but she smiled at me, "See you later, dear."

The car door opened, and Ares grabbed my shoulder, pulling me out of the car and back into the desert night.

He slammed the door shut and stared at me, "Don't think you're cool because you saved my daughter."

I frowned, "Wait, you mean Clarisse?"

"And I'm certainly not grateful for that." Ares snapped.

"Is this reversed psychology or something?"

"So don't get cocky because I don't kill you because you helped my daughter." Ares said and huffed.

"Punk." he quickly added before he snapped his fingers.

The world did a three-sixty, spinning in a cloud of red dust.

I fell to the ground.

'Hey Percy.' Chaos said as I felt dizzy.

'What?' I asked annoyed.

'NEW POWERS UNLOCKED!' Chaos yelled.


So new powers, I decided no Charmspeak. That would make him to OP to soon.

Also, hope you people like my version of Aphrodite. Reviews are appreciated.

Moonhorse Moonhorse

If you want to read ahead of public release

go to p atreon : Moonhorse

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