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73.75% Classroom of The Elite: Revenge / Chapter 58: SS: Kurushima Kaoru — Birthday

Chương 58: SS: Kurushima Kaoru — Birthday

A/N: Long Chapter ahead. But also important, so I suggest you to read till the end. 

[Word Count: 7810] 


[20th October, 19.18] 

[Kurushima Pov] 

Hearing the doorbell, I opened the door. 

There, I saw Hiyori Shiina, my girlfriend, standing right in front of me.


"Kaoru, I'm sorry for arriving so late."

As she said that, she entered the room.

I could see how she was carrying on her right hand that she was carrying a packaged cake, as Hiyori and I always used to order them there too, while we were reading, so I was very familiar with it.

Although, it looks like a special cake, from the way it's packaged.

No, anyhow, don't focus yourself on it.

It's a surprise, remember...?

Overanalyzing everything... it's a thing I can't simply turn off, normally, but when I focus myself only on Hiyori, it's indeed possible. 

"Don't worry, it's nothing much. How long did the celebration of Ryūen-kun's birthday last?"

"It ended around forty-five minutes ago, hence the reason I'm a bit late. What about yours?"

"18.10 o'clock, so it was a bit sooner than Ryūen-kun's."

"Oh... I see. I'm sorry..."

"For what, exactly...?"

I looked confused at her, for what exactly she would feel sorry for. 

"That I wasn't celebrating with you, until now..."

I patted her head with my hand. 

"You're here now, so everything is fine, isn't it? Besides you know how the saying goes, the best person comes at last, doesn't it?"

She flushed away from what I said, but quietly nodded.

"Thank you..."

"I should rather be the one to say 'Thank you', Hiyori. Since you're in my life, everything has been going uphill, currently."

She looked at me embarrassed. "You too, Kaoru. Without you, I doubt I'd have developed as much as I have. But..."

"You're worrying about the class competitions...?"

"Don't worry, I already said it in the beginning, didn't I? Whether I'm in Class A or D does not matter for me, so don't worry, I would never think of putting our relationship up in the line for something like that, ever."

She nodded her head, showing relief. But then she tilted her side in confusion, asking me a question. "For 'Something like that'?"

"I told you it already, but my future... it's guaranteed, either way. Even if I don't have my background of being extremely wealthy, I can be accepted in any university, if I wanted. The privilege of Class A is in that sense quite worthless for me..."

"What about you?"

"I'm not precisely sure... I'm good academically, but I'm not that confident, actually. Although, I suppose, I could, if I learned decently, in the Third Year, regarding the Entrance Exams..."

"Kaoru, do you have any plans for the future...? Where you'd like to study, perhaps? If so... could you tell it to me...?"

She looked at me embarrassingly, her cheeks being completely red.

But I could see that the question was something she asked herself, often. 

"I suppose..."

"It'll probably be the University of Tokyo. As for what precisely, I'm not sure, but I'd like to use my position to make a large change among Japan..."

"Currently, the way the working culture in Japan works, is something I want to change, definitely. It's something my parent's wanted to change, too..."

"My Mother was able to do it, although in our conglomerate only, but it worked. Even now, since I'm the largest shareholder in the future, and I represent these values, no one is giving the worker's overtime, till now..."

"I made even sure of that... often, as I used to attend meetings, after their deaths..."

Although I was not the shareholder, per see, since I am not of legal age, Aoki, my guardian has these rights, so we exerted them through him.

"If I had to say what it'll be, I guess... it'll be something like Business Administration, or something along those lines, I suppose..."

But what's the need of studying these things, if you already have done it...?

Nobody aside from Aoki knows it, but I'm just going there, for the accreditation of the University, nothing more, actually.

What's the need of a teacher or Professor... when they can't pass their knowledge to me...? 

University, School... it's useless, isn't it, basically, then...?

Once I'm finished here with everything, I might as well decide to go abroad... 

I can't graduate immediately from high school in Japan, as the requirement is to be in high school for two years, as per law, so I'll have my private school write an letter of recommendation, and then, go abroad... I suppose...

Graduating soon here from university is also difficult, so... I might study in another country, too...

But my future... it's where I'm currently uncertain, at the moment...

I could graduate from Tokyo or Kyoto at 21 or 22... but I could also do it at 18, somewhere else, in the USA, or some other countries...

If I'm able to change the legal age successfully to 18, I could start working as soon as possible in the conglomerate, change everything, and end my suffering, before I'll reach the age of my middle or late twenties...


This is the kind of life I intend to lead, huh...

Well... life never held any particular meaning, until now, so it's fine.

I have no ambition to live... either way, aside from my revenge, and their goals, changing the work culture, the political system, in Japan, so I suppose... it's fine.

As for now, however, I want to enjoy every memory in school I can...

Before I lead myself to the very bottom of the abyss, soon... 

As I spaced out, this time long, however, I suddenly felt a hug, coming from her.

"It must have been hard for you, until now, Kaoru, has it not? I'm really sorry to hear that... I wish I could do something else to help you..."

"But... aside from this, I can't do anything more... I'm sorry..."

I smiled, slightly, patting her on the head. "Don't be, Hiyori. You're already a great help. Just your presence itself is more than enough for me, already."

"R-Really...? Oh... I see..." 

I could tell already that she was reassured by my words, but what I said was the undeniable truth. Ever since she's there in my life, I feel better....

Everything I said to her until now, about me, about my past, it is the definite truth. 


I keep quiet about a lot of things, still...

She's the only person...

I don't want to lie, to...

But it's also for her own sake...

"Seeing my cute girlfriend hugging me so tightly, it makes me really happy. You're really my remedy, Hiyori..."

She looked at me with a smile, but then pouted. "Your remedy...? I guess I am, but please see me as your girlfriend, and not your remedy, Kaoru."

With a slight smile, I answered. "Of course."

A couple of seconds passed, but Hiyori still hugged me tightly. "Hiyori... I'm fine, you know. You don't have to hug me so tightly anymore... though... I suppose, I like it, somehow."

"Ah... sorry, I felt just so comfortable... suddenly..."

"I see..."

I revealed again an unconscious smile. 

She looked at me, but blushed, again. 


"Do I look that handsome, Hiyori, for you to blush away like that?"

She nodded, quietly.

I wanted to tease her actually... I didn't expect her to nod.

"You can stare as much as you like, if that's what you want."

"Ah..." she startled, removing herself from the hug, covering her face.

"You're also cute when you get embarrassed."

I murmured. 

"Kaoru... please don't tease me like that..."

"Sure, sure."

She took a while until recompensing herself. I simply enjoyed myself, seeing her reacting like that.

I'm constantly learning new reasons why love is such a beautiful things.

"Uhm... is there anything in particular you'd like, Kaoru...?"

I looked in thought for a moment, until having thought of something.

"I'd like to taste your cooking, if possible."

"My cooking...? But I'm not really good at it..."

"Do you remember when you were sick? It tasted really bad..."

"You tasted it...?"

She wanted to nod, until she became startled. "No, no, I mean I didn't taste it in advance, I tasted it when you went to the bathroom, at that time. If I knew that it would taste like that, I'd have never let you eat it, Kaoru..."

"I see..."

But wait...

"Doesn't that mean... we did a kiss, before we were a couple, Hiyori?"

"Kiss...?" she looked at me in confusion.

"Ah... the chopsticks..."

I nodded, quietly.

"Is that being counted as a K-Kiss...?" she asked, embarrassingly.

"I suppose, it does. An indirect one... I believe..."

She covered her face again with her hands. "We did something like that, when we weren't even a couple yet..."

"Not even once, but multiple times...?"

"Yeah... there was the restaurant, too, I suppose. Although, I wasn't aware of the chopsticks, though, in my room..."

"But I can't believe you liked me that much already, at that time, Hiyori. You're really daring, I must say, that you pulled off something like that."

"I... wasn't aware of that... Kaoru... I really wasn't..."

She was as red as a tomato, and I found it surprisingly cute. It's not often that I'm seeing my girlfriend as red as this, ever. 

"Alright, I'll stop now. I didn't want to make you feel bad, Hiyori."

She did a slight nod, looking at me. "Kaoru, you Baka."

I simply smiled, because she was too cute.

"You're really sure, Kaoru...? That you'd like to eat something from my cooking...? Unlike the Bento's or Sandwiches I make for us sometimes, I'm not really good at cooking a good dinner, though..." 

"I'll eat everything, even if it's not good. Although, everything you make tastes good, so don't worry too much Hiyori..."

"And if not, I'll simply eat you, then."

I said, with a teasing voice.

She looked at me shyly, when I said it, but did a small nod. 

Eat you...?

Where did I hear that before...?

I thought for a moment, until becoming straight up startled and embarrassed.

"Kaoru...?" she looked at me, in confusion.

"Ah, sorry, I have to go to the toilet. I'll be right back..."

"Uh, okay," she said, tilting her to the side, in confusion.

Immediately, I closed the door. 

I know where I heard it, now...

During the Cruise Ship, more precisely at the Poker Game I intentionally arranged, somehow the topic more or less came up whether I did not do such a thing, as pleasing myself, because of Katsuragi, who was given the nickname "Johnny Sins," who I never had heard before, and asked, why some of them were laughing.

I did not, but out of curiosity, once we were back at the school, and it was evening in the dormitories... I watched it, for the very first time in my entire life...

For a couple of minutes, before I turned it completely off...

But what I just said now... it was similar to what they said... there, while doing that...

I'm so embarrassed...

Looking at the mirror, I couldn't help but see my cheeks being enormously red, currently. 

I really didn't indicate that...

"Oh god... What's happening with me...?"

Did Hiyori think that... perhaps...?

No, of course not.

How could someone agree to that, especially her?

And nobody would make such an happy expression when talking about such a topic?

I wish I never questioned anything about Johnny Sins so I wouldn't be in this situation at all... 

Slapping myself with my hands at the cheeks several times I finally left the toilet, just to see another unique situation in front of me, occurring.

My girlfriend...

She was wearing an Apron...


Immediately, I closed the door, again. 

"What's wrong with me...?"

"Kaoru...? Is everything alright...?"

"Yeah, I simply have slight stomach issues..."

It wasn't that, however...

With a deep sigh, I looked with my eyes slightly down, to my pants...

Kurushima Kaoru...

I can't believe you have in such a situation an erection...

Damn Teenager Hormones...

"Oh, I see. Should I make you something like a Tea, perhaps...?"

"If it's possible, black tea..."


I heard her slowly walking away from the door, while I sat myself on the ground, my back leaning against the door.

Dodged a bullet here, luckily.

How come... I can't control myself when I'm around her?

Does my body in secret want to do something like that...?

Naturally, since the biological urge for reproduction is there, written in all of our DNA's, but... I've no interest in such things at all, really.

It's just my hormones... that's all.

Calm down, just for once, please...

With a deep long sigh, waiting for two minutes, I finally was able to calm down, leaving the room.

"Please head to your room, I'll bring you your tea," she said, smiling at me, brightly.

I simply nodded, still stunned of what she was wearing. 

I approached the table in my room, sitting myself on the ground, while I could see Hiyori coming to me.

"Here, Kaoru."

I accepted the tea from her, and gracefully put it on the table. 

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

She smiled back at me, very brightly. In times like these, I feel like the happiest person to be alive, currently.

"Please rest well, Kaoru. I'll make sure to make you something very good."

I nodded, but I was really getting embarrassed, again. 

It felt like I somehow got a wife, suddenly...

Am I going crazy or what...?

Yeah, I am...

But for the first time since my past seven birthday's, this time, I'm surprisingly excited.

My birthday...

For me, it just signalized until now that I could not achieve anything regarding my revenge at all. I didn't see it as a happy celebration, despite Aoki's attempts on cheering me always up...

"She's really very special, huh...?"

I slowly murmured to myself, drinking the tea, with a slight smile. 

"When was the last time I smiled like this, so often, in just one simple day?"

"During our visit to French, probably..."

I sat there for ten minutes, until I heard something from the kitchen. 


I heard something from the kitchen, and thus, decided to stand up, walking to the kitchen. I looked over, seeing her being troubled.

"Hiyori, is something wrong...?"



"I added to much salt in the soup..."

I saw her looking slightly depressingly, but I simply hugged her from behind.

"Don't worry, I'll eat it, nonetheless."

"No, no, you really can't... Not again. How should I fix this mess...?"

Despite myself hugging her from behind, her attention was still focused on the soup. Sometimes, she can be quite immersed in these kinds of things.

"How about we add lemon juice to it?"

"Lemon juice...?" 

She suddenly turned herself around, looking at me in slight confusion. 

But then she realized it. 

"Ah... because it's sour, right?"

"Yes, that's right. Quite easy, isn't it?"

She nodded, but then realized I hugged her.


"Do you dislike it?"

"Not really... But I can't really cook like this, though..."

"I see..."

I released my small hug, until looking at her.

I looked over to what she was making, wherein I asked, what she wanted to cook, actually. 

"What are you even planning on cooking next to the soup, Hiyori?"


"Sukiyaki...? Are you really sure?"

She did a small nod. "It might be hard to make, but it's really delicious."

"And besides, you have all ingredients inside your fridge, too, surprisingly. Especially the Sukiyaki Meat, which is quite expensive, normally."

"Well... yesterday, the Sukiyaki Meat had a 35 percent discount, and I was barely able to get one of the last packages with hard efforts, so I bought it."

"I see. So that's why I didn't notice it."

I nodded. 

Hiyori visited me during the weekends, but I didn't buy them at that time, so that's why she wasn't aware of it. 

"What did you initially plan to make...?"

"Baked Tonkatsu, if you didn't have the Sukiyaki Meat, or any other ingredient for it, too. You really like it, after all."

I smiled, unconsciously. "You know me so well."

"Of course. I'm your girlfriend, after all. And besides, there's a reason why you have so many Pork Cutlets in your fridge, Kaoru."

"Well... it's one of my favorite dishes, after all."

Besides, I have the Private Points, so why not enjoy myself often with good food? 

"Do you need my help, Hiyori?"

"Just with the vegetables, Kaoru. Could you cut them for me, so we're faster?"

"Of course. Everything for you."

She blushed, but turned herself away, again. 

In the meantime I simply cut the vegetables as instructed, while Hiyori was doing the first other preparations for the Sukiyaki.

I looked at her, slightly in shock, then remembering, we came from two different regions, thus the Sukiyaki the two of us always made, will be different.

"Kaoru...? Is something wrong...?"

"No, not at all..."

She shakes her head, seeing that I wasn't entirely truthful. "You're lying, Kaoru. What's wrong...? Could you tell it to me, please?"

I nodded my head, slightly. "You see, I'm from Kyoto, the Kansai Region... and you're from Tokyo, the Kanto Region. There're two different styles for preparing Sukiyaki... one is the Kanto Version, the other one the Kansai Version."

"I'm just a bit shocked, since we'd start differently, in the beginning."

"Oh, right, I didn't know that, actually."

Sukiyaki originates from the Kansai Region, and was introduced during the Edo period (1603-1867). It later spread to the Kanto region, but was fused with the "beef hot pot" that was already commonly known there.

"Then how about I'll surprise you with the Sukiyaki from the Kanto Region today, and at my birthday... you'll surprise me with the Sukiyaki from the Kansai Region?"

Hiyori looked at me, expectantly, whereas I nodded.

"Sure, I'll do so." 

"We're finally finished with preparing everything."

I nodded. "Fifteen minutes... The preparations certainly take very long."

"They do."

"Is that your first time perhaps cooking Sukiyaki...?"

"Technically, yes. I helped my Mother in the past with the vegetables, but that was all, actually. I remember how she cooked it on the occasions of my or my Father's Birthday, very often, so I'm well-known with the process, I'd say."

"What about you, Kaoru...?" 

Her voice carried uncertainty in it, because she must be afraid whether it might recall some bad memories for me.

"I did it, often, I suppose. Whenever Aoki, my guardian had birthday, I'd cook Sukiyaki for him."

"He did it, too, on my birthday's, too, alongside making various kinds of Mochi. As for me, I'm not really good at making Mochi, and he doesn't particular like it..."

"Me neither, Kaoru. But we can learn it together, can't we?"

"I suppose, that's true."

She smiled, brightly. "I'm relieved to hear that."

"Do you have time on the weekends...?"

"I think so, since there's nothing on my calendar, yet."

"Okay, then let's do it on the weekend, then. And if something comes up, just inform me, Hiyori."

"I hope nothing comes up, but I'm not certain..."

Since it was the time of the Paper Shuffle Exam, we couldn't deny the fact that we might need to learn with each of our classmates for it. She's the best person in terms of academics in her class, likewise with me, in my class.

Seeing that both of us were right now thinking of the Paper Shuffle, I saw her lips moving, again.

"Kaoru... Uhm... How long does it take... again, until it's finished?"

She looked rather embarrassed, since she did prepared the Sukiyaki more or less out of memory, but even then, there was some kind of uncertainty lingering in her.

Seeing her like this was very lovely. It's not often when I see her so clueless. 

"It takes about 10 Minutes, for the cooking time in the pot."

She did a small nod. 

"How about we prepare the table in the meanwhile?" she asked.

"Sounds good."

Both her and I prepared the table, and then, sat ourselves on the ground. She sat right next to me, holding my left hand.

"I'm excited of tasting your cooking, Hiyori. It's been a long time since I eat something from you, since I'm the one who usually cooks."

"Uhm... I'm sorry, but I'm not quite good at it. But I'll try my best, so that I can make you often delicious dishes just like you do for me."

We're eating after all, almost everyday at my room. 

"That being said... I never was in your room before, was I?"

"That's true. But my room, it's boring, I think. Unlike your room, I don't have such a large television, or multiple kind of devices for the kitchen. The only thing I bought myself is the Yogurt Maker, because it tastes very good."

"I don't mind going into your's regardless."

"If you want, that's fine for me, too. As long as we're together, I don't mind in which room we're, in the end."

"I feel the same way, Hiyori."

"Kaoru... I never really asked this before, but how is Kyoto, actually? Since I'm from Tokyo, I never had the pleasantry of visiting Japan's ancestral City."

"Kyoto, huh? Among the cities I visited in Japan and worldwide, there's no place like Kyoto that makes me feel so comfortable, so relaxed. It's where I grew up, so it holds a very special place in my heart."

"In particular, since my family lives there for centuries, already. There's so much to see there. I hope... the school makes with us a trip there..."

But by that time, I'll be probably gone, won't I...?

Another reason why I should go in high school abroad so I can immediately skip it, perhaps...?

How would I react if I were to see her there and she were to have a new boyfriend?



I don't want to experience that... 

I'm already in regret of so many things, especially... because I deep down wish that I was in that car, too...

But I wasn't...

So I'll continue their legacy...

"School Trip...? I suppose it would be really interesting there, would it not?"

"Yes, perhaps I might even smuggle myself out, so I can go back to home." I said, with a slight smile. 

"As long as it's Kyoto, there's no better person here in this school that knows the locations so well. I'd probably be the best tourist guide one can ask, I suppose..."

"You'd really do that...? Smuggling yourself out...?" she looked at me, curiously. 

"Of course. Would you like to accompany me, then...?"

I smiled, but of course, I'd never do such thing. 

"We can't do something like that, even if I'm curious, how your home looks like, and where you grew up, Kaoru."

"It was a joke... I suppose..."

"But there's one place I'd definitely visit, regardless of whether the consequence will be whether I'd be expelled or not..."

She looked at me in disbelief and shock. "E-Expelled...?"

"My family's graveyard..."

I'm the only one of my bloodline left, after all...

No one else is going to visit them, aside from me.

The Obon Festival was for that reason, also very important for me, where I'm honoring my ancestors, the dead.

If I don't celebrate it, no one else will... 

"I couldn't visit it at their death anniversary, at July 1st and 2nd... but if there's a chance I can visit them again, I'll take it..."

"I'll read them the Haiku's I made, this year... and apologize... for abandoning them this year..."

I clenched my right fist out of frustration very hard, but then I felt a sudden warmth engulfing my hand.

I looked below, seeing Hiyori holding with both of her hands my right hand. 

"I'm sure the school wouldn't object to that decision, if you told them about it, Kaoru. So don't think of such a thing, please..."

"I want to continue to spend my time with you, here..."

Her expression looked sad, but I quickly reassured her. 

"Don't be sad, Hiyori. I said, "if", didn't I? I never said I'd do that."

"You're right, Kaoru. I reinvigorated myself too much about it."

"Yes, you did, Hiyori. But that's okay. It's in the end my fault, for being so loquacious, sometimes."

"No, I don't find you loquacious at all, Kaoru. Rather, I'd like to listen to your troubles, always. That's for what partner's are there for, are they not?"

"I suppose so..."

Talking to her is always so scintillating that I feel like I become a better person after every conversation.

But I know myself very well...

I'm a despicable person...

"Do you feel better...?" she asked me.

"Of course. Thanks to you, naturally."

"I'm glad to hear that. If it's fine for you, I can listen to the Haiku's, Kaoru."

"My Haiku's...? I guess it'll be better if I share them with someone, so I can feel a bit of relief, I suppose..."

"This one... is for my little sister, Kaori..."

"Butterfly's flutter,"

"In her laughter, worlds collide,"

"Forever embraced."

I continued with the other three, too.

"They were all beautiful Haiku's, Kaoru."

"It's a stupid tradition I guess, but Aoki, my guardian, he honers his dead wife since 49 years like this, so I do it, too, with my family, since seven years."

"It's not stupid, Kaoru. I'm sure they like it."

"I hope so, too. Anyhow, the Sukiyaki should be ready, now. Let's eat, shall we?"

The soup and everything else was already on the table, we just needed to wait for the Sukiyaki, which by now, is ready.

"Okay... but if you want to talk further, express your troubles, don't hesitate to call me, Kaoru. I'll be always there, no matter what, to hear your troubles."

"Thank you, Hiyori. Please do the same with me, too."

"Of course."

Just as I wanted to stand up, she held my leg. "Please sit. I'll bring it here."

I did a nod, and waited, until she came, placing the pot in the middle of the table. She sat herself beside me, on the ground, in the Seiza Position, looking at me.

Although I sat simply cross-legged, since I didn't like doing the Seiza Position, nor was I used until this school, sitting on the ground to eat.

We... No, I, had a huge dining Table, so I usually eat there at home, with Aoki. Sometimes, it's still hard to believe that everything is supposed to be mine...

I never cared about material kind of things... I just wanted my family... 

"Should I sit at the opposite...? Are you perhaps uncomfortable like this?"

"No, I'd never be uncomfortable with you sitting next to me, Hiyori. You can be sometimes quite clueless, can you?"

"Um... I am... I suppose..." she said, her cheeks red.

"Kaoru... do you want to open it...? The pot...?"

I nodded. Slowly, I opened it, feeling how my mouth was throbbing.

"It looks delicious."

"Really? I'm glad. Perhaps, this might not be a failure, then." 

"It surely, is not. I helped you, after all, and looked over you."

She suddenly could not help but flush, once again. 

"You're really cute, Hiyori. I love it, when you get embarrassed."

She looked at me, murmuring something. "Baka... Kaoru..."

"Indeed, I am." I slightly smiled, taking the chopsticks in my hands.

I clapped my hands, likewise with Hiyori.


Once the two of us expressed respect towards the food on our table, I moved with the chopsticks for the Sukiyaki Meat.

It looked really appetizing, if I'm being honest. Especially, since she made it, with hard efforts, I wanted to eat it, even more. 

"~Am~ It really tastes very delicious, Hiyori."

"R-Really?" she said, sighing a breath out of relief.

"I'm now finally reassured, that I could cook you something good."

"I would have eaten it regardless of the taste, Hiyori. After all, my cute girlfriend has specially prepared it for me."

She smiled brightly at me, until looking at me in confusion.

Apparently, she seemed to think I might have lied whether it tasted good, so she quickly took with her chopsticks a piece of Sukiyaki Meat.

"~Am~" she slowly chewed it, looking at me.

"It tastes good!"

"Didn't I say so already?"

"Knowing you, you could have simply lied to me about the taste." 

"True enough..." I murmured to myself. 

She took with her chopsticks another piece of Sukiyaki, alongside noodles, putting it on the small bowl of rice.

"Kaoru... open your mouth..."

"Uhm, okay."

She held it before my mouth, whereas I took a simple bite from it.

"~Am~ It's delicious." 

Hiyori nodded, but she looked at me, expectantly. I knew what she wanted, too. 

"Firstly, close your eyes, Hiyori."

"Close my eyes...?" she tilted her head in confusion. 

"You don't want to, Hiyori? I suppose, I'll have to eat it myself, then..."

"No, I didn't say that, at all..."

Immediately, she closed her eyes. But instead of food, I aimed for a small kiss on her lips. 

I kissed her aggressively while she was in the shock factor.

But after a couple of seconds, I stopped.

"~Hah~ Kaoru, that wasn't food..." she said, holding her lips.

"Did you dislike it, perhaps...?"

She shakes her head. "... Not really, but we should do that kind of thing later, when we finished eating the food."

"I suppose it's inappropriate doing it now, is it not? Although... I don't mind doing inappropriate behavior with you, truthfully..."

Looking at me, she covered her cheeks. 

Of course, you could say I implied the kiss, or something rather else, doing the certain 'deed', with her.

I wasn't against it, surprisingly... but I'm also conflicted about it...

Although, I knew very well, that Hiyori did not understand the equivocal meaning behind it.

As a matter of fact, she's someone who was like me in that kind of sense, until I naturally, found out about it, after the Cruise Ship. 

In the past, I probably would have also not realized the equivocal meaning behind it, if someone were to say it to me. 

Doing inappropriate things, I mean...

But now I do...

"I'm f-fine with it. But let's do it later."

Although she said she was fine with it, she's still fundamentally very shy of doing these kinds of things, especially in public, like today, at the Karaoke Bar.

I nodded, with a slight smile.

The two of us continued to eat, sharing our food with our chopsticks. 

"~Puh~ I'm full."

"Me too."

"You really did a well-job with the Sukiyaki, Hiyori."

"I'm glad to hear that, Kaoru."

With a bright smile, she looked at me.

I blushed away, slightly, when I saw her smile.

Her smile...

It was one of the few lethal weapons that could work against me...

If I'm around her, I'm losing often my composure and quickly feel normal... 

It's not a bad sign at all...

But it's also a weakness, I suppose...

"You know, you should avoid on smiling like this to the other boy's, or I'm quickly getting jealous, Hiyori."

She looked at me, slightly. "Then you can't smile at the girls, either."

"Sure thing."

I smiled slightly at her, while she looked at me. "Should we clear the table up?"


Without hesitation, both of us stood up, clearing and cleaning up the table.

Once we finished, the two of us headed back to the bedroom.

She looked at me, slightly. "Please wait one moment, Kaoru."

I simply nodded, waiting, as I sat on my bed. 

Moments later, she arrived, with a small gift package. 

"I'm not sure if you will like it..."

"But here..."

Embarrassingly, she handed it to me over.

"Thank you, Hiyori." 

I smiled at her, as I opened the gift. 

When I saw what it was, I unconsciously revealed a smile.

"A Book...?"

I opened the first page, but then, I again, revealed a slight smile.

She personally made this book, printed pictures we took together, shared her thoughts inside them, from the days we were together, until now, and our most precious memories with me. 

"Is it to your disliking, perhaps...?"

She slightly asked me, looking at me.

"I should have done something else, after all..."

"It's not, Hiyori. Thank you, it's a really good gift."

"Really...? I'm glad to hear that."

She smiled brightly at me.

"Wait, I have another surprise..."

But I could see her getting embarrassed, when she mentioned the word 'surprise', somehow. 

"Can you wait a couple of moment's, please. I... have to go to the bathroom..."

I simply nodded, not wanting her to prevent from going inside the bathroom. 

Although to my surprise, she also took her bag with her, as it lied here. 

Why would she...?

Bag... Does she have her period, perhaps...?


I understand now...

"I'll be right back..." she slowly murmured.

Seeing the calm composed Hiyori like this, it should be truly the case.

It must have happened sooner, then...?

No... I shouldn't think about this. It must be an uncomfortable topic for her...

I tried to read the book she made for me, slowly, but I did sometimes glance outside the room, thinking of going to the bathroom, whether I should ask whether everything is okay with her.

But unless she said something, I decided to keep quiet, so I focused myself back on the book, looking at everything she made thoroughly. 

She even made Oshibana with some flowers I gifted her. I knew that she was gifted in that area, but I didn't know that she was that good, actually.

Her ability to handle Oshibana was far higher than that of an ordinary student. It required both technical and aesthetic sense. 

I wonder...

Does she perhaps intend to go somewhere around that area, for her future? 

Or is it simply a hobby of her's...?

At home... I've far more than enough flowers in my garden...

If she was interested...


I plan to leave this school, remember...?

As much as I'd like to continue to spend my time with her... I'm a soon-to-be Monster, who'll be unable to redeem himself, no matter what he does. 


Suddenly, I heard the door opening. Although, I could not see her, currently, but I heard her steps, slowly, as she walked out of the bathroom.

"Is everything alright, Hiy—"

As I had intended to ask her of her well-being, I was simply stunned, at this simple moment. 

"Uhm, Kaoru... is it to your liking, perhaps...?"

She asked embarrassed, because of what she wore.

I did a slight, but simple nod.

Everything just got far more difficult...


A Maid Costume...?

How did it come to this situation, suddenly...?

"Hiyori... why're you wearing a M-Maid Costume...?"

She looked at me, shyly. "I asked Ryūen-kun for suggestions of how I could make your birthday... memorable, and he said, it'd be possible, If I wore something like this..."

That damn bastard...

No... shouldn't I be grateful to him, rather...

I'm not sure...

Slowly, I saw her approaching me, as I gulped my throat. "He also said... I should try on asserting dominance, if you're embarrassed like this..."

She looked embarrassed, but also determined. "I'm usually the one who's the passive one among us two, but..."

"I think I should initiate things like this, too, Kaoru..." she said, looking at me, very embarrassingly. 

"Is it fine for you... if I sit on your lap...?"

Unconsciously, I did a small nod, signaling my approval.

"Uhm... I'll sit... then..."

As she walked towards me, facing me face-to-face, I felt her sitting on a very certain special place...

I looked at her very embarrassed, my cheeks being red. And I felt at this moment, something else, too...

Not again...

Damn Hormones...

Please... don't do this...

"Kaoru, I feel something very hard, below me...?" she asks, looking at me in confusion.

"Do you really not know... what it is...?"

She shakes her head. "Is it your phone again...? But it does not feel like a phone, though, at all." 

"It's something else..." I murmured.

"Something else...?" she asked me in confusion, tilting her head to the side. 

"Do you know how the male body, works...? It was taught to us students early on the Health Classes in primary school..."

She nodded. "The Male Body...? Of course I d—"

Then, she became startled, in between as she stopped talking. "You mean..."


She looked at me embarrassed, while I was redder than ever before. I couldn't believe what was happening, and how awkward it currently was...

"Ahh, I'm sorry... I'll stand up right now..."

"Please don't... It'll make everything even worse..."

"Okay..." she nodded at me, looking at me embarrassed.

I feel like my pants are in the process of ripping apart...

"Do you find me perhaps... attractive in these kind of clothes, Kaoru...?"

I slowly nodded my head. "Of course... Who wouldn't, if their girlfriend was dressed like this...?"

She blushed away, slightly moving her tights left and right, not noticing, what she currently was doing, made everything ten times more difficult.

"Did Ryūen-kun... say I should wear this... because of this...?"

"Probably... he knows how males tick... after all..."

Ryūen... you damn...

I should simply beat him up...


I've no time to think about this...

I've to control myself...

"Hiyori... did you really not realize what effect it would have if you wore something like that, at all...?"

"No... I thought you'd be happy... and get embarrassed, if I wore this..."

"Sorry... It's something I cannot... control... My sudden rush of hormones... is the reason for this situation..."

She did a small embarrassed nod, knowing that it's not my fault. "Does that mean... you don't find me attractive in these kinds of clothes, after all...?"

I shook my head. "I do..."

She giggled, slightly. 

"You teased me...?"

"Is it bad...? You're always the one teasing me... so I thought I should repay you for this, at the very least..."

Looking at her, I found great trouble on not getting aroused. 

"Kaoru..." she became even more embarrassed, feeling my certain part underneath her clothes, probably getting harder than it was, already. 

"How about we kiss us, then...? Perhaps, it'll help you..." she murmured.

"I'm not sure... but it's worth a try..."

Instead like usual, it was this time, again, not me, who initiated it. With slight red cheeks she kissed me on my lips, until all my focus was on her. 

It continued for a minute, until we stopped.

Hiyori stood up, as she felt nothing anymore. She looked embarrassed at my pants, until running to the bathroom, with red cheeks...

I simply looked below, feeling second-hand embarrassment. My cheeks became redder and redder, with each second passing. 

I simply buried myself in the pillow... 

"So embarrassing..." I murmured. 

After a couple of minutes I heard the door opening again. Immediately, I retreated back, sitting like before on my bed, instead of lying there.

I saw her, and she was back at her normal clothes, again. No apron, no Maid Costume, just her outfit she came here with. 

Since the atmosphere between us was quite awkward, I could hear her talking, again. 

"Should we... eat the cake...?"

"I'm fine with it..."

Nodding at me enthusiastically, she walked towards the kitchen. 

She had two plates on her left hand, while carrying the packaged cake on her right hand.

"Should I lend you a hand?"

"No, I'm fine, Kaoru. It's nothing physically exhausting, unlike the books I always carry with me."

"I suppose, you're right." 

She placed both the plates and the cake at the table. "Ah, I forgot to take the knife and forks with me. One moment, please."

I nodded, deciding to stand up, while sitting myself cross-legged back on the ground, again. 

Within the next few seconds she entered the room again, placing both the knife and the forks on the table, sitting herself next to me. 

She took something out of her bag, which was right next to her. It were Birthday Candles, which she put on the table.

Hiyori immediately opened the packaged box where the cake was in, leaving me in awe, as I saw the special strawberry cake.

She slightly giggled, as I felt my mouth throbbing in excitement. 

"One moment, please."

As she said that, she placed the birthday candles, alongside two specific candles with the numbers 1 and 6 right next to each other, signaling that I'm hitting the age of sixteen with this.

Taking the lighter from the side, she ignites the candles.

"Before you puff the candles out... can I perhaps take a couple of pictures and videos of this moment...?"

"I also have the same kind of Book... and I'd like to print these moments out... and paste them in..."

She looked at me very enthusiastically, wherein I gave her a simple reply. 

"Of course," I said, smiling slightly at her.

"I missed it..."

"Missed what...?"

"Of taking a picture of your smile..."

Upon hearing that, I could not help but to laugh.

But I also felt how she took a picture of me. "Now blow out the candles, Kaoru. I'm recording it."

She smiled brightly, as I smiled at her.


How often did I smile...?

In the past before I met her, I never smiled.

And the one's among my class, they were not genuine one's, but with her, this issue was immediately solved.

For me...

The girl in front of me was a very special existence... 

Taking a deep breath, I blew up the candles off. "~Puh~" 

"Okay, I'll st—"

"Hiyori, come here. Let's take ourselves together on the video, too."

She looked at me for a moment in shock, but then nodded, as she approached me, sitting next to me. 

I could see that she changed the view of the video, so that the two of us were recorded, now. 

"Happy Birthday, Kaoru..."

Saying that, I looked slightly to the side. But I was left bewildered in surprise, upon Hiyori's next oncoming action. "~Kiss~"

She then saved the video, but I was still stunned to speak.


"Ah, yes, sorry... you surprised me."

"Should I send you the video...?"

"Yes, please."

Not even did ten seconds pass, and Hiyori immediately sent it to me.

"Thank you."

"No worries."

I slightly looked over to the book on the side that Hiyori made, as it had many pages left empty, which naturally implied, that the two of us would fill with pictures, personal thoughts or writings the book of our memories spend together, further.

"Can we take a picture together, Hiyori? I'd like to change my background image."

She nodded in slight embarrassment. "Okay..."

As we two were side on side, I took with my phone the picture.

"Can you send it to me...?"

"Already done, Hiyori."

Immediately, she took her phone out, and looked at the image. Like me, she also has changed it as her background image for her phone, now. 

Although I suppose, if I could take a screenshot of her kissing me, I'd probably change it into that, I believe.

The two of us spend my birthday happily, further.

I smiled, I laughed, and foremost, I enjoyed myself, in our remaining time, until she headed towards her room... 


In the aftermath, recalling this event, I have to admit, it's one of the best memories I have ever made in my entire seventeen year's of life.

But why... Do I remember it now, huh...?

In this kind of situation...

At my nearby death...

I'm becoming quite sentimental, somehow...

Looking to the side I heard her painful shouts, despite Ibuki, Albert, Ishizaki, Ryūen, doing their best preventing her to see me in this pitiful state...

And why...

Does everyone suddenly cry, here...?

Even Ryūen seems to be quite sad...


I guess... my existence, it seems like, it wasn't a curse, after all...

You reap what you sow, huh...?

Those are the words I said precisely to him, at my first year, at December 18th...

I guess...

It's time for me to reap what I sow now, huh...

I suppose... this will be my final farewell, then...

Dying like this, while they're remaining unpunished...

The true culprits behind our suffering...

Hah... it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but with me, finally now, the cycle of hatred will end, completely...

Goodbye, Hiyori, and you, too...

This'll be it, I suppose, with my life...

The one actual injury... I did not anticipate...

Fate can be truly hellish, sometimes...


I suppose, I won't be able to fulfill my one promised favor to you, after all...

My life...

It's a life full of regrets...

And that's how I'm going to die, too, huh...

Sounds suitable, I suppose, for someone like me...

I hope...

Everyone comes over my death, quickly...

Goodbye... everyone...

High school wasn't that bad, actually...

Slowly, I decided to close my eyes, preparing myself, once and for all, completely, for the final moments of my life...


A/N: And this concludes the chapter. 

From a relatively cheerful and romantic chapter, for over 7200 Words, directly into a sad one for the ending. 

It's something happening in Y2, after October, so not even close yet, but still, quite a way to end a chapter.

Even for me, this is very new.

I did say let me cook, but damn, I cooked, somehow, for the Y2 Plot. I think it'll be the highlight, since many interesting things are going to happen.

Likewise with Y1.

Also, while I recently focused myself on the Romance often, not sure if I wrote them well, so I'm in need of your opinion, I think, the SS Chapters are going to be in the end of the Volumes, now. 

Important one's will get before, like this one, but two SS Chapters, 60th Couple Anniversary, and Halloween, will be at the end of the Volume, I suppose.

That said, how did you like the romance between Kurushima and Hiyori in this chapter?

And as for the last part of the Chapter, what are your thoughts regarding it? Please share them with me.

In an essence, it's something really depressing. And I was unsure whether to write the last part or not, but I did it, in the end.

What did you think overall from the Chapter?

Please share it with me.

Also, I decided on publishing this fanfic in Wattpad, so if you want, leave a follow, or votes there.

It'd be greatly appreciated.

My Name is like here, "Riku3055" in Wattpad.

Anyway, that'll be all. 

Have a Great Day.

In my country, it's already almost 1 A.M, so I'm going to sleep, after having once again, written so many words.





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