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56.25% Classroom of The Elite: Revenge / Chapter 44: Chapter 9: Expelling Another Student

Chương 44: Chapter 9: Expelling Another Student

[13th September, 15.32]

[Kurushima Pov]

By now, I already had every picture of my parents when they attended this school, 28 years ago. Now it was just one other issue I had to solve, while I'm here. That being said, I should get myself soon the 20 Million Private Points.

[Private Points: 9,438,784 + 102,700 + (125,000)]

[Private Points: 9,666,484 - (45,000)]. 

[Private Points: 9,621,484 - (100,000)] 

[Private Points: 9,521,484]

In the past, I used to pay for Koenji too, but not anymore. However, I didn't think Ayanokoji would just check the Class Bank phone suddenly in the night. It was surprising how he used the Cruise Ship as his opportunity to check it. We were, after all, in the same room, so it's quite possible to check the phone. 

Anyway, the Class Bank does have a decent amount of Points. 

[Class Bank:]

[Private Points: 6,755,000]

Since Koenji does not pay, it's just 39 people who allocate their Points. 

However, he also seems to have noticed it. While we're referring it as 'Class Bank', I officially hold the ownership of the phone. In other words, it's my phone and my Points, as my Student ID is also used for it.

So if I ever were to change classes, transfer them, or do something else with it, they'd have no access to this phone. 

Not that I have the intention, though. 

That aside, I should contact Kushida today.

I wrote a quick email to her, to bring the folder at 17 o'clock to the location I suggested, with precise instructions where to hide it, and what to do afterward, once she had done that.

At the same time, I'll have her meet up with the supposedly 'blackmailer' on her way, who has the 'folder' and create a decent situation where I expel him, right in front of her.

I followed him for the past entire week, so I do know his routine, in some way. If he's there too soon, I'll have to think of a method of keeping him there. 

But anyway, I'm impressed he has not voluntarily dropped out yet. 

Ever since the video has been released, and his class lost any chance of graduating from Class A, because all of their Class Points were lost. It was an amount of 428 CP, or so I've heard at least. 

I didn't think the price would be that high if three students were to be expelled. But I still do not know the precise amount that you lose, if you're expelled. Despite myself being in the student council for 5 months already, it's still kind of a mystery. 

And in any case, I don't feel particularly bad, of what I'm going to do.

A bit... but well, I can't have anyone get suspicious of me. If the information were to get out, Manabu-senpai would become immediately aware of me that I lied. 

In the end, he would not be able to achieve something, but regardless, he'd know that I was the person who did something against these three. I certainly do not have the intention of revealing myself at all. 

"Kaoru, have you perhaps read this book already?"

Currently, I was reading books with Hiyori, my girlfriend, at the library. As to which book she was referring to, it was 'The Hound of the Baskervilles', definitely a very good book.

"Yes, unfortunately, I already did. But I think I might know a mystery book which you might have not read yet."

"Hm? I did read a good amount of books, in particular mystery books, so I'd be quite surprised if there's a book I don't know of, in particular in the mystery genre."

"The book I'm talking about is Raymond Chandler's favorite novel, 'Mr Bowling Buys a Newspaper', quite the good book, I'd say. Have you perhaps heard of it?"

She shakes her head. "No, I've not. That's certainly a surprise. Since I'm reading books in particular of Raymond Chandler, it's quite peculiar that I don't know this. This book, do you know when it was published?"

"1st January 1943."

"Kaoru, you're really impressive. You even know the exact release date of the book. I never memorize these kinds of things. They're irrelevant for me, honestly."

"It's nothing impressive. I was just gifted with a great... memory. Once I read something, it's hard for me to forget it. Likewise... with plenty of other things." 

"I see..."

She probably knew what I was referring to. After all, I did tell her about my past.

"Wait a moment. I know that the book is here. I saw it once on a whim."

I took the ladder from the side, climbed it up, and took with my left hand the book from the bookshelf. 

Jumping down from a 4-meter height, I handed it over to her. 

"You can't just jump like that. You'll get hurt, Kaoru."

"Don't worry, Hiyori. I'm perfectly fine. I know at which height it becomes dangerous to jump, and at which not."

I placed the ladder back at the respective place, while walking back to her. 

"Kaoru, it's not fair when I'm the only one who shares the joy of reading a new-found book. So, I also want to share with you a book, which you might not know about. I'm definitely sure, you don't know it."

"Sure, go ahead. I'll definitely read it, if it's a suggestion from you." 

"Do you know the series 'The Honjin Murders', by Seishi Yokomizo. It's really a good read. If you haven't read it, you should try it out."

"I'm a bit familiar with this book. It's in the library of our Mansion, but I've never really read about it, truthfully. Hahaha, it's just that I was to lazy to go get the ladder, so I never read it..."

She looked at me, a bit surprised and excited. Apparently, her reaction wasn't because of my laziness to go get the ladder. "You have a library, Kaoru? How big is it? How many books are there? Is it a comfortable and secluded place to read, where you can just relax and enjoy reading a book? Is it like the library on the Cruise Ship, elegant, yet really comfortable?"

"Ah, I asked too many questions. Sorry, Kaoru, I'm just a bit excited."

"Don't worry. I'm rather glad that you're asking me questions. For your first question, how big is our, I mean my library is, it's about 20 meters wide, 30 meters long, and 10 meters tall. The room has a staircase, where you can access the upper shelves."

"As for the number of books... I never counted them, but I've heard it should be around 70 Thousand Books or around that corner. And yes, it's designed to be a comfortable and secluded space. The furniture is carefully chosen for both style and comfort, with plush chairs and sofas with tables nearby, where you can drink tea and eat sweets." 

"The bookshelves are made out of Mahogany wood, and a mix of pure black ebony wood, designed by a very famous interior architect. Everything in the room is, in actuality, designed by the interior architect, I think. I would say it's even more elegant, but that is just my subjective opinion."

I could see her being left dumbfounded. "Hiyori? Hiyori? Earth to Hiyori, are you still there?" 

It doesn't happen very often, to see her in such a state. Was that too much?

"I mean, I knew you were wealthy, Kaoru... but that is another amount of wealth. Alone, your library itself... sounds already pretty majestic. I'm kind of curious, what does it look like? Your library, I mean. Despite your descriptions, I really want to see it. Can I?"

"Sure. Once school is over, you can come over. I can give you the address, or you can give me yours, and I'll come pick you up. If you also want... No, never mind... "

She looked dissatisfied. "Kaoru, what did you want to say in the end?"

"Ahm... you could also live with me, if you want, in Kyoto, I mean."


Her face began to get immediately red. Mine too, because of my absurd proposal. "No, please forget that. We're just a month together. I shouldn't propose something like that, yet..." 


Oh dear, what am I even talking about? Why is it around her always like that? Damn, I'm really becoming an ordinary teenager, don't I? What's even with my proposal that she can live together with me?


Was it an okay to live together with me, or was it an okay, 'referring' to my previous question?

Of course, it was for my previous question, what the hell am I even thinking of? Kurushima Kaoru... you really have gone crazy, haven't you?

Somehow, we were both able to get out of this situation, by deciding on reading, so now I'm in this awkward situation, I created. Hah... why did I even suggest that?

Of course, she wasn't going to accept that.

Who would, after all? What a crazy proposal...

Slowly, the mood shifted, and soon after, we could easily talk again. Until 17 o'clock, we read, until I parted ways with her.

I was at the opposite of the way from where those two would come, so I simply looked at the time and let things unfold themselves. I created the necessarily situation already, so all what remains is the expulsion of him.

If Kushida can't do it until now, I'll have to do it myself. Hah, you can't even rely on one person, huh? 

I sat at the bench, while waiting.

As for my plan, it wasn't quite difficult.

I just needed to move a couple of stones in the right place. With that, the plan was perfectly in motion, of expelling a student. 


[Kushida Pov] 

[13th September, 17.29]

"This is the location, right?"

I walked to the location as that 'guy' suggested.

Damn asshole, thinks he can blackmail me only because he saw me at a false moment. If it wasn't for this damn video, I could easily relax a bit. 

But I can't...

I can see how his eyes are looking at my breasts, but I can't do anything. Damn pervert! He should just die! I can't believe I've got to accept such treatment...

What if that virgin asks me for even more? Shit, shit, shit, I can't believe this.

I have to prevent that from happening at all costs. 

I have to get him somehow expelled. I don't care how, just somehow. 

Ever since the day I got the video sent to me, I decided to get in contact with his classmates more and more. If there's a special exam, I decided to take this chance. But damn it, there wasn't anything I could use until now...

Since I was on the Cruise Ship, he couldn't ask me for anything. 

But now that I'm back, that fucking bastard asks me to do this, do that, go there, help them, and then... he asks me to wear a fucking crazy revealing cloth in front of others' with a mask pattern and wants me to write in detail what they said?

What else am I supposed to do, until his fetishes are satisfied?


For now, I have to obey. But soon, I'll strike back. Wait for it...

Looking around me, I noticed no one, so I placed the folder under the place he suggested, with a bottle of water, to prevent it from blowing away.

Now I simply have to move 100 meters forward, then 100 meters to the left, according to that bastard's instructions, and then once again 100 meters to the left, until I can freely walk away.


If that bastard is behind me around 50 meters or something like that, does he want to see me, when I fulfill these instructions, to confirm I did it?

100 meters straight ahead, then 100 meters to the left, and then once again I have to turn to the left, walking 100 meters. 

So I've to follow this order too? If he doesn't see me at that time, he might publish the video or threaten me to do other things...

Fuck that bastard...


I'll just do as he says. I'll figure out some kind of plan later to get him expelled.

"1...2...24...69...81…96... and now, it's 100."

Counting step for step, I now took a left turn, doing the same thing. 

"Now I have to turn once again left.... Fuck... I really don't want to meet him. Fucking pervert, should just die!"

Once again, I began to count my steps. "1…4...5...39…48...69...86...93... Wait, isn't that him, right there?"

Ten meters ahead of me, I saw him walking with the folder I just placed there under the location he suggested in his arms. He turned his head to the right, seeing me, and then made a small nod towards me. 

Does that mean I'm free to go? I guess so, now that he has the folder.


I hate that bastard...

Just when I wanted to turn around, going away from his location, I could see two security guards sprinting. 


What're they after? 

Did something happen in school, perhaps?

"You there, stop!"

Did he... publish it, perhaps? 

Fuck, what am I going to do? 

Am I going to juvenile school? 

I mean, I framed that bastard Ayanokoji with rape, after all...

That fucking blockhead. 

Why did he have to come after me, at that time? 

Couldn't he have simply given me my phone the next day, when we were at class? Even if not, I would have gone to his room afterward, to ask whether he would have seen my phone? 


I'm really in trouble.

I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds, knowing there was no use in resisting. However, nothing happened.

"What are you doing?" A person shouted.

"Huh? What's going on? Why are they confronting him?"

Confused by this situation, I walked a bit closer, to hear things more clearly.

"We've gotten a call saying that you're here to trade indecent pictures of girls for Private Points to someone else."

Trading indecent... pictures of girls? 

Is that scumbag... perhaps that kind of person? 

Blackmailing girls with things they have done... for indecent pictures?

Did he perhaps also want indecent pictures of me? 

I couldn't help but to get a shiver through my whole body from the amount of disgust I currently felt from this person. 

But why are they saying he's here to trade indecent pictures? Isn't this location covered with security cameras? It would certainly be suspicious, would it not?

Looking around our location, I saw this area had not even one security camera, so here would be the perfect time for a trade to... occur. 

"You got it all wrong. I'm just here to deliver the materials for the lesson to one of my classmates. She's sick, so I got asked to give them to her."

"Unfortunately, we have to check that out, nonetheless. Since we have gotten a call, we have to go after that call. Would you mind showing us the folder?"

"Huh? Are you two suspecting me? I didn't do anything wrong. I'm just here to give them to her."

"If there's a belief in suspicion, we're authorized to check students' out. Please do not force us to exert our right to use violent means if the student is resisting. I'm asking you again: please hand over the folder to us."

Taken aback by the situation, I could see him handing out the folder to the two security guards. "... Here you go." 

The security guard opened it, turning the folder downwards, so the documents I handed him over would fall to the ground.

But wait...

My folder was definitely larger, wasn't it? 

So he really was trading with indecent pictures of girls?

Alongside me, a couple of other students have gathered around them. 

They were in the opposite direction, though. Amongst them, there were no first-years, only second- and third-years. It wasn't strange at all. 

We all had different times for when to use the Gym Hall or the Field for practices for the upcoming Sports Festival. During this time, it was the second and third-years, who should currently occupy these two positions. 

Because of that, they're leaving quite late. 

My attention drifted away, when I saw several pictures falling to the ground. 

They were... indecent, done in one of the buildings at the swimming center, with a camera, that could zoom in, if I had to guess.

In total, it was 10 pictures.

I could see familiar girls I knew from the first, second and third years in bikinis.

There were quite a number of very indecent pictures.

"So it's true, then?" The security guard frowned.

I could see familiar figures in the pictures: Ichinose-san and many other people.

I sighed out a deep sign of relief. 

Apparently, I wasn't included in these pictures. 

"No, no, I didn't do it. I didn't take pictures of these girls. You have to believe me, please! I got framed! Someone wants to frame me!"



Who would believe such a thing? There was no way that was possible, was it?

The other security guard collected the pictures, putting them in the folder, 

without looking, while also searching his back bag. 

"Aside from his school things, there's nothing else inside his backpack. He seems to have lied to us about bringing his classmate school materials. No, wait, I got here something else in his back bag. Here's a camera."


Did he just say now that nothing else was inside his back bag?

The security guard turned the camera on. "They're the same 10 Pictures."

Immediately, the other security guard talked. "We three will be going to Chairman Sakayanagi. But let me tell you this: these are definitely not good news at all. You will be punished with expulsion." 

A moment later, after this scene occurred, I began to realize what happened.


Immediately, I ran with full speed towards the prior location again. When I looked under the trash bin, it was gone.

The folder... was gone...


That guy made me believe, he was someone entirely else.

Shit, shit, shit... Now I don't even know his identity...

And that bastard just expelled someone directly in front of my eyes...

Did he want to show me that he could simply expel someone whenever he wanted, when he has nothing on them at all? That bastard is crazy. 

But why... do my hands tremble so suddenly. 

Do I fear him? 

No, of course not. He's just not the person who can ruin your entire life, can he? 

My breathing became suddenly erratic, and I had trouble breathing properly. 

I have to breathe Air. 

Don't try on hyperventilating, Kikyo. Calm down; he didn't publish the video.

He still has something he wants you to do. Just calm down.

My phone rang, notifying me of a message or email. 

[Sender: User39932]

[To: Kushida Kikyo] 

[Subject: None]

[File: Kushida.MP4] 


I knew what awaited me, yet I still clicked on the file. 

"Ah, she's the worst! She's just the worst, the worst, the worst! Horikita, you're so annoying! You're so damn annoying!" 

"I swear, I hate you, hate you, hate you! Just die, Horikita!"

Immediately, I turned it off.


That guy... is really dangerous. 

Why did it have to be someone like him who took the video? Couldn't it be someone who's more average? 

Someone like Ayanokoji. 


[13th September, 17.52]

[Kurushima Pov] 

In the end, I got rid of that 'guy', too. 

I had given Kushida one single task...

But she couldn't expel him. 

Hah, it was quite bothersome until I moved a couple of pieces precisely where I wanted them to be. 

First of all, I paid one of the Students from Class 3-D, 60,000 Private Points, if she were not to occur today. Under that justification, it was now possible for one classmate to deliver Class Material from the lessons to her.

She naturally accepted, since they have only 61 Class Points. 

I wrote an email, and the rest of the transaction was with the Student ID, which I didn't give to anyone.

At the same time, I heard a rumor about one of the female students in Class 3-D, I mean Class 3-C, since they advanced up, drinking beer, so I followed her to the convenience store, made a picture of her, and then blackmailed her to give that folder to him. 

Of course, I haven't given it to her personally; I simply put it in the locker and told her what to do with it, in an email.

Otherwise, everything would end up public, and she had to wait for the school's punishment. 

What that punishment precisely was is unclear; however, unlike condoms, which the school sells them, beer is strictly prohibited, so expulsion is definitely probable, as she was shoplifting, a serious crime. 

I ended up following him the past couple of days, following his route, the exact time he takes, and the lessons he had today, until I decided on creating this situation, where Kushida ends up seeing him being expelled. 

I contacted the Security Guards, with a sim card I had someone buy for me, and told them that I was an upperclassman who overheard in the swimming center yesterday someone taking pictures of the girls without their consent hidden in one of the buildings, intending to sell them today further in an area without security cameras, which I also overheard quite well. 

Since it was prohibiting the school's guidelines, it would naturally cause punishment for that student.

As for the pictures, there were a couple of boys, who offered themselves to shoot them; in return, they wanted 30,000 Private Points for 10 Pictures... 

I hired them anonymously without giving them anything price about me. I also had in return wanted the SD card for the camera, for which I paid 5,000 additional Private Points.

But perhaps, I should expel them, too? 

Well, after this, they won't be able to make pictures anymore, and earn Private Points, because the moment I expel that guy, that location will likely be recorded, from now onwards, from the school, hopefully.

Just to make things clear for the school, I had made him also visit the swimming center on the same day, the pictures were taken, so that itself made him have no alibi, as he was there, when the pictures were taken. 

The girl I happened to blackmail was a very beautiful and popular girl in her class, so I asked her to invite a couple of female friends and boys from her class. That guy, included, who I was framing. 

As for the other matter, where he might prove his innocence, I also thought about that. His female classmate has given the folder to him in a location where no security cameras were pinpointed—a pretty awesome coincidence, I'd say. 

Just in case, I had the female classmate put a camera in his bag today, which I bought from someone for 5,000 Private Points, where also the precise SD-Card with these 10 pictures happened to be in. 

Since the swimming center in the pool doesn't have any cameras, evidence cannot be used, that he didn't take them.

In case, I made him go into one of the buildings, where you have the view of the pool accurately, and could easily take pictures, as there weren't security cameras, just like those in the pictures, basically. 

Although at that precise location weren't any cameras present, on the way there were cameras that recorded him.

I did that once I heard he was leaving, from the female, who was my information quell, as I was blackmailing her. 

Since he was leaving, he also had his bag, so I had her write messages to him about meeting him upstairs, to confess something. 

Since backbags are not checked, naturally, he couldn't excuse himself for not having the camera, since there's no evidence of him having one.

Also, since the date of when the pictures were taken doesn't stand on that specific camera, there's no evidence that can be used for it. 

As for the email, it was deleted. 

Not just from her phone, but his phone, too. 

I had made the girl ask him for his phone, because she hadn't had hers, to make a call, to look where it was. Although, she just deleted his email and then called her phone, which was strangely in her bag. 

To have Manabu-senpai not suspect me, I didn't appear in the swimming center, to prevent him from coming to some conclusions. 

After all, I was present when the three people on Day 3 were expelled; another coincidence, like that, would be pretty unreasonable. If I were in the swimming center too, he could catch onto some things, perhaps. 

As for the girl, she wouldn't talk. 

In return for not talking, her shoplifting and drinking beer won't be revealed.

In fact, I didn't need to have Kushida witness it, but ultimately, it was the better choice. 

The despair it brought to her. 

She won't even think of going against her 'blackmailer' anymore. She fears him—I mean me, too much for it. 

And the other student won't make any problems for me either. 

In his opinion, which should be logical, he was the reason his Class, who was still in the beginning Class 3-C still, wanted to expel him. Because he was the reason the bullying video was published, and made his class lose all Class Points, as they lost the three people I expelled on Day 3. 

They trapped him, reported him, and wanted him to be gone. 

A fitting ending, for one who has a broken relationship with his Class. 

And now, they're soon going to be in Class 3-D, once again, with 0 Class Points. 

All that progress was immediately crushed by me, once again. 

I guess, we have now a different Class in Team Red, for the Sports Festival.

It was definitely a rather more troublesome method than the ones I had in mind, but well, Chairman Sakayanagi should now know where a couple of people take pictures, and how they're taking advantage of that disgusting loophole, which the school didn't think students would do.

In a sense, I'm helping the school, too, by pointing out where people take advantage of these specific things.

But ultimately, I chose this difficult approach because I don't really want anyone to take pictures of Hiyori, truthfully. 

She said one time, she'd like to go swimming with me. 

At that time, when I heard about this, boys taking pictures of girls in bikinis, it didn't really bother me that much, since I was focused on my own problems.

However, now that I'm together with someone, the mere thought made me pop my veins out, if 'guys' were to do that certain thing, on the picture of my girlfriend.

I was disgusted with that idea, honestly...

Anyway, that won't happen, so I've solved this issue. 

That was the only reason I took so much trouble. 

Until now, I always delayed going swimming with her because of that fear, but now, I can finally go...

Unfortunately, the weather is said to be raining for the weekend, and during school, both of us have to find the appropriate time...

Hah... The Student Council is quite bothersome, truthfully. I'm sometimes so busy with it, that I only have during school breaks and evenings for Hiyori mostly. 

"But I admit, I do feel bad, though, for him. Well, I can't do anything about that now, can I? What's done is done." 

In any case, he won't remember me, since he never saw my face, I think. 

I was the one who saved him in the past, from the bullies in his class, but I'm also the one who expels him in the end. 

How ironic. 

But dropping out of this school doesn't ruin your chances at all. It just makes a difference if you graduate from Class A, which gives you special treatment. 

"Well, I should probably get going. I'm curious about how my dear upperclassmen think of themselves."


[Costs for the Plan: 100,000 Private Points] 

A/N: And that concludes the chapter. To be honest, there are many methods on expelling students, but Kurushima chose this one for such a petite reason.

I mean, it's quite understandable, as I wouldn't want that either to happen. But framing it on someone who didn't do it. That's something he feels quite bad. Anyway, how do you find the plan? I hope it's okay.

Regarding the matter with the SIM cards, they can be bought, so far I understand, but you'll have to pay for the lock and the SIM card.

Nothing expensive, but well, it's possible. 

Also, I hope nobody of the characters thinks of antagonizing Hiyori, cause you'll get Kurushima's wrath on you, if you do that. 

But I don't believe anyone could antagonize her at all.

She's a literal angel, lol. 

Besides that, how did you like seeing Kushida's Pov first and then getting the explanation from Kurushima?

It's better that way, I believe. 

Anyway, that'll be all from me.

Goodbye. Have a Great Day.

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