Prompt by:
Lauren was at the age where they questioned just about anything. It could be irritating at times, but you would always answer her questions with great deal. This time, she was asking about Santa.
"Then he comes down to our chimney and leaves gifts for the nice kids!"
Lauren shakes her head, not believing what you said.
"But mommy, Santa is like a thousand pounds, even I can't fit in our chimney."
Lena decided to intervene, not wanting to leave you alone to handle all of Lauren's questioning.
"It's magic Lauren. But what is interesting is that you know that you can't fit through our chimney. Why is that?"
Lena just knew that you had something to do with it so she was glaring at you, hoping you would crack under her stare.
Lauren just feels bad for you, she didn't mean to get you in trouble. Or maybe she did. She needed to get back at you for not keeping your promise of taking her to get ice cream.
"Wait, I can explain, baby."
"Go ahead. I'm all ears."