Prompt by:
Leon was just barely 3 years old. Neither you or Lena wanted to enroll him into a daycare until the two of you had properly checked one out. Making sure that background checks were run on anyone that was going to take care of your child. It was a necessity when it came to being a Luthor. So meanwhile the two of you searched for daycares, his aunts took turns. It just so happened that it was Alex and Sam's turn.
The three of them were all in the living room as they heard and watched both you and Lena get ready for the day.
For the past 30 minutes, Lena had been looking for her new suit that she had been unable to find despite searching every single spot
"(Y/n)!!! Where is my suit!? I can't find it."
She yelled from upstairs.
"Lena!!! Where are my turkey sandwiches!?!? Oh my god!! Why is there kale in this?! Lena!!"
You yelled back.
Alex and Sam turned to look at little Leon that was currently being entertained by the tv.
"Are you sure that you don't want to stay with us, Leon?"