Prompt by:
Getting breakfast in the morning was terrible. There was always big lines in both inside and outside the restaurant. It's why you had decided to just patiently wait in your car rather than stand inside. The line was moving quite slowly and you were never a big fan of using your phone while driving so you just distracted yourself by looking around the various cars around you. You took notice over the fact that most of these people drove face cars, seemed to be in a hurry or hadn't even bothered to change out of their pajamas. It made you jealous of them as you were dressed to the nines just to sit in an office. Finally, you laid your eyes on the woman behind you. She was quite beautiful. You were too distracted subtlety checking her out when cars began to honk at you to move ahead.
You were quite embarrassed to be honked at but it didn't stop you from trying to impress the woman behind you.
"I'll pay for whatever the woman in the car behind me orders. Please tell her that she's fucking hot and I'm ready to leave my wife for her. Keep the change"
The worker was disgusted to hear your words but nonetheless accepted the $100 bill. A $50 tip was a $50 tip so they relayed the message to the woman.
"Hey, the car in front of you told me to tell you that she'll pay for whatever you're having and that she's ready to leave her wife for you. You do what you want with that."
Lena rolls her eyes but there's a hint of pink on her cheeks.
"She's my wife."