Prompt by:
Lena struggled against the binds as she watched the man hold a knife against the throat of her wife.
"Please! Let them go. They aren't Luthors. I'm the one you want. Please don't hurt them. I'll give you as much money as you want but please let them go."
Lena continued to beg to the strange men. The second man in the room just laughed and moved closer to get a better shot of Lena's face as she begged and cried for her family.
"We don't care about the money, Ms. Luthor. We just want to see you suffer for everything bad that the Luthors have done. It's time you pay for your actions."
Lena continued struggling against the binds, she just needed a couple of more minutes to get free to be able to save her family.
"I haven't done anything! It was all my brother and mother!"
"That's no excuse. You could have stopped them. This is all your fault."
The man with the camera faced the one with the knife and then nodded. Signaling for him to kill you and your family.
Lena's cries got louder as they killed you one by one. It wasn't until they got to Lauren that she was able to get free. Even then, she was too late.
"I'll kill you!"
She had never felt this much rage before. Everything that she had ever done was done calmly but as she watched her family get murdered, there was no reason to hold back.
Both men ran to take her down, managing to push her on to the ground and hold her down while a third one came down to help them. Lena's adrenaline was at an all time high and there was nothing they could do. She was able to get her hand free and used it as an opportunity to punch one of them.
"Ow fuck! Bloody hell."
You held your nose to try to stop the bleeding while you tried getting Lena to wake up from whatever nightmare she was having.
"Lena! Please sweetheart, wake up."
There was something about the tone of your voice that caused Lena to finally wake up.
"(Y/n)! Oh (y/n). I had the worst nightmare."
Lena hadn't noticed your bleeding nose as you were still covering it with your hand.
"I'm so sorry Lena. Come here. I'll help you feel better."
You reached over to hug her with your free arm but whimpered when she accidentally bumped the other one.
"(Y/n)? What happened? Are you okay?"
You really didn't want to tell her what happened as you didn't want to make her feel bad but you were more than sure that she had managed to break your nose.
"It's possible that you punched me while I was trying to wake you up and it's also possible that it might be broken."
"Oh god! Come on. We're going to the hospital."
Lena didn't bother to change as she put on some shoes and headed out to wake up Leon and get Lauren.
"What happened, mum?"
"We'll tell you in the morning but for now, we're dropping you off at Aunt Kara's."