Prompt by:
Leon, Lena and you were currently at a diner to order breakfast as neither of you wanted to cook or be late for school or your meetings. Lauren was way too little to be out in the cold so you had called your sister over to babysit.
You were all finally led to a booth were you all gave your orders. You ordered your usual of eggs and bacon while Lena orders a simple croissant and coffee. You couldn't help but roll your eyes at the order considering that it would barely get her thought the day but you didn't say anything. Leon's order was the craziest.
"I'd like 10 pieces of pancakes as well as 15 bacon strips."
The waiter nodded and was just about to head over to place your order but was stopped by Lena to shorten the amount of food. Kara wasn't around so there was no need to waste it.
Lena simply asks while rubbing her temples so she wouldn't get a headache. No doubt that his excuse was going to be something ridiculous.
"Winn promised to teach me everything he knew about hacking if I managed to eat 10 pieces of pancakes in a minute."
Yep. It was ridiculous. Lena turned to face you.
"Can you talk to Winn for me? I don't have time on my schedule to plan a murder."
"Of course, dear. Do you want me to throw him over a cliff?"
"Yes please. No evidence"
Leon just looked horrified. He couldn't tell if you were joking or not so he just laughed awkwardly.
"You're not serious are you?"
"Very. Winn is an idiot for even trying to mess with you. We're overprotective. This reaction is perfectly reasonable."