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22.85% GAME OF THRONES: A REIGN OF BLOOD! / Chapter 7: Raid, Whipping Technique

Chương 7: Raid, Whipping Technique

Marching on our horses, it didn't take us long to reach the brigade of around 450 soldiers. If any other person were to look at our situation, they would find out the odds of winning lower.

After all, it was a 100 Vs 450 battle, to say we were outnumbered was an understatement, in theory, they were the superior force.

However if one were to look closely at the so-called 'superior' force, one would be able to make out their faces full of fear, despair and trepidation, and if one were to come closer, he or she would hear the clanging of their metal armours together, that resulted from their incessant shaking.

When we were close enough, the Dothraki started shouting like madmen, this wasn't some advanced phycological warfare strategy, no, this was much more basic and instinctive...they were ready for blood!


When the opposing party heard this, some of them, mainly the cowardly and inexperienced, directly dropped their weapons and ran for it, which only led to more people joining them in fleeing.

100 people ended up fleeing like frightened cats before we even arrived, the rest had the same ideas but were held back, not by man but by responsibility.

They knew if they fell here or fled, their properties would be taken, houses burnt and their women and children taken as slaves. They stood their ground to defend what they care about, be it wealth or family. An admirable goal, but a futile one all the same.

'For in the face of dominance, one can only kneel, submit or die' ~ Sun Tzu (Just kidding)

Holding my long bow, I trained my arrow on multiple targets at once, my Sense trait did wonders for my accuracy. I was currently pulling 3 arrows on the same bowstring.

I took a deep breath and waited for the right moment.....and let go.

*Swish* *Swish* *Swish*

*Plack!* *Plack!* *Plack!*

Three arrows, three headshots. I was closing in fast on my horse, I tucked away my bow and held my whip.

I tried fighting with an arakh whilst on a horse before, but its range was shit, and if the enemy had spears prepared, which they did, it would be suicide.

At least I wouldn't risk it. The whip, however, was far more flexible, faster and more easily manoeuvrable and precise. Especially with the new technique. (more on that later)

Holding my lovely iron whip, I twisted my wrist at an inhuman speed, making several domineering crackles in the air, the group of 5 or so people that came out of formation to intercept me had looks of horror seeing an iron whip move so fast.

A man in particular, who looked like the leader, was leading them. He wore higher-quality armour and had a mighty moustache that would make any moustache-loving man envy him.

But to me, that moustache was the single most irritating thing in the world. I'll get rid of it, for humanity. Or BLOODLINGANITY?

I hold another whip in my left hand, a common one made of leather, and wrap it around the neck of the man with the annoying moustache by a swirl of my wrist.

The man held his neck, his face turned blue and he started choking slightly, but he won't die. I wrap the handle of the whip to the bag which straddled the horse.

Dragging him along, I galloped through the other four soldiers and deep into enemy lines, I whipped frantically yet precisely at each head I saw, whether it was covered in helmets or not was futile Infront of my iron whip coupled with my 3x human strength.

The whip in my hand moved like a snake and created a symphony of thunder behind enemy lines, and with every crackle, a skull was penetrated, deformed or caved in. I somehow started feeling bad at how easily they fell, my fighting spirit already extinguished.

So with a few more skulls on the way, I, along with my now red whip, headed into the village, hehe~. Since I'm first, I'll get to choose the best things, better hurry up before my greedy father comes along.

____First POV Change *yay*_____

___Khal POV___

*Tip: Read while imagining a deep, gruff voice*

I was surrounded by my bloodriders as I shouted in excitement, we were only a few steps away from the enemy. I'll need to get there first, I want first dibs on all the gold and pretty slaves.

'I wonder how my son is doing, he will surely freak out in face of such numbers, hahaha' With that thought, I looked over beside me to see my son and his stallion gone.

Confused I turn towards Villo, "Where did my son go?"

Villo: "Oh, he's over there" he pointed.

Following his hand, I look over to see a scene I'll never forget. And it looks like I wasn't the only one surprised, judging by the looks of awe in the Dothraki around me.

My son was already amongst our enemies, wherever he passed, soldiers fell like flies. We could hear a strange deafening sound, Smit was similar to the ones that appear after light strikes the earth( he means lightning).

Before we even arrived, the ground was covered in blood, and over half of the army Infront of me was nothing but corpses on the ground, all with a distinctive feature, a hole in their skull.

I remember berating him for preferring the use of the whip in battle, for the rest of us, it was common sense that whips were only used for beating or torturing bad slaves. I still remember the day when he asked me for my finest metal so that he could build a weapon.

Thinking it was a child's banter, I just have him some metal, imagine my surprise when he came back a month later with an exquisite whip that had a design I'd never seen before.

Never in my life have I seen a metal whip, not to mention its shape and perfect size. I was a little proud of him then, but hid it and told him it was a waste of good metal that could've been used on a good arakh.

Metal or not, I could never envision a whip being used in battle. Until now.

Nobody but my son could accomplish what he just did. His talents in every weapon he wielded were on par with mine, the whip, however, he would be called a prodigy. But he wasn't that good with the whip...hmmm, was he training in secret? Well no matter.

A massive smirk now adorned my face, "HAHAHAHAAHAAAAA, LET'S GO, WE CAN'T LET HIM HAVE ALL THE FUN!!"


Wait a minute, he's leaving the rest of the army? Is he leaving some fun for his old man? Wait..why is he heading inside...this..THIS SON OF A *Remembers wife when angry and holds his tongue* HE'S AFTER THE LOOT! I SWEAR TO THE GREAT STALLION I WILL--

*Remembers angry wife at home if he touched her precious little stallion*

*Measuring options between Gold and Angry wife....Angry wife wins*


**************Flashback, Yesterday*******

________Virsal POV______

Tomorrow is the raid, I already fed and prepared my horse and rations, what I lack now is weapons.

I will take the bow for long range, but it will stay on the horse, I won't be carrying it with me on my back. I will be taking my whip for long and medium range. And my modified arakh for close-range fights.

I already mastered the arakh and bow Dothraki techniques, as they are the main weapons they use. Besides, Dothraki don't do shit all day except fu_ck, fight, shit, ride and train, it'd be weird if they didn't have good fighting techniques.

The problem is with the whip, nobody except me really uses it for battle, or actually sees it as a legitimate weapon that can kill for that matter. So I had to teach myself how to use it.

And I can say I did a pretty decent job, but not enough. I can do better with such a versatile weapon like the whip, I'm not using its full potential.

Definitely not for long term use though, it's fun to use and that's it, I want to master as many weapons as possible so that I always have unique and different ways to kill.

Fortunately, my singularity has knowledge fragments of tens of gods stored inside it, which I can extract at any time. The reason I'm not the wisest person in all existence right now is that just a tiny part of that knowledge is enough to fry my brain, literally.

Plus, organising such massive amounts of knowledge will take years, but, I do have a solution to both problems. First, like skills, I will need to use blood essence to instil knowledge in my brain.

This isn't like some video game, I didn't mean install in a literal sense, the essence will serve two purposes in helping me gain the knowledge and information I want.

It will primarily act as a medium and catalyst that will help transport and fuse knowledge without, you know frying my nerves. Secondarily, it will slightly modify my brain and memory capacity, so that my brain can store and process the knowledge.

If I take it a step further, I can pay double the blood essence cost to integrate the Knowledge into my memory cells, muscles and subconscious. What this does, in layman's terms, is allow me to absorb the experiences along with the knowledge. I call it experience integration.

This isn't some wuxia novel *again*, and normally, for someone to have godly knowledge about something, they will have to experience it for themselves, theory without practicality can only take you so far.

Experience integration allows me to feel as if I actually practiced that knowledge before, be it medicine, fighting or other types of knowledge. So not only will I gain the knowledge (theory), but I will have also remember 'practicing' it before (practicality).

As for the solution for the disorganized knowledge, I can roughly divide them into large sections, each section with its own topic. Unfortunately, any further division and classification of the knowledge will take years, so I will have to try my luck at extracting a good whip technique or fighting style.

At first, I thought of doing this after my next evolution, as only a handful of blood essence was left for the evolution. But after rearranging priorities, I realised that tomorrow, I will probably collect and regain whatever blood essence I lost today with interest, on the other hand, my life cannot be regained if I take tomorrow half-heartedly.

Resolving myself, I close my eyes and a few moments later, I feel my consciousness dive into my soul. My soul and the singularity are almost indistinguishable from one another, give it a couple more years and they will have truly become one.

Movin' through my soul, I came across a 'sea' of different colours. Hundreds of seas, each of a different colour, were present. This is where the knowledge is stored.

I head over to a light pink sea and look down, there I can see hundreds of orbs, the orbs were of different colours and brightness.

I'm guessing bigger represents the amount of knowledge, and brighter represents the quality and/or strength of knowledge.

I headed over to the biggest and brightest orb, which is probably the best one, and touched it. Immediately, the knowledge of how much of my blood essence I would have to pay to acquire it appeared in my head.


Blood Essence Required: 100,000,000

Experience Integration: 200,000,000


Sigh, I should have guessed, and although I somehow expected it, 100 million is a little outside of my expectations.

Shaking my exasperation at the outrageous price, I head over to a slightly less bright and smaller orb. Too expensive.

And another. And another, and another...

After repeating the process for an hour, each time heading for a smaller and dimmer orb, I settled on an orb the size of a tennis ball with brightness the same as a street lamp.

For comparison, the first orb was the size of the dome part of the White House, only 10 times bigger, and the brightness of looking directly at the sun during midday.


Blood Essence Required: 38

Experience Integration: 76


It will take 38 Blood essence to install the knowledge into my brain, and 76 for the integration.

Alright, I'll just pay for the experience integration. Keep in mind that Experience integration comes with the knowledge and is not a separate cost. So I'll be paying 76 for the knowledge and experience, which will lower the amount of blood essence I have from 79 to 2.

I then willed the blood essence to head to the singularity, and at the same time, I conveyed to the singularity my intention.

A second later, I feel movement, so I look off from the pink sea I'm standing over, and see a pillar of red blood energy coming down. It surrounding the orb I was holding and then disappeared into the distance, as for where, I assume it's heading to my body now.

I pull my consciousness back and open my eyes, I slowly feel a cool sensation enveloping every cell in my body, it was the second most comfortable feeling I ever experienced, second only to my mother's heavenly bosom. Fortunately, the singularity is doing all the work and calculations, otherwise, I would be screaming in pain as the energy is literally beating the technique into my muscles.

And as much as I love those masochistic Xanxia novels MCs, I'll prefer the less messy way thank you.

The only apparent side effect is a slight burning sensation deep within my muscles, but it is instantly overwhelmed by the cooling sensation. Also, the inhuman amount of sweat coming off me, which led to me standing away from my bed.

No washing machine here, only slaves that wash clothes, so if I got my bed all sticky, it will take a day or two to be usable and dry again.

About 15 minutes later, the process finished. I grab a leather whip that I keep beside my bed and hold it in my hand. Then I instinctively knew what to do, I did a move, then another, and some more moves.

This eventually turned into a plethora of moves that came to get her to form a technique, which I now know focuses on preciseness, manoeuvrability and striking power.

With each round of moves I perform, other sets of movements appear in my mind, as if it's something I just happened to forget and just remembered. What amazed me was that I executed the moves perfectly, as if my body was already familiar with those moves I'm doing.

As if I spent years doing these same exact sets of movements over and over again. The sync between my knowledge and body experience grew better and better, and I became more familiar with the technique.

When the day ended, I had fully adapted to the technique, and no it doesn't have some fancy ass name like some wux-- you know what? Nevermind.

*****************Flashback End*********

The village was deserted, or at least it appeared that way, I know for a fact no one managed to escape from there. They aren't stupid enough to enter a chase with horse-loving Dothraki. An endeavour they would lose.

The village was small, only a couple of muddy streets and wooden houses were present, and even the village wall was only a weak-ass wooden fence two meter high.

I make my way over to the first house I find, a shabby wooden house. Opening the door, I prepare for a surprise attack. I peek my head inside.

But what I say inside made me rethink my life choices. A boy wearing rags, barely 13 or 14, was standing in a corner and stroking his little member.

*Stroke.....Stroke....Stroke..Stroke, stroke, stroke stroke stroke Stroooooke**haaaah*


I deadpan, then I pull my head back outside and slowly and gently close the door.

Killing him was my original plan, but...I feel that I will break some hidden rule if I kill him during his 'self-relief' exercise. Now he's somebody else's problem. I hope you got your relief before death kid, I truly hope.

Getting that disturbing image out of my head, I head to what looks like the largest and best-looking house in the village. It was clean and made of better quality wood than the rest. Probably belonged to who ruled this place.

I dismount my lovely brown horse, and hea- oh? Who is this man. I saw a man, filled with bruises and blood, dead and tied up by my extra whip to the horse bag.

Oh~ That's right! It's the guy with the irritating moustache! Mmm, his face is a bloody mess, wait let me check.....yup, no moustache detected.

Mmm? Looking again, I see the insignia on his armour, and look back at the insignia on the door of the fancy house. Connecting the dots....so you're family is here huh? Hehe~

An evil smirk adorned my face...

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