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85.96% Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic] / Chapter 196: CHAPTER {282-284}

Chương 196: CHAPTER {282-284}


~~Diagon Alley~~

"It's You-Know-Who!!" Someone from the Auror side screamed in terror before another one of his colleagues was killed by the enraged madman. The Death Eaters looked relieved and awed at the arrival of their Master. They were stuck at the stalemate, but the combined forces of the DMLE and the unknown force were slowly pushing them back.

Amelia glanced toward Alstor and Rufus, only to receive determined nods from them. They already expected Voldemort to show up and they had already planned to confront the man along with a few of their colleagues. They were not delusional enough to believe that they could defeat him, but they were confident that they could manage to hold him back for long enough.

However, they suspected that some of them might die during the confrontation…

Amelia, Alastor, Rufus, Kingsley, and Robards jumped into action, confronting the Dark Lord, who was angry beyond any measure. The Dark Lord might have been blinded by rage, but a part of him was glad that the most noticeable figures of the Ministry had dared to face him. If he managed to kill any of them, it was bound to weaken the Ministry and if he managed to kill the Bones woman, then he would practically cripple the Ministry.

With a snarl, Voldemort attacked them… Amelia never believed that they could beat the Dark Lord, but she was confident that they could hold him back until help arrived, but Voldemort shattered all of her delusions within a matter of a few moments. The Dark Lord barely started paying them attention and they were already on the backfoot.

Amelia barely managed to dodge a Cutting Curse before she was forced to raise a shield to block a bone breaker, but the Curse was so strong that it shattered even though it managed to block the Curse, but Amelia stumbled back due to the force of the impact of the Spell. Thankfully, Alastor managed to provide her some support when her guard was finally down.

She wanted to throw him a grateful smile, but they were way too busy for such trivial things. After all, she could thank him all she wanted when all of this was finally over. "Die!" Voldemort snarled as he cast a Spell and all of a sudden, Amelia felt blood splatter on her cheek. She slowly turned her head, only to find Kingsley barely standing on his feet with half of his stomach missing.

The man gave her a miserable look before he slumped down on the floor… The wound wasn't anything lethal to Wixen standards as they could practically regrow limbs and organs if necessary, but Kingsley needed immediate help or else he would die from blood loss. Amelia grimaced but a determined look flashed over her face. However, simple determination was not going to be enough for them to win as it was going to be proven to them.

No matter what anybody said about the man, it was an undeniable fact that Voldemort was in a league of his own and he was simply proving that fact right now…

Voldemort raised his other hand in the air and created a shield to defend himself against the incoming Spells as he pointed his Wand toward the ground and the ground turned into jelly… Amelia, Alastor, Rufus, and Robards lost their footing as the ground started to move erratically. Voldemort pointed his Wand toward Amelia and cast the Killing Curse.

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort snarled hatefully and the Curse sailed toward Amelia, with the intention of claiming her life. Amelia's eyes grew wide in fear as she saw the approaching Curse. It was simply impossible for her to dodge with her current position and at the same time, it was too late for her to Conjure something to protect herself from the incoming Unforgivable Curse.

'Is this it? Is this how I die?' Amelia wondered bitterly, but before the Curse could reach her, a chunk of concrete came flying in and blocked the Curse. Voldemort, who was about to rejoice at the death of one of his most hated targets, snarled in fury when the Curse was blocked. Voldemort's crimson eyes snapped toward the person responsible for blocking the Curse.

'I made a mistake. I should have aimed for him' Voldemort growled bitterly as his gaze focused on Alastor Moody who was completely open right now since he decided to protect Amelia, instead of trying to regain his own footing. "Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort snarled for the second time as decided to take no chances and once again, decided to use the Killing Curse even though it would take more time to cast the Spell.

Alastor knew what was coming for him, so he didn't even bother to look toward the incoming Curse. He simply tried to summon another piece of concrete in front of him… He barely succeeded, but the concrete piece was way too small and when the Curse collided against the concrete piece, it exploded due to the force behind the Curse and Alastor was blasted away inside a nearby shop, leaving only Amelia, Rufus and Robards to face the monster.

Voldemort wasn't pleased… For the second time, he failed to kill his target. There was a chance that the man still might die due to the explosion, but Voldemort didn't want to leave anything to chance. Voldemort inspected his remaining targets before he gazed toward the remaining Aurors and the members of the unknown group. The Aurors looked completely demotivated and scared…

Yes, he liked that look… However, the stoic and confident looks on the faces of the members of the unknown group bothered him. His gaze finally returned to his remaining opponents. They looked grim and tired, but they were still willing to fight. Voldemort realized that he could still salvage the situation as he could still kill the three of them and be done with it…

Voldemort raised his Wand to attack them and resume the one-sided slaughter, but before he could make his move, a Spell came sailing toward him and even though Voldemort managed to block the Spell, he stumbled backwards. His eyes grew wide as he turned toward where the Spell came from… The Death Eaters gasped and the whole street became silent as everyone stared at the dark alley where the Spell came from.

A pale man with mismatched eyes finally stepped out of the shadows while casually holding out a Wand in one of his hands and a severed Vampire head in his other… "Ah… Forgive me. It seems I was late to the party, but it took me some time to deal with the rodents" The man announced in an amused tone as his mismatched eyes started to glow with power…



~~Shrieking Shack, Hogsmeade~~

"Hello Peter" Harry greeted the rat as the rat stepped out from behind the couch for whatever reason, but Harry was certain that his intentions must have been something disgusting, just like the disgusting man he was. The rat squeaked miserably before it tried to bolt, but Harry easily stopped him by encasing him inside a translucent sphere.

Harry wasn't surprised… Peter was a coward, so obviously he tried to run…

Meanwhile, Tonks, who was still tipsy, squinted her eyes at the rat inside the translucent sphere, staring at them with fear clear in its beady eyes. She clearly heard Harry call him Peter, but it didn't click in her mind for at least a couple of seconds. "Fuck!! That's Pettigrew?!" Tonks slurred out while pointing at the rat trapped inside the sphere.

"Yes" Harry confirmed with a nod of his head without turning back toward Tonks. He was busy glaring at the rat, who whimpered back in fear, but unfortunately for him, he had nowhere to run. Harry grinned at the man's predicament… He wanted Voldemort to suffer like no other, and he wanted the same fate for the man in front of him.

Tonks hiccuped but looked pleased as she stepped forward toward Harry with a grin plastered on her face. "Wow… Look at him. He looks scared" Tonks cooed as she started to giggle.

"Yes. He is… Now, Peter, why don't you turn back into your human form to make it easier for all of us?" Harry asked in a polite tone, but his intentions were anything but polite. Right now, Tom was busy and even if he wasn't, he was certain that Tom wouldn't have dared to come to save Pettigrew.

The rat once again whimpered, but it refused to turn back to its human form… Harry seemed to smile as he pointed one of his hands towards the rat. "Crucio" Harry mumbled and before the rat could react, the red beam struck the rodent. The rodent released a high-pitch squeaking noise before its form finally started to shift.

Moments later, Peter finally transformed back into his human form, but the translucent sphere around him didn't disappear, instead, it simply grew in size to accommodate Pettigrew in his human form. Obviously, Pettigrew was still screaming in pain as Harry was yet to lift the Cruciatus Curse from him.

After a few seconds, what seemed to Peter like hours, Harry finally lifted the Curse as he didn't want to break Pettigrew too soon. He wanted the man to suffer for as long as possible, so the man's death wasn't going to come anytime soon, nor was he going to break Peter's mind as he wanted the man to experience misery and pain.

"Hah! Hah!..." Pettigrew started to breathe heavily after Harry finally lifted the Curse from him. Tears were freely flowing out of his eyes, but there wasn't an ounce of sympathy in Harry's eyes. "Harry… Harry… Please forgive me… I beg of you. He made me. He forced me. He would have killed me otherwise" Peter finally started to beg while looking as miserable as he could.

Harry simply snorted and started to laugh… "Do you really think I care about that?" Harry asked with a cruel grin on his face. "So what if he forced you to betray my parents? Do you really think that I am compassionate enough to spare you after you fed me that sob story of yours?" Harry asked in a mocking tone and Pettigrew seemed to whimper when Harry sat down in front of him.

"Even if your sob story was true, what makes you think I would have cared about your reasons, hm?" Harry asked with a cold glint in his eyes. "You betrayed my parents, and that's the end of the story" Harry said while glaring at Peter, who started to whimper once again at his words.

"Please… Please… no!" Peter started to scream and beg. Meanwhile, he had been continuously trying to contact the Dark Lord through the Mark, but the Dark Lord wasn't even answering. When Peter noticed that the begging and pleading weren't working on Harry, he decided to turn his attempt toward Tonks since he knew that women usually are more compassionate than men.

Unfortunately, he forgot that Bellatrix Lestrange is also a woman…

"Please. You need to stop him… I beg of you. He would have killed me. I had no other choice!" Peter continued to beg and plead while looking at Tonks.

Tonks stared at him for a moment as it took a moment for everything to register in her mind. "Why the fuck am I going to stop him? I love him! He is my man! Whatever he wants to do with you, he can do to you… I think you should be grateful that he has such great plans for you!" Tonks slurred out with a fanatic glint in her eyes as she stumbled a bit.

Harry raised an eyebrow at her… This was the first time he was seeing this side of her. |I wonder what got into her?| Harry wondered aloud inside his head.

|Maybe, she had too much to drink| Lily suggested helpfully, already knowing why Tonks was acting like that. Lily may not have been an avid drinker but she knew all too well about what would happen if you drank too much, so she knew that Tonks was simply revealing her real thoughts after getting drunk.

However, she knew that it would be really helpful for Harry to have a fanatic like Tonks at her side…

|Right. That must be it!| Harry seemed to foolishly accept that explanation since he didn't know much about alcohol and women in the first place. Everything he knew about women, either came from books or his mom and his mom was not someone sane. However, the words of his mom made him vow to never drink too much.

Peter was left completely gobsmacked at Tonks' words. He never imagined that he would meet someone like Bellatrix on Harry's side. "Well, you heard the lady. Night night, you fucking son of a bitch" Harry said with a grin on his face before knocking out Pettigrew… He wanted to do horrible things to the man, but this was not the place and he didn't want to keep Sirius out of the loop…



"Grindelwald…" Voldemort muttered as he glared at the man standing in front of him. His gaze shifted toward the Vampire's head in his hand and he snarled in rage. It was the leader of the Vampire group Kraven sent to assist him. With his tattered reputation, now it would be impossible to ask for their alliance without lowering himself.

Voldemort wouldn't have cared if he was in a stronger position, but right now, he needed as many allies as he could…

"Was he someone important to you?" Gellert asked in a mocking tone when he noticed Voldemort's gaze. "Then forgive me, I might have unknowingly killed him" Gellert shook his head, trying to look sorry for his actions, but he wasn't going to fool anyone with his lousy acting. It was pretty obvious that he was simply mocking Voldemort.

As expected, Voldemort snarled, but surprisingly, he didn't attack the man, even though he really wanted to. Now that he was calmer than before, he started to think things through… He knew that he needed to tread carefully here. His men were outnumbered and with Gellert Grindelwald facing him, he wouldn't be able to help his men.

Nagini was dead… That much he was certain about, but he didn't know where or how she was killed, which meant he couldn't go after her killer. At least, not yet. Not only that, he also failed to kill any of the notable figures before the arrival of Grindelwald and now that Grindelwald was here, Potter was also probably on his way.

He was angry… He was barely holding himself back from lashing out in anger, but he knew that he needed to be careful here. Extremely careful… He knew that he wouldn't gain anything by simply drawing out the fight…

"Why are you working for Potter? I expected more from a man of your station" Voldemort asked in a mocking tone as he bared his teeth, however, instead of looking angry, Gellert simply smiled.

"You have met him, you tell me" Gellert asked as he tossed away the Vampire head. Voldemort lost the smile and glared at Gellert. He knew what the man was insinuating and he didn't like that. "Right now, I am happy with the way my life is going" Gellert added. To be honest, he would have preferred to waste away inside his cell over this, but thanks to the choice he made, once again, his followers were free and back to their prime.

They were basically given a second chance and for that, if Gellert had to work, instead of wasting himself away inside a dark cell, then Gellert was all for it. His men had done so much for him, sacrificed so much for him, he didn't mind returning their loyalty with his service…

"Is that so?" Voldemort asked with a dangerous glint in his eyes. He wanted to order his Death Eaters to retreat, but he needed a Dark Mark to do that. Voldemort cursed himself for not coming up with a way to contact his minions without a Dark Mark… Maybe, he could come up with something when all of this was finally over.

"Then let me show you why you should have stayed inside that cell of yours!" Voldemort raged and flicked his Wand toward Gellert and at the same time, Gellert jabbed his Wand toward Voldemort. Both of their Spells clashed midair and the buildings around them shook as the clash created a small explosion, creating a small glowing crater on the ground.

"I have heard a lot about you from Albus… Don't disappoint me" Gellert mocked in a sing-song voice, making Voldemort growl in anger. Voldemort hated Albus with passion, so when Gellert used his name to mock him, Voldemort was reminded of one more of his failures. He wanted to be the one to beat and slay the so-called Great Albus Dumbledore, but Potter came in and stole what was rightfully his.

Gellert twirled around on his heel, easily dodging a Spell he knew nothing about before casting a Spell in retaliation. Voldemort scoffed at the incoming Spell and batted it away with his free hand as he continued to attack the former Dark Lord with insane fervor. Even though he was certain that he could beat the man, he decided not to underestimate him.

"Everyone retreat!!" Amelia screamed as she raised a shield to protect a couple of Aurors from falling rubble. The buildings around them were finally starting to crumble down, unable to withstand the shockwaves from the ensuing fight… Amelia was feeling extremely bitter at the sight of the power Grindelwald and Voldemort were casually throwing around, but she was a realist.

She was aware of the fact that in the eyes of Magic, not everyone was equal…

"Rufus, Robards, we need to evacuate these buildings as quickly as we can and bugger out of here" Amelia said as she waved her hand to point toward the buildings she was talking about. Soon the two of them returned after passing down the orders. "How are Shacklebolt and Moody?" Amelia asked as she continued to back away from the fight along with all of their forces.

"Shacklebolt is already getting treated, but he isn't out of danger yet. As soon as his condition is stable, he is going to get Portkeyed to St. Mungo's and Alastor is alright… He has a couple of broken ribs, but that's not something that has ever stopped him" Rufus explained hurriedly and Amelia nodded her head in understanding. She wouldn't expect anything less from Alastor.

"Let the monsters duke it out with each other" Amelia said bitterly as she gave Grindelwald and Voldemort another look before leaving. It was a pity that they were not able to check the building on the other side for any stragglers, but with the Death Eaters on the other side, she simply couldn't ask her Aurors to go and rescue those people.

"Hmm… Looks like the others are gone. Now, we can finally let loose" Gellert commented airily, Voldemort snarled at the man as his Death Eaters were yet to leave and if either of them let loose, then they were going to die. Voldemort realized that he should have ordered them to retreat, but he wasn't able to complain for long as a massive firestorm engulfed everything around him…


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