The intensity of the fight stretched through the mountain ranges; everywhere they went, they left terrifying afterimages and elements enough to disintegrate beings lower than themselves.
The wind roared, and darkness shrouded the land as the beasts and birds desperately tried to save themselves.
Draven laughed in excitement, and battle intent glinted in his eyes.
"Yes, you've finally exposed yourself! You also love fighting, right? This, look at everything, pretentious bastard!" Draven shouted provocatively, motioning to the destroyed ground as he flew forward and swung his sword towards Fallan, which the man instantly blocked with his sword effortlessly.
Fallan's remained expressionless, but his brow knitted much tighter as his jaw clenched. He dashed backward and narrowed his eyes, tracing his swords and imbuing them with his energy.
Is there still someone reading this??