Fū enjoyed the feeling of NOT being confined to clothes. So as many Taki shinobi knew… she usually slept in the buff.
Slowly coming to consciousness, the girl was surprised to feel something under the same sheets as her, looking towards it… she came eye to eye with the blond that destroyed her home… and he was naked.
"Hello Fū-chan… did you enjoy last night?"
"AAAHHH! WHAT THE HELL?!" the green haired girl shouted as she hugged the sheets.
"Is there a problem Fū-chan?" he asked in confusion.
"Is there a problem? IS THERE A PROBLEM! I go to sleep and when I wake up, YOU'RE NEXT TO ME… NAKED!"
"Surely you're joking," Naruto said in a shock.
"What do you mean joking?" she asked angrily.
"You don't remember last night?" he asked.
"You don't even remember a single night of passion?"
"Just joking," he said seriously, throwing the green haired girl off track as his clothes formed out of blood that seeped from his skin, "couldn't resist it when I found out you sleep commando."
"Huh?" she replied intelligently, all traces of anger forgotten as she was caught off guard.
"It was just too easy to pull that hoax when you sleep like that," Naruto told her reigniting her righteous fury and earning him a punch from the angry teen.
"Anyway get dressed, we're leaving for Iwa in an hour," he told her completely unfazed by the hit.
"Huh? Why an hour?"
"Because I feel like it," he replied with a shrug, before there was a quick flash of blue light around the room.
"What the hell was that?" Fū asked in shock.
"A soundproofing barrier… did you really think I would do a joke like that and let everyone hear?" he asked before leaving the room.
"Thank Kami he didn't do anything… hold on… THAT BASTARD SAW ME NAKED!" She wasn't particularly happy.
"It has been decided that I'm to take up the mantle of Mizukage now that Yagura's dead… I'll be going to Konoha to discuss our alliance, I'll probably stick around for the Chūnin exams," Mei said to the blond as they waited for Fū to arrive so he could depart.
"Yes… about that, don't tell the hokage about my ROOT ANBU, I'm keeping them a secret for reason," he told her.
"Attempting to overthrow him are you?"
"Nope… plausible deniability," Naruto informed her nonchalantly.
"And why don't you want to overthrow him?"
"He tried to offer the job to me but I'd rather work on the field or in the shadows, not spend all my time stuck to a desk signing useless crap."
"So you're more of a hands on kind of guy," the busty redhead stated with a seductive smirk.
"You can find out when we meet in Konoha… right now however I'm waiting for the little girl to show up so I can get going," he replied with a grin of his own.
"In Konoha then."
"Huh? What do you mean by that?" a certain green haired girl asked in confusion as she walked up to the main gate.
"Nothing important," the redhead stated calmly.
"Well now… since you're finally here, we can leave, I'll see you soon enough Terumi-san," Naruto said before turning around and walking out of the gate, quickly followed by Fū (who was still pissed at him).
"Well that was surprisingly anticlimactic," Naruto claimed as he walked away from a large crater that was once Iwagakure, leaving Fū gaping at his sheer destructive power.
He had to admit that getting the yonbi and gobi was easier than he had expected… then again he did just accidentally obliterate Iwa with a single attack so that wasn't really saying much. Yeah… he had discovered that creating a giant Rasengan out of highly condensed Youki WASN'T a good idea if you didn't plan on destroying a village in the process.
Of course he resurrected the younbi's container, a redheaded man by the name of Roshi, but he failed to resurrect the gobi's container (well it is kinda hard to bring someone back from the dead when you've vaporised their body).
"Uh… if you're so strong then why don't you use limitation seals?" Fū asked as he complained about no-one being strong enough to give him a good fight.
"Tell me… why don't ninja villages use limitation seals on a bijū instead of fighting them at full power?"
"I don't know," the pink eyed girl stated honestly.
"It's simple, a limitation seal has a limit to how much power it can contain, once you try to contain more than that power, the seal locks, meaning it can't be used to restrain any more… to put it simply, a limitation seal would only seal away less than 0.1% of my power, so it would be pointless to place one on myself.
"Just how strong are you?"
"I don't know," he finally stated after a couple of minutes of thinking.
"You don't know?"
"What? It's not like there's anyone capable of pushing me to my limits, so how am I supposed to know how strong I am?" he claimed with a shrug.
"Point taken."
"Good… now that's done, it's time to go to Konoha," the blond stated as he started walking back home.
"Huh? What about Suna and Kumo's Jinchūriki ?"
"They are attending the Chūnin exams held in Konoha… so it will be easy to get them then… plus I think I need to learn how to control my strength better," he explained, earning a sweatdrop from the young girl.
"You know… the more I talk to you, the less I fear you… until you destroy something else that is."
"It's fun being a monster, that's all I'll say," the 'monster' claimed.
"(Sigh) Can we just get to Konoha… I'm really tired you know."
"Are you going to sleep with your clothes on this time?"
"Heh… so touchy."
"Naruto… can I assume that you are responsible for the destruction of not one, but TWO hidden villages?" the aged leader of Konoha asked as the immortal walked in through the door.
"In my defence, Taki attacked me first and Iwa was an accident," Naruto stated nonchalantly.
"And WHY were you there in the first place?"
"Bijū collecting."
"How?" the old Kage asked in confusion.
"Shiki Fūjin," the blond claimed calmly.
"And you're immortal enough to survive using THAT jutsu?"
"Pfft, obviously."
"Who the hell have you brought with you this time?" Sarutobi asked as he buried his head in his hands.
"Greetings Hokage-sama… my name is Fū, a former ninja of Takigakure and the former jinchūriki of the shichibi no kabutomushi," the green haired girl informed the Hokage, surprising him in the process.
"The former host of the shichibi did you say?"
"Yes sir… but he," she stated pointing at Naruto, "removed it from me before using a tensei ninjutsu to resurrect me."
"Naruto… where did you learn a tensei ninjutsu?" the Sandaime asked in exasperation.
"A Suna puppeteer named Chiyo."
"(Sigh) let me guess… Danzō had her blood as well," the blond nodded in the positive, "is there anything you can't do?"
"Play the banjo."
"What the hell is a banjo?"
"A REALLY old musical instrument… it was very cheap."
"I see… Anyway, Fū was it?"
"Hai Hokage-sama."
"What do you want to do here?"
"I was hoping to be accepted as a ninja."
"I see… if you wish to become a member of Konoha's shinobi force you will be required to pass our academy's graduation exam, a Jōnin instructors exam, before starting out as a genin, is that acceptable?"
"Huh? Why can't I just get my old rank from Taki?"
"It is standard protocol to ensure that there isn't any foul play going on," Naruto explained.
"Right… It's fine," Fū claimed after listening to the blonds' words.
"I am sorry about this Fū … but it is protocol," the aged leader said with a small smile, "anyway, do you have anywhere to stay?"
"No Hokage-sama."
"Naruto, do you have room for one more at your house?"
"THERE'S NO FUCKING WAY I'M LIVING WITH THAT PERVERT!" the lime haired girl shouted at the top of her voice, causing the 'Shinobi no Kami' to look at the blond in confusion.
"She can't take a prank."
"(sigh) it doesn't matter… Naruto won't be staying in Konoha for a while, after all, he is going to be searching for my successor with my former student."
"Let me guess… Tsunade."
"Yes Naruto… Tsunade."
"So how long is the self proclaimed 'super pervert' going to be?"
"He should be out of the hospital tomorrow, so you can set off then."
"Self proclaimed 'super pervert'?" Fū asked in confusion.
"Jiraiya," BOTH Naruto and Sarutobi stated in unison.
"As in Jiraiya of the Sannin?"
"Why is he in hospital?"
"Naruto decided to castrate him…"
"He was planning something I wasn't prepared to allow," the vampiric genin stated, "regardless… I'll see you later, I've got some metal work to do," he claimed before vanishing faster than the Hokage could stop him.
"Dammit… I needed him to show you were you're going to be living," the old man muttered to Fū before calling in one of his trusted ANBU to take the girl to the blonds' home.
"Hello… um who are you and why are you here?" Victoria asked as she opened the front door, seeing an ANBU with Fū at his side.
"This is Fū, a former ninja of Takigakure before its destruction," the ANBU stated.
"Let me guess… Naruto-kun decided to bring it home with him," the redhead guessed with no amount of surprise.
"Huh… oh that's very nice now do you think you could tell me where Naruto-kun is?" Victoria stated uncaringly.
"I'm not certain where he is… he just said something about having some metal work to do," the ANBU informed her.
"Okay… he must either be making more ammunition or another gun… I'm inclined to believe the latter," the Kyūbi muttered, confusing the duo at the front door, "so why are you still standing there? Fū is it? Get your ass in here already, the breeze is getting annoying."
"Oh by the way, Uzumaki-san is going to be leaving the village with Jiraiya-sama to search for the next Hokage tomorrow, goodbye."
And with that said, the ANBU left and Fū finally entered Naruto's domain.
"So exactly who are you anyway?" Fū asked the redhead after the front door was closed.
"Naruto-kun's mate."
"He doesn't seem very faithful to me," Fū stated, thinking back to his 'prank'.
"Let me guess, he slept with you right?"
"Well he claims it was just a prank… but the fact remains that he saw me naked and got in the same bed as me."
"Where you sleeping commando?"
"What the hell do you mean by that?"
"Where you sleeping naked?"
"Yeah…" the green haired girl answered hesitantly.
"Then it was just a prank."
"Because I'd have done the same thing in his shoes," Vicky stated nonchalantly earning an expression of shock off the lime haired girl.
"What have I gotten myself into?" the young girl asked herself.
The next day, a certain white haired pervert was set free on the unsuspecting populace of Konohagakure no sato…
"Then stop trying to waste time peeking on the women's hot springs."
"B-but it was you that stopped me from doing so over the past week! I have research time to make up!"
"Tough shit… the next time you stop to peek, I will rip your cock off."
"How come I have a feeling you're not joking?"
"Because you know I not."
"I hate you."
"The feelings mutual."
Thanks to Naruto's focus, the duo managed to find Tsunade quicker than expected…
"Tsunade-hime!" Jiraiya called out when they found her in a bar in some remote town on the border to Tsuchi no Kuni.
"Jiraiya? What are you doing here?" she appeared to be a young woman with hazel eyes and long blonde hair tied into a pair of ponytails with a pair of bangs framing her well defined face. On her forehead was a violet coloured rhombus shaped mark that Naruto knew was a store of large amounts of chakra… nowhere near as large as he had in his body… but still very large for a human.
Just as the pervert was about to respond, Naruto beat him to the punch.
"Hokage-sama has ordered that you return to Konoha to act as his successor, this is compulsory."
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh that's a good one! And who exactly does he think will bring me back huh? The pervert wouldn't attempt to hurt me and there's no way a gaki like you could possibly," her rant was cut short when Naruto flicked his finger at her, causing her to fly through several walls without even touching her.
"TSUNADE-SAMA!" a young woman with short black hair and onyx eyes shouted at the sight. She wore a basic black kimono and was carrying… a pig?
"If you think you could possibly defeat me human, you have another thing coming," Naruto stated as the older woman proceeded to climb out of the rubble that had previously buried her.
"Dammit… what the hell was that? He just flicked his finger and it felt like I just got punched by myself in my prime… what the hell is that kid?"
"So will you come willingly? Or do I have to use more force?"
"How about this… you go fuck yourself before I get mad."
"Very well… force it is," the vampiric blond stated before flicking his finger at the woman again, only to shatter a table where the sannin was before.
In less than half a second the younger blond was missing his head courtesy of a punch from 'the legendary sucker'.
"Heh… not so tough now are ya?" the living legend muttered keeping her eyes closed, before spitting out a glob of blood and starting to heal her broken ribs.
"Heh… do you honestly think mere decapitation can kill me?" Tsunade's eyes snapped open, only look on in shock as the blonds head regenerated from… well nothing, "I'll be honest with you girl… I think you'd make a terrible Hokage, unable to even stand the sight of blood, unable to put others before yourself… I can't imagine just how ashamed your grandfather would be to see you like this," Naruto said condescendingly.
"WHAT THE HELL WOULD YOU KNOW!" the aged woman screamed before launching an enraged assault on the completely calm blond, who simply took everything she threw at him, until she was close to passing out from exhaustion.
"Why? Because I'm immortal."
"Only to an extent," a strong yet definitely female voice stated from the other side of the room.
Looking towards the voice, Naruto was surprised to find himself facing a barrel… before he lost another head… this time with a loud bang.
Regenerating his head, he found himself facing a young woman with short blonde hair, a chest that made Tsunade look modest… and blood red eyes. She was wearing a greyish yellow form fitting jacket and shorts, with a pair of white, thigh high socks. However it was the pair of nine foot long cannons attached to a six foot tall box that was attached to her back, and the badge she was wearing that caught Naruto's attention.
"So what do I call you 'police girl'?" he asked with a smirk, before losing yet another head.
"You know… if it wasn't for your comment about a human defeating you… I would be inclined to believe you were someone else," the woman stated calmly, "however, the person you remind me of always said 'only a human can kill a monster'."
"Is that so?"
"Yeah… but other than that you're practically the same," the woman claimed, before shooting him again.
Tsunade could only look on as she watched this woman calmly face the monster that had come out of her assault completely unscathed… and couldn't help but wonder who the woman was.
Jiraiya on the other hand was focused solely on one thing… the woman's chest, or as he had now dubbed it 'the greatest mountain range in the world'.
"So what is your name 'police girl'?" Naruto asked once again as his head regenerated once more.
"Seras Victoria," she told him before shooting him YET AGAIN.
"I take it you're a Nosferatu as well?"
"That's correct," another head gone.
"So why are you shooting me?"
"I feel like it," another head bites the dust.
"Then I have a question for you."
"Go ahead," one more head down.
"Is there a way to limit my power?"
"The oldest Fūinjutsu in existence," as you probably guess… Naruto just lost another head.
"And that would be?"
"The Cromwell initiative," this time he DIDN'T lose a head.
"Do you happen to know how to make this seal?"
"Of course I do… why?"
"I hate to say it, but I'm too strong to control my power now… I was hoping that you could teach me this 'Cromwell Initiative' so I could get a good fight every now and then," Naruto stated, causing the woman to roll her eyes.
"You are definitely TOO much like master…"
"And where is this 'master' of yours?"
"He stopped existing a LONG time ago."
"He 'stopped existing'?"
"A unique ability of someone he absorbed was quantum reality manipulation… to put it simply they existed however they perceived themselves, meaning they could literally be everywhere at once or nowhere if they lost their perception of themselves… which due to the number of souls master absorbed, he did."
"Resulting in his demise," Naruto concluded.
"Well then 'police girl'," lost another head, "what? My girlfriends called Victoria, so I'm NOT calling you that."
"Then call me Seras… I refuse to be called police girl again."
"What, did your 'master' call you that?" the bond asked jokingly.
"Actually… yes," Seras replied, earning sweatdrops from everyone in the bar.
"Heheh… so exactly how old are you?"
"I'd guess about six hundred and fifty years old," she claimed, shocking most people in the room.
"Is that all? I was expecting you to be at least a thousand years old," Naruto stated, resulting in him losing his head again.
"I might be old… but I'm not THAT old gaki!"
"So may I ask just how many souls you've absorbed?"
"Not as many as you might think given my age."
"What, do you dislike drinking human blood?" Naruto asked, shocking the other inhabitants except Seras and Jiraiya.
"I've never liked drinking blood… I was turned to survive a fatal wound without full knowledge of what it entailed."
"So you only feed when you have to."
"Anyway, Seras-san… although I'm enjoying this conversation, I have a job to complete."
"So you're here on a mission?"
"Why else do you think I'm here?"
"Unfortunately your mind is too well guarded for me to invade, so I don't have a clue."
"Then why not invade the perverts mind?" Naruto asked pointing towards Jiraiya... causing Jiraiya to thank whatever deity was watching over him, that Naruto had already removed his balls, because the kick that he just received would have hurt a LOT more if he still had them.
"Now as for you Tsunade… Do I have to use more force or are you going to return to Konoha willingly?"
"I… fine, but only because I obviously don't stand a chance against you," the older blond finally conceded.
"Well that's good… I'm not exactly sure if I could restrain you without killing you in the process at this point in time," Naruto admitted.
"Heh… then I guess I really should teach you the Cromwell soon," Seras said, with her eyes now a vibrant blue.
"So Seras-san… are you going to come to Konoha with us?" the genin asked out of curiosity.
"I don't exactly have anything else to do, so why not?" the other vampire replied… earning a perverted giggle off a certain downed Sannin, "shouldn't he be in too much pain to even think?"
"Oh, sorry but I castrated him last week," Naruto informed her, earning a look of understanding from Seras and a look of disbelief from Tsunade.
"You actually castrated him?" the second youngest/oldest blonde asked.
"Yes… he was planning on using me and my girlfriend as characters in one of his books."
"What sort of books does he write?" the oldest blonde asked.
"Pornographic novels."
"Then he deserved it."
"Exactly… especially considering the fact that I'm his godson."
"Damn… he is one dirty old pervert if he tried to use his own godson in porn."
"HEY! I'm not a dirty old pervert! I'm A SUPER PERVERT!"
"Same thing."
"No there not!"
"Yes they are."
"No there not!"
"Yes they are and if you keep staring at my breasts I'll rip your head off."
"Only if you can beat me to it," Tsunade added her two cents.
"Why does everyone pick on me?"
"Because you're an idiot," the three blondes said in unison.
"(sigh) so let me get this straight… She is a 650 year old vampire that specializes in heavy artillery… whatever that is," the Hokage stated as the group proceeded to stand in front of him, before giving nods of confirmation to his analysis.
"Now Tsunade… I understand you might not want to be Hokage but I am simply too old to continue, so please just take the position as godaime and let me retire," Sarutobi practically begged the slightly younger woman.
"It's not like I have a choice…" she replied looking at the smirking black clad blond.
"Well then… you will have your inauguration at the beginning of the Chūnin exams," the Sandaime informed her, before dismissing them to do whatever they wanted.