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64.28% Born By Will  / Chapter 9: ch 9

Chương 9: ch 9

Walking through the forest of death, Hyūga Hinata was unable to comprehend what had just happened.

"Naruto-kun… why won't anybody realize that, that monster isn't you…" was the main series of thoughts running through her head, "you were the strongest person I knew, even with the entire village against you, you refused to give up, you always tried your hardest and you never let yourself hate them… so why can't anyone see that, that hate filled, sadistic monster isn't you?"

As her mind continued to ponder the reason why she was the only one to see that fact (to her mind anyway), she suddenly found the ground under her feet gave way and with a sickening crack, her head struck a rock, sending her into blissful unconsciousness as she descended into the darkness below the forest.

(2 days later)

Sarutobi Hiruzen was NOT having a good day.

He was currently being forced to endure the civilian councils complaints concerning the matchup of Naruto vs Sasuke and the fact that Naruto had actually killed one of the councillors daughters during the preliminaries.

"Hokage-sama I demand justice!" Haruno shouted (quieter than usual due to grieving the loss of her daughter)

"(sigh) councillor Haruno… your daughter signed a waiver that stated that the chances of dying in the exam was HIGH, so it is her own fault for signing that waiver and continuing on with the exam," the aged leader stated in an attempt to quell the flames that were currently burning.

"Who cares about your daughter," a random civilian stated snidely, earning a glare off the Haruno head, "that demon is supposed to be fighting Uchiha-sama in the first round!"

"Yeah! We can't let that monster fight Uchiha-sama!"

"SILENCE!" the Hokage shouted in anger, "the finals of the Chūnin exams have been decided and will NOT be changed, do you understand?!"

"But Hokage-sama!"

"I said it will not be changed and that is final! This meeting is adjourned!" the Hokage ordered, silencing all the incoming protests.

Eventually the entire chamber was cleared of all but two people.

"How is the search going Hiashi?"

"(sigh) we've looked everywhere and haven't managed to find a trace of her..." the head of the Hyūga clan said letting his despair show in front of the strongest human in the village.

"Are you certain you don't want me to give you help to find her?"

"At this point in time… I doubt help would make any difference, the smell would have left the area by now and I have already asked the Aburame's if her teammate placed a Kikai on her and they informed me that he didn't… dammit, why did this have to happen?" Hiashi stated in a tired tone.

"I see… I'm sorry," Sarutobi said before leaving the room.

Deep under Konoha, we find an old man covered in bandages talking to a single boy of approximately 13years of age.

"Your surveillance on Orochimaru was less than satisfactory Sai," the old man stated.

"Forgive me Danzō-sama, I will not fail you again," the black haired boy stated emotionlessly.

"You are lucky that Orochimaru has been confirmed dead, right here in Konoha. Because of these circumstances, I am assigning you a new mission… you are to assist Fū and Torune in ending the Kiri civil war… dismissed!"

"Hai Danzō-sama!" the boy said before vanishing in a swirl of leaves.

"Heh, things are going better than anticipated… especially once my conquest of Oto is over," the one eyed man thought as he dissolved into a black clad blond with sunglasses, before leaving the area as a swarm of bats.

Yamanaka Ino was deep in thought as she tended her parents flower shop.

"I can't believe how Sakura turned out… then again, she did break up our friendship over a boy, so why am I so surprised?"

"Was it perhaps because you thought you were still friends?" a voice called out, shocking the girl out of her stupor as she turned to see a familiar blond standing at the counter with a single black rose in one hand.

"Huh… guess I must have been thinking out loud huh?"

"No… I can read minds."

"… huh, you almost had me going there for a minute."

"Who said I was joking?" the sapphire eyed boy asked inside her head, causing the girls eyes to widen in shock.

"Naruto! If my dad finds out you've been stealing our clan techniques," she would have continued had she not been interrupted by the vampiric genin.

"Ino-san, your father already knows of my ability to read minds… and for your information it isn't a technique, just another ingrained ability I have now," he stated calmly, which somehow managed to calm her nerves, "but I do have to say, I am surprised you don't hate me for killing Sakura."

"(sigh) Naruto… she practically admitted that she tried to kill you before and you made no attempt at hiding your resentment towards her… then she went and insulted Victoria-san when she didn't even know her… (sigh) I just can't bring myself to feel sorry about her death now I realise that she wasn't who I thought she was," Ino claimed sadly.

"And you're not scared of me because you're smart enough to realise that I'm at least amicable to those that aren't my enemies… and you haven't done anything to make yourself my enemy, now if you don't mind I would like to purchase this flower," he stated calmly.

"Huh? Oh of course, sorry about that," the purple clad girl said as she moved over to the till, "so… are you getting that for Victoria-san?"

"Yes… the black rose is a beautiful flower, often thought of as having a link to death… but then again there are some people who think it represents pure love, it is amazing just how opposite different people's opinions can be of the same thing," the blond vampire stated with a far off look in his eyes.

"And what do you think?"

"That it is a beautiful flower, nothing more, nothing less," he claimed before handing some money to the girl, "keep the change… think of it as a tip for the pleasant conversation," he told her as he left the establishment.

"He may be almost completely different… but if you look hard enough, there is still some of the old, caring Naruto in there," she thought as she returned to tending the flowers.

Walking along the street, Naruto was beginning to get ever so slightly irritated… those two Oto nin who where in the same team as that Zaku guy he killed, were following him.

Of course all he wanted to do was get home and give Vicky the rose he bought, after all, he knew for a fact that she loved them. It's not that she thought they represented pure love… she just liked the colour black… and roses.

Getting annoyed at the Oto duo's persistence, the blond vampire turned off into an alley, were the two genin jumped in front of him.

"What do you want? And make it quick… I don't want this flower to die before I get home," he asked while voicing his displeasure.

"Oh… well, it can wait," Dosu stated nervously, drawing a sweatdrop from the black clad blond, which only increased when the girl hit him for it.

"What we want to say is that you killed Orochimaru-sama… who always taught us to follow the strongest…" Kin started off before she began to lose her nerve.

"So you want me to be your leader?" Naruto asked, earning two nods at the simple statement.

"Go tell the Hokage… he'll make you my… retainers," he stated, earning a pair of 'Hai Naruto-sama' as the duo left to get branded as the blonds… voluntary slaves, "well that was unusual," he claimed before continuing on his way to give Vicky her flower.

"WHAT DO YA MEAN YOU'RE NOT GOING TO LET ME TRAIN MY OWN GODSON!" an old man shouted at the Hokage.

He had long white hair and wore a pair of grey shinobi pants, a mesh shirt with an olive green yukata style shirt and a sleeveless, knee length, red jacket. His face was adorned with several red lines and on his forehead was a strange hitae-ate with two horns and an engraving of the kanji for oil.

"I'm sorry Jiraiya… but I'm not sure if Naruto would decide to kill you if you met him," the aged Kage said sadly.

"Come on old man! Do you really think he could kill me?" Jiraiya asked incredulously.

"(sigh) Jiraiya… in the forest of death… Naruto, killed Orochimaru," Sarutobi stated, earning a shocked look from the other man, "you need to understand Jiraiya, Naruto has this… ability, to absorb a person's strength, memories, skills, hell he actually admitted to absorbing their souls… simply by drinking their blood, considering that he gained access to Danzō's genetic research facility and… (sigh) Naruto has the skills of more than ten Kage level ninja right now… and ALL of the Kyūbi's power as well."


"Plus he's immortal."


"Naruto is immortal… to a certain extent, however, his skills are currently high enough, that you will only hit him if he lets you, so now do you understand why I can't let you see him?"

"I still want to see him…"

"He'll kill you and we still need your spy network."

"Why? If he's as strong as you say he is, then you can just threaten to use him to destroy the other villages and you won't need a spy network!"

"Because I don't know where his loyalty lies."

"What?" the Sannin asked darkly.

"You need to understand… when he came back from his first C-rank, he had changed… unfortunately, the change has brought out his contempt of the human species and I'm no longer sure if he would fight for the village," the Hokage informed the other man.

Just as Jiraiya was about to make his retort, a knock on the door stopped the conversation dead in its tracks.

"I WILL see my godson and there is nothing you can do to stop me," the slightly younger man claimed before jumping out of a nearby window.

"(sigh) Jiraiya… you always were an idiot," Hiruzen said quietly before calling out, "come in!"

As soon as he said that, the door opened to reveal the two Oto genin, causing Sarutobi to let out a sigh at where he thought the conversation was about to go.

"If you want me to punish Naruto for killing your teammate, no."

"Actually… since our villages leader was killed by him… we've sorta decided to follow him now and his first order was to tell you about that and then get branded as his retainers," the boy stated blankly.


"Because Orochimaru-sama always taught us to follow the strongest… and Naruto-sama is the strongest," the girl claimed calmly, causing the old man to wonder how much of a one track mind his former student had when he was still alive.

"You do realise that being retainers makes you nothing more than voluntary slaves?" the old man asked to make sure they knew what they were getting themselves into.

"Working under Orochimaru-sama wasn't much different… though I doubt we risk becoming experiments with Naruto-sama," Dosu informed the old man, before the duo were shown the way to the Konoha registration office, where they would be inducted into Konoha as the retainers of the Namikaze clan.

Jiraiya was scared… scratch that, the only thing that scared him more than what he was seeing right now, was Tsunade when she caught him peeping on her… and even that wasn't that much scarier.

He had originally come to meet his godson, but he had immediately been distracted when he noticed the colour of flesh in one of the second story windows, so being the self proclaimed 'super pervert' he was… he couldn't help but check it out.

Of course, when he realised it was his godson screwing some cute little redhead, he had originally been proud… that is until he noticed the girls… extra features, namely the fox ears and NINE red fox tails.

Now Jiraiya wasn't an idiot or a coward, but he had seen the destructive power of the Kyūbi no kitsune first hand… and to find out it had been released was NOT something he was happy about, especially if it was influencing his godson to hate the village.

As Naruto was pounding into Victoria, the two were having a bit of a conversation.

"So… what do you want to do with the voyeur Vicky-chan?" Naruto asked.

"Depends… who is it?" she asked in between moans of pleasure.

"My godfather…"

"Rip his balls off and feed them to Isaribi."

"Do you think she eat something like that?"

"She IS following your advice about embracing the monster she's become… though not around the Ichiraku's… by the way, they've given her a part time job there."

"That's nice to hear," the blond stated before unloading in the demoness, "anyway… time to deal with the pervert," he continued before exiting the girl and reforming his clothes as Kyūbi did the same.

Outside the house, Jiraiya was still trying to figure out what to do while the Kyūbi was free, since trying to reason with his godson while a kitsune was around was NOT going to work.

"Hello godfather…" he heard whispered right next to his ear, causing him to jump away on reflex, before looking at the boy and the… now fox featureless girl, "I hope you aren't planning on using what you just saw as… inspiration."

"Naruto, don't listen to anything she says!"

"If Naru-kun listened to everything I said you would've had your balls ripped off and fed to a fish by now…" Victoria stated with a pout.


"What?" she asked when an awkward silence filled the air.

"Why are you picking on Isaribi?" Naruto asked, confusing the sannin.

"I'm not… it's just that other people understand that threat better if I call her that."

"Naruto… you do realise that that is the demon that nearly destroyed Konoha the day you were born right?" Jiraiya asked hoping that would convince the boy to stop listening to the fox.

"Hey! That wasn't my fault! I actually liked Konoha before they started abusing Naru-kun!"

"Really… then why did you attack it?" the toad summoner asked sarcastically.

"Stupid sharingan…" she muttered under her breath at that comment.


"I was being controlled by one of those stupid sharingan!"

"So you're claiming an Uchiha did it?"




"Does the Hokage know about this?"

"That depends… if you mean about an Uchiha being behind Kyūbi's attack 12years ago… yes, if you mean about him knowing that Kyūbi is currently no longer resident inside me… don't know," Naruto explained to the aged pervert.

"By the way… how did you know who I was?"

"I can read minds."

"Okay… Sarutobi-sensei said you'd kill me if we met."

"He probably thought I would."

"And why won't you?"

"Because I know it isn't your fault you abandoned me… you had obligations to the village that required you to stay outside it and I couldn't be kept safe all the time if I'm travelling with you, plus the fact that Iwa would probably figure out who I was if I lived with you… so you really didn't have much choice," the young blond explained, "however I will kill you if you decide to include mine and Vicky-chan's activities in your book."



"Wait, so you're telling me the Kyūbi no kitsune is called Vicky?" the pervert asked with a look of disbelief gracing his features.

"Yep," came the reply from both the immortal beings.

"And I thought I'd seen it all…" the author muttered under his breath, "anyway, how about I show you a thing or two!" he asked with a happy tone before creating a condensed ball of swirling chakra in the palm of his hand.

"Know it, mastered it, improved it," the blond replied before creating the same technique in his palm, before it suddenly began to screech and after a couple of seconds… it was a large shuriken shaped ball of swirling wind.

Of course this display completely gobsmacked the human of the three, after all, both he, his student and his student's student failed to do what this kid just did, combine their affinity with the Rasengan.

"I can also use the other four elements… but they aren't as destructive as Fūton," the vampire stated calmly.

"Ok… how about I let you sign the contract for the toads!"

"I can summon them, snakes, monkeys, dogs, tapir, hawks, turtles and salamanders," the blond informed him.


"Other people's blood."




"How did you get other peoples blood?"

"Drank it."



"I give up," the legendary ninja stated as he dropped his head, "fine then… do you know senjutsu?"

"Never heard of it."

"Thank Kami there is something I can teach you!" the white haired man exclaimed to the heavens before feeling some liquid run down his cheek. Slowly lifting his finger to the liquid, he rubbed some off and realised… "it's blood? How?"

"So senjutsu is the process of gathering natural chakra from the atmosphere in order to improve your physical and chakra based abilities… useless to me," Naruto stated before showing his godfather some blood on a kunai.

"Dammit! I wanted to actually teach you something!"




"You are evil."

"I know."

"Will you two please stop that?" Vicky asked in an attempt to stop the constant pauses.

"Sure thing queen," the blond stated, before turning towards his godfather, "and for that last little thought."


Throughout Konoha, everyone froze in their tracks as the most pain filled scream they had ever heard assaulted their ears… before they decided to completely ignore it and get back on with their day.

"So… are you going to feed them to Isaribi like I suggested?"

"Depends… hey Isaribi, do you want some testicles for lunch?"

"WHAT!" the scaly girl shouted from the living room, before the duo walked in seeing the girl as her skin remained an unhealthy shade of red.

"My godfather decided it would be a good idea to use me and Vicky-chan as characters in his new porn book… so I just performed an open air castration on him… so do you want to eat them?" the blond explained, causing the bright red girl to lose some colour.

"N-no thanks… I'm not monster enough for that… yet," she replied.

"How about you Vicky-chan?"

"Please… the only balls I want to suck are yours," the redhead exclaimed, causing the other girl to regain the colour she had just lost.

"Alright then," and with that the pair of sperm producing organs were thrown into the kitchen's garbage disposal unit.

"So Isaribi, I heard you've got a job at Ichiraku's."

"Yeah… Ayame-neechan's really helping me get settled in," the fishgirl claimed as her face returned to its usual shade.

"Already calling Ayame neechan are we?" the blond asked with a small smirk.

"What? She's really nice and she always helps me when I need it."

"Relax… I'm just happy you're making friends here," Naruto said as he put his hand on the girls shoulder.



As the trio just sat in silence, there was a knock on the door, prompting the immortal genin to go and open it… of course he was expecting to have someone try and kill him when he opened it, however he was greeted by the sight of Oto genin standing at attention.

"Oh yeah… I forgot about you," the blond claimed, causing the duo to sweatdrop at their new masters antics, "then again… I really should go and deal with the rest of Oto… alright, the rules are simple… those two sitting there are in charge when I'm away and you will do EVERYTHING they tell you to, do you understand?" after receiving a pair of 'Hai Naruto-sama' from the Oto duo and telling Victoria and Isaribi what he was going to do… he left in a colony of bats.

Uchiha Sasuke was NOT happy.

His 'teammate' had crippled his sensei so he couldn't get training there. Now that wouldn't really bother him if it wasn't for one thing… no one else would train him! Him the last Uchiha! They should be rolling over and begging him to let them train him, but no, they refused to train the last of the greatest clan ever for reasons he couldn't understand.

So all he could really do right now was go to the training grounds and copy every jutsu he saw.

Unlike other hidden villages… Otogakure wasn't a single, fortified town like area, but several smaller bases of operation spanning the entirety of the elemental countries.

Due to Orochimaru's plans for the Chūnin exams, most of his most important personnel were currently located in the base closest to Konoha, the one that took less than an hour for Naruto to reach.

"Activate emergency protocols! We've been found!" a random scout shouted as the black clad vampire casually walked towards the stronghold.

Of course when the numerous defensive mechanism's activated and launched a wave of death that no human could survive, the residents of the base were shocked when the blond never stopped walking.

After several more attempts at stopping the immortal being, he had come too close and was quite literally, right outside the front door… until they found themselves lacking one.

Every last occupant of the building had surrounded the blond less than ten seconds after he had stopped walking when he had reached the middle of the small entrance.


"LIAR!" a white haired man with two red dots instead of eyebrows shouted as he ripped his spine out of his back and swung it at the blond… who in turn ripped his spine out of his back and used it to block the attack.

"Kimmimaro… the last of the Kaguya clan and the sole bearer of the Chi no Juin… Orochimaru's most loyal subordinate… pity," the blond stated before activating the Juinjutsu Orochimaru had placed on the man, resulting in the white haired individual collapsing to the floor in agony as the seal burned his very soul with its malicious intent.

What everyone in the room thought when this happened was simple, "he is Orochimaru!".

"I'm not Orochimaru… I have merely assimilated his soul, to put it bluntly… Orochimaru is just a small part of me now. Of course, that also means I have complete control over your Juinjutsu's, so everyone here who has one of those marks is now at my mercy," Naruto explained to the army in front of him, causing many to lose their nerve as they began to subconsciously touch certain areas on their bodies.

"Now everyone line up…" at his command, every person in the room lined up so as to give the blond the ability to see all of them, "alright… you are to stay behind," he informed a hat wearing redhead with anger filled eyes, "the rest of you are to inform the rest of Oto of these changes… now go!"

With that command, the only people left in the room were the blond and the redhead.

"What the fuck do you want me to do huh?" the redhead asked aggressively.

"You do realise that as long as you have Orochimaru's Juinjutsu, you are effectively my slave right?"

"What does that matter?"

"It's simple really… I intend on using my slaves," he responded with a cruel grin, before he vanished and grabbed the girl.

In a lowly lit room somewhere in Amegakure, we find an orange masked individual sitting on a bed as he coughed and had several spasms.

"Are you certain you're alright Madara-sama?" the white half of Zetsu asked as the man revealed the true extent of his weakness.

"I still don't understand why I haven't fully recovered even after all this time," the masked man stated in pain.

"Are you kidding me? The injuries you got of the Shodaime should have killed you straight out… let alone heal," the black half of the plant man stated as the man began to have another coughing fit.

"Yet they didn't… that has to say something at the very least."

"Uh… I was thinking…" the white half started.

"About what?"

"Well… you survived fatal injuries without medical attention… so has the Kyūbi jinchūriki. However, I also noticed that the Kyūbi's host consumes blood… have you ever done that?"

"Once… after my battle with Hashirama I managed to survive by drinking my own blood," the black haired man stated.

"Which would be when you stopped healing."

"What? Are you trying to say that I should give into my temptation and drink some blood?"

"You've been tempted to drink blood?"

"Ever since that day."

"Come on… at least try some, I mean it's not like anything bad will happen is it?"



"(sigh) Fine then… I'll try it, but I'm not drinking anymore if this doesn't work."

"I understand Madara-sama," the white half of Zetsu stated before pulling a clear plastic bag of blood from within his cloak and handing it to the ill man, who immediately gave into his impulses and devoured the life giving liquid.

"Are you alright Madara-sama/Are you alright Madara-sama?" both sides of Zetsu asked at the same time, when the man had finished draining the entire bag.



"That was Hidan's blood," the black haired individual stated calmly.

"How did you know that?"

"I remember everything he did up till then," the masked man stated before looking at Zetsu, "and my injuries are all gone."

"Ooowwww… my head hurts," Hinata said as she woke up from her fall.

Looking up the way and activating her Byakugan, she was surprised to see no visible entrance to the area she was in.

What she did see however was a large corridor that seemed to lead even further down, and seeing no alternative, she decided to follow it.

After several hours of walking, she finally came across something that wasn't the same stone corridor as the rest of it.

Right there in front of her, blocking her path, was a huge steel door with countless locks and bolts, even though she had never actually seen one before, Hinata knew the thing in front of her was a vault door.

After several hours of trying to open the door, it finally opened and she was greeted by a room with several strange objects that seemed to give off a strange aura, including several large knives and countless books.

Looking through the books though, resulted in her discarding countless hardbacks due to her inability to read the strange, foreign language it was written in.

That is until she finally found one she could read…

"The Gospel of Judas"

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