Cobalt's Trainer ID:
Name: Cobalt Black.
Gender: Male.
Age: 18.
Hometown: Pallet Town.
Registered Pokémon Center (Kanto): Viridian City.
Registered Pokémon Center (Orange Islands): Unregistered.
Registered Pokémon Center (Johto): Unregistered.
Registered Pokémon Center (Hoenn): Unregistered.
Registered Pokémon Center (Sinnoh): Unregistered.
Registered Pokémon Center (Unova): Unregistered.
Registered Pokémon Center (Kalos): Unregistered.
Registered Pokémon Center (Alola): Unregistered.
Registered Pokémon Center (Galar): Unregistered.
Registered Pokémon Center (Paldea): Unregistered.
Trainer Type: Pokémon League Participant.
Trainer Rank: Junior Alola Champion (Tournament Wins), Novice Trainer (As of Kanto League and Pewter City Gym Victory.
Current Sponsorship Level: Not Currently Sponsored.
Total Sponsorships: 0.
Sponsors: None.
Gym Badges (Kanto): 1.
Gym Badges (Orange Islands): 0.
Gym Badges (Johto): 0.
Gym Badges (Hoenn): 0.
Gym Badges (Sinnoh): 0.
Gym Badges (Unova): 0.
Gym Badges (Kalos): 0.
Island Challenge Victories (Alola): 0.
Gym Challenge Victories: 0.
Gym Badges (Paldea): 0.
League Wins: 0.
Total Elite Four Defeated: 0
Championships: 0.
Total Victories: 4.
Total Draws: 0.
Total Losses: 0.
Current Team: Ivysaur, Charmander, Weedle, Garuda the Pidgey, Slakoth, Rockruff.
Pokémon in rotation: Snorlax, Shadow the Eevee, Abra, Slakoth, Pikachu.
Total Captured Pokémon: 11.
Total Captured Shiny Pokemon: 3.
Total Released Pokémon: 0.
Pokédollars: 11,300.
TM/HM's Case: Iron Tail, Thunder Punch.
Z-Crystals: Lycanium Z, Rockium Z, Darkinium Z.
Mega Crystals: None.
Key Items: Fixed-point Knife, Half a Keystone Necklace, Capture Styler, Camping Gear, Map, Dynamax Band, Z-Ring, Z-Power Ring, Scizorite Mega Stone, Scyther Egg.
Battle Items: Pokéball ×16, Potion ×12.
Berries: Oran Berries × 12, Persim Berries × 8, Lum Berries × 3, Sitrus Berries × 14, Figy Berries × 9, Wiki Berries ×5, Aguav Berries × 6, Tamato Berries × 17.
Extra Ingredients: Package of five Sausages ×4, Mixed Mushrooms pack of ten ×4, Pasta ×5, Salad Mix × 10, Fresh Cream 3.5 Litres ×5, Instant Cup Noodles × 15, Burger Steaks packages of six × 5, Packs of Potatoes × 5, Eggs packs of six × 12, Spice Mix Sachet ×5.
Current Location: Pewter City.
Pokémon Stats:
Roots the Ivysaur (Female):
Abilities: Overgrow, Chlorophyll
HP: 45
Attack: 49
Defense: 49
Special Attack: 65
Special Defense: 65
Speed: 45
Known Moves: Bullet Seed, Sludge Bomb, Vine Whip, Synthesis, Solar Beam, Razor Leaf, Grassy Knot.
Entrance Chapter: Chapter 1.
Captured: Chapter 1.
Personality: Easygoing and not prone to being boisterous, Ivysaur is the patient type, preferring to wait and only battle in a smart way. She likes to take it easy if she can, but she also likes to be helpful. She dislikes unnecessary conflict.
Garuda the Pidgey (Male):
Abilities: Keen Eye, Tangled Feet, Big Pecks (Hidden).
HP: 40
Attack: 45
Defense: 40
Special Attack: 35
Special Defense: 35
Speed: 67
Known Moves: Twister, Toxic, Steel Wing, Hidden Power, Heat Wave, Tackle, Work Up.
Entrance Chapter: Chapter 2.
Captured: Chapter 3.
Personality: Though extremely proud because of its shiny coat, the greatest aspect of Garuda's personality is...gluttony. Garuda loves Cobalts foods, with Cobalt's curries holding a special place in its heart.
Weedle (Female):
Abilities: Shield Dust, Run Away (Hidden).
HP: 40
Attack: 35
Defense: 17
Special Attack: 42
Special Defense: 41
Speed: 30
Known Moves: Electroweb, String Shot, Bug Bite, Poison Sting.
Entrance Chapter: Chapter 3
Captured: Chapter 3
Personality: Determined and serious, Weedle's primary goal is to evolve and become stronger. Before being captured by Cobalt it was about as low on the pecking order as she could be. Her defensive power being abysmall, but her Special Attack and Special Defense were off the charts. Because Cobalt took a chance on her, she wants to repay his faith and do right by him.
Rockruff (Male):
Abilities: Vital Spirit, Keen Eye, Steadfast (Hidden).
HP: 45
Attack: 65
Defense: 65
Special Attack: 45
Special Defense: 40
Speed: 60
Known Moves: Earth Power, Iron Tail, Thunder Fang, Zen Headbutt, Crunch, Protect, Fire Fang, Rock Tomb.
Entrance Chapter: Chapter 2
Captured: Chapter 4
Personality: Fiercely loyal to Cobalt and excitable, Rockruff - like Charmander - is determined to help Cobalt succeed. However while Charmander is more blind in his desire to help Cobalt succeed, because Rockruff grew up with Cobalt and was raised primarily by Acerola for several years, Rockruff is smarter and more aware of what he needs to do to help Cobalt succeed.
Ace the Alolan Meowth (Female):
Abilities: Technician, Pickup, Rattled (Hidden)
HP: 40
Attack: 35
Defense: 35
Special Attack: 65
Special Defense: 40
Speed: 110
Known Moves: Dark Pulse, Gunk Shot, Icy Wind, Bite, Shadow Claw, Water Pulse, Throat Chop, Aerial Ace, Iron Tail.
Entrance Chapter: Chapter 2
Captured: Chapter 4
Personality: Eccentric, gluttonous, lazy, and attention-seeking. Ace seeks three things in life: Tummy rubs, Cobalt's cooking, and a good long nap time. Though intensely against training and physical activities of any kind, if there's three things Ace hates more than anything its, being underestimated, looked down upon, and nap time being interrupted.
Shadow The Eevee (Female) (Shiny):
Abilities: Run Away, Adaptability, Anticipation (Hidden).
HP: 55
Attack: 55
Defense: 50
Special Attack: 75
Special Defense: 85
Speed: 50
Known Moves: Toxic, Swift, Body Slam, Iron Tail, Detect, Dig, Focus Energy, Stored Power, Tackle, Protect, Helping Hand.
Entrance Chapter: Chapter 5
Captured: Chapter 6
Personality: Suspicious and slow to trust, Shadow is a survivor, and unlike Garuda is not overly proud or vain about it's shiny colours. Because of Cobalt's kindness and willingness to help, Shadow in turn is willing to aid Cobalt within reason.
Snorlax (Female):
Abilities: Immunity, Thick Fat, Gluttony (Hidden)
HP: 175
Attack: 145
Defense: 95
Special Attack: 130
Special Defense: 125
Speed: 45
Known Moves: Bubblebeam, Ice Beam, Thunder, Flamethrower, Body Slam, Belly Drum, Belch, Crunch, High Horsepower, Outrage, Rain Dance, Seismic Toss, Snore, Yawn, Shadow Ball, Water Gun.
Entrance Chapter: Chapter 7
Captured: Chapter 8
Personality: Much as Garuda is gluttonous, Snorlax is too. However Snorlax is also conscious of her weight, an unusual trait in a Snorlax. Though conscious of her weight, Snorlax is that way because of her fears that her diet affects her strength and overall power. For this reason she is immensely grateful to Cobalt for his highly nutritious and delicious meals.
Pikachu (Male) (Shiny):
Abilities: Static, Lightning Rod (Hidden)
HP: 40
Attack: 55
Defense: 40
Special Attack: 65
Special Defense: 55
Speed: 95
Known Moves: Body Slam, Dig, Focus Punch, Quick Attack, Thunder Shock, Thunder Bolt, Swift, Light Screen, Signal Beam, Rain Dance, Iron Tail.
Entrance Chapter: Chapter 11.
Captured: Chapter 11.
Personality: Curious and inquisitive, Pikachu has an insatiable curiosity. It joined Cobalt through this curiosity, both by initially trailing him and to get a better look, smell, and taste of Cobalt's cooking.
Charmander (Male):
Abilities: Blaze, Solar Power (Hidden)
HP: 39
Attack: 52
Defense: 67
Special Attack: 48
Special Defense: 53
Speed: 65
Known Moves: Attract, Beat Up, Captivate, Cut, Defense Curl, Double Team, Double Edge, Ember, Fire Spin, Smokescreen, Work Up, Iron Tail, Thunder Punch, Metal Claw.
Entrance Chapter: Chapter 12
Captured: Chapter 12
Personality: Desperate for affection and attention because of his previous trainer, Charmander is hopelessly loyal to Cobalt for taking him in and believing in him. Charmander is highly protective of Cobalt because of these things, and will follow his commands and desires without fail. Charmander is terrified of disappointing Cobalt, and may on occasion seem gluttonous trying to show off his skills, but Cobalt would always have a soft spot for Charmander, something Charmander deeply appreciates.
Abra (Female):
Abilities: Synchronise, Magic Guard (Hidden)
HP: 25
Attack: 45
Defense: 20
Special Attack: 95
Special Defense: 55
Speed: 90
Known Moves: Barrier, Bide, Calm Mind, Facade, Magic Room, Psychic Terrain, Psywave, Secret Power, Teleport, Thief.
Entrance Chapter: Chapter 12
Captured: Chapter 12
Personality: Lazy, eccentric, and quirky. Cobalt's Abra refuses to partake in anything it finds uninteresting or tedious. It only allowed Cobalt to capture it due to finding him quite an interesting anomaly.
Slakoth (Male):
Abilities: Truant
HP: 75
Attack: 65
Defense: 50
Special Attack: 40
Special Defense: 45
Speed: 30
Known Moves: Amnesia, Bulk Up, Chip Away, Counter, Crush Claw, Endure, Feint Attack, Flamethrower, Hammer Arm, Hone Claws, Sleep Talk, Yawn.
Entrance Chapter: Chapter 12
Captured: Chapter 12
Personality: Like most of his line Slakoth is incredibly lazy, but it is also earnest and seeks to reach great heights with a trainer it feels will reach great heights themselves. By attaching itself to Cobalt, this goal has been partially realised, but Slakoth will reserve that judgement until Cobalt proves himself that kind of trainer to him. And if Cobalt is unable to prove himself, Slakoth is more than willing to laze around until another trainer proves his or herself worth Slakoth's valuable time.
Forgot to post on the 29th, sorry about that