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5.17% The Storm Pirate Luffy / Chapter 3: Dreams for The Future

Chương 3: Dreams for The Future

Ace was sitting lotus style in front of his grandpa with a blindfold covering his eyes while the old man held a bat.

"Remember, Ace, try to sense everything around you, the forest, the animals, everything." Ace just nodded in understanding and started breathing deeply and slowly.

The ten-year-old let his senses go free, taking in everything around him, just like his grandpa told him. He could sense the birds jumping around in the trees, the insects flying around, and his grandpa swinging the bat at his head from the left. Quickly computing this, he leaned his head quickly to the right. He felt the bat coming in for another swing from the right this time, so he leaned left; he continued dodging until he felt his concentration slip just the slightest and BAM, he was sent flying.

As Ace laid on the ground from the most recent hit he took, he thought over something. 'He used Busoshoku Haki in that, I can tell somehow.' Ace slowly got up, his head throbbing in pain, he saws his grandpa still holding the bat in the position it hit Ace in.

"That was good for your first session, Ace." Garp praised, proud of his grandchild. "However, you still need more practice to dodge effortlessly." Ace nodded determinedly, somewhat excited for future training. "Alright, let's continue for a few more hours, then turn in." Ace just nodded again, and got ready for more.

That went on for months, Garp would train, Sabo, Luffy, and Ace until they lost consciousness. Garp allowed them to eat and drink in the morning, but no food whatsoever after that.

Despite Luffy's horror, who looked ready to die from the hunger, but Garp still stayed strict to his rules.

At first, Luffy tried and stole food when Garp wasn't looking, That surprisingly worked for a whole week, but on the seventh day, Garp caught Luffy eating.

The strawhat boy was punished for not eating for an entire week, only drinking water.

Eventually, Luffy was slightly used to not eating the whole day but still was incredible hard.

Eventually Garp left, but ordered the kids to work on their Haki as much as possible. And not take it lightly.

After 1 Month

They could only look out at the scene before them with wide, horrified eyes and open mouths. Stood on top of a hill at the edge of the forest, the three brothers had a perfect view to watch as the fire slowly burned its way through the Grey Terminal.

But not only that, because even from where they stood, they were still able to hear the screams. People that's only real crime was being poor in the eyes of the nobility, crying out in pain and desperation for help as they were burned alive along with the junk they lived and scavenged in.

Sabo could only look on with a mixture of guilt and horror at what his own people had done, his grip on the pipe in his hands turning his knuckles white as small croaking sound escaped his throat.

Ace stood silently, his face full of rage and his hands gripped into fists so tight blood was dripping to the floor.

Luffy found himself struck speechless at the sight as silent tears fell from his eyes. He felt guilty, he knew if he could control the weather, he would be able to make it rain, but Luffy was nowhere near that level yet.

The three stood there all night watching the fires burn, refusing to leave until the last ember was cold and the screams fell silent. They felt it was the least they could do, because while they weren't able to help save anyone the people at least deserved to have someone acknowledge their last moments.

During the fire, the brothers noticed a ship approaching, and suddenly a large wind-wave cleared the fire nearby, Ace and Sabo were shocked but Luffy on the other end felt something else, but he wasn't exactly sure, he felt as if he had seen something like that before but he couldn't put the finger on.

When the last of the fires finally burned out, Ace slowly turned his back to what was once the Grey Terminal, before laying a hand on each of his brother's shoulders and pulling them away back to their treehouse.

Ace had moved to lean over the railing and look out over the forest with his back to them. He could still see the smoke floating into the sky in the distance, the smell still clinging to his skin and following them all the way to the treehouse.

Luffy had simple sat in a corner in silence, having not uttered a word since they had gotten back. Both Ace and Sabo knew he was in shock, even though he was only three or four years younger than them Luffy had always seemed younger. It made both feel like they needed to protect him, as his older brothers it was their job to protect him...but both knew they had failed. Luffy should never have seen what had happened that night, never heard the screams of the dying or smelt the stench of burning junk and human flesh mixed together.

Both were actually very worried about what this would do to him, if he would still be able to be the innocent little boy that would scream about being the King of the Pirates.

Neither Ace nor Sabo actually wanted to be the Pirate King, though they both wanted to be pirates. Ace never wanted to be King because he hated his father, and the thought of sharing his title made him burn inside. Sabo simple saw being a pirate was his way to freedom, to escape his life as a Noble child and be truly free.

But after everything they had just seen, those dreams seemed so far away now.

For the most part, Luffy was dead to the world around him, the scream of the dying echoing endlessly in his head and his eyes clouded and burning from smoke and fire. He could still feel the heat, smell the smoke, all of it was on a constant loop inside his head over and over again.

It was as this was happening though, that Luffy started to understand. He had been looking at the world in rose-tinted glasses, where everything was black and white and made sense. But the truth was the world was black, with an endless sea of grey leading to a few spots of white in the distance.

His face hardening, Luffy slowly got to his feet and moved over to the loose floorboard where he kept his secret food stash. At least that was what he told his brothers it was, in actual fact, it was his most important treasure.

His movement got the attention of both Sabo and Ace, who watched silently as he moved the board away and reached down to pull out an old wooden chest. It wasn't very big, and the brass fixing were old and rusted, but the lock on it was new and strong. Slowly getting up and moving to stand behind him, they watched as he pulled a key from a string around his neck that they had never seen before and opened the chest.

Inside sat too oddly shaped and coloured fruit, laying side by side in the otherwise empty chest.

The one on the right looked like a white-orange, with bluish-grey swirls covering it. The last on the left looked like a heart-shaped apple, with what seemed to be flame patterns and a white stalk.

Both Ace's and Sabo's eyes widened in shock at the sight of them, knowing exactly what they were yet unable to comprehend the fact that Luffy had not only found but hidden two Devil Fruits. Without even knowing what type they were or what power they held each would be worth thirty times what they had been able to gather.

Yet as they stared at the two fruits, the thought of selling them never even crossed any of the three brother's minds. Slowly reaching out and taking one of the fruits, with no protest from Luffy, Ace and Sabo sat on either side of him with their eyes glued to the fruit. Ace was now holding the red and Sabo the white/grey.

Taking his eyes away from the fruit now in his hands, Ace turned to Luffy with his face still a mask of shock.

"Luffy...where did you find these?"

"I found the red one when I was training with Grandpa two months ago, he told me to wait and not immediately give it to one of you. The white one I found in the forest about a month ago, it was stuck between some roots and I caught sight of it by chance..."

Nodding Ace and Sabo brought the fruit back and as one opened their mouths wide, before the two brothers shoved them in whole.

Ace felt like he had just shoved a handful of bitter-tasting ashes into his mouth, ashes that were still hot and burned his mouth and throat was he ate. It took all his willpower to swallow, and even more to stop himself from throwing it back up. Then the heat from the fruit started to spread throughout the rest of his body, getting hotter and hotter as it moved from his stomach to his arms and legs, before settling in his chest. It felt like he was on fire as the heat became unbearable, only for it to stop hurting just before a scream erupted from his throat. The heat was still there, but now it just felt...right, like it was a part of him.

He didn't notice that his body was now covered in small flickering flames, flames that didn't just come from his skin but were his skin.

Sabo's fruit tasted like warm, watery mud mixed with shit. The texture made him think of the time Ace had hit him in the face with a water balloon and it went in his mouth, rubbery and chewy. The juice inside it was burning hot to the point it felt like it was evaporating in his mouth before shooting down his throat, making his eyes water. He could feel it as the fruit travelled down his throat and hit his stomach, and the moment it did Sabo felt his body turning weightless. The heat from the juice-filled him, feeling like it was replacing his very blood until it passed. He still felt warm and weightless, but not in a bad way anymore.

Like Ace he didn't notice what was going on around him as he tried to ignore the pain, oblivious as steam started shooting out of his nose and ears with a high pitched whistle like a kettle. His whole body seemed to become slightly hazy, rippling as if he were a mirage that would blow away with the wind.

Ace and Sabo looked at each other before noticing the changes.

"You're Burning,"

"You're Disappearing"

Both of them yelled before they lost consciousness from fear. Luffy just raised an eyebrow before deciding to sleep.

After they woke up, only to faint again when they saw their own bodies, the two brothers sat in a circle in the middle of the treehouse to talk about what was happening to them.

Ace decided to go first, inwardly thankful that the flams sprouting from his body hadn't set the tree on fire yet, even though he couldn't get them to go away.

"I feel like I'm on fire, but it doesn't hurt. My body is...different, I feel like I'm not solid anymore."

At his words both Sabo nodded, before the blonde of the group spoke up.

"I'm the same, I feeling like I'm boiling. I feeling lighter than air too...no, I feel like I am air!"

"I think you just ate Logia Type Devil Fruits, the ones that turn you into an element. Their supposed to be the rarest and strongest of all the Devil Fruits or something. At least that's what Shanks told me,"

Sabo nodded his head in agreement, also having heard this. However as his head moved it seemed to lose shape for a moment, turning into steam before reforming when he stopped moving. Seeing this each boy looked at their arm for a moment and started slowly moving it around, and the faster they moved it, the more it lost its shape and blurred into their respective elements.

For Ace and Sabo, it was clear they were Fire and Steam, respectively.

"Hey, maybe this will help? I found it at the Grey Terminal a few weeks back."

Both sat that blinking for a moment before Sabo, being the only one of the three able to read, took the book and felt his eyes widen at the words on the cover.

'Encyclopaedia of Know Devil Fruits'

He blinked one more time before his face seemed to grow three times its size as he started yelling at Luffy.

"Why didn't you show me this before we ate the fruits! You Moron!"

Quickly calming down while Ace started laughing at the terrified expression of Luffy's face, Sabo started flipping through the book in search of the fruits they had just eaten. He quickly found both his and Ace's fruits, confirming that they were indeed the Logia for Fire and Steam, respectively.

"We need to figure out how to control our powers, you know train and stuff to get stronger."

"I can help with that, it took a few hours until I was able to turn my body back to normal, Shanks made sure to teach me everything about each type of Fruit,"

"Yeah your right, but I think the first thing we need to do is learn how to be solid again. Maybe we just need to concentrate, you know think ourselves solid..."

After that then spent another two hours turning different parts of their bodies into their respective elements, making sure they could control it properly. They found out early on that their emotions could affect their control, as proven by Ace when he got mad at Luffy stealing his lunch and burst into flames.

What happened after that however was all thanks to Ace when, in his usual brash and gloating self he started mouthing off about how his fruit was the strongest and he sent a ball of shaped fire like his fist across the room and destroyed several branches on the tree they were in. This lead to the two boys creating their first attacks, by practicing sending out simple fist-shaped balls of their element out from their fists that acted like a punch.

After 1 Year

Garp returned again, but it didn't take long to see that Sabo and Ace now had devil fruits.

"So you gave them the fruits," He stated with a neutral tone looking at Luffy. Garp sighed before asking how much they had trained their Haki.

Luffy gave him a brief rundown of what they had been able to achieve, while Garp was glad they had taken it seriously even without him running around forcing them to train, he frowned when he heard that they had spent the last 9 months training their devil fruits.

"What Did I tell You Luffy, Train your Haki, Not your Devil Fruit abilities," Garp shouted at the three of them but mostly at his grandson for not listening to him.

"But jiji, we need to train to get stronger," Luffy said with both Ace and Sabo nodding in agreement.

Garp wanted to shout but took a deep breath first, trying to stay calm. "While that is true, tell me what can you do if you have seastone handcuffs on," Garp almost shouted, this caused all three to pale at the thought, Luffy even lowered his head in shame, they became silent.

"Tell Me," Garp ordered but they kept on staying silent before Luffy uttered a word.

"What's That?"

"Nothing, we wouldn't be able to do much," Luffy finished knowing the reason why both Shanks and his grandfather valued Haki more than anything else.

"That's right, No matter what Devil fruit you have, in the End will be Haki the one who will decide the Winner, hell Roger himself had no Devil Fruit and was the strongest Pirate," This caused the three brothers to look up at him in surprise, they hadn't known that piece of information, but Luffy was surprised that his grandpa actually said something positive about a pirate.

"Don't look surprised, that's the reason I got angry when I heard that you ate a devil fruit Luffy but that's not important right now. From now on, we Train Haki until I tell you To Stop," Garp yelled at the three who jolted back st their feet, and ready to train.

Years Later

Luffy now a 17 years old boy stood at the docks of the village with a beaming smile on his face. The whole town seemed to have gathered to say goodbye and wish him good luck.

The Red-Haired Pirates had sailed for the last time ten years before. Fuusha, a sleepy village, had not changed much in that time. There were times when it was quieter than usual, particularly when Luffy, Ace, and Sabo were in the mountains with Dadan and her bandits, but Shanks and his crew would not have noticed.

Shanks and the Red-Haired Pirates, on the other hand, had never returned, keeping Shanks' promise to only meet Luffy again once he'd made it big. But today was Luffy's big day! He was finally going to embark on his epic pirate adventure!

"There he is!" exclaimed the people. Makino joyfully waved at the vanishing boat on the horizon. In contrast to Woopslap's scowl, she flashed a wide grin "It appears that he has finally left as he desired! He'll be sorely missed..."

"He's going to ruin this town's reputation!" grumbled the old mayor. In response, Makino rolled her eyes and turned to return to her bar.

Luffy was lounging on his teeny-tiny dinghy out on the sea. He was dressed in his favourite straw hat, a red cardigan with flared sleeves that exposed his chest, and blue jean shorts with cuffs. Luffy had matured significantly in the ten years since he last saw his hero. At an even six feet, he was as tall as his brothers had been the last time he'd seen them. He wasn't quite as muscular as Ace and Sabo, and he was a little slimmer. "Ah, today's weather is fantastic!" As he spun his hat on his fingertip, the new pirate exclaimed happily.

However, the nearby bubbling water ruined the tranquillity of the open sea. "Huh? Hey, you're pretty big," Luffy grinned as he opened an eye and slid his straw hat back onto his head. A large Sea King arose from the sea, terrifying many smaller vessels in the Fuusha area for the previous few years.

The air suddenly was filled with dark clouds, Luffy raised his hand engulfed in lightning, before waving it down causing a bolt of sudden lightning to strike down from the cloud right at the King of the Sea, the monster sank below the sea with Luffy grinning before shouting...

"Ace, Sabo, Makino and Shanks. I Will become the Pirate King."

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