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Chương 8: Chapter 8

"Oh wow, you don't actually look that bad when you're clean." Jinx laughed at me.

"It feels weird. But it'll do." I say brushing my hand through my hair. Jinx and I went to someone who cut my hair. I guess due to seventeen years of being trapped in a cage, hair is the least of your worries. But I had to look nice for this party tonight, I heard the members of the council and even the famous 'Man of Progress' Mister Jayce Talis himself were going to be there.

Since some of the most powerful people of Piltover were there I'd have to work even harder. But I was created by the most manipulative group of people in history, you don't get imprisoned by them without learning a couple things about being cunning in a conversation.

We went to the same clothes store as last night and I was glad to see my suit ready. Sure enough the man was right when he said I'd love it. It was sleek and smooth, made from silk so fine it felt godly.

I took it as Jinx and I made it back to our residence. "I'm going to the library until it's time for the party. You can stay here or go to the Undercity, but if you aren't here when I'm ready for the party, i will go without you."

"The library?! Boring!" She groans extending the word boring for a few seconds. "Let's go do something fun! Like train! Teach me how to fight!" She says excitedly punching the air in a flurry of combos. Peeking at my interest she seemed to remeber something while punching the air. It was clearly a bad memory judging by the way she stopped and looked down sad.

"How about this, I rent some books to read and then we can go train somewhere."

She shook her head really fast to rid herself of her thoughts as she turned to me "Sweet beans! I know the perfect place!"

After going to the Piltover academy I grabbed piles of books, before Jinx and I went back to the Undercity. She lead me to a dark and empty place "Where is this?" I asked her.

She pointed to the sky "I live up there!"

Looking up, there was a collapsed giant fan at stuck in the cavern we were in "You live there? Is it safe? It looks like it's about to fall apart any second."

"Cool right?!" she giggled.

I chuckle before feeling a small tug coming from above us. Then I remembered, it felt just like the magical power coming from that massive tower Topside. I decided to ask her later as I put her through some training drills to build up her tiny muscles. As she exercised I read through some books, all of which were about Piltover politics, history and most importantly Hextech. The marvel that has taken Piltover by storm.

As I read I finally understood where that magical energy is coming from. Hextech is mixing technology with magic to power seemingly impossible feats. It was invented by Jayce Talis himself as well as his partner Victor, who prefers leaving social affairs to Jayce. But since I can feel it here that means Jinx has some of these so called Hexcrystals.

"Hey, why am I doing this?" Jinx says panting hard as she crumbles on the floor.

"There is nothing wrong with making your body stronger. Even with a firearm it never hurts to be able to fight without one."

"Yeah but I've been doing it for over an hour now. Can't I at least have a break."

I chuckle "Sorry, I forgot you can't go without rest as long as I. Take me up there, I wanna check it out." I finish pointing to the crushed fan she lives in.

"Why?" she asks suspiciously.

I shrug "Call me curious."

"Alright then." She says getting up, she wanted to run, but due to the exercise she went through her body wouldn't cooperate. "AH! Stupid body."

"If it's sore it means it works."

"Yeah yeah, no pain no gain or whatever." She scoffed.

She took me upwards as I admired the place. All around the place various tools and weapons crafted by her were littered around the place. "What does this do?" I say picking up a small oval shaped object that fit in my hand.

"Let me show ya!" She replies grabbing it out of my hand, she pulled a metal pin out of it before throwing it into the cavern below. Surprising me it exploded in a fiery inferno as a cloud of dust blew up to us.

"Now I'm worried bringing you to the party." I chuckle. "You're not going to bring one of those right?"

"Duh, obviously not. Just Zapper here!" She yells spinning her gun in her hand.

I then look around feeling the pull of magic clearly. I pull out one of my books and show her a page that had a certain drawing on it "You know what this is?" It was a Hexcrystal. She clearly did, judging by the shock on her face. It looked like it dragged bad memories as she clearly became uncomfortable. "You have one don't you?"

"Wh-- What are you talking about?" She lies "I don't know what that is."

I sigh "I understand that it brings up bad memories but I want to have a proper look at the thing for my plans."

She was silent before sighing sadly "It's in that." She says pointing at a chest "I only have one left though."

"That's fine." I reply before placing a hand on top of her head "Thank you Jinx."

I walk over and opened it. Inside was a tiny blue ball that appeared like a cracked crystal. But I could feel the chaotic power that pulsed from it. "They tried to control magic using technology. But they have no understanding of what magic really is." I uttered.

"What's that mean?" Jinx asked.

"They've only scrapped the surface with what magic can do. Magic is what holds reality itself together afterall. Thinking we can control it will only get people killed."

I hold the little ball in my fingers and stare at it. Being the Black Rose's prized toy I know the difference between levels in magic. And this little ball is near nothing compared to the power coming from some of the artifacts the Black Rose have. Though I admit that the fact two inventors made it is impressive and the power to teleport anything across the world is amazing for a trading city like Piltover. I can't wait to see what they are thinking of doing with Hextech next, as magic has unlimited potential.

But of course magic has it's exploits. Across my body I have sigils itched into my skin. These sigils are magical power that I've taken from the many mages the Black Rose practically fed to me. Each time my magical potential grew as I made their power, my own. And so, I did the same thing to the Hexcrystal. Channeling my own power into the crystal as tendrils of black and red poured into the crystal.

"What are you doing?!" Jinx gasped a little worried "Don't do anything to that thing it'll kill you!"

"You underestimate me Jinx." I say unbothered. The more I corrupted it the more I understood it. Instead of being made through a spell or a sigil turns out Hextech is made through runes. I've never seen a rune, but I know they are very powerful.

The crystal sparked black and red as it's blue shine turned into shadows. As much as I wanted to use this for something it would be a waste. This crystal is volatile and dangerous even if I completely corrupted it. At any moment the stuff could explode so I decide to absorb it's power instead. Eventually it's glow died as it turned black and seemingly lifeless.

"It's a nice boost in power, but I'll have to wait till a better version is made." I say dropping the dead ball on the floor.

"What did you do?" Jinx asked as she crept up to the crystal and tapped it with her foot.

"I absorbed it's power. As my body gets used to the addition I can feel my power increase." I say as a spark of red lights up in my eyes. "But enough of that let's get ready for the party."


"Stick close and try not to course trouble. Do you think anyone would recognize you?" I say adjusting my tie.

"What? No. I'm not one of Silco's goons you know." Jinx glared at me. She wore her dress and even had her hair done up after I made her go to a salon, even though she hated it and nearly killed a person in the process.

"Just making sure." I chuckle.

I had Swain do some stuff in order to get me an invitation to this party as a return favor. And after showing some guards the invite we were taken to where the party was held. On a large balcony with a beautiful view of the city. People danced and chatted as music played and drinks and food were served.

As we entered some people looked towards us, but went back to what they were doing before. "Tch, so this is how these Topside assholes live." Jinx muttered angrily.

"Do you want to leave? Just know I'm staying here." I asked her.

"No. I just don't like these kinds of people." She growled as she made her way over to a table full of food.

"Didn't i tell you you to stay close?" I sighed, but she was too far to hear. Looking around there were a few other children close to her age, so she at least wouldn't be out of place being the only kid here. I shook my head before taking note of some interesting people.

I recognized some high members of Piltovan society, including all the members of the council besides their leader Heimerdinger, but apparently he prefers being at the academy over parties. As I tried to figure out who to approach that problem was solved for me "Ah a stranger! What might your name be, young man!"

I look to my left to see one of the council members. An old man in red and black, I hold out my hand which he takes to shake as I greet him "Councilor Hoskel, pleasure. My name is Dire."

"Dire? Where are you from?"

"Noxus. I came here to look for friends in high places."

"Well you've come to the right place! Tell me how are Noxian spirits? I've heard they are quite delicious."

"As tasty as they are strong." I lie, for I've never drunken alcohol before. "Though I heard it's not imported legaly here?"

"It's not, but between you and me, that's never stopped us before." He laughs as I chuckle. "But do tell me, what you can bring for so-called 'friends in high places' hm?"

"I'm not much of a trader Councilor. But I can be very persuasive or intimidating to people you don't like." I say giving him a small wink so he can get what I'm saying.

He looks at me confused before widening his eyes and laughing "I see! I may need to call you in for a favor or two in that case."

"I'm staying at the Inn not far from here. If you want me you can simply ask for me there."

Councilor Hoskel took me around and introduced me to many people, including most of the other council members. Some rich merchants started playing games with me as a way to demonstrate my skill. They would throw knifes that I would catch, make me do pushups while some children stood on my back and other games. If it wasn't to poke at people's interest I would've never done something so degrading, but I played it off as just playing drunken games among friends.

As I chatted with some people the doors opened as I glanced at who entered. Behold, it was the most popular person in Piltover, Jayce Talis. He looked nervous as he looked around before making eye contact with Councilor Medarda and walking over to her. Councilor Medarda and Councilor Kiramman were the last two members of the council I hadn't interacted with, but I still have time.

"Are you a soldier?" I hear someone ask. I look over as I was approached by a family of three. A mother who was none other than Councilor Kiramman, her husband Tobias and their daughter Caitlyn. The daughter looked a little younger than me and was bored out of her mind.

"At the moment. Noxus has no shortage of work available for those that can swing a weapon." I answer the father of the family.

"You seem quite experienced for someone of your age." Councilor Kiramman said.

"I've been fighting all my life, Councilor." I agreed.

"What are you doing in Piltover? It must be related to Noxus." She asked.

"I was sent here to deliver a letter and help with a shipment of supplies my employer wants. But for the two months I'm going to be here I'll be doing jobs to earn some favors and friends as I intend to travel after I'm done in Noxus."

"If you want a job I have one that could use your skills. South of here bandits have been intercepting and raiding my trade caravans. Do you think you can take care of that for me? If so there will be a sum of gold waiting for you." She says with an interested, raised eyebrow.

"I can Councilor. If it leads to better relations with Piltover it'll be almost too easy."

She huffs in amusement "I like that look in your eyes, you're clever. When do you think you'd be able to?"

"When is your next caravan being sent out?"

"Does it matter?"

I chuckle "Very. If I join the caravan--"

I was interrupted by Caitlyn "You can intercept the raiders when they attack."

"Precisely, it's better to let them find me so I can make them show me the way to their camp."

We continued to chat about the raiders till Tobias said "Oh enough about raids, we're at a party."

I chuckle "You're right Tobias. Kirammans." I say bowing my head a little bit before walking off.

I then decided to approach my main target of today, Jayce. He stood at the railing that fenced the balcony looking away from the party. Councilor Medarda was missing, to my disappointment, but I might be able to introduce myself some other time. Jayce looked like he was about to leave himself until I approached him "Mister Talis, my name is Dire. It's a pleasure to meet you."

We shake hands as he says "The pleasure's mine."

I lean on the railing to stare at the massive tower that held the infamous Hexgates. "They are very impressive. Combining magic with technology is something never done before."

"Ah... Thanks."

"I've analyzed one of your Hexcrystals, as someone who is not prominent in craft I was unable to understand. But as a mage I could look into some things you could've never seen." I say as I twirl a bit of magical energy around my hand.

He looks at me shocked "You're a mage!?" He yelled quietly. "Incredible."

"Awe is a matter of perspective Mister Talis. Teleporting things across the world is a very impressive feat, indeed, but you can do so much more with the power of magic."

Jayce looked around before turning to me "Who are you? Where are you from?"

"I'm an adventure from Noxus that just so happens to know magic, Jayce, for now that's all you need to know."

"Why have you come to me? What do you want?"

"I want to help you Jayce. Hextech can be revolutionary to the entire world if you can unlock it's full potential."

He looks a little excited before it dies down "I know, but that takes time. Professor Heimerdinger says that magic is dangerous and needs careful preparations."

"That's where I come in. Let me help. If anyone can help you learn how to control magic, it's me."

He thinks for a bit "Let me discuss this with my partner Victor. Is there a way to contact you?"

I nod "The Inn I'm currently staying at is not far from here. Send word for me, but know I'd probably not be there. I'm quite the busy man afterall. Goodbye Jayce." I smile as I walk off, I had gotten what I wanted afterall. I could tell by the look in his eye that he was going to accept my help. It would be quite stupid to decline my help anyways.

As I looked around for Jinx I couldn't find her. I looked all over the place and even asked if anyone had seen a pale girl with blue hair. "Where is that girl?" I groan.

"She's going home, she said." I hear.

Looking over I see Caitlyn still looking bored. "Did she tell you that?" I asked her.

"No. She was talking to herself. Is she dangerous?"

I was quiet for a bit "No." I say knowing that she actually is. when Caitlyn stared at me in suspicion I change the subject "You caught onto my plan fast."

"I'm training to be an Enforcer." She said looking away.

"That makes sense, though I doubt your parents approve."

She scoffed "They say it's not 'befitting of my station'"

I nearly laugh "I'm sure you'll be fine. You look like you'd be a great Enforcer." I say while walking away.

What would she mean by home? Probably the Last Drop. I sigh as I quickly get changed. When I reached my room I noticed Jinx took all of her things, but left her dress. After changing into better suited clothes I made my way to the nearest lift.

When the lift ended I knew something was up. Even this late at night the street was empty. And using my superhuman senses I could tell there were people around here. I readied my armor and sword, making the metal crawl up my sleeves and pants so it can activate as soon as possible, as I kept walking around.

Suddenly I saw a flash of light, the flash of light shining through glass. I jumped back as a loud gunshot went off and the dirt of where my foot would've been was lifted into the air as a bullet crashed into it. I fully activated my armor and weapons and using Hemomancy to sense nearby enemies.

I dashed to the closest one as more gunshots went off. But luckily not even bullets could piece my armor, only causing extreme pain. I ran into an alley where a cloaked figure with a rifle was trying to flee, but I used magic to hold him in place and drag him towards me. I pin him into the wall and pulled a long metal pipe nearby and stabbed it into his leg. He screamed in pain as the pipe went through his leg and into the floor.

"Go. Kill them all." I ordered as multiple Shadows manifested, including some Shadow Wolves. The soldiers followed the wolves as they sniffed out any other people around here. While they were off I looked back to the one I had captured "Who are you?" I demanded pulling his hood off.

"You'll never get a word out of me!" He spitted.

"Fine then." I say as I raise my hand. Using Hemomancy I started to torture him, pulling his arteries from the inside, pulsing blood into his brain to cause massive headaches and squeezing his body tight.

He screeched for a moment before crying out "FINE! I'll tell you... just stop... please!"

I stopped as he started to heavily pant. Around us he could hear the screams of Shadows killing his allies letting him know how much of a mistake he did attacking me. "So tell me, who are you?"

"We... We're called the Undercity Sharpshooters. We're a group that was hired to kidnap you."

I raised an eyebrow suddenly remembering them "You're that lot back at that bar place. Who hired you?!" I commanded.

When he didn't say anything I squeezed my hands, using magic to make his blood squeeze his muscles in the process. "WE DON'T KNOW!" He cried. "They were hooded and didn't give a name."

"The Black Rose..." I said aloud to myself "Where did they tell you to meet them?"

"At an abandoned factory on the border of the city." He started to grasp onto the pipe in his leg and tried to pull it out. "Please! That's all I know I swear!"

I smirked "I believe you." I look to the right as I watch my Shadow's drag the corpses of his allies.

He looked at his dead friends before looking at me hopelessly "You're a monster."

"Don't compare me to them, I'm in a different league above simple monsters." I tell him. I pull the pipe out of his leg as he yelps loudly. He looks at me gratefully, thinking I was letting him go, but his face quickly turns to horror when he sees me holding the pipe high above him. I then stabbed it straight through his skull, killing him. He had no further use for me. His soul on the other hand.

I raised my hand and called out "Arise."

Shadows of the Undercity Sharpshooters separated themselves from their physical bodies. I had them look similar to the archers in my army but they were special, as each one held a rifle much to my relief. Having a squad of Shadows with guns will prove useful in the future.

"Your control over the dead is impressive." I hear an all too familiar voice say.

I turn to stare at a nearby window and in it's reflection right behind was none other than LeBlanc herself. "Of course you're only here as an illusion."

"Oh Darling, I am sorry I can't be there, but I've been much too busy." She tells me in a clearly sarcastic voice "You know, with the invasion going on and all."

"I would ask why you want Noxus to fight winless wars, but I know you'll never answer me properly. It doesn't matter what you do, you're days are numbered short LeBlanc."

"Do not threaten me, Dear Apollyon. I've come to offer you something."

"Get to it then you annoying bitch." I grit at her.

"Language please, there's a lady present. I'd just like to tell you I am actually here in Piltover. In fact I'm in your room right now. Now you have the choice to come to me and take your revenge or not."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Well surely you'd want to save that friend of yours."

I went wide eyed "Where is Jinx?!"

"Who?" She fakes ignorance. "Oh you mean Powder. So tragic what happened to the poor girl. But her pain will soon come to an end. Yes... hers. She is kidnapped and is kept in that place that thug told you about. But know that there is more than regular soldiers there." She finishes with a smirk.

"I can kill anything you Black Rose bastards send at me."

She chuckled "This is much different dear." In the reflection she circled around as she taunted "Guarding her is something dangerous, a weapon that is not only your equal but your better."

"Always the liar. If you had something stronger than me you would've killed me off years ago."

"Very true. Maybe I like watching you scream in pain? Maybe I just like seeing you fight against your fate. Either way this one is everything you are and a little more. To fight him would be your death even with your Shadows. But at least that girl would survive."

Pissed off I threw my sword at the window as it shattered into pieces. Looking at the broken glass on the floor I could still see LeBlanc's glinting eyes stare at me tauntingly "Make your choice Apollyon. Show me that you are willing to let nothing stop you from your goals."

She disappeared as I was left with my Shadows. I can't split my forces since my Shadows can't leave too far from me so I had to choose. Choose between my own desires or my ally.

And with a shout filled with rage I turned away from the lift and ran forward.

/Guess which shadow Apollyon will get... winner gets a cookie./

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