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16.66% God of Contract / Chapter 4: Chapter: 04

Chương 4: Chapter: 04

AN: Chapter not edited.


It was a huge room; elliptical and hollow from the inside.

A walkway extended from the entrance to the center of the room with both sides of the walkway being empty with a fall of 10 or so meters. At the end of the walkway was a circular platform with a keyboard placed in the center.

The bespectacled male pressed one button after another as different words flew above the keyboard acting like a screen. Further on one could see the whole wall filled with exquisite words running down like a rain of codes.

A strange smile formed over the man's lips as he read through the records presented in front of his gaze with interest and slight amusement.

Tuck… Tuck… Tuck…

Suddenly, the room was filled with the sound of footsteps as another man entered it, walking behind the bespectacled man.

"Gin… You are here." Sosuke Aizen gave a nod of acknowledgment not looking towards the grinning man. "I heard that you visited the 13th Division Captain. How is he?"

"Better than ever." Gin replied without much change in his expression as if he already accepted such a question coming from Aizen. "Captain Aizen will surely be surprised when you meet him again."


"Hm. Then I am waiting to see what surprise you are talking about." Aizen nodded with a smile of his own, not losing to the grin of the blue-haired man. "I am mostly done with my preparations. Though I accepted Kurosaki-san's involvement, it is still not enough. There is not enough depression; depression which is needed for him to push himself to the limit."

"Do you want me to go and play with him then? I am in quite a good mood so I don't mind doing so." Gin answered. The coming days were going to be boring so he didn't mind going out and having some fun.

"No need." Aizen denied. "I will be rescheduling the date of execution backward. I am sure when he gets the news that he doesn't have enough time, he will be desperate enough for more power. I hope this will push him where he won't be a disappointment."

'I wonder though if Ichigo will reach Bankai in 3 days… Since the person he will be meeting in his inner world would not be the Old Man Zangetsu but the Real Zangetsu.'

Even though it was interesting, Gin fully knew that Ichigo WILL learn Banaki in 3 days. Till the end of the series, Ichigo's Quincy Bloodline was sealed within his body so it would not cause any damage to his soul as the blood of Quincy and Hollow were opposites.

If they got into contact with each other, there was a high chance that it would impact Ichigo's Soul. That's why Old Man Zangetsu sealed Ichigo's Quincy Bloodline to make sure he would never be able to use it.

And since now there isn't a force rejecting his Hollow side, Ichigo might even learn Hollowfication faster than in the canon!

Of course, all of these were speculations on Gin's part so he didn't put much faith in them. Protagonists were a weird breed and one can never weigh one based on common sense, Gin knew that much. That's why though he speculated about all of the scenarios that MIGHT happen he didn't believe that any of them WOULD happen.

'Though I can always see the future to know it.' He internally thought.

With Mimihagi fully merged with his body now, he had gained all of its power too. And one of the boons of it was definitely the upgradation to his precognition!

Though he still hadn't checked "how far" he could look, he was sure that it was going to be a lot.

"By the way, Gin… Are you hiding something from me?"

The suddenness of such a question caused Gin to raise a brow as he stared at the back of the bespectacled captain. He remained silent for a second before smiling all the same.

"How can I? I will never hide anything from Captain Aizen. After all, our fate has been sealed together by now. I do not see any point in hiding something from Captain Aizen."

"Is that so?" Aizen smiled but didn't pursue the matter further. Instead, he returned his attention to the lines of code in front of him.

Staring at his back, Gin indeed had thought of killing Aizen. He had enough power to do so right now, but he didn't. He just kept his usual smile on his face.

There was still so much he wanted from Aizen, he wasn't going to kill him any time soon.

Surprisingly, even though he wasn't interested in Kido that much, Gin had learned Kido till 80! Even though not as proficient as Aizen or other masters, he wasn't half bad.

Yes, he couldn't cast an incantation-less kido as powerful as Aizen or Yamamoto, but that didn't mean his spells were weak by any margin. After all, one shouldn't forget that Gin was one of the strongest captains with the Soul Society; that alone spoke of his might even with kido!

Sitting within his office, with a cup of tea in one hand—Ukitake sent the leaves—and a book on Kido above 80 in his other hand, Gin silently read through it.

He wasn't learning, no, he was getting as much knowledge as he could get on the said Kido so that the learning value for the Kido falls considerably. That was how it is.

For example, if a product comes out new and not many know about it, it will have a generally high value to its rarity and uniqueness. But what if that product becomes a general item with a huge populace having knowledge of it? Its value will fall.

The same was with Kido. While every Captain knew Kidos and such, its value was still fairly high considering the fact that not many dwell deeper into the art of Kido. And since he himself had never read Kido above 80, when he tried to buy Kido, its value was quite high.

That's why Gin decided to read and get as much understanding of each Kido as he could so that its value falls considerably for him to buy it. Though of course he wasn't only learning it, he wanted to create copies of Kido so he can sell them in different worlds.

He was sure many people would be interested in spells that can bend space and time itself!

"It is quite noisy outside. Do you not think so too, Kira-san?" While reading through the book, Gin decided to make small talk with his Lieutenant who was making more tea with a weird face not understanding the sudden likeness of tea by his Captain.

"Everyone is trying to find Ryoka who is causing trouble everywhere."

"For sure they are." Gin nodded. "Then why aren't you also finding Ryoka, Kira-kun?"

Kira's hand also slipped before he smiled. "Lieutenants are not allowed to move without the permission of their captains…"

"Oh. Was that so? My memory seems to be failing me I guess." Gin chuckled softly before he raised his head slightly and returned to his book. "It seems that Ryoka is going to fight with Captain Zaraki."

Kira's eyes widened in astonishment hearing that Ryoka was bold enough to fight with the most bloodthirsty captain out of all captains. He couldn't help but shake his head at this information.

"Guess his luck ran out."

"You think so?" Gin's smile stretched as he added. "But I think Captain Zaraki will be defeated and Ryoka will live out of it."

"How is this possible? How can a Ryoka be stronger than a captain?!" Kira exclaimed in astonishment hearing his captain. He couldn't believe what his captain said.

"Why is it impossible?" Gin shook his head slightly before picking another book and answering. "If Captain Zaraki fought with his full strength, then I doubt that Ryoka will be defeated before he can even swing his sword. But… I don't think I need to tell you about Captain Zaraki's habit of not using his full strength so he can enjoy his fights longer."

"This… might be problematic." Kira frowned knowing how much sense it made all of a sudden. "If Captain-Commander heard it, he might get angry."

Just then, Gin's Observation Haki picked something causing his smirk to enlarge.

"IYAAAA!" A loud shout shook Kira and everyone who heard it, promoting everyone to run towards the shout while Kira looked outside. "Hinamori?!"

"Let's go." Closing the book, Gin stood up before patting Kira's shoulder. With a smirk on his face, he stared outside at a specific location. "I'm sure something interesting is happening outside."

"Captain Aizen… Captain Aizen… Captain Aizen…" Hinamori's tearful and broken voice resounded, staring at the impaled corps of the 5th Division Captain Sosuke Aizen.

Her world spun rapidly as she couldn't believe that her innocent and kind captain was killed so blatantly inside the Soul Society.

At the side, 9th Division Lieutenant Shuhei Hisagi, 10th Division Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto, and 7th Division Lieutenant Tetsuzaemon Iba stood in horror, staring at the corps of 5th Division Captain Aizen, not knowing what to do, they could only remain silent.

"Why is it so noisy all of a sudden? And I was enjoying my tea time too." Suddenly, a playful sarcastic voice was heard, causing everyone to look towards the new entry of 3rd Division Captain Ichimaru Gin and Lieutenant Izuru Kira.

"Oh my." Gin stared at Aizen's corpse with the least empathy. "If not for such grim circumstances, I would definitely have praised the beauty of such a scene but I guess I can't right now seeing how grim the situation is."

"Captain…" Kira was crying internally begging for his captain to shut the fuck up. He can't believe that his captain didn't forget to pass his sarcastic comment in such a situation. Wasn't he too invested in his jackass role?

"You…" Hinamori turned around, her eyes landing on the smiling face of Gin as anger bubbled in her chest as she remembered the warning given by Hitsugaya about Gin. "It was you! You killed Captain Aizen"

Her Reiatsu burst out of her body as she leaped towards Gin and slashed her sword which was blocked by Izuru Kira who looked at Hinamori with horror wondering if she had lost all sense for daring to attack a captain.

"Hinamori! Calm down!"

"Why are you stopping me, Kira-kun?!" Hinamori asked with anger, causing Kira to cringe.

"I cannot allow anyone to draw their sword towards Captain Gin as the Lieutenant of the 3rd Division. So, please, back down."

"So much loyalty. Makes me embarrassed."

'Will you please shut the fuck up?!' Kira internally screamed.

"I cannot!" Hinamori answered as she begged Kira to stand aside to which Kira refused once more, causing more anger to burst out of Hinamori as she shouted. "Get out of my way!"

"I refuse."

'Noice.'  Gin nodded at Kira's dashing way of saying, I refuse, while Hinamori had enough of this back-to-back talk.

"Detect it: Tobihime!" Hinamori shouted and resealed her sword, blasting Kira away as she put her sword back before slashing forward and releasing a fireball which Kira dodged fairly easily by sidestepping.

"... Releasing your sword in a place like this…" His face became grim as he dodged another fireball thrown at him. Knowing that Hinamori was already too invested and blinded by her anger, Kira also decided to unleash his sword to stop her.

"Raise your head: Wabissuke!" His Reiatsu burst out of his body as he propelled his body towards Hinamori who did the same, ready to slash each other down.


A blast occurred creating a cloud of dust where they met which soon settled, revealing stunned Kira and Hinamori as both of them stared at the white-haired captain that stopped their slashes.

"Hitsugaya-kun…" Hinamori muttered but Hitsugaya ignored her.

"Capture both of them." He said apathetically. "I will inform Captain-Commander about it myself."

Despite Hinamori wanting to fight back, she closed her eyes while gritting her teeth knowing that she can't do it any longer.

As Hinamori and Kira are brought away by other Lieutenants, Gin remains standing in his place.

"I hope Captain Hitsugaya will forgive Kira-kun for causing you trouble."

"You just tried to kill her, didn't you?" Hitsugaya turned to look at the smirking Gin and asked with anger, much to Gin's confusion.

"I wonder what you are talking about…"

"I will warn you, Ichimaru, but if you made Hinamori bleed…" His eyes shone with power as he stated. "I will kill you."

"How scary." Gin replied with a scared expression before smirking. He turned and left with only his voice echoing behind. "Then Captain Hitsugaya should keep an eye on Hinamori-san to make sure no misfortune befalls her. It would be really sad if she died accidentally."

'Though he should be happy I didn't say yes there… Otherwise, he might really die since my Essence would have activated.'

Hitsugaya clenched his fists tightly, staring at the back of the departing captain before turning his head around and staring at the corps of Captain Aizen in silence.

"What should I do now… Oh!" Gin hit his fist in his palms remembering something. "If I am not wrong… it was there somewhere…  Ah, find it!"

He blinked away from his location and appeared in a rather desolate place—a huge underground desert. No, it was the training ground where Ichigo was going to master his Bankai.

"Let's see…" He stared right and left before taking a bucket of paint out of… somewhere and placing it beside him. "I wonder what her expression will be…"

While he was imagining the expression of Yoruichi, his hand deftly created a huge graffiti. He couldn't help but giggle with excitement staring at his work before nodding and vanishing from there as if he never existed.

He was sure that Yoruichi would love his gift!


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