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85.75% Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 310: War of Change Part 4: The Architech Against Pestilence

Chương 310: War of Change Part 4: The Architech Against Pestilence

(General POV)

Location the Neutral Zone of Chaos, Mount Olympus-Palace of the Chaos Gods, The Council Chamber of Calamities

Tzeentch has finally appeared...having teleported himself, in the middle of the battlefield, floating over all the forces clashing down below.

The Goddesses of Chaos, and the Elder Daemons were utterly devastating the force of the Changer, if it wasn't for the oath bounds he was suffering from the trick, he fell to in the hands of the Dark Harbinger, Laharl Valboga, the Change God would have been twisting and turning the tide of this battle, solely to his favor alone!!!

But he was leashed, so all Tzeentch could do is watch as the tide of battle was litteral at the hands of untampered fate...at least his appearance, has raised the moral of his daemons, making them all fight harder in his name.

Tzeentch knew he can use, psyker or sorcery to aid his daemons or disrupt the spells of his enemies...but that didn't mean, he couldn't attack them.

Rising one of his arms, and pointing his index finger at the minions of his accursed brothers, he channeled his psychic might to fire a stream of warp-lightning at the servents of his rivals.

The eletric blue and whitish blue colored, psychic lightning cut through the battlefield grounds, leaving destruction at it wake along with not only killing drones of laharlish, khornate, and nurglish daemons but also his own, as Tzeentch moved his hand/finger across the battleground.

This way Laharl's Curses and Oaths wouldn't be breached, since this isn't aiding his forces with magic or psyker powers, unstead it was blind destruction and...well carnage, hence he can at least enjoy some, much needed payback against his older brothers.

Laharl was slightly impressed that Tzeentch, was able to find, such loophole which will cost him as much if not more, for their individual daemonic legion far outnumbered his own.

But then Tzeentch got too cocky...

He lead his attack towards, Bellona that has smashed another Lord of Change dead with her Warhammer, as well as Aiikila that was cutting down hordes of Horrors with her pole-arm and spider-like legs, and Camilla was with then also using her fel-magic to drain the magical power and strength of the tzeentchian daemons, that those three were crushing.

As Tzeentch grin maliciously, as he was about to make all his rivals, suffer for humiliating but just when his warp-lightning was about to hit his main targets, he felt intense pain surging from the right side of his face!!!

Turns out, that Tzeentch's little scheme enraged all three of his elder brothers, as the watched from Palace Balcony, Laharl immediately shifted to his Arch-Daemon form and open a rift right next to Tzeentch.

The three older Chaos Gods, leaped through the rift that the Dark One has opened and struck their fist at Tzeentch face while he was distracted by hurting theirs...Khorne was a but confused why, he got soo quickly angered at the when he saw Bellona be in danger, but regardless he will never allow her, or Valkia to be harm!!!

Their combined punches, launched Tzeentch away, crashing and splashing onto the ground, Bellona, Camilla, and Aiikila saw their beloveds have come to save them from harm, and it made them happy.

Seeing this was going to a fight between brothers, and the strongest of their pantheon they've bowed to their beloveds, before commanding their troops to depart to another part of the battle.

Thus leaving the Dark Emperor, Maggotking, and Crimson Ruler, alone to face their younger brother in battle.

Tzeentch grunted in pain as he stood up, from the ground.

As he stood up, to not only see his older brothers have come down from their mountain, but also that the Dark One was in another form, that he has not seen until now.

Tzeentch was amazed with the Arch-Daemon's true form, and the power he was letting loose, it was clearly the strongest aura among them all...but regardless, Tzeentch wanted retribution for the humiliation that he has suffered from Laharl, and the others.

Tzeentch's psychic and magical energies were surging out his eldritch body, like a multi-shaded and fluxiating aura of blues, pinks, and purples.

At "good" attempt of intimidation, but the three older Chaos Gods, took it with stride.

As Nurgle started stepping forward, moments before Tzeentch finally showed himself, the three of them decided it be too much of an overkill, and waste of entertainment, all three them to fight Tzeentch at the sametime, so instead they'd decided to take him on, one at the time, for a certain amount of time.

Soo they can all enjoy the fight against, Tzeentch and also see if their little brother can back all the shit-talking, he did from before.

And to no one's surprise, the one among the trio that wanted to face Tzeentch first, was Papa Nurgle himself.

Without any opposition, the two others agreed, and here they were watching Nurgle stomp his way over to Scheme God, the Dark One had to confess to himself, this is one of the ultimate match-up he wished to see in his previous life, but he'll settle with his second incarnation, cause it meant that he'll be able to see the Plague God and the Changer of Ways, face off directly.

Tzeentch didn't float like he is commonly known for instead he was standing tall, like a creature straight out of a Lovecrafting Novel.

As the two greatest enemies, in 40k were about to clash, face to face, and starting this fight was Tzeentch, sending out his tentacles to harm and push back Nurgle, since he doesn't know that he only fighting the Decaying God for now, so he thought strategically, instead offensively.

As the tentacles bit onto Nurgle disgusting flesh...making Tzeentch's ever changing stomach, sick and nauseous...Nurgle countered by grabbing the tentacles and lifting Tzeentch over him, and bringing him down with all the force he could muster, smashing the Changer once again onto the blighted, and flooded grounds of Olympus.

Not letting go yet, Nurgle started to spin Tzeentch by his tentacles, once at the top-speed of the Plague God could manage he tossed his younger brother away, like a worthless ragdoll.

As the Changer's body skipt on the wet grounds that in the battleground, Nurgle smiled and laughed, at the state that Tzeentch was in.

Khorne clapped in appreciation of his younger brother's strength and brutality, which also impressed Laharl.

Just then Tzeentch stood up again, and quickly channeled his psychic might into a "giant" sphere of semi-transperent blue energy, that was in the middle of all six of his palms growing in power.

Nurgle prepared himself for the incoming, attack only to be surprise that Tzeentch wasn't aiming at him, he fire the psychic projectile directly at the Blood God and the Dark One, standing on the sidelines.

Khorne placed his arm in front of his brother, signaling that he'll handle the incoming attack, mentally sending his Chains of Wrath, the daemonic, hellfire chains surged forward, coiling and wrapping around Tzeentch's attack, with a crushing hand gesture the chains, restricted tightly and destroyed the psychic energy ball.

The Dark One knew that Tzeentch must be thinking that this fight is a three on one battle, soo crossing his massive claw he spoke his metallic, deep, daemonic sounding voice to the Changer of Ways, "Tzeentch. You must know, that if we wanted all three of us, together could utterly crush and beat you, without issues right? So I'll tell you, right now. Doing that won't be fun or amusing to any of us. So instead we've decided, to take turns on who beat you down, for a set period. Meaning during that time, Nurgle has you all for himself, enjoy."

Tzeentch was shocked and a bit insulted by what he has just heard, they treating him, like a toy to play with, and worse they dare to look down upon him, these thoughts cause a massive surge of daemonic and psychic energies to emanate from Tzeentch, responding to the climbing anger he was feeling at the moment.

But then he was smashed in the face, by a brutal right punch from Nurgle, as Tzeentch, he was distracted by his own wounded pride, and building anger that allowed Nurgle to approach without being noticed, and be struck like right now.

As Tzeentch was knocked back, a bit by the unexpected, heavy blow Nurgle followed it up with a left rising, gut-punch, which send Tzeentch flying and rolling onto the flooded grounds of the area.

Tzeentch gasped for air, as he started to wheeze and cough, holding onto his stomach with four of his six arms.

Seeing this made the Maggotking, smile happily, the sight of the Architech in such a pathetic state was honestly, hilariously amusing to the Plague God.

Channeling his power over the [Earth], a divinity he took from Poseidon while ago, a small seismic quake occurred, followed quickly by a huge chunk of earth, striking Tzeentch right in the stomach while he was still down launching up, into the air.

Again he suffered another heavy blow, focusing himself, the Sorceror God started to float in the air and out of Nurgle's reach.

Looking down, as his hated opponent, Nurgle represented everything he despises...hopelessness, stillness, and stagnation!!!

Using that rage and hate, Tzeentch spread out his arms as the ever-changing amount of mouths on those limbs, started speaking and chanting in dark tongue.

A truly eldritch depiction, for any to witness, as the Changer of Ways unleashed Hell upon Nurgle, firing pink & blue fireballs, firestreams, and warp-lightning at the Rot Lord.

Spotting the incoming onslaught, Nurgle once again bended the earth to his will, forming a large, and thick wall of earth and mud to protect himself from Tzeentch.

As all the warp-fire and lightning struck against the Plague God's earth-barrier that burned, exploded, and mutated to the force of Change.

Tzeentch smiled believing he cornered the Rot Lord, trapping him inside his weak cocoon of soil and dirt, then the Sorceror God, thought it would be a fitting grave for his rival if anything at all.

The mischievous, Lord of Lies, started laughing madly, and doubling the amount of his onslaught against Nurgle in hope to kill him for sure!!

After a while, it was clear that Tzeentch magical barrage was overwhelming Nurgle's barrier, and will soon breakthrough it and strike at the Plague God, directly.

But unbeknownst to the Scheming God, while he was relentlessly attacking the giant earth dome barrier, around Nurgle, the Lord of Decay has already planned his counterattack and made his next move against the so called Master of Manipulation.

At the start of Tzeentch's barrage, Nurgle did two thing simultaneously...first he started to channel and accumulate massive amounts of foul miasma, the ranched poisonous gas accumulated to Nurgle's delight, it was time for his second plan.

Bending and tilling the ground beneath his bloated, gangrenius clawed feet he dug underneath the earth, and using his newly elemental base divinity, and the connection with the "Earth" of the Chaos Realms, closely watching or more like sensing Tzeentch's continuous assault of Nurgle's supposed barrier, unknowingly walking straight into the Plague God's trap.

Eventually when Tzeentch's barrage finally destroyed the earth dome, which at first made the Sorceror God happy believing that he was now pelting the Decaying God with a unimpeded barrage of magic attacks, was soon under the assault of Nurgle's trap.

Flowing out the rubble, was a thick, sickly green and purple colored gas that quickly spread all-over, when the Dark One, and Lord of Skulls saw this miasma...they immediately moved back, knowing it was going to very foul in every way, they might felt a meager bit sorry for Tzeentch...and exactly as the Rot Lord expected, Tzeentch was swallowed by the miasma and immediately fell to the ground.

Tzeentch crashed hard, but he didn't care for the temporary pain, the smell he was currently smelling was utterly rebulting and it burn to breathe it in.

Coughing not only cause it was clearly poisonous, but also complete disgusting he felt that he wanted...then from innumerable amount of mouths, Tzeentch started to hurl out...things that only H.P. Lovecraft could imagine...if not for the other, older Chaos Gods being "slightly" used to horrid abominations and putrid things from Nurgle, they might be feeling, horribly sick at the sight that their watching now.

While Tzeentch was puking his multiple guts out...he was also using his powers of Change, to quickly make himself resistant and at the end immune, to this gas attack by the Rot Lord. (I know that Lore states that tzeentchian forces and powers aren't able, to do counter Nurgle's Gifts, but I thought with Tzeentch being a Chaos God and divine ruler of Change, this is something that he should be capable of on himself.)

While focused on fighting this gaseous infection, while also fighting this debilitating nausea that the Lord of Lies was suffering currently, Nurgle made his next attack.

Emerging from the Earth, his bloated, rotting glory beside the kneeling and puking Tzeentch.

That when the beatdown started, still suffering from nausea and poisoning the Changer was now at the mercy of Nurgle.

First Nurgle double-knuckle smashed Tzeentch on the back, followed by stepping and walking on his back using all his weight, the sound of cracking and splashing echoing the area.

Once off of his back, Tzeentch immediately rise his wet head from the water and tried to retaliate only to feel sick again...he has yet to become immune to the gas/miasma that was shrouding the area.

So this allowed Nurgle to punch Tzeentch, across the face and barely hitting the ground since the Master of Manipulation, used his arms to support himself, just as the Plague God was about to strike again.

Tzeentch send out several tentacles, with the maws open and ready to rip into the Decaying God, only for Nurgle to mentally command the ground to sprout out a wall of earth, between them and protect himself from Tzeentch puny attack.

The numerous tentacles, smashed into the wall but Tzeentch didn't relent he needed to make Nurgle back off for a moment to focus on changing his body's inner systems, the tentacles struck themselves against the wall over and over, until it started to break and crack from the constant attacking.

Meanwhile Nurgle prepared something special for Tzeentch, once he broke through his wall.

Stepping back, a bit so he can be ready to unleash his attack on Tzeentch while also be slightly out of reach from Tzeentch's meager tentacles, Nurgle smiled in anticipation...and Khorne seeing this smile said to Laharl, "He isn't going to...?" Laharl sighed, and shake his head, as his serpents rested on various parts of his body, "Yes, Khorne. Yes, he's going to do that."

Once the tentacles broke the wall, and swiped ferociously at...air...to Tzeentch's surprise Nurgle wasn't directly behind the wall, sensing him still close.

Tzeentch send his tentacles to attack again, only for Nurgle to place his claws inside the massive stomach maw and opening said mouth, to spew a massive shower of vile and vomit at Tzeentch's tentacles and body.

Both Khorne and Laharl, sighed and mentally said, "I knew it, he was going to vomit on Tzeentch..."

The vile upon, touching Tzeentch's flesh it burned him badly, especially his tentacles that were caught in the full-brunt of Nurgle's attack.

Tzeentch screamed from the pain, and quickly use his psychic power to wash away the acidic vile on his body, using his telekinesis to splash as much of the water around him, onto himself.

While this happened Nurgle stomp over to Tzeentch, lifting his fist up high and swinging down at full-force onto the Changer's head...

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