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32.42% Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 110: New Daemons of Carnage Pantheon

Chương 110: New Daemons of Carnage Pantheon

(General POV)

Location the Nethervoid, Open Area

Laharl used one of his FGDC to design his fourth elder daemon specially crafted this daemon to counter Nurgle's daemons in the future.

As the light covered the entire area, the light was intense and blinding as a giant insectoid figure of a daemon, with bright red eyes with several wings and limbs.

While the Greater Daemon was being formed, Laharl quickly used his [Greater Ascension] skill upon this daemon growing in size, power, bloded, and much more, as the silhouette of this elder daemon resemble a fly, as the upper arms grew in length, and size with four sharp insectoid claws, and a long sharp stinger extending from the back of this daemon, while this elder daemon was being formed Laharl smiled.

The light started fading as a grey skinned insect daemon used massive mauve colored, three clawed toed leg smashed against the purple colored ground.

With three pairs of transparent insect wings buzzing every few moments, four mauve insect arms each pair a different size with the ones above the smaller pair are covered in hard exoskeleton with some spikes trailing his limbs, while the shorter arms are same except with their length and their holding a massive greataxe, said weapon is insectoid resembling a insect limb slightly squirming and spazzing in the claws of this insect, with some sharp claws and barbs trailing the living weapon while the axe-blade was wide, heavy, with a sharp semi-hooked lower end tinted with maroon veins and the mark of Chaos on said blade.

Black feelers like hairs covering the insect daemon, mostly his back, as his body while mainly grey in color his lower body/belly was alabaster white with light purple veins spreading allover the daemon's body, several parts of his exoskeleton carapace is various tones of mauve purple like his limbs, thorax, abdomen, and wing carapace.

He is a bipedal fly with curved sharp spikes trailing down from the thorax all the way to the bolbes abdomen covered with black hair and curve long, sharp black colored stinger.

On his back, a pair of huge sickles resembling the farming type with the blades being razor-sharp maroon and violet colored crescents and grey insect like handles with a fly shaped guard on these weapons.

A huge fly head with a golden and burgundy furnished crown with the mark of Carnage on the top, and a huge fly figure on the front of the crown, has a pair of huge red insect eyes, small spikes in the forehead and nose area with curved black goat like horns on his head.

He has no actual nose, just two holes, and three pairs of pincers on the side of the mouth as it drowled deep green acid from its mouth which is alabaster white humanoid like mouth with human teeth except from the large, long fangs as this elder daemon breath in deeply slightly exposing the twisted tongue it has that Laharl designed after a specific "Alien" tongue which is a smaller mouth on actuality.

This elder daemon fly three times the size of his Dark God, saw his master and creator, letting one of its hands go of his greataxe turning it straight, slamming the axe end onto the ground bowing to Laharl allowing the Dark One, to see the accessories and relics garbing this fly daemon.

Aside from his crown, he has a necklace around his neck with various skulls strapped onto the thick lace these skulls range from human and ork, golden braces and chains on his arms with daemonic runes etched on these accessories in violet, burgundy colored loincloth drapping slightly his legs and abdomen.

Surrounding this daemon that Laharl has named after a famous demon in mythology, in reality much of the form of this Elser Daemons is after a powerful demon in the Shin Megumi series, this is Beelzabub, the Fly of Ruin and Gluttony as Laharl designed this fly with special abilities one was clear as surrounding Beelzabub were sheep size fly creatures acting as loyal mindless familiars that Beelzabub not only control but spawn.

These flies spawn after Beelzabub consumes certain amount of matter of all kind ranging from mortals to daemons, he'll spawn a couple of these flies acting as sentries spewing projectiles onto prey allowing Beelzabub to stalk forward to kill and eat his victims, and the reason that Beelzabub is the secret weapon against Nurgle's legions is that Laharl granted his newest general and son with [Absolute Immunity] all that Beelzabub consumes grants him immunity including when he devours nuglish daemons, and Beelzabub's familiars will have a trait from the matter that the Elder Daemon eats.

A daemon with ever evolving immunity will counter all of Nurgle's plagues, viruses, poisons and gifts which made Laharl very pleased as he heard Beelzabub speak to him in a very insect like voice that echoes and is quite deep, "My master...I have been created to serve and obey. I and my children, will do all that you command. All will be consume to feed the hive, and Carnage." hearing this Laharl cross his arms and told his newest Elder Daemon he was pleased, just like his brothers Ba'al Allseer, Mordred Deathharbinger, and Nidhog he is unquestionably loyal and Laharl told him that he will soon will feed on mortals as he'll join the upcoming battle in Realspace, which made the fly daemon quite happy as acidic drowl dripped onto the ground, melting slightly the violet earth as it hiss and steam upon the acid coming in contact with it.

Laharl commanded Beelzabub to find and claim a territory for himself in the Nethervoid like his brothers, as the fly nodded to him, revealed his six insect wings, and fly away.

As Laharl watched his newest Elder Daemon fly away with his huge flies surrounding him with the fourth elder daemon now complete and soon be unleashed on the Ymir Eldar, the Dark One can focus on creating two new daemon queens, and wives for himself that will also greatly aid the upcoming battle with Nurgle.

Laharl contacted Aillia to use two FACs to create two new powerful daemons to join his court, legion, throne, and marriage.

Aillia she responded with a quick <Already on it, my Lord! Also, Beelzabub has already been registered in the Pantheon, and your service.> smiling as two shining balls of lights floated before him, staying in the air for a few moments before both balls of light flew straight into Laharl's body reading his mind and desires, as his divine power surged into these Free Absolute Creations, in a massive flash of light covered the area.

The flash of light was ceasing and residing away, allowing Laharl to see two female naked figures standing beside one another, as he admired their beauty and the power these two were emanating.

In the left was a short female that Laharl designed after...well, a predator slime girl, with blue being her main color, a humanoid body with small blue breast with navy blue nipples, her "hair" was droppy in the edges with three huge tentacles acting as her hair with one on top her head acting as a "cowlick" and the other two tentacles hanging down on her back reaching her lower back the tip of all three of these tentacles are emerald green in color, her face was lovely especially with her long pointed ears, cute small nose and smile,as she opened her eyes revealing their basil green center with maroon edges showing some innocence on them but he knew the truth as he created her to be a predator that has many abilities and twisted personality.

Laharl, admit she, was quite cute naming her Ruu she is quite childish, hyper, and joyful but she is a deadly daemon queen through and through as Laharl bestowed her with a personality and form that can be mistaken with a innocent pre-teen child but that's to drive her prey in a false sense of security for she is a killer and able to devour anything granting her temporary abilities as she digests.

Ruu smiled and jumped in place before rushing towards her lord and beloved leaping into his hands, as the newest Daemon was filled with love for Laharl making him smile as she caressed her head onto his chest, Laharl told her, her name and she excitedly said she loved it.

Laharl put Ruu in the ground as she wrapped one of her tentacles around Laharl's right arm as he turned his sight on his seventh daemon queen and bride.

This was a pure black skinned daemon woman with flowing mid-back lenght white hair that acted as flames, she is quite strong in form and aura, as her body was fit with some muscles her arms, legs and abs being quite noticeable.

She has large rounded breasts with a lighter shade of black on her nipples, and great formly and firm curves and legs.

Within her hair, a pair of long, black, slightly curved sharp horns pointed upwards, her face has a strong woman vibe a mixture of daemonic beauty and ferocity shown from her three eyes with the third located on her forehead, the sharp fangs slightly exposed from her lower lip, and very long pointed slight-curved ears with several golden studs pierced on them.

Her hands were humanoid in some percent, with the exception that their quite larger starting from below her elbows, large fingers with sharp claw-tips on her digits this are meant to crush her victims with her barehands and brute strength.

The toes of her feet are quite humanoid in appearance, with sharp toe-nails as Laharl sees his newest beloved stretch and cracks her bones, giving him a great view of all her beautiful black body once she finished she smashed her right foot hard against the ground causing it the crack as she roared with great fury revealing her sharp teeth to him and Ruu, with her fangs being long but her lower pair are longer than the ones in her upper mouth.

As Ragna Kaalika as Laharl named his seventh daemon queen, opened her three eyes demonstrating their deep garnet red eyes filled with rage, and bloodlust but once her sight focused on Laharl her demeanor changed from one ready to fight and kill, to one of calm, excitement, and desire as she gave him a predatory grin as Ragna strutted confidently towards her lord and love.

The black skinned daemon queen stopped right in front of Laharl, expecting him from top to bottom as Ragna spoke what she was thinking, "Nice. Hot, strong, powerful, and commanding. All things that make my man more delicious and better than any other weak men." Laharl made her the typical battle loving, berserker with great pride and a dominating persona and presence.

With his own predatory smile, Laharl quickly placed his clawed gauntlet equipped left claw over Ragna head, and in a swift motion he attacked her mouth with a deep, deep kiss shocked at first but quickly enjoying it Ragna put her arms around her beloved's head to pull him in and make their kiss more deeper, all the while Ruu was cheering for them...

Once they broke their heated kiss and Ragna commented that is quite delicious, before he could respond or she could add more to the conversation Ruu shape-shifted herself into a taller form grabbing her beloved and kiss him as well.

After they kissed and stopped, Laharl kissed Ruu on the forehead making her very happy, as she reverted back to her normal state.

He turned his attention to Ragna, telling her what her name was making the battle hungry daemon queen grin saying it fitted a monster as herself, as he told them everything that is happening as they and their sister wives-to-be are going to slaughter mortal xenos making Ragna excite and eager for the bloodshed, while Ruu was excited to "play" with her new toys, then she licked her lip as she admitted she was also eager to taste these Eldar flesh and souls.

Their comments made the Dark One sastified as he told them that it was time to go to their home, Castle Neo Oblivion, along with meeting their elder sisters Ruu "yayed" while Ragna crossed her armed and asked, "Who is the head bitch? I see that Ruu is "near" My level, I doubt that my bigger sisters are as strong as me. Let alone strong enough to order me around, darling." Laharl didn't like that and became serious as he scolded Ragna, that none of them is superior over the other, or the favorite they are his lovers, wives, and queens...equals, unknowingly releasing some of his aura while scolding Ragna.

Ragna, knowing she messed up, she scratched the back of her head and said she was sorry to her beloved, seeing that he got mad and not only intimidated her but Ruu, Laharl kissed them Ruu on her forehead and Ragna on her lips in a quick loving kiss as he apologized, he told them to follow him as he guide them to their home, this made them both smile and wrap around their arms.

Before they started walking he contacted Aillia to show him the obvious update his Pantheon must have gone through since creating Beelzabub, Ruu, and Ragna with a cute <Sure.> a blue transparent screen floated before him.


Chaos Gods

1.Laharl, Chaos God of Carnage, Void, Lust, Love, Promises, Infernals, Punishment, Authority, Atrocities, Devastation & Omni-bending.

Worshipers-Carnage Daemons, Neverborn, Adhuman-Gobos, Carnage Corrupted, & Chaos Cultists of Carnage.

Faction: Chaos/Carnage

2.Khorne, Chaos God of Blood, War, Wrath, Hatred, Rage, Murder, Strength, Courage, Honor, & Martial Honor.

Worshipers-Blood Daemons, Warriors, Berserkers, Blood Corrupted, & Chaos Cultist of Blood.

Affection Level-Respected Sibling Rival 33%, Enemy 74%, Submission Progress 4%

Faction: Chaos/Blood

3.Valkia, Lesser Chaos Goddess of War-maidens.

Worshiper-Blood Daemons, Blood Valkyries, Warriors, Women, Blood Corrupted, & Chaos Cultists of Blood.

Affection Level-Respected Brother-in-law 26%, Enemy 81%, Submission Progress 1%

Faction: Chaos/Blood

Carnage Patheon

Ruler of the Carnage Pantheon: Laharl, Chaos God of Carnage, Void, Lust, Love, Promises Infernals, Punishment, Authority, Atrocities, Devastation & Omni-bending

Worshipers-Daemons, Adhuman-Gobos, Carnage Corrupted, & Chaos Cultists.

Faction: Carnage

Highest Deities of the Pantheon

Brides of Carnage-1.Chi Aahtahg, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Corruption of Nature.

Worshipers-Dark Druids, & Dark Florrah

2.Kiira Blakenroze, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Dark Desires.

Worshipers-Succubi & Lust Corrupted.

3.Scalpel Bleedinhart, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Bio-crafting of Life.

Worshippers-Biocrafters, Medics, Scientists, God Complexed & Unhinged.

4.Jade Emerlhyde, Lesser Chaos Gobo Goddess of Anarchy.

Worshippers-Gobos, Rebels, & Opressed.

5.Cassandra Crimsontear, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Bloodstained Majestry.

Worshippers-Soldiers, Nobles, Chaos Guardsmen, & Prideful Souls.

6.Ruu, Lesser Chaos Slime Goddess of Twisted Innocence.

Worshippers-Slimes, Lost Children, Broken Innocent, & Daemons.

7.Ragna Kaalika, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Rampage.

Worshippers-Brutes, Daemons, Carnage Corrupted, & Terrorists.

Low Deities of the Pantheon

Elder Daemons-1.Ba'al Allseer, the Great Seer.

Worshipers-Daemons, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

2.Mordred Deathharbinger, the Ultimate Slaughterer.

Worshippers-Daemons, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

3.Nidhog, the Destroyer.

Worshippers-Daemons, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

4.Beelzalbub, the Fly of Ruin & Gluttony.

Worshippers-Flies, Daemons, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

As Laharl admits that all the information was quite fitting, he dismisses the Pantheon screen away, the trio of Dark Deities walked away with Ruu and Ragna beside him they each taking an arm of their beloved lord.

Laharl felt his newest lovers caress their heads onto his arm he thinks of them and the abilities he bestowed both of making them not only worthy queens to rule beside him alongside Chi, Kiira, Scalpel, Jade, and Cassandra.

He granted Ruu, with some powers similar to Beelzabub but as well as unique in their own way, as his slime wife-to-be she is able to eat and digest everything from organic to inorganic, plant to materials such as stone, metal, and chemical and while she digests her meal she gains the temporal properties as what she ate like a poisonous object make her a "Poison Slime" and while eating a explosion will make her a "Bomb Slime" for a period of time.

Not only that which will make her a counter to all Nurgle's "gifts", his daemons poison, and his twisted plants affect she is also is able to spawn mindless lesser slime daemons acting as cannon futher and swarming units a perfect counter to Nurglings and Lesser Plague Toads as Daemon Slimes are immune to poisons and illnesses as they trail forward to eat their prey, in Ruu's command.

And Ragna aside being a highly melee focused daemon, with unbelievable strength and endurance, along with a bloodlust that can rival if not equal Jade she possesses her own abilities that makes her deadly not only to Nurgle Forces but all that she faces.

Taking some inspiration from his brother Khorne, bestowing Ragna with a litteral berserk aura that has the effects that as she is damaged which includes being poisoned she becomes stronger, and stronger along with more bloodthirsty, but this berserker state has another affect on her as she deals damage and kills victims she continuesly heals, making her the greatest antithesis to Nurgle, Khorne, and Orkz as she is a litteral unstoppable rampage incarnate.

With them along with Beelzabub and legions of followers and daemons, Laharl has confidence that they'll crush Nurgle and win the bet he has with Khorne, making the Dark One grin as the three of them headed towards the castle.

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