( Regus Aurelius's POV )
When Regus Aurelius received the war report, he was absolutely calm regarding the outcome.
Having a lot of experience in the military, Regus knew a brilliant soldier when he saw one.
Ravan in his mind was one such brilliant soldier. If the odds were not overwhelmingly against him, he was a man who could prepare an excellent strategy to win any war, hence Regus had long expected him to emerge victorious.
What angered him however was the collusion of the Kingsman clan with the outlaws the Medici.
The Medici were cancerous to the vampire society, they preferred in-breeding over cross-breeding and had psychological issues.
Regardless of his personal feelings for the rebel army, their feat of killing the outlaw Medici God was praiseworthy in Regus's eyes and as a monarch he was going to make sure that this contribution did not go unrewarded.
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