( Paratus capital, inside the old palace )
" This is the place where I used to store my wine bottles when I was 13, I started drinking early " Asiva said as she excitedly led Max to tour her old home, telling him memories associated with every corner of the place.
Max patiently toured the place pretending to be interested when he was really bored out of his mind.
" This is my father's bedroom, apparently there used to be a crib here, it's the room where I was born and raised till I was 2 years old" Asiva said as Max signalled for the servants to leave the room and shut the door behind.
Asiva was surprised when she heard the door close behind herself, as she looked at Max with a puzzled expression and said " Tired already? We haven't even seen half the place yet "
Max smiled and said " No- not tired at all, I'll prove it to you if you want "
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