" Patriarch Vega there is some new development on planet Maralago, one of our Titus clan captains has apparently single-handedly destroyed one of the enemies key holding forts alone and we can now take a lot of land from the barbarians and open 3 new fronts that were closed to us for 200 years.
If we play our cards right, we can win Maralago for once and for all " The scout reported to Vega Titus, the current patriarch of the Titus clan.
A big smile appeared on Vega Titus's face when he heard this news as he knew that it could not have come at a better time for him.
The 3 yearly clan evaluation was underway and he had a fair chance of prompting the Titus clan to number 2 this year, right below the Caesar clan and get one step closer to the challenge of the vampire throne.
Under such times, the heroics of the Titus clan on the frontlines were sure to increase the image of the clan, especially if it was such an unlikely victory story.
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