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63.98% Classroom Of The Elite Year 2 / Chapter 350: Chapter 2 : New Student Council Member

Chương 350: Chapter 2 : New Student Council Member

WITH THE LAST special exam of the second semester coming up, Horikita

had an immediate problem to solve.

That is, to take over the position from Nagumo as student council president. The day after she was appointed as the new student council president, she decided to take action immediately after school.

As expected, I was called and waited for Horikita's arrival in the hallway outside the classroom.

She was currently in a small meeting with the students gathered in the class. The student council had some business to take care of, but we couldn't neglect our preparations for the upcoming special exam.

If I left without telling her, I'd have to prepare for the double payback that she would deliver later. I didn't want to do that.

After about ten minutes of thinking about this unfortunate possibility, she showed up without an apology.

"Well, let's get straight to the point, shall we?"

"Are you done with the strategy meeting?"

"I had a thorough discussion with Hirata-kun and the others yesterday. I was just listening to the progress report today. Fortunately, most of our classmates are very motivated. They're positive about their studies even though they normally don't like them. There are many signs pointing to the fact that everything is moving in the right direction. For example, Sudou-kun's rise despite being the bottom of the class last year, the mental pressure from Sakura-san's withdrawal, the point difference between Class A and us being in range, and our direct confrontation with them as well." At the mention of Airi's name, Horikita briefly glanced at me.

"Are you still concerned?"

"I'm not so insensitive that I can just ignore it, but that's the reality." "I disagree. You're perfectly capable of holding your head up high." "As time goes on, you should be able to more fully process and come to terms with what happens, Horikita."

As I started to walk away, Horikita followed, looking somewhat flustered. "Nagumo-senpai told me that you're willing to cooperate with me, which is honestly reassuring."

"It sounds like you've only heard the good parts. I just want you to know that, personally, I'm not enthusiastic about it at all."

It wouldn't be easy later on when there are misunderstandings and miscommunications on the issue of motivation.

"Well, there's no need for me to say that explicitly. You probably already understand it well."

"I guess. It seems that you were silent on purpose when I asked you to help me. You were going to ignore Nagumo-senpai's order if I hadn't spoken to you, right?"

She said she knew and purposely spoke those inciting words. "If you really cared about me, you could've overlooked it." "No."

The immediate answer crushed my plans to find a way out of the situation. Recently, the way she's been treating me has been somewhat refined, although I couldn't tell if it was in a good way, or bad.

"But don't worry. I'm not going to spend days and days trying to gather the members for the student council. I picked up some candidates yesterday, and I'd like to decide today. The student council's important, but we have a special exam coming up that I need to focus more on."

I was relieved to hear that she was willing to make a decision that benefited us in the short term.

"There was one second-year and one first-year, right?"

"Yes, and when I met with the student council again, they were a little more specific about what they wanted... They said the minimum requirement is that the student must have a B or higher in the OAA's academic achievements rating." "Well, if you're going to be in the student council, it isn't surprising that there's a minimum academic requirement to join."

It seemed that social contribution wasn't emphasized, so a wide range of candidates was possible.

"Speaking of which, a little birdie told me that someone, somewhere had improved his academic ability to a B. I wonder who it was?"

"Suddenly, I have a stomachache. I think I'll go home."

"Can't you take a joke?"

"Not really, because you most likely mean it."

"I'm going to start filling in the second-year position that Ichinose-san left. I won't choose you, though."

"That's obvious. So you said you've already decided on a candidate?" "Yes. The only requirements to being a student council member are not being in a club and having a B rating or higher in academic achievement. The rest is up to the student council president at their own discretion and judgment." As long as the criteria was met, Horikita was free to choose whoever she wanted to be in the student council.

"The student council will run more smoothly if its members are skilled in a variety of abilities."

If the members were randomly selected and unmotivated, the student council activities would surely be in jeopardy.

"I'm still going to do this aggressively. I don't want to bring in anyone from a strong rival class, like Class A, since we get a few extra points just for being a member of the student council."

It seemed that she wanted to secure as many advantages as possible, no matter how small.

"So... the ideal student would be a student enrolled in our class." "That's right. Appointing someone from the same class may reveal ulterior motives, but it doesn't violate the rules."

I think I might've found the answer to why we had been waiting here instead of walking out.

"What do you want to talk to me about, Horikita-san?"

One of my classmates, Kushida, came out of the classroom and approached us.

Horikita briefly signaled me with her eyes, as if asking, 'What do you think?' Kushida was certainly a student with a very high reputation outside of class, including her visual appearance. Her academic ability was certainly above a B, and her specifications were comparable to that of the student council members. However, this was only the case from an outsider's point of view. In reality, Horikita and Kushida were like oil and water.

"Actually, I have a favor to ask of you."

The question asked was akin to the dangerous act of pouring a lot of water into a pot of oil.

"Off the record, it's been decided that Ichinose-san will be leaving the student council."

"What...? I see. Was there a problem?"

"It was due to personal reasons."

Kushida was still trying to figure things out, and the oil was starting to heat up.

However, it wasn't at a high temperature yet.

"There's now a vacancy, due to the decrease in the number of members in the student council, and I was wondering if you could fill it."

That decisive phrase conveyed the message, didn't it?

The oil, which was getting hotter and hotter, began to make a buzzing sound as if it's repelling water.

"Is Nagumo still going to be the student council president?"

"No, and as I'm the only remaining member of the student council in the second year, I'm automatically being promoted."

"That means… Horikita-san will be the student council president." "That's the plan if there's no trouble after this."

Kushida seemed a little surprised at the next student council president's sudden selection, but that wasn't the important point. It was a given that either Ichinose or Horikita would be the student council president.

"That's why I decided to select the members personally. At the very least, you have the qualifications to be a member of the student council, and I'm sure you'll do just fine."

A lot of water and oil had already begun splattering around the pot—enough to cause burns if you stayed near it.

"So, if I join the student council… will I be your secretary or something?" Kushida asked the question, expressing her concern about that particular point.

"I haven't decided on your position yet, but I will."

"Hahaha, that's a funny joke."

Despite the fact that Kushida was saying these things with a natural smile, we could sense the heavy atmosphere of intimidation and the strong sense of, 'who would work for you, you idiot?'

"Depending on your motivation, you may be elected vice president immediately."

"Um, you know that's not what this is about, right?"

While subtle, it's clear she's trying to indicate that this conversation and our futile proposition are a waste of time.

"I wonder if I'm the right person for the student council."

Because we're located in the corridors, where students passed by, the only excuse she could give for refusing was her own lack of ability.

"You have a good reputation according to the OAA and you're well-liked by many of the second years and first years. You can also easily get along with the incoming first years next year. We're choosing you because of your ability." She emphasized that she wasn't trying to manipulate Kushida in any way, but that she was genuinely interested in her innate skills.

For Kushida, however, it made no difference.

'Working for Horikita'—this arrangement was unacceptable. "I'm glad to hear that, but I'm not sure it'll be easy. I have no experience in student council…"

Horikita had been persistent so far, but it wasn't going to be easy. Kushida had a hard time accepting the idea of working under Horikita.

"You joining us will give the class an advantage, even if it's small. The bonus of having a classmate serving on the student council should be a weapon in our quest to reach Class A."

"Yeah. I know what you mean, but… it's still impossible. Sorry." Horikita's intention of targeting her as the students were leaving was probably to let them watch in order to force Kushida to stay under her façade. If this were an empty dorm room, she'd have refused her offer in a single blow.

"I need your help."

With a remark of great force, Horikita reached her hand towards Kushida in a dramatic appeal.

The students who were passing by glanced over, wondering what was going on.


Kushida continued to feign surprise and confusion.

She was having a hard time rejecting Horikita's request for help. At this point, I turned my gaze ahead for a moment.

"What's wrong?"


Horikita, who noticed my reaction, seemed to be concerned and asked me about it, but I didn't want to interrupt her by saying anything irrelevant. There was a slight pause, but Horikita continued to speak to the now silent Kushida.

"I'm not asking you to work for me. I just want you to help me get up to Class A."

"But... it could be someone other than me. I don't know about this." "You're the one who most benefits from taking on this project." She didn't want to join the student council, which would be run by Horikita. However, Kushida would indeed benefit the most by taking it on. "Hmm? What do you mean?"

Kushida couldn't quite follow the logic and asked back.

"If you join the student council, Kushida-senpai, even if there are people who dislike you, they won't be able to get their hands on you~"

The answer wasn't given by Kushida herself, nor Horikita, but by a third female student—Amasawa Ichika.

She'd been secretly getting closer to us since a few minutes ago, but I didn't expect her to suddenly get involved.

"...Why's Amasawa-san here with the second-years?"

Kushida was being pushed further and further into a corner by her sudden enemy.

"I can join where the senpais are, can't I?"

"I'm kind of busy right now. Who do you need?"

"No one in particular... If I had to choose… I'd say Kushida-senpai." "Me…? Oh, I see. What kind of business is it?"

With a vein nearly popping out of her temple, it was clear that she was angry.

"Huh? What is it? What do you think I want?"

"I have no idea what you're thinking."

I have no idea what she's thinking, either. I wonder if Horikita does? "I'm having an important discussion with Horikita-san and the others right now."

"No. I'm sure you're just scared of being alone with me, Kushida-senpai." Obviously, Amasawa said this openly to provoke Kushida. Seeing the dynamic between the two, Horikita surely understood everything, even the undertones. Of course, it was possible she already knew about their rivalry beforehand.

But did she come all the way here to see Kushida? I looked at Amasawa, hoping to decipher her true intentions with just my eyes.

"I actually came here to see Ayanokouji-senpai, but I found him talking to Horikita-senpai and Kushida-senpai. That's why I was secretly listening to you." Without any apology, she confessed that she'd been listening to the conversation.

"How long have you been listening to our conversation?"

"I started listening just a little while ago. Around the time when Horikitasenpai said, 'It's not like I'm asking you to work for me or anything~.' I swear it's the truth!"

Although Amasawa was being honest, she was clearly suspicious of Kushida and Horikita, perhaps because they didn't trust her.

"It's true. No more, no less. I saw Amasawa approaching me." "I see. So that's why you looked away for a moment."

"See what I mean? I only tell the truth, don't I?"

"But where did the lie about coming to see Kushida-san go? And we don't even know if it's true that you came to see Ayanokoji-kun in the first place." When you start doubting one thing, everything else starts to look suspicious. "Well, well, don't worry about the details. Please continue with the recruitment efforts."

Amasawa said this as she took a step back and appealed that she wouldn't interfere anymore.

"....Well. Let's put aside the matter of Amasawa for now. Can we get an answer?"

In order to turn the bad situation around, Horikita ignored Amasawa for the moment to continue persuading Kushida.

"I think I already gave you an answer. I can't accept it."

"You can't?"

"I'm sorry, I can't live up to your expectations. The student council isn't for me..."

"Why don't you just join the student council instead of saying that?" As soon as she said she wouldn't interfere, Amasawa, who had broken her promise less than ten seconds later, opened her mouth.

On the contrary, Amasawa was getting carried away with Kushida, convinced that she couldn't directly counter her.

She began touching Kushida and playing with her—poking her on the cheek with her index finger.

"You're a pretty girl with a good figure, Kushida-senpai. You're smart too, aren't you?"

She kept whispering like a devil, trying to persuade her... or even agitate her. However, none of them were expressions of honest praise. "You know... If we're going to keep talking, can we change the location, please?"

Even if she continued to refuse, Kushida seemed to be under a lot of stress while in front of the public. She must've felt that it would be difficult continuing the conversation any longer. Normally, it would've been acceptable to end the conversation and run away, but Kushida wasn't able to do so.

"Ayanokouji-kun, why don't you talk with Amasawa-san for a while?" "Eh~? Are you trying to exclude me and be a cold senpai?" "That's why I'm trying to lend you Ayanokouji-kun."

Horikita crossed her arms and told her that she should be thankful that she didn't try to turn her away by herself.

"I want to be with not just Ayanokoji-senpai, but also with both of you now too."


I'm sure she simply found our conversation interesting.

"Plus, if you force me away, I might expose some bad secrets."

By making threats, even if they were empty, we couldn't forcibly remove


"Shall we just change the location as Kushida-san requested?"

Horikita tried surrounding us with a large number of people, but that allowed

us to be confronted with Amasawa's merciless words and actions and had only

worsened the situation.

She decided to change the location of the meeting due to Amasawa's threat.

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