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19.44% The Hard Road to Success : The Road to Glory / Chapter 7: Chapter 7 - Things to come.

Chương 7: Chapter 7 - Things to come.

Elizabeth and Harold gets up. Harold grabs his wallet and coat. He asks Elizabeth, "Are you ready to go?" Elizabeth confirms, "Yes, I am ready to go". Elizabeth and Harold grabs their things and leaves The Loft and heads to the Aston Martin. They enter the Aston while Harold drives them to a place where they can have breakfast and go on their first date. While driving, Elizabeth and Harold talk to each other.

They begin by asking each other when their birthdays are. Harold informs Elizabeth, "My birthday is on the 22nd October 1982" while Elizabeth inform him, "My birthday is on the 17th October 1979". Harold affirms, "So you're three years older than me which means I got to respect you even more now" Elizabeth asks him, "What do you mean by that?".

Harold answers her, "I was taught by my mum to respect women a lot more than men since women are the ones who bare children and takes care of them and the other reason to why I have to respect you even more is because you're older than me and I was taught by my parent and grandparents to respect my elders and I should remember that you're someone's daughter and once day you'll be a mother yourself too". Elizabeth states, "You were really taught and grew up well. You have good parents and family who taught you very good morals and principles" Harold responds to her, "That's right, Elizabeth. Even though we grew up in a poor environment, I've been taught manners and respect which is something you don't find that much anymore these days".

Elizabeth tells him, "That's good to know. I grew up in a similar environment too. However the difference between us is, my parents got divorced when I was four and my brother and I were raised alone by my mother. We don't talk about it, if not at all". Harold takes a while to respond. He remembers his Uncle Bobby went through the same thing and Uncle Bobby's daughter and his cousin; Rose went through hell when he got divorced from his aunt. Harold tells Elizabeth, "I am really sorry. I didn't know that you went through all of this in your life".

Elizabeth replies, "Thanks, Harold. It was hard for me until I met Zoey at Oxford University". Harold responds, "So that's where you meet Zoey. I was wondering how you met. Zoey went there and studied towards some human sciences and biology thing since she wanted to get a PHD, MD or something like that, as I'm not sure what it was just I paid for most of the fees for Zoey to go to Oxford University". Harold then asks Elizabeth, "What did you study at Oxford?" Elizabeth answers, "I studied English there and in my spare time I studied Acting in a Drama class".

Harold responds, "That's pretty awesome. I'm glad you met Zoey, otherwise we would never have met. I guess you could say that is was density". Elizabeth corrects him, "You mean destiny" while she continues, "I'm glad to have met Zoey. She was really there for me back then, when I needed a friend" just Elizabeth quickly states, "I'd like to ask you a sort of personal question" Harold tells her, "Sure thing, I just hope that you aren't going to ask me if I'm gay, because I'm not".

Elizabeth laughs. She responds, "That wasn't what I wanted to ask you. I was going to ask you, if you made so much money by fighting, how come you never went to further your education? Since that's important, especially in today's time" Harold answers, "Well, I only went as far as the eighth grade, which I then went to do mechanical work for three years with my father, Mat and Andy. I then worked in the steel factory with them and after a year, I quit and went on to become a boxer at 18 and yes, I made of lot of money but I lost a lot of my brains due to fighting since after taking over one hundred punches during a fight does that to you. So I rather gave the money to Zoey instead, for her to go and finish school in order to have the chance which I never had and helped my parents out too and with Zoey finishing school, she does make me feel like an idiot because it makes me feel stupid".

Elizabeth ensures him, "With you not finishing school, that doesn't mean that you are stupid or anything like that". Harold states, "It pretty much feels like it since most of the time, Zoey, my family and other people talks about things which I don't know anything about nor understand". Elizabeth ensures him once again. She tells him, "Things may seem like that but not finishing school made you a good man, an even better brother, a better son and a great mechanic and from what I heard from Zoey, a pretty good athlete and boxer".

Harold responds to her statement. He says, "Thank you, Elizabeth. I'm glad to see that someone doesn't treat me like a vegetable and actually sees me as a person. Part or the reason why I didn't further my education was due to what happened with my brothers when I was seventeen and my best friend passing away and was focused on my boxing career and being torn apart by those losses in my life to have gone back to school".

Elizabeth tells Harold, "That was your choice and I respect you for making it. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you like Zoey was for me when I went through all of those rough places in my life" Harold responds to her statement. He tells her, "I'd like that as I've been storing all this emotions and stuff inside for far too long and I need to share it, otherwise it's going to keep hollowing me out and not achieve which I want in life since it keeps holding me back and I keep blaming those things for what's been happening in my life because that's why I am where I am in life. For now, I'll speak to you about things which I am comfortable with".

Elizabeth hears him out. She states to Harold, "It's a good start, for you to be sharing things with me and I'll do the same, I promise you". Harold smiles at Elizabeth, as they arrived at the Docks. Elizabeth asks Harold, "What are we doing at the Dock?". He informs her, "This is the place, it's where we're having breakfast. They make the best breakfast in all of Fairfield, just don't tell my mum about that. She'll probably beat me for saying that and since I know the people here, I get a good discount because this restaurant is like my favourite place in the world. I promoted many fights here. This is the same place I came to everyday after Matthew left and David, Ryan and Sebastian passed away. This place was calm enough to clear my mind and do my own thinking since I always liked the sound of the sea, it's very calm and relaxing".

Elizabeth and Harold parks for a while. Elizabeth asks him, "Who is Sebastian? I've heard his name before from your mother and Zoey" Harold informs her, "Sebastian Watson, he was my childhood and best friend while growing up. One day, Sebastian joined the Army. He wanted to do some good with his life after his parents were murdered in their home while we were out patrolling the park and was at my place after we were done at the park" which Elizabeth now begins to understand.

Harold continues in the meantime. He tells her, "Sebastian was on duty for only six months, that was his first mission and he was killed in action because their squad were ambushed and all of his squad members were killed in action since that's what the General said to us. Sebastian was like a a brother to me after my parents took him in" Elizabeth responds with sadness in her voice. She responds to what he just said, "I am sorry for you losing your best friend, Harold".

Harold says, "Thank you, Elizabeth. That wasn't the worse of it. I was supposed to join the Army with Sebastian. I wanted to be a soldier too but I was rejected by the Army for being unfit for duty. I was too underweight and too short to fight for the Army. So I rather went on to focus on being a boxer then once the news came that Sebastian passed away, it hollowed me out even more since yet again I lost one of my brothers". Elizabeth takes Harold's hand. She tells him, "It's okay, Harold. I'm here for you but for now, let's get some breakfast, then we can talk some more in the restaurant while we eat and get you ready for you fight against Freddy Kent". Harold responds, "I'd like that so much, Elizabeth".

Elizabeth and Harold gets out of the Aston. Harold locks the Aston, as they make their way to the restaurant to have breakfast there and have a good morning together. Harold walks with Elizabeth, before they head inside, Harold takes her hand while they smile at other each and heads inside. Once they enter the restaurant, everyone greets Harry with hello, Harry. The Next Heavyweight Champion of the World as they chant, Champ as well. Harry returns the greetings by saying, "Good morning, everyone. How's everyone doing this morning?".

Everyone informs Harry that they are doing good but it's a bit cold. Harry tells them, "Yeah, that's Liverpool weather for you. It's cold here all year round, even in summer". A guy approaches them. His name is Walter, a waiter and one of Harry's good friends for many years. He has dark hair, brown eyes and has a large to stocky built and is quite tall like Harry. He asks Harry, "Morning, Harry. Who is this lady here. Who you're holding hands with?".

Harry introduces Walter to Elizabeth. He informs him, "Walt, this is Elizabeth. I met with her recently and we're slowly building a relationship together". Walter says, "Congratulations on the new girlfriend, my old friend. The two of you seem good together and make a great couple, like beauty and the beast". Elizabeth laughs while Harry responds, "I'm not the beast. The Beast is the World Heavyweight Champion. I'm just The Hunter around these part of the woods". Walter tells Harry, "All right. I understand how you feel, man".

Elizabeth tells Walter, "Thank you. It's good to meet you" as they shake hands, with smiles on their faces. Walter asks Harry, "What can I get you then, mate?" Harry answers, "Walt, I'd like a steak, nicely cooked with a side of vegetables, no vinegar on anything and no salt and pepper either. Thank buddy". Walter assures him, "Sure thing, man. Would you like your favourite Carlsberg beer?" to which Harry responds, "Nah, I don't drink that stuff no more ever since I began with my relationship with Elizabeth and getting ready for my next fight against Freddy Kent because after that, I am going for glory and making my way up the ranks and challenge for the Title. I've got Elizabeth in my corner alongside with Andy and Chris but all I need now is a manager".

Walter responds, "That's what me and everyone else here in Fairfield and the rest of Liverpool likes to hear from you, Hunter. You're Fairfield's Favourite Son and it's about darn time that someone beats Karl Alexander for the Title since he's held the title for far too long and who better to beat him in the squared circle than Harry 'The Hunter' Edwards". Harry states, "If it ever comes to me fighting against Karl Alexander or Richard Davidson, I'd give them such a fight they'll never forget. I'll do my very best to beat them but no cheap shots nor cheating nor taking any steroids. I'll take a coffee rather than a beer, no milk nor sugar, please. Angry coffee".

Walter states, "All right, Harry". Walter asks Elizabeth, "What would you like to have?" Elizabeth answers, "Well, I'd like the same as what Harold ordered but with a smaller steak since I don't have such a huge appetite like him but with more vegetables and a cup of tea with honey instead of coffee". Walter confirms the order. He tells them, "All right, that would be £180 but since it's Harry, the total would be £100" Harold tells Elizabeth, "I'll take care of the bill since I asked you out". Harry pays the £100. Walter assures them, "Your food is coming right up. You guys should take a seat wherever you like and wait for your meal. I'll bring it over to you as soon as I can, once it's done".

Elizabeth and Harold makes their way to an open table and has a seat as they begin to speak even further. Elizabeth asks Harold, "Could you please tell me more about Freddy Kent?" Harold informs her, "Of course. Where do I begin? How about this, Freddy 'The Fury' Kent is another Southpaw fighter from Ireland. If you don't know, a Southpaw fighter fighter with their left hand. I am a Southpaw too. We punch much harder and more accurate with our left hands compared to our rights".

Elizabeth begins to understand. She responds, "That's good to know, since I never knew that. I never knew anything about boxing for that matter" Harold continues, "Freddy 'The Fury' Kent is a great fighter, probably one of the best". Elizabeth asks him, "What's wrong, Harold because you sound afraid to be fighting Freddy Kent? Since you sound doubtful" Harold confesses to Elizabeth. He tells her, "I am afraid, sort of as they don't call him 'The Fury' for nothing. He has lightning-fast hands and speed and always goes for the quick knock outs and nobody has ever gone more than five rounds against Freddy Kent. While I may punch hard, able to fight back against the odds and take many hits but I don't have the speed to beat Freddy. I'm practically the underdog here, I'll overcome the odds somehow and defeat Freddy Fury".

Elizabeth tells him, "Don't worry. Everything is going to be all right. I believe in you, Harold. You can overcome this, these odds because Zoey informed me, how in your life, that you've never backed down nor quit anything before and with my help, Andrew and Chris, you'll be able to do this and beat Freddy and be even that much closer to becoming the Heavyweight Champion of the World" while makes Harold smile.

Harold confirms to Elizabeth. He informs her, "I'm glad to have you by my side. Zoey is right about me. She's really a positive thinker and great support to me. Zoey was right about you too" to which Walter arrives with their food. He places it on the table where they are seated. Walter tells them, "Please enjoy the meal and if you need anything else, just call me and I'll be here as fast as I possibly can". Elizabeth and Harold thanks Walter for the meal and that if they need anything else, they'll give him a call.

Walter brings up, "I heard that you're fighting against Freddy Kent. Myself and many other people here and from the rest of Fairfield are going to be there to cheer you on since most of us already bought tickets. I've got to get one myself since I just found out about the fight" Harry tells Walter, "I do appreciate it as I am going to get ready for the fight right after Elizabeth and I are done eating. I am going to seek out the help of Sir Manny Cooper and ask him to be my manager. I'll need a manager from now on and I think he's the best choice I can make".

There is a moment of silence. Walter asks Harold, "You don't mean Sir Manny 'The Kill-shot' Cooper. The former Heavyweight Boxer and Champion of the World, do you?" Harold answers, "Yeah, that's the Manny Cooper I am talking about". Elizabeth asks, "Who is Sir Manny Cooper?" Harold answers, "Sir Manny Cooper was a great fighter, very good in his prime and a former Heavyweight Boxer and Champion from 1950 until 1956 and man could Manny hit since he only ever lost one fight in his professional career and that's when he lost the title due to having an in-ring heart attack which led to is retirement back in 1957" which Elizabeth now begins to understand.

Walter informs Elizabeth, "Manny was probably one of the best. He had a boxing record of 84 Fights, 83 Wins, 1 Loss, 0 draw with 79 knock outs. Manny fought out of Fairfield just like Harry and he was a Southpaw and I believe Harry can be just as good and become a legend like him as well". Elizabeth responds to them, "If you're going to speak to Manny about managing you, I'm sure you are going to go quite far. Manny sounds like he was really good and he could teach you a lot, Harold" which he agrees with.

Harold responds, "I too am sure that I'll go places I never thought possible. Manny is a living legend and would teach me great". Walter adds, "I'll leave the two of you to enjoy your breakfast". Walter leaves while Elizabeth and Harold begins to eat their breakfast together. Elizabeth tells Harold, "This food is so good, probably the best steak I ever had" Harold confirms, "This is the best steakhouse in Liverpool. I've been eating here for many years, for as long as I can remember". Elizabeth and Harold enjoy their meal and continue to speak and get to know each other a bit more.

Once they're done, Harry calls Walter. When he arrives, Harry informs him, "We're done eating. The meal was awesome like always, thanks man" Walter responds, "I'm glad to hear that from one of our best and most loyal customers ever" Harold tips Walter a £50. Walter cracks a joke by saying, "There's many good things about Harry besides him being a good friend. a good boxer and a loyal customer but one of my favourite things about him is, Harry tips good". Elizabeth and Harold bursts with laughter, as they say their goodbyes.

Elizabeth and Harold tells Walter that they see each other around which Walter confirms and that he'll see them in two months time. Elizabeth and Harold makes their way to the Aston, while holding hands as they are heading to Chris and then Manny, while they are driving over to the Fighter Club since Chris works there as a trainer and a cut man to many fighters and prospects.

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