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27.27% Harry's New Game Plus / Chapter 62: Chapter 62

Chương 62: Chapter 62

Tony and Pepper suddenly arrived through a portal and Tony smiled at everyone, he then cheerfully spoke up "Well! Where is the new member of the Avengers!?".

Harry grinned and pointed a thumb towards where Morgan slowly stood up and stared at where Vali had crashed against a tree, Tony and Pepper watched their daughter stand proudly in her Boosted Ironman suit "... I can't believe I'm saying this but I think Morgan is cooler than me and I'm feeling oddly proud of that".

Harry snorted and then chuckled upon hearing Tony's words while Pepper just playfully rolled her eyes, Harry then spoke up "So far she has used a Hulk Smash -and it was hilarious- and somehow created a spell that mimics Mjölnir, she seems to be using everything she has seen the Avengers do".

Tony and Pepper smiled and then turned towards Morgan to continue to watch her first-ever fight as an Avenger.


Morgan stood up and stared at where Vali had crashed against a tree, Ddraig then suddenly spoke in a bit of a panic {Morgan! What was that?! I've never seen an attack like that before...}.

Morgan then telepathically began to speak to Ddraig {It's just a spell I created, it's based on my Uncle Thor's hammer, pretty cool right?}.

Ddraig sweatdropped upon hearing Morgan casually say that she had created a spell of such magnitude {Did you just say, Thor? Thor the Asgardian God of thunder and lightning? Morgan how can he be your uncle?}.

Morgan giggled {Uncle Thor isn't a God, he's a magical alien! Uncle Harry and daddy are members of the Avengers with Uncle Thor!}.

Ddraig suddenly got who Morgan was referring to {Oh! You mean back in your world... wow that spell was impressive, just how did you create that?*.

Morgan hummed {Aunty Jessica and Uncle Harry explained to me how magic works, it's like creating a program but with mana, so I used how daddy would program his awesome suits! Now I can do everything my uncles and aunties can do! Do you want to help Ddraig?}.

Ddraig was completely impressed and awed by Morgan, she was so young but she was a genius though he really should have known, Ddraig then chuckled and then spoke up {You're a scary kid Morgan but yeah I'll help you! Tell me what you need!}.

Morgan cheered {Okay, I'm going to hand control over all my programs to you, activate them as I need them, and call them out, a superhero always calls out his or her moves! Peter told me so!}.

Ddraig didn't know who Peter was but he completely agrees with him, suddenly he received a bunch of information about all the kinds of weapons, spells, and techniques that Morgan had programmed into the Boosted Gear, in all his years he has never been so impressed before {...Morgan, you're the best wielder I have ever gotten, thank you for being my friend! Let's do this partner!}.

Morgan smiled and nodded "Let's do this Ddraig!".

Vali suddenly burst out from under the tree that had landed on top of him after he crashed against it "That's it! Balance Br-".

However, Vali was caught off when a glowing red spiderweb hit his face and was suddenly pulled forwards by Morgan who then jumped over him and stomped on his back with both of her legs causing Vali to crash against the ground hard enough to crack it.


The devils, Azazel, and everyone else gaped -except Harry and whoever was with him during his trip to the Marvel universe- upon watching such a small girl stomp an older boy so hard into the ground.

Azazel was completely speechless, for one Vali was getting his ass kicked by what he believes is a child and then that child is wielding what he believes is the Boosted Gear which seems to have become a mutated gear.

He was so curious and wanted to go over there immediately to inspect the Sacred Gear but stopped himself since Harry Potter and Kyoto's elite squad were present and watching the fight "How is the Boosted Gear so different...?".

Sirzechs frowned and went to ask Serafall what was going "Serafall who are those two? and why are they fighting?".

Serafall turned to look at Sirzechs "The small one is Morgan, Harry's niece, and the new Red Dragon Empress, I'm not sure who the other one is but I would like to know what he did to piss off Morgan, she's usually a very sweet and caring girl".

Sona, her peerage, and Koneko nodded since all of them had spent time with Morgan before and they all love her, even Koneko who just started to spend time with her, Morgan does give the best ear scratches after all and both Koneko and Yoruichi were suckers for a good ear scratch.

Harry who had heard Sirzechs and Serafall speak decided to answer Serafall's question "That devil seems to be the White Dragon Emperor and when he found out that I took away the Boosted Gear from its previous wielder he became angry and began to demand I give him the Boosted Gear so he could find a worthy rival".

Azazel literally facepalmed so hard that everyone heard it but they just ignored him while Harry continued to explain "And well... Morgan didn't like that, so she jumped down from my shoulders and as you can see, proceeded to begin to beat the living shit out of that devil".

Serafall just nodded in understanding but Sirzechs frowned "A devil? No other devil should be up here in the human world, who is he?".

Harry shrugged "I'm not sure but he was quite the cocky little shit and just continued to talk and talk, honestly I was about to blast him off the face of the earth but Morgan beat me to it".

Azazel began to sweat as he heard everything Harry just said "Errr... he's with me".

Everyone turned to stare at Azazel until Harry just tiredly sighed and he rubbed his eyes causing Azazel to flinch "... At this point, I'm not even surprised, I was expecting someone from the Grigori to do something stupid but before even the peace talks began?... Wow Azazel great job, just to let you know, that kid is dead, even if Morgan doesn't do it, I will".

Azazel looked down and dared not say anything, in hindsight, it really was a stupid idea to bring the battle-hungry kid with him but he was so persistent, now he can't do anything but watch on as Vali gets killed.


Morgan then activate the propulsion units at the bottom of the soles of her armored feet and blasted off Vali's back causing him to scream in pain since she had begun to use Dragonslaying and Godslaying properties on all her attacks.

Once high into the air Morgan spread her Dragon wings and from her back grew giant missile launchers made out of crimson red energy.


Tony jumped a bit in panic the moment he saw what his daughter was planning to do "Oh no... Harry! Morgan is going to bring the rain!".

Harry actually jumped because that was code for when the Hulkbuster armor was about to rain down Jericho missiles on the Hulk "What the hell!? Were did she even see that?!".

Tony awkwardly laughed and scratched his head "Well... Bruce and I might have shown it off to her when it was built..".

Harry then gave him, what Tony can only describe as the most impressive deadpan he has ever seen Harry ever give to anyone and he was somewhat proud that it was him that had made him do it, Harry then spoke "Goddammit Tony...".

Harry then snapped his fingers and the barriers protecting the normal humans were reinforced while the girls raised barriers to protect everyone else.


Suddenly Morgan pointed a hand towards where Vali was now trying to get up only for the missiles launcher to fire a continuous barrage of Jericho missiles.

As soon as they collided against Vali -who could only watch on at the attack with widened eyes- they exploded with an amazing force causing the devils and Azazel to scream in fear, while Harry and everyone who either lives, trains or knows them unflinchingly watched the amazing attack Morgan had just released upon the White Dragon Emperor, Harry stared into the blast "Hmm... I see, Morgan used Chakra to recreate a bunch Tail Beast Balls and then reshaped them with mana so it would look like missiles, dang... even I wouldn't have thought of doing that".

Harry grinned in amusement while Le Fay, Jessica, and Hermione took notes because Morgan had just combined two different methods of using specific energy types and combined it to create a whole new spell.

The explosion itself was impressive and everyone could still feel the vibrations even while being protected by barriers.


Soon the explosion subsided and Morgan looked down so she could see if Vali was still standing after that "Hmm maybe that was a bit to much?".

Ddraig sweatdropped since he was the one that had told Morgan to give that attack I try since he was curious about it, he just didn't think it would be so powerful {Thank Harry and Ereshkigal that you decide to not boost like I told you to... that could have destroyed the country}.

Morgan giggled "Well daddy did say that it's always a good idea to test things before you decide to use full power and Uncle Harry told me that using bad guys to test new spells and skills is a safe way to know exactly how much damage you can cause, after that it's only a matter of lowering or upping the amount of energy in your attacks".


Everyone was able to hear Morgan since they all had supernatural hearing and they all turned to stare at both Tony and Harry, both of them raised an eyebrow and Harry then spoke "Well we're right, what else are bad guys for?".

Tony nodded in agreement while Pepper huffed "Boys... I swear".

Meanwhile, suddenly a white armored figure shot out of the crater and then stopped as soon as it was at the same height as Morgan, it was Vali in his Balance Breaker but the bulky armor was heavily damaged, Vali then spoke up "Hahaha! yes! This is what I was wai-".

But he was once again cut off when Morgan suddenly created a round shield out of energy and threw it at Vali's face so hard and so fast that he didn't even notice it until it hit him in the face and shattered his helmet.

Morgan disappeared in a blur and reappeared on top of Vali's shoulder with her hands holding his unprotected head "You talk to much mister bully".

With that said Morgan then proceeded to unleash an enormous amount of electricity from her hands electrocuting Vali's head with crimson-red lightning that lashed out aggressively making both Albion and Vali scream in pain.

Morgan then used all her strength and wings to suddenly twirl her body and twist Vali's body with her legs to the side, she then threw him towards the ground at full speed where he crashed down into the crater he had left a few minutes ago.

The smallest Red Dragon Empress then created a bow out of her crimson red energy and then pull on its string creating an energy arrow.


Harry continued to watch on and then chuckled "So far we have seen her mimic the Hulk, Thor, Peter, Tony, Steve, then she threw him to the ground like Natasha would have, along with that shock attack which had Black Widow written all over it too and that bow and arrow are all Clint, she really is copying all of us".

Tony grinned and Pepper giggled "Well, she grew up with heroes so, of course, she was going to imitate all of them especially since they're family to her, so this isn't a surprise at all".

Milim, Fuu, Jessica, and Jean giggled since it made sense, Morgan is and will always be the Avenger's sweetheart, Asia then spoke "But she's not imitating Harry though".

Tony chuckled "Oh she is, everything she says, how she's planning all of those attacks while not giving her enemy any time to breathe and the way she moves is all Harry".

Everyone who personally knew Harry nodded in agreement while Asia softly smiled when she noticed Harry blush and scratch his cheek in embarrassment.


As soon as Vali crashed against the ground he was instantly hit by an energy arrow that completely ignored his armor and impaled him in the shoulder.

Vali grunted in pain and was about to pull it out but then she saw Morgan pull the bow's string back and get ready to fire at him again, so he instead rolled on the ground and jump to his feet to dodge but he still was hit by another arrow on his back causing him to grunt in pain once again.

He tried to move around at high speed but no matter what he did Morgan was still able to hit him with arrow after arrow until he almost looked like a hedgehog.

Morgan was finally tired of using him as a target dummy and then suddenly snapped her fingers causing the arrows to explode and sent him flying out of the blast.

Vali flew through the air for a bit until he hit the ground and rolled aggressively for some time, his momentum finally slowed down as he crashed against a tree where he lay bleeding and severely injured, even Albion was severely hurting since all of Morgan's attacks not only had Dragon and God slaying properties but also caused spiritual damage.

Vali then rolled over on his belly and then used the the tree he crashed against to get up, he stayed on one knee as he began to cough up blood "Albion... what's the damage?...".

Albion grunted and groaned in pain {The armor is completely destroyed, we won't be able to use it for a while, those attacks not only physically damaged it but spiritually too sigh... we also can't use 'Divide' if we were to absorb the energy of those attacks we will die slowly and painfully*.

Vali growled, "To think a small child would hurt me and you this much... I wanted a good fight but this is too much even for me... Albion can we use that?".

Albion stayed silent for a good while and then spoke up {You can use it but I don't think she'll let you, she doesn't seem to be the type to let her enemies waste time... honestly I'm envious of Ddraig... she hasn't even used boost yet...".

Vali frowned but then he coughed up blood "Damn it... she's just playing with us, that little kid isn't taking us seriously!".

Suddenly a voice made Vali look up "Of course I'm not, I've seen my daddy and Uncle Harry fight way stronger bad guys than you and they still won~ Ddraig told me that all of Albion's wielders were strong and scary so I was ready for an epic and cool battle too but this is just sad...".

Morgan shrugged and shook her head, Vali then growled and roared as he began to let out all of his energy, Morgan being cautious jumped back and watched on ready for anything.

Vali began to chant "I, who am about to awaken, I'm the Heavenly Dragon who has taken the principles of supremacy from god, I envy the 'infinite' and I pursue the 'dream', I shall become the White Dragon of Supremacy and I shall take you to the lim- gah!".

Vali flinched upon feeling something hit his chest causing him a sort of strange sensation of pain, shakily he looked down and saw that Harry had his arm inside his chest, he then looked up and stared up into Harry's eyes "You would dare interrupt our long-awaited fight!?... Why?!".

Morgan watched her uncle finish the fight, then went back to her basic form and pouted at her uncle "Uuuncle I had it! mgrrr".

Harry chuckled at how adorable Morgan looked growling at him, like a tiny little dragon growling at a fully grown one "Sorry sweetie but I couldn't let this idiot unleash that here, he might have killed the people in town with his pressure alone and he doesn't seem to be one to care about civilians".

Morgan stopped pouting and nodded in understanding "Oh! Your right, I guess I was having too much fun, okay! Then I'm going to go and play with Hope!".

With that said Morgan ran out and immediately went to hug her parents and play with Hope who smiled at her best friend, Harry smiled watching her being her usual self.

He then turned towards Vali and glared "You sure are an idiot kid... it's too bad, today is the day that this ridiculous rivalry between two Heavenly Dragons ends".

Vali growled but then began to scream in agonizing pain as Harry began to harshly rip out Divided Dividing out of Vali's soul.

Azazel closed his eyes and shook his head {Damn it Vali, I told you that attitude of yours was going to get you killed someday... you foolish boy}.

Harry then pull his arm out while holding a glowing white orb out of Vali's chest, while Vali himself fell to his knees and began to heavily breathe and cough up blood, he then looked up to Harry with wide and shocked eyes "This wa-wasn't the way... it's supposed to go...agh!".

Vali then dropped face first into the ground and Harry then incinerated his body with white holy fire making sure no one can get his body and mess with it "You should have stepped away the first time I told you to do so, maybe you would have lived longer".

Harry shook his head and then turned to look at the orb containing Albion and Divide Dividing "I really should destroy you Albion, I've heard how you like to push your wielders to go into insanity plus that ridiculous rivalry between you and Ddraig has been nothing but a disaster upon this world".

Harry then began to squeeze the white orb causing Albion to actually roar in pain, but then he stopped and close his eyes "Hmph! I'll decide what to do with you later".

Harry then chucked Divide Dividing into his Inventory and then proceeded to fix all the damage caused by Morgan's and Vali's battle, once he was done he walked up to his family and friends.

Morgan saw him walk towards them and she then ran up to him where Harry picked her up in his arms with a big smile on his face, Morgan cheered "Did you see my fight Uncle Harry did I look cool?".

Harry chuckled as he walked up to the group "Yes you were very cool Morgan, I wouldn't want to fight you though, your scary".

Everyone smiled as they watched Morgan giggle and then pat Harry's head "Don't worry uncle! I would never fight you, I'm on your side!".

Harry grinned and nodded "Boy, does that make me feel very safe! thank you, Morgan, you're the best!".

Tony and Pepper smiled as they watched their daughter tame the scary and super-powerful Dragon God all over again, their daughter was a very scary little girl that's for sure.

The Gremory, Sirzechs, Grayfia, Rias, and her Peerage were speechless as they watch the same little girl that just beat the White Dragon Emperor happily hug and giggle at Harry.

Azazel just shook his head and even though he wanted to ask about Morgan's Boosted Gear he knew that no one would answer his questions even less let him approach her, so he opted to quietly leave for now.

He still had to prepare for the peace talks and even though he was hurting because of Vali's death deep down in his heart he already knew that this was bound to happen at some point.

Vali was just too arrogant and battle-hungry, he had told him plenty of time to reign in his attitude but in the end, he wasn't able to help him and his decisions finally brought him to the worst possible individual to piss off.

He was still somewhat shocked that in the end, it was a very small child and the new Red Dragon Empress who ultimately beat him and led to his death.

So for now he will mourn and prepare for the peace talks maybe if he succeeds he will be able to prevent more kids from ever dying.


After that whole ordeal, the Open House finally began and Harry and the entire Potter clan had gone to support Asia during class.

Harry couldn't help but chuckle at how the students and parents looked so shocked upon seeing a big group of people gushing and cheering for Asia.

Asia herself was blushing crimson red in embarrassment because this is the first time she has ever experienced this, everyone was being too loud but she also had a big smile on her face telling everyone that she was really happy to have all of her family there for her.

Harry, however, also made time to visit all his devil students to show he was also there for them, they all smiled and waved at him when they saw him with the parents watching them study.

He even visited Koneko along with Yoruichi who also wanted to be there for her student who didn't have anyone to go for her during events like these.

Koneko was a little shocked to see Harry there for her but she then smiled, she had seen how much Harry cared about his students and it seemed that she was on that list as well, she couldn't help but smile in happiness.

After the whole event and day was over everyone got ready to go home, however, the Potter clan and friends decided to get together at the Potter household and have a little party celebrating the kids and Morgan's first battle.

Sona asked Harry if she could bring Rias and her peerage with her and after thinking about it for a while Harry decided to let Sona invite her.

Rias was surprised but excited about finally being allowed into Harry's home, unfortunately, Kiba and Akeno wanted nothing to do with this and quietly went home.

Venelana and Zeoticus Gremory went home as well after saying goodbye to everyone, Sirzechs actually asked Harry if he could come to the party but Harry actually laughed and told him to go fuck himself.

After that Grayfia took the severally depressed Sirzechs home and everyone else went to the Potter's household to celebrate and have a great dinner.

It was complete and utter chaos, pranks were made, games were played and magically shenanigans were the norm tonight but overall everyone had a great night.


The next day the peace talks would finally begin and after waking up and healing anyone hurt, curing hangovers and magical pranks plus fixing the house everyone that was involved in the peace talks left to go to Kuoh academy.

Yasaka and Harry would be mediating the proceedings to make sure everyone behaved, Serafall and Sirzechs along with Grayfia had decided to represent the Devil Faction while Michael represented the church and Heaven Faction.

Azazel was representing the Grigori alone as well since the one who was supposed to be there with him had gotten himself killed yesterday.

Gabriel would also be there but her role in all of this, is as a witness to what had happened when Kokabiel was killed along with an army of fallen angels and mages, Gabriel no longer wanted anything to do with both Heaven and the Church instead she had decided to create a new occupational branch for Neo Kyoto.

This new branch is now being called Little Heaven and its main purpose is to teach the healing arts and create a new race of angels.

These new angels will not be shackled to any system allowing them to be able to help anyone or anything that seeks healing, however, this branch will also specialize in battle creating the first Angel Battle Healers of New Kyoto.

Tsunade's teaching and philosophy on what role a medic should play on the battlefield made way to this new type of kind but fearsome angels.

Sona her peerage along with Rias and her peerage would be watching the proceedings from the Occult Research Club building since they have nothing to do with what was happening.


Once everyone arrived they quickly took their seats upon entering the prepared room for this one occasion, almost everyone present was tense and quite nervous.

But if you were to look at their faces you wouldn't notice that at all, Serafall, Gabriel, Yasaka, and Harry, however, were cool as cucumbers and were softly speaking amongst themselves until Yasaka suddenly open a small fan and spoke up "Alright, I declared these peace talks between the three Judeo-Christian factions to begin!".

Harry closed his eyes, he really wasn't interested in all of this but he knew that it was important to Serafall right now, so he decided to quietly listen to everything for now.

Gabriel then began to speak about what had happened during Kokabiel's failed attempt to restart the Great War, when Gabriel got to the part in which Harry snapped and brought the entire supernatural world to its knees, Michael looked down feeling ashamed since it was his faction who caused such travesty to happen to those children.

Azazel frowned, he knew Kokabiel was unhappy with his decision to retreat from the war after God had died but he was tired of watching his sisters and brothers kill each other.

It was something that Kokabiel never understood, what's the point of victory if almost all of them would have died if they had continued with that horrendous war?

Then Gabriel revealed what Harry had done for the children who have lost their lives, Michael smiled and nodded at Harry in thanks for giving those poor children a second chance.

Sirzechs was curious about how he could have done that since the children had been dead for a long time and so he asked, Harry opened his eyes and answered his question "I sacrifice both Kokabiel's and Valper's souls in exchange for the complete souls of the children, luckily Death accepted the sacrifice and I was able to fully restore the body and souls of the children along with was taken from them by Valper".

Michael, Azazel, Grayfia, and Sirzechs stared in shock at Harry who shrugged and continued to explain "I'm the Master of Death but even I have some limits of who I can and can't bring back to life, unfortunately, the children's souls were horribly mangled not only because of what Valper did but the way they died left what was left shattered so I couldn't bring them back to life with any of the spells or techniques I had".

Everyone frowned listening to what those children went through was hard enough but to hear about the damage made to their souls was something else, something very sad and disturbing, Harry continued on "because I couldn't bring them back like that I decided to sacrifice those two souls to Death itself, the end result was me able to restore those poor souls and bringing them back to life while Kokabiel's and Valper's souls we're consumed by the void, ceasing to exist".

Harry once again closed his eyes signaling that he was done speaking and Gabriel continued on by explaining that the children were moved to Kyoto and that their memories were altered so they never remember what they went through in hopes that they can live a peaceful life from now on under the care of Harry who's paying for their education and needs.

Everyone smiled at Harry who just ignored them, Yasaka, Serafall, and Gabriel giggled watching Harry act like that.

Azazel then took a chance to speak since Gabriel seemed to have finished with her report "Thank you sister, how about it guys? Shall we agree to peace?".

Michael and Sirzechs looked at each other, while Serafall grunted "You sure are shameless Azazel, you speak about peace when it's your faction who has been causing the most problems out of the other two, honestly it's only because Japan and the Yokai faction got tired of their actions that the fallen angels have been somewhat behaving, otherwise they would be running around all over the place still thinking they can do whatever they want".

Michael and Sirzechs nodded in agreement while Azazel sighed "Come on, I sent Vali to take Kokabiel back to the Grigori he just arrived too late plus my faction members have been killed left and right".

Everyone frowned but it was Harry who spoke "This is exactly why I dislike you Azazel".

Harry then once again opened his eyes and stared into Azazel's eyes "You never take responsibility for the actions of your faction, as a leader, it's your job to control them but you seem more than happy to just let them do what they want and when something bad happens you just push it aside, it's your job to stop things from happening before they happen, Kokabiel should have been stopped before he even left Grigori to steal the Excalibur swords, not after he already had three and had already trespassed into Japan and Yokai Faction territory!".

Azazel just stared back into Harry's eyes "Look I'm sorry but I can't control them all, it's impossible for a race like ours to all behave".

Harry then closed his eyes again and shrugged "Then don't complain and whine about how many of your people get sent back to you in pieces".

Azazel just rubbed his eyes "Sigh... I know I haven't been the best leader but we are trying the best we can, no one here wants war right, especially with everything going on with your factions right?".

Both Sirzechs and Michael nodded, in all honesty not worrying about if they would get attacked while they were dealing with their own factions' problems would be a boon, Azazel smiled "Then let's sign a peace treaty! That way we can all work together and not make the mistakes of the past".

Sirzechs then spoke up again "Wait for a second Azazel I still have a question for you why exactly are you collecting so many Sacred Gear users, at first I thought you were preparing for war, but you never did anything... it did leave us very nervous".

Michael nodded "That's right, in Heaven we were certainly nervous about the Grigori having so many of our father's gifts under their command but you just seemed content with studying them".

Azazel sighed "I was just trying to research Sacred Gears, I might not have the best opinion on the old man but even I can admit his work is an art if you want I can hand copies of my research to both the Devil and Heaven Factions".

Both Sirzechs and Michael thought about it for a while but then they nodded, Azazel then continued on "Plus we have also been investigating this new terrorist group that has emerged and has been doing some very suspicious things lately, I have my suspicions about who's the leader but I have no proof yet, the most concerning thing about all of this is that group seems to have members of all factions, who knows what they're planning".

Both factions leaders frowned but Yasaka then snapped her little fan open and covered her mouth with it "Fufufu the Infinite Dragon God Ophis was the leader of the Khaos brigade but since she chose Harry as her mate she has abandoned them, we the Yokai faction have also have been hunting them down for sometime and had slowly taken their numbers down, the Hero faction was devastated by Kyoto's elite squad while some Ultimate class devils were taken down by Harry during the time we helped our allies in the Vampire faction, you don't have to worry about them, we will take care of them, they did dare to attack Kyoto so openly and we still haven't forgotten or forgave them".

Azazel, Michael, and Sirzechs gaped at the information Yasaka just drop on them and stared at her in disbelief, suddenly Harry's phone began to ring and he answered it not caring about where he was "Hello? Oh Sona! What's going?".

Turns out it was Sona who had called Harry which was strange because she wasn't the kind of girl to do this sort of thing in the middle of an important event like this "Oh sensei just letting you know that a bunch of mages broke into the Occult Research Club building and my peerage and I along with Rias and hers dealt with them, they mentioned something about using Gasper to attack you guys".

Harry chuckled while everyone else frown in concern since they were able to hear Sona "Too bad for them that Gasper lives in Kyoto now, anyways more than likely there are even more intruders outside, you're allowed to go all out, and deal with them, Sona".

Sona then took a moment to tell her peerage Harry's orders and then continued to speak with Harry "Order acknowledged sensei!".

Sona then hung up and Harry's left eye twitch in annoyance causing Serafall, Gabriel, and Yasaka to giggle "I swear those kids are calling me that just to piss me off.."

Yasaka grabbed Harry's hand "Fufufu they just respect you a lot Harry, remember when Kunou used to run around while calling sensei all the time?".

Harry huffed but nodded and then stood while still holding Yasaka's hand, he then snapped his fingers with his unoccupied hand and raised a barrier trapping all the intruders inside, he then waved his hands and a big opening was then made on one of the walls of the room revealing a female devil who froze upon being discovered and put on the spot.

Serafall then stood up as she recognized the female devil "Katerea? Sigh... it just had to be you".

Serafall shook her head while Harry grinned "Well speak of the devil and she shall appear, what does the Khaos Brigade want in Yokai faction territory?".

Katerea Leviathan began to sweat not expecting Harry Potter to be present here, she now knew that mistakes have been made and so had only one thing to say about all of this "Shit...".

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