A strange knock disturbed the pair's sleep. The only person who came to her door was the principal. This annoying noise stopped after a few minutes.
'Yeah… If I opened the door with my womb full of a student's sperm. That old spinster would beat me to a pulp!' (Violet)
Her body stirred as she woke up. Violetta felt like her entire body was reborn as she stretched out. She could feel a large object inside her body.
'Naughty boy! Slept with his club inside his sister's private garden!'
His meat club still embedded inside her warm, snug tunnel. Violetta climbed over his body as he shifted inside her. The sensation caused her to breathe out in pleasure as his glans rubbed against her sensitive area. She pressed against his chest with her left arm.
"Eh?" (Violet)
Creation is hard, cheer me up!