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43.26% A Saiyan Owl / Chapter 45: Chap 45- Pizzaaa~

Chương 45: Chap 45- Pizzaaa~

Chap 45- Pizzaaa~

( A/N: A lot of Kro and Mumei dialogue in this chap, I find it entertaining and cute how they interact lol.

But it's just the calmness before the storm. :D )


{Pov Mumei; Wastelands}

Time flies huh....

Patting Gohan's head, I use my free hand on my knee as support to get up.

"Uuuuhhh!!*stretches arms up* But that's about it, you guys don't need to worry about it, now we need to move forward, but before we do so..."

Waiting for those who were crying to finish cleaning their eyes I take out another coke can out of my 'Magic pocket'.



"... And what is it Mumei?... Still.... Having come from such a situation and still taking it so easy... you're a strong girl....*nods*"- Bulma is the first to get out of her crying fit....

But now that I know my real age.... doesn't that make us the same age?....

I am twenty forever....fuck it....

[{ Denialism is the first step you know? }]

"*Tsk* Don't worry Bulma I am okay, the truck already hit me, and I hit it back too. But anyway, the thing is.... did anyone mention the Dragon Balls when the Saiyans were around?"

Taking a serious take at the situation I close my face in a small frown, if they did indeed mention it we'll need to get to Namek in the next Month asap.....

And what you know it... all of them that were fighting Vegeta before Goku arrived look at Yamcha who's whistling and looking at the sky....

"Should have anticipated that...*sigh*, Bulma we'll need that spaceship I told you about, and it needs to be done as soon as possible."- Drinking all my can in one go at the end of it, I see confusion growing in their eyes.

"But didn't you guys already beaten those bad alien men? What's now? Aren't we fine?"- Oh if we were I would have stayed at Kro's place and watched Naruto or something.

[{ Tempting. }]

Heh.-" *Yeets can of coke in the distance* No. Remember the Scouters they had? So the shithead that was behind my planet's destruction probably heard it too, well assuming Vegeta was still wearing it, otherwise, we just need to worry about one midget and not two."

Yamcha's eyes wide.... fuck.... *sigh* We're going on a trip it seems.

Taking some steps forward, the wolf man gets in the middle of the group and bows down on a gyoza position.-" I AM VERY SORRY!!"

Well.... it was inevitable for me to go there... might as well go with an objective....

[{ So will you finally stop your nonsense about not wanting to get stronger? }]

Wow.... Calling my plans nonsensical... My own girlfriend doesn't trust me, what a world.*cries*


Letting her all worked up, a sassy smile grows on my lips.-" Don't get too worked up Yamcha, but since this is the case,*turns to the scientist* Bulma how many do you think can go in the ship you will make?"

Getting a thinking face she gets out a small notebook and starts to write down some strange numbers and equations... what scares me the most is that I know some of them....

[{ Seems like my teachings had some extra enjoyable effects~.}]

Knowing doesn't mean that I understand what their use is y'know? And holly Sora you changed mood fast.


Hearing the sound of a pen being clicked I look back toward Bulma.

"Five, counting me in six, but in one way or another I will need to go, you guys need someone who knows how to drive it and can also fix anything if needed.*nods*"

Hiding her notebook and pen in her pocket once she ended her explanation, and hearing that makes me kinda happy.

" So five.... Goku and me, Piccolo without a doubt since it's his home planet.... annnd..."

Turning my head to the others I see a lot of thoughtful faces and can understand why they are reconsidering the challenge after what they faced here today.

" I AM IN!!! The earthling woman explained to me what you're planning Mumei,*grins* count me in!"-Well not all of them it seems...

One more seat for the ride, and the choice is kinda oblivious, in this ride He will get to experience new things and even grow to extreme heights.

Looking directly at the boy, he flinches a bit.-' Come on.... I will not force you, but it's your choice.'

Knowing what roles he's playing in this world, this is an essential part of his life, and as his aunt and teacher, I obliviously want him to grow.

At this point*smile* would love to see him proving to be able to grow stronger than me, that would be a pleasant surprise, but that's something only time will tell.

Shaking a bit he takes a step closer to Goku and looks at me with a resolute fierce look on his face.-" AUNTIE!! I WILL GO TOO!!"

That's mah boi!!

[{ *Sigh* *sip* You're going to turn that brat into a menace...}]

And you are going to turn into the coffee itself at some point, and don't be like that to the boy, you're his aunt too forgot it?

[{ *SPITS!!!*..... I... But..... Since you consider him that way....*sighs* My loss.....}]

Got ya! Ahaha.

"So we are going to stay around and train more, with all of you five going I don't think we would help that much..."- The cyclops nods his head and gives a glimpse towards me before turning back and starting to fly away followed by his dwarf friend...


Guess I am his new motivation now.... Cool.

"*Cough* I am with Tien in this one... sorry for saying something I shouldn't back there ehehe.*scratches hair*, I will go now, have a game to play tomorrow, cya!"


Following suit the Wolf one flies away too... I know that they were never those of many words, but I guess that's how it's going down now that one danger after the other will be appearing.

Feeling kinda sad because the next time we see each other the only way for them to keep up would be to ask for...wait..... that's it! Ask for a human potential unlocking wish from any dragon!

[{ But the 'every human' portion would give tremendous potential ... even to the bad ones, Muun...}]

Ugh!!!..... Soo... how about asking to unlock all Z-Warrior's potential?... That would benefit us too! Possibly even making the ground for me to grow stronger going forward! Because after Namek, I can feel that it will be pretty hellish to go further...

[{ Yep, to Increase your power at such a high rate will be impossible, the strongest you are, the harder it is to go further.}]

" Uhh.... Since Mumei stopped responding, I guess we're done, right guys? If so, Raditz, pass by my home later, your scouter is ready, it doesn't go as high as mine since it's a prototype, but it still can count to three times what it could before!"

While I was brainstorming ideas Bulma walked out in her vehicle direction leaving us in this land filled with craters everywhere.

"Bird, what are you going to do now? Seeing you be beaten like that, must have been a new experience for even you after gaining such high power, and still getting handled for a minute like that. *grins*"

"Uh? Ahh... Ye, ye...*smiles widely* Oh boi it was! You guys can go back first then, I will go eat something and later go there too, it seems, *stretches neck* It's time to get things going."


Grinning even wider the Namekian jumps up followed by the others.

"Cya later Mumei! Let's fight later, now I am sure I can beat you!!"


Like hell you could Goku.... I got even stronger now..... well.... you too.... fuck we're both Saiyans....

" Then I shall take your word bird, don't disappoint me."


" Will not, now things are going to get rough even for me... the real fun I may say."

Stopping in his way Gohan gave me a worried look before sighing.-" See you later auntmei! And please don't create trouble for others!"



[{ You were just reprimanded by a child... can we get-}]



Ughhh... She probably has fallen down laughing.... can't believe Gohan of all people said that to me....

Did I raise him wrong?

[{ Ahah..... Ah.... *shuffling* You didn't even raise him Muun... just sometimes helped, and he was right, you better behave~ }]

Hearing the sounds of what probably is Kro getting up from the ground and fixing her chair, seeing there was nothing more for me around here, I bend my knees.


And push my body up with a high jump, taking the initial inertia to fly forward.


'Now I think I will get some Pizza...'

[{ Ahh... Muun.... I didn't want to ruin your fun... but what about the humans that died on Central City?}]

Hmm? Ah them, It's unfortunate that they died, but Kami is probably just waiting for the year to be counted by to resurrect them like it's been only eleven months since Raditz arrived after all.

[{ Ohhh... yeah, overlooked that part, counting time is kinda confusing in here at times.}]

..... An unintended joke or?

[{ Half one. }]

.... Hmm, not bad, now Kro, GPS function, please.

[{ At this point I just gave up, continue forward, there should be one in the west city, there was a commercial we watched back at Goku's house about it, I can track down its overall location I think, turn slightly to the right.}]

"Pizza Mozzarella ~ Pizza Mozzarella ~ Rella rella..."

And that's how I flew annoying the fuck out of my GPS.

Will it probably get me punished later on? One hundred percent, was it worth it? Completely.







{ Pov Mumei; ELEVEN HOURS LATER; West City; Mucha-Much Pizzeria; 02:31 a.m}

" Okay, one extra large cheese and mozzarella pizza with pepperoni topping, anything more miss?"- Ughhh..... Kro.... I am buying an actual GPS later...

[{*Sip* Ahhh.... Hmm...}]

We have been searching for this place for the last eleven hours with me flying in Owl form.... think I am kidding? No.

Kro started saying that she would find it, and accept it as a challenge.... and for ten hours we roamed around trying to find something.... until I got enough of her and dropped by a police station in my normal state to ask for the place....

It was on the same street as Capsule Corporation's main lab..... My will to just scream right now is very high..... almost peaking I may say...

Forcing a cool smile I stretch my hand and pick up the plastic bag with my pizza.-" Uh... five hundred Zeni right?"

Nodding her head the employee keeps her working smile.-" Yes miss....and may I add in a cup of coffee too?... You seem to be having.... a not-so-pleasant day..."

Oh, I was having a great day!! Having been able to have one of the best adrenaline shots in a while and even learn more about myself.

But Kro had to be so prideful that she didn't want to say she didn't know the exact place... right?????

[{ Ughh.... sorry...}]

And earlier you were saying stuff about me *sigh*-" *Waves have* No don't worry, I am okay, and here, keep the change."

Don't need caffeine.... hearing the one in the other dimension drinking it for the last eleven hours has made me already full of it.


Putting the plastic bag on one of the pizzeria tables, I open it up and take off a slice and close it back up and go walking for the door.

"Uuh... Miss this is three thousand... you're sure?"- Hearing a very surprised voice behind me, I turn around for a second.

"*Grin* Yah, keep it."



Walking out of the place I hear a loud shout from her, I smile at it and rest my hand with the bag behind my shoulder in a lazy way, I am tired.

And when I get to experience my piece of heavenly Pizza!


A rainbow-colored glow that strangely resembles stars hits the left side of my face, I thought it was nothing... Until my feathers twitched and started pointing at it... Whatever it is, it's staring at me....

"*TSK!* HEY!! WHAT THE FUCK YOU LOO-"- Not being able to end my sentence my eyes widen as the glow brightens even further when I look directly at it.

A petite small girl in an innocent white dress, her hair is white but also having rainbow colors flowing through it everywhere around it, the ends of her hair had also these triangles shapes with the same color flowing through them.

And above her head, another one of those same triangles but much bigger glowing also in rainbow colors, but the brightest one being a cyan blue glow.

She was floating wearing what looked to be a neon rainbow transparent cloak and together with its already bright glow there were stars of various colors appearing and disappearing.

Not forgetting that somehow her presence was distorting everything around her silhouette, and said girl had her red eyes with green details nailed in my direction.

After a second of silence, I noticed how blurry the world was... it was like... time stopped, cars weren't moving, and the automatic door behind me was still in the middle of closing it.

And the girl that attended to me was also in a waving motion with a happy smile, but completely frozen.

The little rainbow girl smiled, and with one strange robotic arm hiding behind her back she waved to me with her normal one...


And all this happened so fast that in the next instant that I tried to open my mouth.


"Uhh?!?"- Everything got back to normal...

Looking around the girl was nowhere to be seen, and time got back to how it usually was...

[{ So that's her.... She's different in here...}]

Kro.... that was.... Alpha, wasn't it? The design matches a lot..... But the last time I saw her she was one of the tallest ones in Hololive wasn't she?

But now things are getting confusing... Seems like there isn't just me and you.... who more is in here?

[{ Muun, I think it was her that brought you together, and as for the second question... at this point, you should anticipate any of the others to just pop up like that... }]

"That.... is a scary thought, if someone like Bae shows up I am basically dead, well, I just survived an encounter with the one who is essentially Zeno in asteroids ahaha.... wait a minute.....Fuck..."

[{There are high odds that Alpha has taken his place in this universe, or it could be that he never even existed in here, to begin with in here, your planet didn't exist just like your whole race, so it's a possibility. }]

" It was probably her plan.... And now I am being watched it seems... or was I always being so? *Sigh* Best I can do is ignore it, just like humans do about the whole possibility of a black hole destroying them at any second or some crap like that..."

[{... Really needed to say that? And your Pizza is getting cold.}]

Oh shi- *MUNCH!*

"God Bless Cheeeese!!!!!"

[{ *Whispering* And there she goes just forgetting about the one who has a high chance of being the one behind her coming here....*sigh* Guess we can't do anything as of right now with how we are...}]

" I HEARD THAT!!*MUNCH!* Just ignore it, it's just OA-chan (Omega alpha), if she wanted me dead or something, I would probably have been turned into something beyond space dust by this point, the faster you accept reality the faster you can move on!*Munch!*"

[{ Lately, you have been having quite the interesting good quotes, what's up with that Muun?}]

Seeing my slice of Pizza has ended, I start walking on the sidewalk trying to find a random alleyway for the to take off in Owl form.


Why don't I transform right now? Boooring, seeing a girl entering an alley just to see an Owl flying out is way cooler.

"Motivation Kro, it's the key secret for such things! Ahahah!"

Hearing a groan coming from my blue head's screen, I laugh even louder as I walk inside a desert alley I found to transform and fly to Goku's house.

*Multiple Steps*

"HEY GUYS! Found a cute one here! She eve- UUHH?!?!?!*THUD*"

Turning on my Owl side for a second, I put the long-haired blonde playboy dude with some black biker clothes that just entered the alleyway I am in, to go take a nap, that is a good nap with a mouthful of foam going out of his mouth, a very good image for someone like him, I say.

Hearing more voices shouting and heavy steps coming from the side he came from I just shake my head.

"Like I have time to deal with this bullshit.*PUFF*"










{ 8 hours later; Mount Paozu; 11:16 a.m }


Mount Paozu was experiencing tremendous strong winds that were making the trees tremble almost falling down completely but being unable to do so because of their roots that strongly hold them in the ground.

The screams of a man could be heard in the distance as a red aura for a second was shot tall enough to be seen all over the mountain range.

Stopping it, all life around the mount could finally have a breath of relief as silence prospered with just a calm breeze following.

And on an open field quite far away from the Saiyan house, there were three individuals very well-known to us already.

"Wow! So that's the Kaioken, it's incredible Kakarot! Your power shot up over five... no! Six times!"- Smiling and looking at his brother with both his hands by his hips, Raditz was happy his brother was climbing to such heights.

Putting an even higher ceiling to what a Saiyan is truly capable of!

"That is indeed Son, but I can't help but notice you're starting to sweet and quite a bit, is that one of the backfires of the technique?"

Analyzing the red glow closer, Piccolo was pretty impressed by such a high-level technique, but he also noticed immediately that after Goku started to up the levels of it, his body was also under even higher pressure.

"Ehehe, yeah Piccolo, the higher the level I go the more unstable and harder will it be to handle the Kaioken, like the situation earlier today, I was forced to go beyond what I was capable, and in the process of doing so, I broke a lot of bones and muscles around my body, that's the price for wanting a higher power than you can handle."


Breathing out, Goku got back to his normal state, and his eye twitched for a second, and he turned his head to the direction he felt a Ki signature and a wide smirk grew on his face.

" Dad! Can you teach us that!"- Gohan finally getting out of his awe at how incredible the technique was, wanted to know himself how to execute it.

"Hm?*turns to Gohan* Ow, Gohan! I just learned it myself, but when I get a higher handling of it maybe I could teach you guys, but still, Mister Kaioh would be the best one to do that I think."

Putting a hand beneath his chin, Goku thought about if it was even possible for some of them to go there, since Kami did say you need to be fully pure of heart or King Yemma might not fully approve of the said person going in.




"*Smile* Heya! Missed me!*yawn*"- A very lazy Mumei with small dark circles around her eyes has appeared!

Looking at the clothes the girl was using Piccolo raised an eyebrow." What happened to the rest? Didn't you have a lot of them? Or did you really destroy all the ones I made you?"

Staring at Muun while the girl just waved her hand away.-" Nooooop.... Since we'll be training, might as well use this shirt, it's already pretty beaten up, and I stopped by a laundry earlier before coming here, so it's clean."

Making the okay signal with her hand she yawned once more, Mumei was going to come to Goku's house earlier today, but when she looked at the time she gave up and just slept on one of the tall edifices until an hour ago.

Then she took a bath in a bathhouse and cleaned her clothes in the laundry.

And that was her day before coming here.

" Uhh... Aunt, would you like some tea before we start? You seem tired..."- Being the kind boy he is, he offers his aunt a drink.

Seeing no bad in it, and also needed something to eat since her energy was low.-" Yea... Need something to eat too... My batteries are empty..."

Talking random things with the boy, the two go walking to Goku's house with Mumei almost tripping with how tired she was.

" Even after fighting Vegeta she didn't end up like that... what could have happened?"- Being taken back that something could leave the one who he looks up to in that way, Raditz just stares with a confused look at the girl going away.

" She must have slept in a weird position, sometimes happens to me too..."- His brother sees it in another light.

" Heh, let her be, later she will join us it seems, now. Let's start shall we?*grins*"

Getting in his stance, Piccolo starts to prepare for another daily session, but this time they're going to have two extra guests.

Seeing that it was better to start as well, both brothers nodded and got in their respective stances.

All of them were moving their eyes right and left, from one opponent to the other.

* * * USH! * * *

And smiling widely all three rush forward meeting in the middle of their respective positions with excited faces.












[{ Ugh.. *shuffling*.... What time is it?}]

ReyKale ReyKale

Muun finally got to the part she wanted, what will happen next? See on the next episode of Owl Ball Z....pfft~ye

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