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92.45% The rise of the Arc knight(RWBY fanfic) / Chapter 47: Blood drenched sands part 3

Chương 47: Blood drenched sands part 3

|Neo's P.O.V.|

In a real fight, you're always just one mistake away from death, always balancing on a tight rope when trying to achieve victory.

It doesn't matter how much more skilled you are, how much of an advantage you've accumulated or even difference between having aura while your opponent doesn't.

Even if you'd spent practically the entire fight completely suppressing the opponent without breaking a sweat, playing them around like they were toys.

All it takes is one bad mistake for it all to mean nothing.

That's an idea that I wasn't a stranger to, surviving alone on the streets had me constantly putting my life at stake while fighting with others for the little that was available.

But maybe it was all the warmth I've experienced in the few years I've been in the Arc family or the power I've attained with aura and training simply blinded me.

But it took me once again experiencing such a situation to remember such a basic concept.

And it could've been avoided, if only I wasn't so careless.

Turning around to look towards where the sound came from, I was greeted with the bandit that I previously though was dead on the ground holding a shotgun and mere millisecond from shooting with it.

At that moment, the world around me seemed to slow down and my mind raced, trying to find the answers to several questions that were swirling around it.

First of those was: 'How did the bandit I've stabbed minutes ago survive for so long despite how much he should've bled?'

Even if the abdomen isn't necessarily a fatal spot, I've made sure to hit a place where some major arteries were in order to ensure he would quickly bleed out.

But before I could develop that line of thought any further, I realized where I had made a mistake.

By leaving the object he was stabbed with inside him instead of taking it out. I've slowed his bleeding since the umbrella was effectively blocking the same vessels I've ruptured.

So in the end, it was my actions that allowed him to survive until now.

But this was all happening on the back of my mind since there was a question that was much more important to be answered.

'How do I deal with this situation?'

Despite not being hit even once during the fight, my aura was at less than 50% just from all the times I used my semblance before and during it.

So receiving a buckshot at point blank range, though it wouldn't pierce my skin thanks to aura, just the energy within it being transferred to my body would be enough to wound me, if not directly knock me out. And it doesn't need to be said what would happen afterwards if I was rendered defenseless amidst a group of bandits that might arrive.

So in order to avoid this, my mind worked overtime trying to find a solution to this predicament.


The thing about shotguns is that their pellets tend to spread over an area, so I might minimize the damage by trying to get out of the way, but it would be impossible to get away in time.

'Blocking with the umbrella?'

It takes a few moments to reinforce the umbrella with aura and turn it bulletproof, so I would get shot before I had the chance to implement it.


I could create an illusion, but it would be completely useless since the bandit is already committed to shooting and unless I could move out of the way, the illusion would be shattered and I'd still be hit.

'Aura techniques?'

I'm nowhere as proficient with them as Jaune, so I would need some time to utilize them, so much like with reinforcement of the umbrella, I simply didn't have the time to do it.

So seeing no better option, I've decided that since I couldn't avoid it, then I could at least minimize the damage.

Since the spread of the pellets is in a conical shape from the barrel of the gun, moving backwards would increase the area she can be hit, so to make sure I'm hit with the least possible projectiles, I decided to move in the direction of the enemy in a diagonal angle, that way the area where the pellets would be smaller and easier to avoid.

As I've made the resolve to to do that, my perception of time returned to normal and as I took the first step...


The sound of something quickly cutting through the air became louder in an instant, indicating that something was approaching really fast.


And the place it landed was not far from me, whatever it was, it fell with enough force to make a loud noise and kick up a lot of sand.

But I then remembered that I was still in a very dangerous situation, so turning back towards the dying man, the scene was quite different from a few moments ago.

The man was ever 'deader' than before, with the main difference being that there was now a sword embedded into his torso, rendering his previous effort to deliver retribution useless.

The situation was by all means solved, but seeing the sword has left me even more distressed.

A regal golden crossguard and a gleaming blade without any rust or chipping that looks like was forged recently despite how ancient it really is.

Crocea Mors, the Arc's relic...

And shortly following, calm and measured footsteps approaching her in a pace all too familiar.

But I resisted the urge to turn and face the person and instead just stood there with my head hung low.

I am simply too ashamed to face this person, she didn't want him to witness such a scene as soon as they met again.

But regardless of her thoughts, the figure calmly approached the now dead person and pulled the sword out.

"Look at me." The tone of voice was very soft and casual, but it carried an unquestionable commanding meaning underneath that forced me to raise my head.

And there he was, golden hair, deep blue eyes, wearing a black martial arts tunic beneath a duster coat with a high collar that covered the lower part of his face. He was cleaning the blood from his sword with a very serene expression on his eyes.

No words were needed to express his current thoughts, his look was all I needed to know that he's feeling nothing but concern for my well being.

But despite that, I'm still uncomfortable with being rescued by him before I even started to pay back everything he's already done for me.

It's as if I didn't really move on from the time I was first rescued by him, still weak and helpless despite how much I've changed over the years.

But it seemed that he saw right through my current thoughts me as he addressed my current thoughts.

"Everyone makes mistakes, even me. And that's not necessarily a bad thing as long as you learn and grow from them. But that doesn't mean you should tolerate it, especially on a real fight, you should deliver nothing less than perfection."

He says in a neutral tone, just repeating something he's already said to me before. But now I got to feel it very clearly unlike just the verbal lessons of before.

"I can see that you're feeling disappointed, ashamed and angry at yourself, and I won't take this from you. These feelings are necessary for you to improve, so I'll allow you to be the judge of your own performance." He continues speaking without expressing admonishment or consolation, but he already knows how I'm currently feelings, so neither are necessary.

But suddenly his tone softens, and despite not being able to see his lower face. I can feel that he's now smiling.

"But know that despite that, I'm not disappointed in you. In fact, I'm quite glad to have you covering my back. The bandits you've intercepted have made my part a breeze."

"You're very dependable Neo."

So without hesitation, he throws a sucker punch that hits me straight on the heart.

'lt isn't fair! This... This... Urgh.'

And there it goes, my feelings are all mess now. What I'm even supposed to feel in this situation?

Disappointment? Embarrassment? Shame? Happiness? Anger? Elation?

Though he clearly didn't mean much by it, just the praise of a teacher or a compliment from a fellow warrior, but my head just can't help find deeper meaning on his words.

And looking at his figure, I couldn't help but reminisce their first meeting. Though that time wasn't something I miss, I just can't help but compare their figures.

Calm, composed, confident, very kind and most of all, possessing such strength as to make me feel absolutely safe when near him.

Even though his appearance throwing curses and threatening drunkards with a broken bottle while pretending to be crazy back them didn't fit a knight in shining armor, despite what his family history would suggest.

As a dirty and malnourished street rat that barely resembled a human, I must admit that I wasn't much of a princess either, so maybe we fit each other in that aspect.

But that can't continue like this, I won't just remain being a recipient for his kindness, I have to repay him.

Be useful for him.

Because he's my savior, my everything.

So I must be more devoted to him, be the person he can rely on the most. So that I'm never thrown away again.

And no one can separate us. Unless he himself does so first.

Even that damned fiancee.

If she tries...

I might just...


|Jaune's P.O.V.|

Leaving Neo to her own thoughts, I sent an aura sonar to get a better idea of how many enemies there were left.

"It seems that their numbers have startled to dwindle, the groups that's approaching should be the last." I inform her, while turning towards the direction I sensed the enemies approaching from.

And in her benefit, she shook off the gloom quite fast and regained her focus.

"How's your aura?"

At my question, she raizes two fingers straight and one curled signaling that it's between 25% and 30%, which is at the edge of the danger zone.

"How did you manage to burn through all of it?" I ask feeling genuinely shocked at how fast she burned through her aura despite not having a single scratch or bruise on herself, meaning that it was all used on the offence.

Hearing this, she rolls her eyes and uses sign language to convey:

{Not everyone has a near inexhaustible supply of aura at their disposal}

Seeing this I can only sigh, her semblance is very powerful be for combat, infiltration and information gathering, but she's held back by her developing physique which forces her to use Aura techniques to make up the difference and her lack of control over Aura, which causes her to waste too much of it while performing Aura techniques.

"Give me your hand."

At my request, she extends her arm towards me without asking questions.

Taking a hold of it, I start to channel my Aura into activating my semblance, targeting the Aura within her to amplify it.

And as this happens, her reserves start to rise, she has no wounds on her body to be healed but her Aura starts to relieve her physical fatigue at a much faster rate and of course, if she uses her semblance while her Aura is amplified, it's effect will also be enhanced.

"But I strongly advise you to not grow accustomed to having my semblance at hand for when you're lacking Aura, it's better for you to become a bit more mindful since I may not always be nearby."

Hearing my comment she doesn't seem to react and just continues to stand there absentmindedly.

Despite her aura being just a fraction of mine and therefore not being a big deal to amplify it, I'd rather not have her become to dependant on it, therefore fighting more recklessly.

And besides, it's not very pleasant to be treated like a mobile Aura dispenser.

It's curious how rarily I use my semblance for it's 'intended' purpose of aiding others. Especially considering that I have discovered that I can amplify the 'destruction aspect' in other people's Aura and as long as their Aura control is good enough, they should theoretically be able to use 'soulfire'.

But I know that's just wishful thinking, even with my perverted Aura reserves, using the destructive aspect and especially the soulfire can deplete my reserves at a astonishing speed. So other people would be even more affected by this.

But despite these great strides in my control over my semblance, I have still made very little progress in figuring out a way to activate it on other people without needing direct contact. That alone would make it much more convenient to be used on a hectic fight.

Going back to to the situation at hand. After I finished amplifying Neo's Aura, I retracted my hand and stood at the ready.

Neo seemed dazed for a little while, but quickly retreated and stood out of sight, awaiting for her opportunity.

Soon their footsteps could be heard, they approached from one direction, probably already having figured out that scattering and trying to approach from multiple directions would lead to even more of their numbers would end up disappearing.

And not too long after, this last group of survivors arrived at where we were waiting.

They seemed to be stronger than the previous ones, marginally, but more importantly than that, their leader will probably going to be mixed in.

"Keep their leader alive, he's going to be answering a few of my questions once this is over."

I say to Neo that is hidden in a illusion, but honestly, now I'm wondering if all this trouble is worth it just to satisfy my own curiosity.

But regardless, there's no going back now, so I'll just wrap this up, nice and tight.

And just as I thought, from within the group a man can be seen, his expression is very relaxed while the surroundings were a mix of nervous and scared.

After our eyes met for a brief moment, his eyes started to probe me with curiosity.

"Well isn't this a surprise. Here I thought I was the young guy amidst a bunch of old foxes." He says in a light tone, expressing even a bit of relief at seeing me.

But looking at him, it's not hard to see why he says that, he looks to be about the age of a second or third year huntsman academy student, not even in his twenties.

"..." My only response to his monologue is getting into fighting stance.

But that doesn't seem to concern him as he continues talking.

"What you and your companion just did to my men, quite a piece of work, it seems that killing machines are trained young these days." He says showing some respect, but clearly emphasizing the term 'killing machines'.

'Is this clown trying to hit my conscience, after already having killed almost all of his bandits? Doesn't he think that now is a little too late?'

But since he loves own his voice to the point of being content to just stand there talking, I'm going to use the time to start concentrating my Aura in my sword.

And the possibility that he's stalling for reinforcements? I don't mind it at all. I would actually prefer that as then I could deal with all of them in one fell swoop. Preventing any future issues.

Unaware of my movements, the man continues.

"I admit that me and my remaining man are no match for both of you, you're simply in another level when compared to humble auraless people like us. So I suggest we come to an agreement."


"We both stop trying to murder each other and we can can help you get around the surroundings. A foreigner like yourself should be needing a good guide, whatever you're seeking out here, I can get it for you. I'm quite confident in my contacts."


"You see, I was already thinking of changing my ways. Today has shown me that I'm not really fit for the bandit life, after today I'll-"

"Enough." I finally shut him up.

"I'm not fighting you because I want to avenge the people you killed nor to uphold justice and do a favor to this land. All that matters to me is that you're an issue, one that I intend to get rid off before it gets a chance to grow, besides, there's a bigger one already approaching." I say, clearly conveying how little I care about their previous deeds and future aspirations.

"And if you can't even beat me, then you can't possibly give me what I want." I put an end to the banter, making very clear the options that they have.

1- Struggle and die.

2- Surrender and die. (painlessly)

And when the bandits all finally drew their weapons, their choice was made, so I will honor it.

So using the Aura that was previously channeled into the blade, I performed a swing while unleashing the stored Aura. Releasing a projectile in the shape of a crescent moon that travelled through the air and hit two unprepared bandits horizontally, bisecting them both.

An Aura technique passed through the Arc family, one I got to learn from my father and not my teacher Ryu-Bang, despite it's simplicity, it remains a very effective way of compensating for the lack of a ranged weapon.

The enemies seeing this, become momentarily stunned with the ease which two of their group died, but they quickly snap out of it with a shout of their leader.

"Don't just let him do as he pleases, shoot him!"

And as his shout ended, the sounds of gunshots commenced as a hail of bullets was fired upon me.

But in response, I unfolded my shield and crouched behind it, protecting me from almost all bullets that came from directly in front.

"Don't shoot all at once, stagger your shots, keep him pinned! The ones at the sides, move out and flank him, shoot him on the back!" Comes the hurried shouts from the leader, which comes with a quick strategy to take me down.

'Not bad.' Is my sincere evaluation.

But as two small groups detached themselves to execute their orders, that's when they made a mistake.

Because dealing with small detached groups is Neo's speciality, especially when they're distracted with something else.

With a sound of shattered glass, she leaped from behind them and with her Aura enhanced, she proceeded to cut them into pieces with her weapons with even greater ease then before.

"Ah, the second tourist, I was wondering when you'd show up." The leader says with some bitterness, but trying to conceal it with a light tone.

Meanwhile, with one of my flanks covered, I was able to continue defending the bullets from the front with my shield and parried as many as I could from the side using the technique 'whirlpool' to deflect them with my sword.

But even those that got past it didn't do significant damage, since I prioritized defending my head and those that hit my body had their impact severely diminished by the inner armor I received from Master, making my Aura's work much easier.

So I continued attracting their attention, allowing Neo to easily finish her part. From between the gunshots, I could faintly hear their screams as they put up their last struggle.

Seeing that she was done, I got up and started moving towards the main group holding my shield up front. And Neo unfolded her aura reinforced umbrella and also used it as a shield to approach the second detached group of bandits to prevent them from continuing shooting me at the back while I'm locked in combat.

Reaching there, I battered away the first man with my shield before penetrating the group and dealing with the rest, hoping to reach their leader and 'cut the head of the snake'.

And the bandits in reaction discarded their guns and pulled their swords and machetes since they knew that from so close, they'd be more likely to hit their own men in the chaotic fight to come.

So what followed, was a dance of blood and blades.

DaoistyaSOLa DaoistyaSOLa

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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