Behind him were more than ten men in white clothes, protecting a carriage covered in white cloth. On the carriage was a coffin.
Anyone could guess that this coffin was definitely Gu Ce's coffin.
The convoy escorting the coffin was getting closer and closer.
The teams on both sides who welcomed Gu Ce back to the capital all spontaneously followed behind the convoy. As this team kept growing, the white banners surged like clouds, and paper money rained down continuously. The entire official road was tragically white…
Suddenly, Gu Yuan, who was carrying a white banner, pulled the reins, and the horse stopped in front of the tea shop.
Then, the carriage carrying the coffin behind Gu Yuan also stopped. After that, the spirit support team behind the carriage also stopped one after another… Time seemed to have stopped.
The citizens on both sides were at a loss and looked at each other.
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