Not only was the Commandant of the Capital in charge of the capital's patrolling police, but they were also in charge of guarding the city gates inside and outside the capital. Their status was naturally very important, which was why there was an ancient saying that one should take on a high-ranking position and fulfill important responsibilities, like being a Commandant of the Capital.
In comparison, his previous duties as an imperial guard mostly involved staying in the palace, which could be considered relatively idle. On the other hand, the responsibilities of the Commandant of the Capital were much more demanding, and the burden was greater. However, Gu Yuan seemed spirited and energetic.
"I'll take office the day after tomorrow." Gu Yuan nodded, his eyes burning like an arrogant sun.
Gu Yanfei actually knew that her brother couldn't stay idle, and was just saying it to make him laugh.
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