The gatekeeper and a few old women were near the door. When they saw Gu Yanfei, they bowed. "Second Lady."
Before he could finish speaking, a rotten egg suddenly flew in from outside the residence, over the tall wall. It hit the bluestone brick ground with a bang, and the broken, rotten egg emitted an indescribable smell.
Everyone frowned and covered their noses.
Gu Yanfei instructed calmly, "Open the door."
The gatekeeper looked at the egg yolks and eggshells on the ground. He was worried that the group of troublemakers outside would bump into Gu Yanfei, so he couldn't help but hesitate for a moment, but he still agreed respectfully. "Yes, Second Lady."
Hence, with a creak, the new vermilion door of the Gu residence opened.
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