The Meridian Gate was a must-pass for officials to enter the palace. Be it entering the palace to meet the Emperor, going to the Cabinet Hall, or going to the Wenyuan Pavilion, the Literary Hall, or other places, they had to pass through the Meridian Gate.
Madam Gu's upright kneeling on the ground naturally attracted the gazes of some passing officials, and they couldn't help but speculate.
At this moment, Madam Gu couldn't care less about the others around her. She stared at Gu Yuan, who was getting closer and closer, without blinking. Her eyes darkened.
"What's wrong?" Gu Yuan stopped three steps away. His tall and handsome figure cast a shadow on Madam Gu.
His words sounded like concern, but both sides knew that he wasn't sincere at all.
Against the light, Gu Yuan's handsome face was blurry.
He was still saying calmly, "It's cold here. It won't be good if Madam is sick."
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