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94.73% Everchosen Journey Of Heroes / Chapter 18: Chapter 18 The new Threat and conclusion

Chương 18: Chapter 18 The new Threat and conclusion

The next day after the incident at the facility of SUOF. The current available strikers from all across Tokyo were ordered to the main HQ. A massive skyscraper like building in a pyramid like shape with many but many spires and towers. Hundreds of cars and limousine were pulling up to the building as hundreds of strikers and government officials were gathering to the massive building. As they went through the doors massive reception arena was located inside. There you could see meeting room numbers and offices. Aoi,Chiyo,Haruto,Hiroto stood at the main reception for the omega class. The women at the desk asked Chiyo:

- Welcome back Miss Chiyo. I am guessing you came here for the main meeting?

Chiyo wearing normal clothes answered:

- Obviously. How many Alpha class will be present and how many omega? If I may know?

The operator instantly opened a file and began to read the names of the omega class:

- Principal Chiyo-Japanese

- Aoi Bushida-Japanese

- Haruto Okazaki- Japanese

- Hiroto Hashimoto- Japanese

- Enforcer of Justice-Unknown

- Aimi Hada- Japanese

- Elijah Miller- American

- Clara Castner- Swedish

The operator then turned and spoke:

- Those are confirmed Invitations. Everyone else will arrive in a week or more depending on the need.

Aoi got to the counter and asked:

- Who is the main director of the meeting this time?

Chiyo grabbed her shoulder trying to calm her down . She spoke:

- Aoi calm down. We don't need additional problems. Especially in this kind of situations.

Aoi looked at her and sighed getting away. She then spoke:

- Fine. Sorry for that miss. I am just in the state of pure grief.

The operator then spoke:

- It's alright miss I understand. Especially the whole ... incident at SUOF. I am really sorry for that.

Aoi sighed and quickly spoke:

- No need to apologize. It happened..it's in the past. What matters is the future.

Haruto spoke:

- I am surprised you got over it this fast. Or did you HM? Is there a chance you actually still feel pain?

Aoi sighed as she pulled her zipped on her black jacket fully and answered to him:

- Maybe or..maybe not. It all depends on many things that are hard to explain. Especially for Normal people. The likes of me.

Chiyo then asked to the operator:

- Who is the main director of the meeting?

The operator then stated:

- The person that called the meeting is president Jiangsu.

Chiyo froze in suprise as she then asked:

- Jiangsu?! I thought he was in China for a meeting. What changed his mind to come back?

The operator then spoke:

- He already has done his things through the phone miss Chiyo. He said to us that coming here is more important. Especially after the attack .

Chiyo sighed and then asked another question:

- Any information on the public opinion?

The operator then spoke in a calm voice:

- You gonna need to ask at the meeting. I don't information abou that.

Chiyo nodded as the turned to the other three and spoke:

- I guess time to head to the meeting.

Aoi head first with Chiyo by her side. Haruto and Hiroto followed behind in there striker costumes. Chiyo was clearly quite worried knowing who the meetings director is. aOi quickly asked:

- Why are you worried about the director Jiangsu? Last time I remember he is one of the best we have.

Chiyo then responded holding her purse:

- It's..the fact that the Director Jiangsu favours mister number four. You know who I am talking about. The same guy who is called the greatest martial artist.

Aoi then sighed and answered:

- Yufei Wu isn't someone who likes being over favourites by his own people. He said to me many times before. And I know he speaks the truth.

The four were now climbing up the stairs as Chiyo then spoke:

- Don't make anything dumb guys. After all this is a meeting of the Alpha and Omega class. Especially I am telling that to you both.

Hiroto laughed a bit as he answered to her:

- You think I would really care? To me those guys are just friendly strikers.

Haruto then responded:

- Says the one guy who is most quiet person out of the whole omega class. And the same guy who terrifies anyone with a glance.

Hiroto looked at him and then asked:

- I am not that terrifying. Am I principal?

Chiyo then without looking back answered:

- You are quite scary if you get mad! And especially if you death stare someone...

Hiroto had a defeated face and angry one at the same time. Aoi then spoke:

- So what is gonna be point of this meeting again?

Aoi spoke with irritated voice. Chiyo then responded:

- It's gonna be about the Void Syndicate obviously. And attack on SUOF.

Aoi grabbed her wrist and answered:

- Its clear it's not only about that. You forgot why these meetings exists?

Chiyo then looked at her with her eyes and spoke in calm way:

- I understand you are griefing Aoi but you can't still follow the past!

Aoi hearing that let go of her arm and walked onward. Chiyo yelled after her:

- AOI!

Bushida even turned back she went ahead turning around the corner towards the main meeting room. Chiyo sighed as she held her own head and spoke in sad voice:

- Goddamit.. I couldn't even stop her.

Hiroto went over and put his hand on her shoulder speaking:

-Stop worrying so much. She is a strong women. She can handle herself principal.

Chiyo was filled with guit but then sighed. She responded getting straight:

- You are right. We shouldn't worry about one of the top for a reason. After all it's hard to come by such individuals. Now let's go. The meeting is about to start.

Haruto and Hiroto nodded as the group headed right onward towards the main meeting room. Haruto spoke to Hiroto as they were close:

- You sure Chiyo gonna be fine? She seems stressed as ever.

Hiroto with cold voice answered:

- Its the person that was the only thing between Aoi's punishment and her new future. She has a giant favour to our principal. Don't forget that.

Haruto then sighed and asked:

- And where have you been for these days Hiroto?

Hiroto didn't respond to the question. Instead he asked another:

- Then answer me this. When will we finally learn about that incident.

Haruto realising what Hiroto meant decided to not ask anymore questions. Chiyo then spoke as they reached the massive opened door:

- Time to shine everyone. Stay close. It's time for the meeting.

As they walked in a massive room was revealed. Hundreds of chairs at a massive table in a shape of triangle. Each of the seats was designated for different striker. At the front one hundred seats just for the omega class. While at the back every other seat was for other classes. Chiyo noticed Aoi waiting for the group. Aoi then spoke to them:

- Seems people already started to gather...or rather finished.

The whole of alpha class at the very least three thousand strikers of alpha class were already present in the whole room. Many of them looking at the four omega class. Chiyo then spoke to Aoi:

- Sorry for the before Aoi. I didn't meant for anything to happen. Just know I am in grief as well.

Aoi looked at her and spoke with a slight smile:

- Yeah yeah..just don't cry right now principal.

Aoi lead forward as Chiyo smiled. Both her and the two others followed Aoi right through the countless chairs and tables. Finally arriving at the main massive Table. Aoi sat down with the three other as a figure came over and spoke:

- Been a while hasn't it!

Chiyo then spoke with a sigh and answered :

- Yeah been a while. Elijah Miller.

The man with a long mustache and small beard in military gear laughed. He then asked:

- Did you know that the blood of the ancient ones is just another part of the existence of the void shards Chiyo!

Chiyo then answered angrily:

- Yeah we just got those news yesterday so shut up will ya..?

Aoi then looked at Miller before speaking:

- You are really as always Miller... Courageous and quite annoying.

Elijah laughed as he then spoke to them:

- So how is the situation in the school? Better then the day of the attack?

Chiyo didn't respond instead Haruto spoke for her:

- Can you just sit down Miller? We have more important things on the head right now then some talks.

Miller obliged without a word and sat down at his seat. Soon Enforcer and..two other omega class entered. They sat at there respective seats as the main doors began to close signaling the meeting shall begin. One of the Alpha class stood up and asked Aoi since she was the highest omega rank in the room:

- Miss Aoi! Why there is no more of omega class? I thought there was more!

Aoi then looked at the person and asked:

- Then where is the alpha class top huh? I thought they would be here as well. But I only see three of them top.

The alpha striker went quiet as the lights flickered into darkness. Aoi looked onward with the others. The doors behind the massive podium opened as a group of uniformed individuals walked in with one special guest.

It was the Director Jiangsu. With his long hair and quite young appearance the tall man stood on the podium holding the microphone. He then proceeded to speak:

- Welcome everyone who decided to came to this meeting. I am very glad to be the director of this meeting. It's a true honour.

Every striker focused on the podium as Chiyo looked serious. Director Jiangsu then spoke:

- I am glad we could all gather here. But without any formalities. This meeting is about the increasing amount of cults as well as monster attacks that have been getting more and more common. But expect all of that. The main matter to discuss is the attack on the SUOF.

All the alpha strikers instantly began to whisper as Chiyo sighed and then lifted her hand up. Director then spoke:

- As one of the board members I would like miss Chiyo Akabane to stand to the front and explain most of the current events.

Chiyo got up and got onto the stage in elegant way and then grabbed a second mic and spoke:

- The attacks all around the world have increased.its possible it's all connected due to the cults and the new religion. The religion of the monsters that have been slowly spreading. Due to that the attack on SUOF was planned by the group called the Void sindicate as we have been informed. Unfortunately the attack could had not been prevented.

Elijah then stood up and asked openly:

- What exactly has happened at SUOF? We really didn't get much of a report.

Aoi Bushida then stood up and spoke out:

- We had casualties due to be attack. The enemy atttack from under using a massive tunnel. Possibly rigged pre hand by a giant worm dweller. Expect that one friendly student Kia has been confirmed .

Hearing that the room went silent. One of the other omega heroes this time from Sweden stood up and rose her hand. Director Jiangsu spoke:

- Miss Clara Castner please go ahead and speak your opinion.

The women in armor stood up and spoke with her accent:

- I am surprised you didn't had any counter measures. Although an attack from the underground was pretty unexpected. Although that one lost student... Couldn't you prevent it if I may ask?

Aoi Bushida stood silent as Chiyo spoke:

- Aoi was the closest but unfortunately due to the fact that this was SUOF with many students and strikers there was no authorization of using more then five percent. But that doesn't mean it's an excuse. I am just saying that Aoi wasn't in the right state of mind.

Elijah then stood up again and spoke:

- Miss Chiyo if I may speak in the name of United States. Our nation had never had this level of cultists or even monster activity... Not even in the year of the invasion. Why is it that Japan is the biggest epicenter of these attacks?

Director Jiangsu then spoke with his deep voice:

- The main reason why this happens is still yet unknown mister miller. Chiyo Akabane and the staff of Academy did what they could. At least the casualties weren't this massive. Anyone has anything to say?

Enforcer stood up with his baton and spoke:

- The attack wasn't coordinated. Although the cultists and monster worked together. You could notice the fact that the cultists were using the monsters. Apparently there leader is the leader of the Void syndicate. Unknown cultist organisation that may have at least 15 000 members at maximum.

The number three of alpha class stood up. It was a futuristic Commando who then spoke after Enforcer:

- Even with all this information we have barely any clue where to find them! If we don't stop them the attacks may repeat!

Chiyo then sighed as she spoke again:

- Although that is the truth. The attack gave us one big thing to think about. It's the danger that these cultists started to show and give us. I would recommend that all the omega class as soon as they return went on patrol to check the whole of Japan. Expect that since the winter festival is approaching I can't stop it because it's the culture of Japan in this time.

All the strikers agree and Clara then speaks:

- Winter Festival is an event that may be the most important right now. We should focus on providing protection to everyone on it. Especially the students. Although as we know they are 30 years old some of them that doesn't mean they can handle the monsters.

Elijah was thinking as the others began to speak through the whole meeting room. Chiyo then decided to continue her talk:

- As I was saying. The winter festival can't be ceased for a reason. Although the tournament will happen in the winter . It actually allows the students to prepare themselves for the climate. After all winter and freezing cold is one of the most dangerous enemies that aren't monsters. I want everyone to take into consideration also the fact that the academy has more then enough space and special facilities to sustain the students for the time being.

Clara then asked with her Swedish accent:

- In that case.I Would like to request that me and Anya Zakharova were allowed to be on the festival for safety.

Chiyo then looked at Director Jiangsu as he spoke:

- Very well. But expect that. We still one matter to discuss. Chiyo I would like to ask what is the upcoming possible programs you have for the students.

Chiyo grabbed her case and opened it from which she took out some papers. After grabbing the mic she began to read out loud:

- The internships are one thing we are gonna add. Expect that festival's,gatherings,exams,challengers and mini games will be part of this massive year.

Chiyo then looked onward and spoke:

- I would like everyone to attend If they want to rest for at least a day or so. It is a quite important thing for my school. And we would greatly benefit from it. Don't you think?

All the strikers began to spoke with one another as Aoi then spoke with confidence:

- And besides that point. We could try to find the members of the cult. Since we realised that there maybe somekind of mole either in the students of strikers. We can tell from the fact the attacks have been targeting places where strikers barely are in.

All the alpha strikers agreed all givi and the yes vote to the idea. And Clara and Miller did the same. Jiangsu then smiled and spoke:

- Then it is settled. From now on I am declaring the void syndicate as the enemies of the mankind. Anyone you can find belonging to then either must be killed immediately or taken into custody depending on the circumstances. Is that clear!

All the strikers stood up and yelled:


Jiangsu then saluted and spoke once again:

- I wish you all a great day everyone! Especially to the Omega class and the teachers of the academy!

Jiangsu left using the door behind the podium. The other strikers began to leave. Especially Aoi and Chiyo wanted to meet up and speak with one another outside of the room. They went into one of the closets and Aoi began to ask:

- What is the health status of Genji and the other students?

Chiyo then asked with a very questionable tone:

- Genji is different from everyone or something since you treat him like a fan favourite Aoi?

Aoi quite angry form the response answered:

- Ugh..I am just worried. He is the only one I know the best out of the whole class.

Chiyo smiled and answered then:

- I understand. Every student is quite.. unique and especially the class you got. Genji, Chin-Sun,Hisashi all those are unique.

Aoi then answered while leaning on the wall:

- Huh...I guess so you are right on that. But still...I don't know why but Genji seems way different then others.

Chiyo then responded:

- Genji's background is quite.. different. I don't if you looked into the them at all. But it turns out that Genji Himself has been on the run for a while. What I mean is..he really doesn't have much of a background.

Aoi looked at her confused and asked:

- Not much background? What exactly do you mean by that Principal?

Chiyo then used he wrist band to show the documents of Genji to Aoi. Most of them were either blank or barely filled. It caused Chiyo to comment:

- It seems he either doesn't anyone to dig into his history...or the other possible idea is.. That something happened and he doesn't want to say anything.

Aoi then responded to her words:

- Possible..I don't want to say much at all about that. Genji is a man you shouldn't just go and have argument about that with. He is the only person who seems to understand others ...

Chiyo then looked out of the window and spoke again:

- After all. He is right now at the nurse office getting back to health. He was quite hardly damaged from SUOF. If not for Enforcer carrying him out it Would had been worse. Respiratory organs.... heart... and other stuff. I am surprised he didn't went into state of Coma with that kind of damage .

Aoi then looked at her silently and spoke outright:

- In that case we have to get everyone on board with this. You know. The whole tournament. It's gonna be quite hard especially since it's in winter as always . But this winter supoosedly is gonna be way worse then before..

Suddenly Clara came over and asked:

- Then why not bring out those very heavy machines of yours to make sure it stays warm?

Aoi looked at her and sighed as she answered:

- Because those machines are still in testing phase Clara. This is not Sweden.

Clara only looked seriously at her before answering:

- Doesn't change the fact you should do something to keep your students comfortable no? This is the best academy of the world after all?

Chiyo was thinking to herself as the two women had a dialogue:

- "Is it possible that we have missed something?. Something..is not right. The winter festival is coming and yet we don't have enough supplies..why is that? Is this the work of the cult?"

She thought again shaking her head:

- "No no..there is no way that can be the truth. There must be some logical explanation for that. There must be.

Clara suddenly spoke to them before turning away to leave:

- Some of the international students will arrive shortly as well Chiyo. Hope you have the dorms ready for the students after the festival or tournament.

Chiyo looked at her and crossed arms commenting:

- The massive dorm apartments will be made in a few weeks. Because we didn't had enough resources at first. And mostly because each striker was way too busy. So we really couldn't provide them until like all this time.

Clara with a long sigh of hers responded:

- I understand that but. That doesn't technically make you not guilty for the fact they aren't finished don't you think?

Aoi stepped in pushing Clara a bit away and commenting in an angry tone:

- You better stop blaming everything on us. I am more then ready to brawl with you right here and now...

Clara said nothing as she turned away fully and walked away this time. Chiyo sighed and looked at Aoi asking:

- Why did you start this again..? Is there a reason you threaten her?

Aoi response was like this:

- I did what I had to protect our honour Chiyo. Remember we have been here longer then the likes of her. That's more then enough.

It was quite the harsh tone that she had used. Akabane tho knew it was of no use trying to talk with her. She then decided to say while looking into her watch on her arm:

- It's already this hour. I hope everyone is fine at the academy hospital...

The same hour of the meeting but instead it's the hospital of academy. Room number 47- omega classroom room. Kyo was siting in a chair having some bandages due to fight with Chin-Sun. She spoke out:

- Ugh..it stings...for fuck sake it hurts..

Hisashi was siting near the chair in normal clothes and he was quite sad from this. He then asked:

- Are you feeling any better at the very least Kyo?

She looked at him with quite angry expression before saying:

- No... does it look like or even seems I am better in any sense of Injuries?!

She boinks him with her hand as Hisashi yelled in pain. One of the other students. Ichiyo who had also a few bandages and Laying on the bed nearby. She then answered hammering into the table next to her speaking loudly to them:

- Can you two shut up?! Others are trying to sleep or rest!

Kyo looked at her and simply answered with a smug:

- How about no you giant~!

Ichiyo got pissed and was about to stood up. But a woman suddenly walk in. She was for some reason without shoes in her stockings and with a doctor coat on. The women then sighed and spoke to Ichiyo and Kyo at once:

- Ladies...ladies...it's quite early . You don't want to wake up the others right?

The two ladies went silent as Hisashi got up and spoke to the nurse:

- Miss Kami..are they Alright?

The nurse looked onward with a smirk before saying:

- Dont worry they gonna be fine kid. I already treated worse Injuries ~

This person was as follows:

- Name:Kami Funai

- Age:35

- Occupation: School nurse of the Academy

- Void shard:Healing and reconstruction.

- Personality:Grumpy, sadistic,kind.

Kami looked at him with a smile before clarifying what she spoke:

- What I meant is I did what I could do Genji Yamamoto. His damage was severe but thanks to his own healing factor he was able to heal quicker. But it may take a while for him to get up.

Hisashi clenched his fist and commented with anger:

- I am gonna get the one who did it. No matter what I am gonna get-

The women suddenly suplexes him into the floor and got up saying:

- Can you calm down? Anger isn't the way to fix everything. Especially if you go path of revenge.

Hisashi was knocked out right in the floor. One of the students form another class arrived and spoke to the nurse:

- Miss Kami we have a problem!

Kami sighed and looked at him and asked:

- What happened about once again?

The student was about to say but out of thin air Haruka appeared opening the door witha slam with her eyes literally looking like a beast. She quickly asked:

- Where... is...Genji...

The student fainted from fear as the Doctor Kami instantly answered:

- And you must be close to him it seems. Currently he is in the room of operation. But no one-

Haruka grabbed the women by the collar and spoke to her with quite the angry face:

- Dont play with me.... He needs my support . Show me where he is now!

Kyo got up and limped over saying:

- Haruka ...He is fine. Please don't be worried. The only thing he needs right now is rest. So please.

Haruka put down the nurse and asked this time calmer:

- When will be he discharged? I need a specific answer...

The women fixed her coat and answered with her water bottle in her hand:

- Well in maybe a few days. At minimum. Trust me about this. He has sustained a lot of damage due to overuse of his void shard.

Haruka then handed Kami a piece of paper with a phone number. She then quickly answered:

- I will wait for the call.. Just make sure to call when he wakes up please..

Haruka was clearly quite sad. Kami only sighed before saying:

- Yes I will. Don't worry about it Miss. But before this I need to ask. Are you both a pair then?

Ichiyo,Kyo, Haruka froze at that question. Kami then asked confused:

- Did I said something wrong?

Haruka suddenly gut punched Kami right into a wall yelling as she blushed like tomato:


Kami was literally punches into being unconscious since the punch was this strong. Kyo looked at Haruka with quite a scared gaze commenting in her own head:

- "That women is scarier then ever..."

Haruka walked out of the room. Passing by no one else then Haruto who asked her:

- You came onto this arena without permission. Haruka Fuji..

She looked at him and answered:

- For a good reason compare to what you think. I came to help him.

She began to walk away again as Haruto didn't dare to stop her. As she walked she thou to herself:

- "Genji...please be fine. Please don't die. You already died fighting that insect.. how are you still alive is still incredible to me.."

As she turned and walked through the hallway towards the exit she spoke to herself:

- You are the only person to help me. Especially in the time where I was on the bring of giving up...

Haruka then stopped and looked out of the massive window next to her and complemented herself:

- No matter what... I will be okay. After all Genji is strong as well as I am strong thanks to him. Nothing will break our bond no matter what will happen... I will be by your side..until we have finished what we have promised to one another...

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