"I have lots of problems against the Vigilante. I hope I won't have to see that brat again," grumbled Gab.
"Thus, I pray it won't be as bad as this current obstacle. Let's fix this problem before Earth gets into trouble, alright?" asked Mavislin, sighing.
"And what about the innocent lives? The humans aren't part and parcel of the problem," asked the Earl, upset at what Mavislin had said.
"Annihilated along with the crooks," replied Mavislin, without a hint of remorse.
"That doesn't seem fair."
"Nothing's fair. It is either that or the Universe continues to suffer. Either a planet burns, or the Great Noble War starts again. I don't like the latter," explained Mavislin.
"The age-old thing, huh? Sacrificing the minority to save the majority isn't sitting well with me."
"It's not up to us. We have no say when it comes to the judicial system of the Universe. That's why I'm working with you guys to solve this issue. Without Earth, I would have no home to go to anymore. It's the smallest favor I could do for the people of this world."
"But do you enjoy killing people? I mean, it could be offensive to you, but the girls in this world don't usually kill unless they enjoy it," asked the Earl.
"Or until they are made to enjoy it. They go insane after killing so much. They can't stop. It's like a drug," added Gab.
The Valkyrie froze as the two gentlemen muttered those words. How could she possibly like taking lives? And how the hell could one get addicted to that curse? It wasn't her fault that she was made into a killing machine.
That was the only thing that they could do. To survive in this plane of existence. She had no choice. Many praised her for her ability in sword-fighting and spells. But, she'd seen it as a curse than an addiction. And it's certainly not what she does during her free time.
Her eyes widened as she remembered how Angelina sacrificed herself by using the last of her powers. Her eyes were turned from gold to red. Her wings were battered and torn. Yet she was able to save the two children within her care.
How could the Valkyrie have forgotten the look on her nanny's face? With her family gone and her home destroyed, she was left alone on a foreign planet. When she made friends, her closest buddy got burned by humans. So much death and destruction reigned throughout her life.
She grew up with only her kind and the daily scrutiny from the above-world society. Her whole life was ridden with war. Even in her childhood, she could not have a moment of peace as fighting raged around the area.
She could never frolic around the meadows as other human children could. Even at Valokia, she could not dance the same way as other kids. She was clumsy, and other kids just laughed at her when she tried to do the simple waltz.
But give her a sword, and she could decimate the battlefield. Give her a whip, and she will prove to others that she can dance. The only dance she could do was to the rhythm of the battlefield. To the sound of war.
It wasn't her choice that she had to be born in war. But it was hers when she chose the path of battle. She didn't ask to witness everyone around her burn. After all, she was but only a kid. Powerless, crying, weak, small... Nonetheless, she was tired of being vulnerable—time to fight back.
To continue living, she had no choice but to become those who danced within the arena. A fighter, a warrior... She held her sword up high, shining amongst the dusty ashes of the fallen Valokia. That night, she became the God Of War.
Young girls like her should do ballet, not swing a sword. They should sing lovely songs, not chant spells. They should have soft faces of kindness and gentleness. But instead, she had a determined look with eyes of sheer tenacity and no remorse behind them when she killed endlessly.
A girl must depend on a man for survival and to do hard labor. She looks for a man to hone her skills as a combatant. Other women created lives while she took lives. They wait for others to build up a family. She seeks out during war to start a family, adopting those who had lost loved ones.
That's who she is, the Valkyrie. The last Child of Valokia. Mavislin Susanna Roydon. And she did not kill for enjoyment. It was either kill or be killed. She could plunge her sword into her enemy or allow them to behead her instead. She chose the former without hesitation.